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Korean War Memorials

Outside the U.S.... Click THIS link

United States... listed below

Memorials-in-Progress... Click THIS link

Memorials are a lasting tribute to our nation's veterans. This section of the Korean War Educator includes photographs and information about the various monuments and memorials that have been constructed in the United States over the decades in memory of Korean War veterans. If you would like to send pictures and data about your county or state Korean War Memorial, send them e-mail or snail mail to Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton Street, Tuscola, IL 61953. All photos must be attached to e-mail or sent for scanning. If you are scanning your own photos, please scan at 200 dpi. If you want your photos back, please include a stamped self-addressed envelope. They will be posted as soon as possible.  If you plan to send a memorial picture, be sure to send the address of the memorial and directions on how to get to it.  If the address and directions for memorials already posted on the KWE are known for your state or local memorial, please contact Lynnita so she can add them to the KWE.

Some memorials are just now in the planning/fund-raising stage.  To view these yet-to-be-completed memorials, click the KWE's Memorials-in-Progress link.  To add your memorial project to Memorials-in-Progress, e-mail or snail mail project details to Lynnita Brown.

Click on a state below to locate it's memorial
(Or see the links list below, which indicates states which have memorials with an *)

Us Map Image Washington Montana Idaho Oregon California Nevada Utah Wyoming Arizona Colorado New Mexico Texas Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska S. Dakota N. Dakota Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Iowa Illinois Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee Alabama Florida Georgia S. Carolina N. Carolina Kentucky Indiana Ohio Virginia West Virginia Pennsylvania Maryland Delaware New Jersey Rhode Island Connecticut Massachusettes New Hampshire Vermont Maine New York

Alabama* - Alaska - Arizona* - Arkansas* - California* - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - Florida* - Georgia* - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois* - Indiana* - Iowa - Kansas* - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine* - Maryland* - Massachusetts* - Michigan - Minnesota* - Mississippi - Missouri* - Montana* - Nebraska* - Nevada - New_Hampshire - New_Jersey* - New_Mexico - New_York* - North_Carolina* - North_Dakota - Ohio* - Oklahoma - Oregon* - Pennsylvania - Rhode_Island* - South_Carolina - South_Dakota* - Tennessee - Texas* - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington* - West_Virginia* - Wisconsin - Wyoming

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