Most Recent Update:
Donations Needed to Keep KWE Online
The "FrontPage" software upon which this website
was built is very outdated. (It was discontinued nearly twenty
years ago in 2006!) But we've been hobbling along with it
because of our limited budget. However, for the preservation of
the KWE into the future, we need to rebuild the website on a
modern platform, which will be mobile-friendly and easier to
navigate and maintain.
CloudCarpenter is our new webhost. (You may have noticed the
website loads more quickly lately!) We have begun working
with them on a new website on their modern platform. Besides
giving our website a complete modern redesign, the benefits of
having a CloudCarpenter
website include best-in-class support, security updates, and
maintenance at a very reasonable price.
However, because the KWE is a vast
resource, with thousands of pages which will need to be
recreated on the new website, the cost of this one-time
migration is beyond our general operating expenses. We need your
help. A few sections of the website have already been migrated,
but we need donations to help us migrate what remains. You can
see the progress at
If you value this one-of-a-kind resource and want to honor our veterans by keeping their stories online
after 2024, please donate now!
Updates are generally made on two locations on this page: Latest News and Newest Additions. Be sure to check both places when
you see that an update has been made..
This website was created by Lynnita Brown, founder, Korean War Educator. Lynnita, who holds Korean War veterans in the highest
regard, is solely responsible for the monitoring and posting of all
of the contributed and self-generated text that appears on
the Korean War Educator. Lynnita can be reached at 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953; ph. 217-253-4620 (home).
Lynnita's e-mail is Lynnita holds three jobs, so the best time to reach
her is at home in the evening. (She stays up late.)
Thank you to all veterans for
protecting our freedom.
- Lynnita
Page Index:
Recent Updates:
- April 09. 2024 - See Latest News
- March 20, 2024 - See Latest News
- January 18, 2024 - See Newest Addition
- January 05, 2024 - See Latest News
- December 18, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- December 18, 2023 - See Latest News
- November 26, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- November 21, 2023 - See Latest News
- November 21, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- October 02, 2023 - See Latest News
- September 12, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- August 28, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- July 19, 2023 - See Latest News
- July 19, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- June 29, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- May 27, 2023 - See Latest News
- May 06, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- April 27, 2023 - See Latest News
- April 16, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- April 07, 2023 - See Latest News
- February 23, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- February 23, 2023 - See Latest News
- January 10, 2023 - See Latest News
- January 07, 2023 - See Newest Addition
- January 02, 2023 - See Latest News
- November 10, 2022 - See Latest News
- September 08, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 30, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 30, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 29, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 29, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 29, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 29, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 26, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 23, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 15, 2022 - See Latest News
- August 04, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- August 02, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- July 29, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- July 23, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- July 11, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- July 11, 2022 - See Latest News
- June 18, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 17, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 15, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 14, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 13, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 12, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 10, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 09, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 08, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 07, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 06, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 04, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- June 02, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- March 25, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- March 17, 2022 - See Latest News
- March 17, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- February 25, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- February 25, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- January 29, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- January 19, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- January 04, 2022 - See Newest Addition
- January 02, 2022 - See Latest News
Back to Page Index
Latest News:
[The following news and commentary is posted with the most recent news at top, followed by older news. Latest News is written
by Lynnita Brown.]
We are heartened to give our readers updated news about the
changes to the KWE that are currently occurring behind the
scenes of this website. Two financial gifts (one in
December and one in March) from Sheila Kronenberger in Southern
Illinois enabled us to send $1,000 to the Cloud Carpenter web
design company. As a result, one of his employees is now
assigned to move the KWE's Memoirs over to the new server.
Meanwhile, Lynnita is taking baby steps to learn how to make
updates, transfer text and create new pages. While doing
that, Lynnita has also been concentrating on adding numerous
Silver Star citations to the website. James Blackwell of
Virginia sent $100 to help the KWE continue to grow. Merry
Helm, a Korean War researcher in Washington State, became a life
member and concurrently sent us several Silver Star citations.
Tonight we received a $500.00 PayPal contribution from Donald
Hall in Maryland. We've got a long way to go and we still
need an influx of money for this big transition, but things are
getting brighter for the KWE's future. Many thanks to
everyone who is making the impossible possible! [Posted
If our KWE visitors are reading this latest news, they will
notice the donation banner at the top of this page. It is
my greatest sorrow to announce the death of the Korean War
Educator's longtime webmaster, Jim Doppelhammer. That
wonderful man was a rock of support for Korean War veterans, and
for me as well. He had long-suffering patience with me as
I learned how to maneuver the KWE's web-building program,
FrontPage (which is now obsolete). He took care of my
personal computer issues at discount prices or no cost at all.
He straightened out my technical errors, advised me on Internet
security, let me be picky about text content, stayed up late at
night to program internal and external links and add PDFs and
photographs onto the multitude of KWE pages, and was just a
good, good friend. There is no way that I can explain to
our visitors how truly devastated I am that he died, and how
much I understand his wife Ava's grief at the terrible loss of
her best friend and husband. To learn more about James
Allen Doppelhammer, visit the KWE's Death Notices to see his
obituary. [Posted 3/20/2024]
The KWE is online throughout 2024 thanks to a web hosting
gift that was given by Sgt.Maj. Jack W. Jaunal (USMC) in memory
of all who served in Korea. [Posted 1/18/2024]
Well, dear friends, the Korean War Educator's New Year 2024
isn't starting off the greatest. We have received word of
the life-threatening health condition of our beloved webmaster,
Jim Doppelhammer. Co-partnering with Lynnita since 2004 to
make the KWE a tremendous educational resource, Jim tells us
that his health has failed so much he must give up his work with
the KWE and close his computer business. The new company
handling the hosting and technical support for the KWE is
CloudCarpenter. Because this website has been built with
an old version (2003) of FrontPage, many platforms do not use
this method for website construction--including CloudCarpenter.
As a result, our readers will see some drastic changes to the
Korean War Educator in the coming weeks and months. All of
the information and photographs will still exist, but the site
will take on a more modern look that promises to be easier to
navigate and user friendly. This is not going to come easy
financially or emotionally for the KWE's unpaid staff of one (Lynnita,
who is "tech-challenged"), but it must be done. Say a few
prayers for Jim and the Korean War Educator, and donate
financially if you can as this unexpected transition takes
place. Have patience, tell us about any glitches you see, and
watch a changing Korean War Educator develop. In the meantime,
here are a couple of facts that our readers should know about
the KWE: Currently this website has 9,696 files providing
1,439,428 Kilobytes of educational material about the Korean War
to its visitors. The site also features 5,549 pictures. As
you can see, the KWE is not a puny little website--it's massive!
It is very much worth the time, effort and money that has been
put into it over its lifespan. Korean War veterans deserve the
best the World Wide Web has to offer, and we aim to please! -
Lynnita [Posted 1/05/2024]
--- We are so grateful to our lifetime member and long-time
supporter Sheila Kronenberger of southern Illinois for her
generous gift of $500 to the Korean War Educator's General
Operating Fund. After the hustle and bustle of the
holidays is behind me, more memoirs will be going up on the
website, thanks to Sheila's gift. [Posted 12/18/2023]
--- The KWE welcomes new life member Jong Il Lee of North
Carolina. His donation came with the following message:
"Thank you for your work." And we thank HIM for his
support! [Posted 11/22/2023] --- We are pleased to announce that the Korean War Educator has a
new life member. Changil Jeong of Seattle, Washington
joined us today. One half of his membership fee will be
going into the KWE's Endowment Fund to keep this wonderful
website continuing into the future. [Posted 10/02/2023]
--- It has been almost a month since "See Newest Addition" has a
new entry on the KWE's What's New page. Rest assured that
a lot is happening behind the scenes. Volunteer Tonda
Hagan is busy transcribing taped interviews which were conducted
with Korean War veterans back in 1999. Waiting for
pictures and internal links before going live on the KWE are the
memoirs of Akira Chikami, a Japanese-American prisoner of war,
and Vincent Yeasted, a Chosin Reservoir Marine. Now that
the interview of Tom Pentecost (USMC) has been transcribed by
Tonda, I am currently placing its contents on a memoir template
of the KWE. These things take time and money. I'm
stating this so all of our repeat visitors know that our efforts
to educate the public about the Korean War are ongoing and
exciting! [Posted 7/19/2023] --- As Memorial Day 2023 approaches I remain committed to adding more and more to this website to make sure Korean War veterans will forever
be honored for their service and sacrifice. God bless those still living and those who are now in eternal rest for helping to secure
my freedom. [Posted 5/27/2023] --- The KWE just received a $100 PayPal donation from Gary Morgan of Minnesota. His gift is definitely
going to come in handy since the KWE is attempting to finalize its newest memoir--that of Bill Venlos, a tanker who served in the Korean
War. His memoir draft is done, but the photographs that need to go with it are on hold due to limited funds in the KWE treasury.
Gary's gift (which isn't the first one he has sent to the KWE) is moving the memoir forward. Many thanks for your continued support,
Gary! [Posted 4/27/2023] --- An R6D-1 plane crashed into a mountain on Oahu, Hawaii on March 21, 1955, killing 66 people. The
significance of this tragedy is the great number of Korean War veterans who were returning home to the States when the accident occurred.
Two men have truly kept the memory of this crash alive--Dave Trojan and David Dunnavant. To learn about this accident see the KWE's
newest Stateside Tragedies page. [Posted 4/16/2023] --- Okay, all you
sleuths out there. I need your help because a Korean needs your help. On July 12, 1950, a B-29 was shot down. Some crew
members died as POWs, while others hid on a nearby island (Jumun) and local Koreans helped them. A small monument was built in honor
of the Korean islanders who protected them until they were rescued by the British. A Korean researcher tells us that it is located
in Wilton Manors, Florida. Below is the message that he sent to the KWE and below that is a list of the rescued and detained men.
I can send a picture of the memorial to anyone who would like to do some digging on the Internet to find the information the researcher
needs. Just send an e-mail to me and I will forward the picture to you. It's a bit fuzzy, but you'll get the idea. Thanks
for your help! The Korean researcher is Sang Kyung Park (a/k/a Steven Park). He needs some very clear pictures of the memorial.
[Posted 4/07/2023]
Message from Steven: What I'm looking for is the names of the people who rescued the seven pilots from the island who escaped from the B-29 that was shot down by North
Korean anti-aircraft fire. During the Korean War, the B29 was shot down by North Korean forces, and seven pilots escaped by parachute
and reached the Jumun Island. The Jumun islanders treated the pilots, fed them, and evacuated them to ships, handing over seven pilots
to the British fleet nearby Incheon Port. After that, the North Korean army arrived on the Jumun Island, kidnapped, killed,
and tortured the islanders who had rescued and escaped the American pilot. The monument to the islanders who provided the help seems to
be located in Florida, USA. The names of the faint island people in the photo are HONG SUK LEE, HYONG WON PAK, YOUNSIK CHUNG, JOWON PAK.
and HOCHUN YOO. etc. Therefore I'm looking for a clear photo of the islanders' names and the location of their monuments in order to insert
into history book publications. - This aircraft was damaged by three KPAFAC Yak-9 fighters near Seoul, Korea and the crew bailed out over
the Yellow Sea on July 12, 1950. It was the first B-29 loss to enemy fighters in the Korean War. After hiding from the North
Koreans, crew members were rescued by the HMS Alacrity. The plane was written off as too damaged to repair. The crew members
- Apodaca, Sgt. Jose A. - rescued
- Barone, SSgt. Anthony J. - rescued
- Brous, 1Lt. Donald N. - rescued
- Bryant, MSgt. William L. - rescued
- Cain, Cpl. Richard B. - rescued
- Codling, 1Lt. Horace G. - rescued
- Hardway, Pvt. Everett G. - rescued
- Layton, 1Lt. Robert Hollis (pilot) - died
while POW
- Liggett, Cpl. David L. - rescued
- Lutz, Pfc. Howard Jr. - rescued
- Miller, A2c Paul Luther - died while POW
- Owens, SSgt. Eugene E. - rescued
- Ridenour, Capt. Paul R. - rescued
--- I'm still here working on the KWE every day, even though return visitors might not see the changes being made. Several
death notices have been added and I have been working on editing the transcribed memoir of the driver of a flamethrower. All is
well. See Newest Addition. [Posted 2/23/2023] --- We received a $50.00 donation from Michael Warmuth of Mexico. Michael
is a nephew of Pvt. Edward G. Risen, a paratrooper killed in a jump training exercise at Ft. Bragg in 1953. (See Newest Addition.)
Thanks so much to Michael for providing further details about his uncle for his bio on the KWE, as well as for the donation. [Posted 1/10/203]
--- The KWE begins the Year 2023 with two monetary gifts. Sheila Kronenberger of Illinois donated $500, and that gift has been
divided two ways. One hundred dollars was applied to the web hosting fund in memory of the 20 women who died while serving in the
military during the Korean War. That web hosting will take place in 2043-2044. The remainder of the gift has gone into the
KWE's General Operating Fund. 1st Sergeant Jerome S. "Bonkers" Bonkowski (USMC-Ret.) of Illinois sent $50.00 to the KWE's General
Operating Fund. Both of these wonderful donors have supported the KWE financially for multiple years and we thank them both for
their generosity. [Posted 1/02/2023] --- I'm thinking of you with gratitude and love as Veterans Day approaches tomorrow. I
still work on the KWE every evening. The latest development for the website is the arrival of a scrapbook full of photographs and
memorabilia associated with Camp Drake. A new page will go up before long. Also received was a number of obituaries for Korean
War veterans, sent to the KWE by Sheila Kronenberger. They are one by one being added to the Death Notices page. Keep in touch
with me. I'm still here for you! [Posted 11/10/2022] P.S. - Happy Marine Corps birthday today! --- My phone and e-mail
are back in full service now. If readers don't see many addition updates lately, it's not because I'm not hard at it. These
days I am working on a new page of the KWE, listing every F-51 crash that ended in fatalities or injuries during the Korean War.
It's a big job, and brings home clearly just how much danger faced the pilots of these low-altitude fighter jets. [Posted 8/15/2022]
--- We are pleased to welcome our newest life member, Hyeong Geun Ahn of Yangju City, South Korea. Half of the $100 donation went
into the KWE's General Operating Fund and half went into the KWE's Endowment Fund CD. Another $100 was added to the KWE's Endowment
Fund courtesy of Leslie Ledda of Texas. Leslie's father, Vernon Ray Ribera (1928-2022) was a merchant marine and Army veteran of
World War II, a member of the Oklahoma National Guard, and acting platoon leader of a rifle company in the 45th Infantry Division in Korea.
In addition to the web hosting donation, Leslie also gave the KWE another $100, which was deposited in the KWE's General Operating Fund.
Donations to the KWE are few and far between, so both of these donors are very much appreciated and deserve our thanks. [Posted 8/15/2022]
--- Due to a change in carriers, my computer was offline for about three weeks. TMobile is now my new Internet service--just activated
this past weekend. I'm still having issues with my telephone, and although I can receive e-mails now, I still can't send new or
reply e-mails. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. It has been and still is a difficult situation. Thank you for your
patience while I work through the glitches that are driving me crazy! On the bright side, I can now update the KWE. See Newest
Additions. [Posed 7/11/2022] --- Even if readers don't see many new additions posted on the KWE, rest assured that I am still
working on this website every evening. While the webmaster continues to add graphics to a "coming soon" memoir, I am creating a
new Native Americans in the Korean War page. It's a slow process, but I move forward with the page every single night. [Posted 3/17/2022]
--- Thanks to a $200 donation from Holly H. Ryan of Connecticut, two more years of web hosting
were funded in memory of Holly's father, Sgt. William J. Huebner. A war correspondent, 3rd Infantry Division veteran, and twice-recipient
of the Bronze Star, Sergeant Huebner's Korean War experiences are currently in the works of our webmaster's computer and will soon be
available for viewing on the KWE. [Posted 1/02/2022]
--- The General Operating Fund of the KWE was boosted this week with a $1,000 donation in memory of our dear friend Charles Scott.
As mentioned in our October 06 update, Charles (Sr.) died on September 09 of this year. Throughout the past several years he and
his family have been strong supporters of the Korean War Educator. Even in his pending death he thought of the KWE and me, and we
will be forever grateful to him--not only for his financial support, but also for his terrific Korean War memoir posted on the KWE.
Our thanks to his daughter RuthAnn for her loving support, too. [Posted 12/07/2021] --- Tucked inside his Christmas card to the KWE
was a $100 gift to our General Operating Fund from 1st Sgt. Jerome Bonkowski (USMC Ret.) of Illinois. A repeat supporter of the
KWE, we appreciate his "Merry Christmas" note and gift. Have a very Merry Christmas yourself, "Bonkers". [Posted 12/07/2021]
--- I am pleased to announce that a check in the amount of $5,000 has been awarded to the Korean War Educator. The
following news release explains the grant:
"A non-profit organization in Tuscola, Douglas County is the recipient of a $5,000 grant from Illinois Humanities, with funds from
the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The Korean War Educator, a foundation established
and operated by Lynnita Aldridge Brown of Tuscola, was one of 254 organizations in 72 Illinois counties to benefit from the grant
Noting that some non-profits are often by-passed by traditional funding streams due to size, organizational capacity or geographic
location, the IHC offers them an opportunity to apply for general operating funds. According to Brown, the grant to the Korean War
Educator (KWE) will be used to transcribe memoirs of Korean War veterans, generate new topics pages for the KWE website at,
and provide funds for various general operating expenses associated with those two objectives.
Illinois Humanities, the Illinois affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, is a statewide nonprofit organization that
activates the humanities through free public programs, grants, and educational opportunities that foster reflection, spark conversation,
build community, and strengthen civic engagement.
The Korean War Educator is one of the largest all-Korean War websites in the world, receiving over a million visitors per year. The
KWE provides general and specific information about the Korean War, including an array of veterans’ memoirs, casualty data, award
citations for heroic action in Korea, branch accounts, minority involvement, and much, much more. A new Topics page about African-Americans
in the Korean War is near completion. Sponsored by Sheila Kronenberger of Southern Illinois, the page includes little-known facts
about the role of black Americans who fought and participated in the war. The IHC grant will make the site’s new Native American page
possible, as well as the transcribing and posting of Illinois-based Korean War veterans memoirs and other topics."
Needless to say, we are thrilled at the award! Our thanks to the Illinois Humanities Council for understanding our need. [Posted
It has come to our attention that quite a lot of Korean War history is being lost needlessly because one particular
aspect of the many unique opportunities available to veterans through the Korean War Educator is little known. The KWE exists to
educate the public about the Korean War--at no cost to Korean War veterans. Here is what is happening that doesn't need to happen:
Individual Korean War veterans and Korean War veteran reunion groups often have small, medium and large websites on the Internet.
Unfortunately, as the veterans age and financial resources to stay online dry up, these informative websites are being pulled off the
Internet one by one and the history found on them is being lost forever.
Please spread the word that the Korean War Educator's "Topics" page can absorb these increasingly-disappearing websites at no cost.
All you have to do is turn the text and photographs over to the KWE for permanent posting on the Korean War Educator. Naturally,
a little money to help make the transaction would always be welcome, but it is most certainly not mandatory. The KWE is a free
service to Korean War veterans and always will be--no strings attached. How does one move a Korean War-related website over to the
KWE? Simple. Contact Lynnita! [Posted 8/29/2010]
Do you have a short story about Korea? Send it our way! We have recently opened a short story section on the KWE's Memoirs
page. Lynnita's e-mail address is Her U.S. mail is Lynnita Brown,
111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953. Be sure to include a picture of yourself to go along with the story. Sending more
than one picture is okay, too. [Posted 2/16/08]
Back to Page Index
Newest Additions to the KWE
Added to the KWE tonight are the citations for the
following Silver Star
recipients: 1Lt. Raymond Ney Barry (7ID), Lt.Col. James
Walter Edwards (2ID), 1Lt. Wallace B. Gatrell (2ID), Capt.
Rolfe Louis Hillman Jr. (2ID), Capt. Elmer Jay Voorhis Jr.
(2ID), 1Lt. Richard T. Crowe (3ID), 1Lt. James S. Nugent
(3ID), and MSgt. John Mutzabaugh (7ID). Also added was
the Soldier's Medal
citation for Michael C. Mattis. [Posted 1/18/2024]
Several Korean War veterans have been added to the KWE's
American Notables
page. Among them are Yale Lary of the Detroit Lions,
Robert White of Motown's Funk Brothers, Bobby Osborne of the
Osborne Brothers, physician and inventor William Parry
Murphy Jr., actor Bernie Hamilton, director and
screenwriter Buck Henry, actor Glenn Corbett, educator and
pastor Walter Lee Dowdy Jr., and Gary Lewis
of Gary Lewis and the Playboys. The list of US
veterans of the Korean War who went on to fame and fortune
is growing steadily! [Posted 12/18/2023]
The Bronze Star citation for
Maj. Milton Weinberg Jr., who served in the 8055 MASH
unit in Korea, was just now posted on the KWE. [Posted
11/26/2023]. Additionally, the names of several
females who served in the Korean War have been added to the
Women in Korea Topics
over the last two days. [Posted 11/26/23]
The citation for the Distinguished Flying Cross earned by
Airman 2C Vernon C. Hayden was posted on the KWE tonight.
He received the DFC for his courageous participation in a
bombing mission near Chinnampo on January 28, 1953. [Posted
Added to the KWE tonight were the
Army Commendation
Medal citations for two DMZ veterans, both from the 23rd
Infantry Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division. The
veterans are Gary Charles Gable and Wayne A. Ward. [Posted
The memoir of
Akira Buster "Chic" Chikami of Winter Park, Florida is
now live on the KWE. A prisoner of war in POW Camps
12, 5 and 4, he was a 60mm mortar man in the 2nd Infantry
Division, 38th Infantry Regiment, George Company when he was
captured in Korea. He served in the Army from 1945
until 1966 and then enlisted in the Air Force where he
served as a missile maintenance supervisor. [Posted 8/28/23]
Added tonight was the Bronze Star with V citation for
Cpl. Stewart E. Sizemore, 24th Infantry Division, for his
heroic actions near Taejon on July 20, 1950. To see
his citation, click here:
Korean War Educator: Topics - Bronze Star Citations - S
[Posted 7/19/2023]
On April 25, 1951, a Navy Beechcraft collided mid-air
with a DC-4 en route from Miami, Florida to Havana, Cuba. Among the 43 souls lost were four U.S. naval personnel. To read
about this tragedy, click here. [Posted 6/09/2023]
The memoir of S/Sgt. William Venlos is now live on the KWE. Bill was a USMC veteran of Able Company's Tank Battalion.
He was a member of the Brigade and participated in the Inchon Invasion, street fighting in Seoul, and the Chosin Reservoir campaign.
He also was present while the movie Sands of Iwo Jima starring John Wayne was being produced in California, and he was a China
Marine. His memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. View his memoir
here. [Posted 5/06/2023]
Another airplane crash page was added to the website tonight. On December 17, 1953, a B-29 crashed on Guam, killing nine
crew members, several passengers, and ten people on the ground. View it
here. [Posted 2/23/2023]
A new page opened on the Korean War Educator tonight. On November 17, 1953, a C-119's engine failed and the plane dove into
the ground, hitting and killing ten paratroopers who were in air on a training mission. Also killed were the crew and a doctor
who was onboard the plane. To learn more about this tragedy, click on this link:
C119 and Airborne Paratroopers
[Posted 1/07/2023]
The Silver Star citation of Pvt. E-2 Joseph Michael Isom was added
to the KWE tonight. [Posted 9/08/2022]
The bio of the late Dr. Arthur Ancowitz is now added to the KWE's American Notables
page. A pioneer in stroke prevention, he was a World War II and Korean War veteran. [Posted 8/30/2022]
The memoir of Navy nurse LtJG Helen Obertance Gann is now live on the KWE. She
was a surgical nurse on the USS Haven from September of 1952 to April or May 1953. Helen died May 01, 2015. The completion
of this memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. [Posted 8/30/2022]
The memoir of John Carl Ross is now live on the KWE. John served in Company
D, 45th Infantry Division, as a medical aid man. He served in Korea 1952-1953. The completion of his memoir was made possible
by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. [Posted 8/29/2022]
The memoir of Emmett George "Pete" Dammon Jr. is now live on the KWE. Pete served
in the 512 Ordnance Company (H.A.M.) in Korea from September 1950 to April 1952. The completion of this memoir was made possible
by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. [Posted 8/29/2022]
The memoir of Glenn E. Stotts is now live on the KWE. Glenn was an artillery
liaison in Korea before being captured on November 02, 1950. He was held prisoner of war for 33 months. Glenn died on
January 06, 2016. The completion of this memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. [Posted 8/29/2022]
The memoir of Marian Tesheneck (Wagman) is now live on the KWE. Marian,
who is now deceased, helped set up one of the first evacuation hospitals in Korea. One of the original nurses of the 121st Evacuation
Hospital, she arrived in Inchon in the 11th wave after the Marines landed there. Among her many duties in Korea, she provided
nursing care for the survivors of the Chosin Reservoir. The completion of her memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois
Humanities Council. [Posted 8/29/2022]
The memoir of William "Bill" Stedman is now activated on the KWE. Bill spent
late 1951 to early 1953 serving in the 936th Armored Field Artillery Headquarters Battery. In the thick of battle in the outpost
wars, he was wounded in action. His memoir is based on a book he wrote about his Korean War experiences. The final phase
of publishing his memoir was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council.
The memoir of William Huebner is now live on the KWE. Bill was a 3rd Infantry
Division Training, Information and Education Public Information Officer and then U.S. Army correspondent reporting on 3rd Infantry
Division's operations during the Korean War. The memoir is based on letters that Huebner sent home during his tour of duty in
Korea. Thanks to the Illinois Humanities Council for the grant that finalized the publishing of Bill's memoir. [Posted
Added to the KWE tonight, courtesy of Erick Stebbings, are the three Silver Star citations awarded to
MSgt. William A. Bonacci (3rd Infantry Division). Many thanks
to Erick for honoring this brave veteran. [Posted 8/04/2022]
There were many stateside tragedies in which America's servicemen lost their lives during the Korean War. Now posted on the
KWE is a new page about the collision of a Southern Belle train
with a troop train filled with 288 Korea-bound Marines. Also posted is information about a
Sherman tank that was struck by a train in Barberton, Ohio. Three
men in the tank were crushed to death. Four men of the 44th Infantry Division were killed during maneuvers at
Hunter Liggett in California. Five soldiers were killed near
Moffett Air Field in a broadside car accident. Five Marines were
killed in a tractor-trailer crash on the New Jersey Turnpike. These
pages were made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. [Posted 8/02/2022]
Added to the KWE tonight was a new page listing the biographies of six
merchant marine cadets who died in a car/power shovel accident in South China, Maine. This page was made possible by a grant from
the Illinois Humanities Council. [Posted 7/29/2022]
Added to the KWE tonight was a new page listing the crashes and resulting fatalities associated with
F-82G Twin Mustangs that participated in the
early years of the Korean War. The page was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. Photos will
be added at a later date. [Posted 7/23/2022]
Added to the KWE tonight was a new page listing five
SkyKnight accidents that resulted in American
fatalities. The page was made possible by a grant from the Illinois Humanities Council. My webmaster continues to work on Huebner
memoirs. [Posted 7/11/2022]
The Silver Star citations for 1Lt. Jesse Burnette Bolling (3ID,
64th Tank Btn.) and 1Lt. Raymond Franklin King (2ID) were added to
the KWE tonight. [Posted 6/18/2022]
The Silver Star citation of 1Lt. Robert M. Hope (17th Inf. Rgt.)
was added to the KWE tonight. [Posted 6/17/2022]
The Silver Star citations for the following 2nd Infantry Division soldiers were posted on the KWE tonight:
Capt. Niles J. McIntyre,
2Lt. Louis V. Genuario, and
Cpl. Randolph Chapman. Other soldiers whose citations were posted tonight
include: Sgt. Donald L. Curtis (3ID), Sgt. James Clark (3ID), 2Lt. Lewis A. Hotelling, Warren Webster III (1st award - 2ID), and a
citation synopsis for Richard Granville Cushman (2ID). [Posted 6/16/2022]
The Silver Star citation of Lt. Col. Charles Hercules Green (Australia) was posted on
the KWE this evening. [Posted 6/15/2022]
The Silver Star citation of Pfc. Gerald Fred Boyer (2ID - posthumous)
was added to the KWE this evening. [Posted 6/14/2022]
The Silver Star citation of 2Lt. John W. Connors (7ID) and the Silver
Star citation synopsis for Capt. Herbert Joseph McChrystal Jr. were
added to the KWE tonight. [Posted 6/13/2022]
The Silver Star citation of Edward Moergeli (3ID) was added to the
KWE tonight. [Posted 6/12/2022]
Added to the KWE tonight were the names of post-war DMZ Korea American casualties: W.O. Michael F. Van
Buren (died 1963), Pvt. Jesse Dalton (died 1956), and Damionia Lott (died 2021). Also added were American Korean War veteran
notables Donald Allison Durant and Jeffy Alf Jolstead. A short bio for World War
II and Korean war correspondent Cletus Enoch "Clete" Haase Roberts was also added. [Posted
The following Silver Star citations were added to the KWE tonight: Lt. Col. Robert J. O'Donnell
(2ID - two awards), 1Lt. George S. Oliver (7ID), Cpl. Roger E. Lewis (7ID), 1Lt. Robert E. Strom (3ID - 2nd award), and Sgt. Donald
E. Youngberg (7ID). [Posted 6/09/2022)
The Silver Star citation of Capt. Edward Joseph Cavanaugh (7ID)
was posted on the KWE this evening. [Posted 6/08/2022]
The Silver Star citation awarded to Sgt. Maj. Joseph Lawrence Annello
(machine gun platoon, H Company, 7th RCT, 3ID) and the Silver Star citation awarded to
Sgt. Jack DePinenil (Medical Detachment, 13th Engineer Combat Battalion)
were added to the KWE this evening. [Posted 6/07/2022)
Added to the KWE tonight were the Silver Star citations awarded to: 1Lt. Mayo S. Heath
(1st Airborne Ranger Company, 2ID - posthumous), Capt. Roger C. White Jr. (2ID) and SFC Yukio Yokoe (25ID). [Posted 6/06/2022]
A new page was uploaded onto the KWE this evening. The Non-Battle
Accident Casualties page is far from comprehensive, but it's a starting point for KWE readers who wish to add information about
a known accident casualty victim to this website. [Posted 6/04/2022]
The Silver Star citation for BG George C. Stewart and SFC Walter J. Matyjasik were added to the Silver
Star page of the KWE. Also added were the Bronze Star citations of Sgt. Billy
Stubblefield, SFC Roy Fyffe, Sgt. Glen D. Arledge, Sgt. Clyde J. Clouser, Sgt. Artghur A. Nickerson, Sgt. Henry S. Petzoldt, Sgt.
Dominick E. Tolipani, Sgt. Douglas F. Touchette, Cpl. Clifford B. Bowen, Capt. Raymond J. McCarrell (1st Oak Leaf Cluster), Maj. Harris
M. Pope (1st Oak Leaf Cluster), Cpl. Martin Hannigan, Cpl. Harry O'Brien, Pvt. Charles Pigeon, and Pfc. Walter H. Smith. Each
of these citations was sent to the KWE courtesy of the Barkers of the Korean War Project, and we thank them for sharing. [Posted 6/02/2022]
Added to the Airplane Crashes page of the KWE tonight is information about a TBM-3E that struck a cable and crashed between K-1
and K-2. Find it here. [Posted 3/25/2022]
Silver Star citations for Pfc. Martin Benge (24ID) (KIA) and Sgt. George Stand (2ID) were added to the KWE tonight. [Posted 3/17/2022]
A Globemaster with the tail number 49244 ditched in the sea near Ireland. Details about this ditching have been on the KWE
website for quite some time, but just added is an article entitled,
"Last Flight of 49244." [Posted 2/25/2022]
Added to the KWE tonight are the names of 3,121 African-American
casualties in the Korean War. [Posted 2/25/2022]
Thanks to a generous donation from KWE supporter Sheila Kronenberger of southern Illinois, the KWE's new
African-Americans in the Korean War page is now live on our website. We hope
you take the time to look the page over to see if there is anything that our readers can add to it to educate the public about this
important topic. Contact Lynnita if you do. [Posted 1/29/2022]
Added to the KWE tonight was the Bronze Star citation for USMC veteran
Paul T. Desforges, a Chosin Reservoir survivor and Purple Heart recipient.
[Posted 1/19/2022]
Thanks to Holly Ryan of Connecticut, the KWE added the following Bronze Star recipients
(3rd Infantry Division) to the website tonight: Maj. Anthony J. Iannacone (Dental Corps), Capt. Lawrence J. Keene (Artillery), Capt.
Leonard F. Stegman (Chaplain), 1Lt. Thomas G. Houghton (Infantry), MSgt. Francisco Billoch (Infantry), Sgt. William J. Huebner (HQ
& HQ), and 2Lt. Jose A. Bonilla-Matos (Medical Service Corps). [Posted 1/04/2022]
Officials of a past administration of the Korean War Veterans Association, Inc. telephoned the KWE's largest funding source to date
to request that it not support the Korean War Educator. (Korean War veterans everywhere should be outraged at the KWVA's maltreatment
of the KWE.) Subsequent KWVA administrations have done nothing about this injustice. As a result, that funding source is no longer
available to the KWE. Until the Korean War Educator receives another grant, your financial support is needed to help keep the Korean
War Educator going. Please join as a member, because your dues money is what keeps this site going. You are always welcome to e-mail me
at or call me (217-253-4620 at home or 217-722-3285 Saturday at my store) Illinois
time if you have comments, concerns, questions, or suggestions. [Posted 2004]
As always, Korean War veterans and their families throughout the world are invited to participate in the educating of the general public
about the Korean War by sending information, memoirs, photos, and more to the Korean War Educator. - Lynnita Jean Brown
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A Team Effort
The Korean War Educator is a team effort between Lynnita Brown of Tuscola, Illinois, as well as Korean War veterans and their families
worldwide. Lynnita is directly involved with the daily updates visitors see on the KWE. All text appearing on the Korean War
Educator is either generated by or routed through Lynnita. Webmaster Jim Doppelhammer handles the technical aspects and makes improvements
to the Korean War Educator website. If you find a technical glitch anywhere on the site, be sure to contact Jim at If you find text errors on the site or want
to add material to it, be sure to contact Lynnita at We'll see what
we can do to fix them. If our KWE visitors see typographical and/or grammatical mistakes, Lynnita encourages those who discover
them to contact her. There is no such thing as an error "too small" to be corrected.
Lynnita can be reached by phone at 217-722-3285 (her store) from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturdays. Her home phone number in
Illinois is 217-253-4620 (she rises early and stays up late). Feel free to reach Lynnita is at her home number if you can't catch
her at her store. If she is not home, your call will be picked up by an answering machine or her husband, Dale. Please feel
free to leave a message. She will call you back--probably the same day or evening. Her e-mail address is
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KWE Progress Report
Site Statistics:
- As of April 17, 2011, the KWE has had 192,390 since January 1, 2011.
- A review of the Year 2010 traffic statistics for the Korean War Educator shows that 681,927 visitors stopped by to view the Korean
War Educator from January 1 through December 31, 2010.
- The Korean War Educator had 810,676 visitors in the year 2008. As the site continues to grow, so will the number of visitors.
As an example of the KWE's fantastic growth rate, just think. In the year 2004 the KWE had only 24,152 visitors! The majority
of visitors to the KWE website were from the United States, with visitors from the United Kingdom second and visitors from China third.
- As of January 7, 2008, the KWE had 141,459 page views per month and an average of 2,000 visitors per day. The KWE website contains
5,645 files (748,966 KB). It has 3,364 photographs. There are 21,404 hyperlinks.
- Due to a change of web hosts, we only have January and February and the December statistics from 2007, showing approximately 27,500
visitors per month in January/February and 30,000 visitors in December.
- From 1/1/06-12/31/06, the KWE had 183,640 unique visitors (again, many came back to view the site over and over again, but they
were only counted once) who viewed 1,132,528 of its pages.
- From 1/1/05-12/31/05, the KWE had 222,072 unique visitors (many came back to view the site over and over again, but they were
only counted once) who viewed 775,446 of its pages.
The Korean War Educator started to offer memberships at the end of September 2003. For the very first time, the Korean War Educator
was able to use the General Membership dues ($10.00 annually) to establish a general operating fund that has enabled Lynnita to pay for
her monthly internet connection, as well as incidentals such as reams of copy paper, ink cartridges, postage, etc., without taking it
from her own pocket. Not only that, the Korean War Educator established an Endowment Fund to keep the Foundation going long after those
of us living today have passed on. With an initial deposit of $50.00 (one half of the cost of Life Membership dues going into the Endowment)
that special reserve fund has now jumped to $2,135.53, thanks to the most recent donations to it from the KWE's new life members Tom Cearlock
and Carl Galey of Illinois. Our goal is to build up the principal in the account so that the annual interest will pay for each year's
web hosting fees. You can find the roster of Korean War Educator members on the KWE’s "Support" section at the top of all main pages.
We are hoping that many more of our visitors will come aboard to help this great Korean War website become even greater. All funds go
to support the Korean War Educator Foundation. No salary money is expended. Most of the KWE's limited funds are expended
for internet/website expenses and printer ink.
It would be great if some of our regular visitors would support this important website by sponsoring a year of hosting (or more).
Contact Lynnita at about this possibility if you think you would like to sponsor
a year's worth of KWE. The list of website sponsors to date is listed on the
Support page
of the KWE..
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In Remembrance of Julian
is with great sorrow that I inform Korean War veterans and our other site visitors about the death of Julian "Buck" Blagg, original webmaster
of the Korean War Educator website and a fine Marine. He died of lung cancer at 6:00 a.m., Sunday, June 1, 2003, at the age of 66. Julian
was my dear friend, and I miss him. He helped me give the world the Korean War Educator.
- Lynnita Brown, Founder, KWE