A convoy of jeeps, trucks and tanks from the Ohio National Guard
was on its way to another base on April 29, 1951. The convoy
stopped at the Fairview Avenue crossing in Barberton, a lieutenant
in one of the jeeps got out, looked both ways, and then motioned the
convoy to go ahead and cross the tracks. What that lieutenant
didn't know was the fact that a six-car Erie Streamliner was
rounding a blind curve at the speed of 60 miles per hour 3,291 feet
away. There were no gates at the crossing.
Two guardsmen jumped from the tank turret before the crash, but
the other three crew members inside the tank didn't stand a chance.
The 100-passenger train smashed into the tank at 5:45 p.m., pushing
the tank about 130 feet and fatally crushing three guardsmen.
The tank was mangled, the train derailed, and the tracks bent on
impact. In addition to the fatalities, one guardsman was injured and
so were seven civilians.
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[This page was made possible by a grant from
the Illinois Humanities Council.]
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Tank Crew
Cox, Sgt. Dale E. (killed) - Age 27, Akron, Ohio
Sergeant Cox is buried in Greenlawn Memorial Park, Akron,
Jameson, Sgt. Don W. (survivor - jumped to safety)
Livingston, Cpl. William E. (killed) - 22, Doylestown, Ohio
Corporal Livingston was born in 1929 in New York, the son of
Amos Elva Livingston (1901-1978) and Frances Ellen Kirk
Livingston (1907-2000). He is buried in Lower Boone
Cemetery, Reelsville, Indiana.
Nichols, Pfc. Carl (survivor - injured)
Peterman, Cpl. Ronald L. (killed)
Corporal Peterman was born January 01, 1932, a son of Bryan
Bartleson Peterman (1897-1981) and Florene "Flo" Wallet Peterman
(1903-1974). His siblings were Gary E. Peterman and Carol
D. Peterman Kapish. Corporal Peterman is buried in
Greenlawn Memorial Park, Akron, Ohio.