Veteran's Memoirs - index
Memoirs on the Korean War Educator may not be
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without express permission of the Korean War Educator Foundation.
The KWE memoirs are copyrighted.
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The veterans' memoirs and short stories on this page of the Korean War Educator are posted as a means to educate the public about the
Korean War. The memoirs found on the KWE are full-length and cover the veteran's lifespan from birth to present. Short stories
tell about a particular segment of a veteran's life.
Korean War veterans are a unique breed. Those who served their country during the active war years 1950 to 1953 grew up in the
Depression and had experienced World War II, either in the military or on the homefront. They grew up in a time of high patriotism--a
time when duty, honor, country were meaningful words. When their tour of duty ended, most of them returned to the States with little
fanfare, picked up their pre-war lives, and carried on with them. Too few of them have talked about their Korean War experiences.
Talking about them was often too painful--and who cared anyway?
From March 2003 to February 2007, there were 3,144 American casualties in Iraq. From June of 1950 to July of 1954, the number
of in-theatre American casualties in Korea was 33,691. No matter what the casualty count, the price of freedom has always been higher
than those who have never fought for it can possibly imagine. We encourage our visitors to read the memoirs and short stories found
on this page of the KWE. When you do, you will realize that war is miserable and horrible, and that the freedom those of us living
in the United States experience today is a precious thing--its high price paid for with the blood and tears and skill of our veterans.
(When was the last time you thanked one?)
Please note that the copyrights to the memoirs and short stories found on the Korean War Educator are legally held by the Korean War
Educator Foundation, private individuals, the Museum Association of Douglas County in Tuscola, Illinois (Douglas County Museum), the Camargo
Township Library in Villa Grove, Illinois, and/or nationally-known magazines. While we sincerely hope that our readers enjoy reading
and learning from them, the memoirs and short stories cannot be used for publishing or for-profit purposes without the written permission
of the entity that holds the copyright on them. For further information, contact Lynnita
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Standing Invitation
The Korean War Educator has a standing invitation to all Korean War veterans (any branch, any MOS, any rank, any era) to post recollections
of your time in the Korean War on the KWE Website, whether you wish to share just a story or two or your entire memoir. Pictures
are welcome, too. The process is very simple:
Send your memoir or short story, or that of your loved one, via e-mail in plain text format, pasted into an e-mail, or as a Word
document attachment. The KWE webmaster requests that you not send your memoir/story material to the KWE as a PDF file unless
the PDF file is suitable for posting as is. As an alternative to e-mail if files are too large to e-mail, you may also mail
your document and picture files to us on a CD you have created. Also state in the e-mail or in a letter to us that you are giving
us your permission to post your memoir on our Website. We cannot and will not post without written permission. It should
be clearly understood that once a memoir is edited by the KWE staff, a photo album is created by the webmaster, and it is published
on the Korean War Educator in good faith, permission to publish cannot be reversed.
Important Note: Pictures should be sent as jpg file attachments to your email. Please do not send pictures scanned into e-mails.
They are too tiny to use on the KWE. Instead, scan your pictures into a file and send the files as attachments. We cannot
stress enough the importance of sending by attachment.
If you need to discuss your memoir or short story before sending it, call, write, or e-mail Lynnita at 217-253-4620 (home) or 217-253-5171
(Lynnita's store 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday-Saturday), Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953,
Only one black American (Jesse Green Harmon) has stepped forth to tell his memories of the Korean War. The KWE is extremely concerned
about this, so if anyone can help resolve this problem by sending Lynnita the contact information for black Korean War veterans, please
do. Also, few female Korean War veterans, or Air Force/Navy veterans have participated in this project. No Coast Guard members
have shared their memoirs/short stories either. The KWE is willing if these veterans are willing.
Veteran Ralph David, a participate in the KWE's Memoirs project, tells us that an article entitled, "The Healthy Type" appeared in
Scientific American (June 2008). In it, the writers stated that writing your memoirs is a healthy thing to do! It said:
"Scientists (and writers) have long known about the therapeutic benefits of writing about personal experiences, thoughts and feelings.
But besides serving as a stress-coping mechanism, expressive writing produces many physiological benefits. Research shows that it
improves memory and sleep, boosts immune cell activity and reduces viral load in AIDS patients, and even speeds healing after surgery."
Stay healthy! Participate in a KWE online interview by contacting Lynnita.
The end result is a full-length memoir written by you with Lynnita's free help (no hidden costs involved).
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The Disrespectful Daughter
As Veteran's Day 2004 approached, the Korean War Educator received an unusual communication from the 40-year old daughter of a
Korean War veteran whose memoir is posted on the KWE's Memoirs page. We invite you to click on the link below to read her message
and the KWE's response to it:
The Disrespectful
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Veterans' Full Length Memoirs - Index
Alexander, Grant |
B-1-5 (USMC), January-December 1951. Wounded 3 times. Pohang Guerrilla Hunt, traveled through Massacre
Valley. |
Allan, Dean S. |
(USAF) Left Gunner on B-29 "Trouble Brewer" when it crash landed; left gunner on "Police Action", Yakota AFB,
1952 |
Anderson, William E. |
C Co., 1st Btn, 21st Inf, 24th Inf Div (Army), Korea 1950-51, Pusan Perimeter |
Balaban, Bill |
304th Signal Operations Btn (Army), Korea 1952-53 |
Bergstrom, Robert L. |
USAF, Radar Operator on Capt. J.R. Lewis' B-29 crew on Black Tuesday (Namsi), October 23, 1951 |
Bindewald, James Alfred |
Aidman, Medical Detachment, HQ Co., 3ID; aidman, 3rd Recon Platoon; Silver Star recipient; Korea 11/50-7/51 |
Bingham, Carleton (Bing) |
G-3-1 (USMC) Korea 1951-1952 |
Bohart, Richard |
E-2-7 (USMC), Korea 1951-52, Killer, Ripper, Wounded |
Bolt, James William |
24th Infantry Division, 630 FAB, "B" Battery, Korea 6 July 1950-20 August 1951 (Army) |
Bonkowski, Jerome S. |
Squad leader, Machine Gun Platoon, H&S Company/2/7 & later D/2/7 (USMC), Korea 16 September 1950-20 September
1951, Chosin Reservoir |
Bowers, Carl Edward |
1st Cavalry Division (Army), 8th Engineers, Charlie Company, Medical Detachment. Korea 1950. Chosin.
Silver Star. |
Bradley, Roger E. |
KCAC (Army), Korea 1953-54 |
Brown, Charles L. |
H.I.T.C., 60mm Mortars, Co 6, 9th Inf Regt, 2nd Div (Army), Korea 1951-52 |
Brown, Dale H. |
C-1-7 (USMC) Korea 1951-1952. Hill 673 |
Brown, Joe |
Corpsman, E-2-5, Easy Med (Navy), Hill 812, Wounded, Reserves |
Brummer, H. Ross |
955 FAB, Service & HQ Battery (Army), Korea Fall 1950-Jan/Feb 1952 |
Burkett, Jack C. |
George Co., Weapons Co., 1st Regiment (USMC) Korea 9/15/50-5/1/51, Chosin, Hill 902 |
Buttell, Louis G. |
USN 1944-46; E-2-7 (USMC) Korea 1/51-9/51 |
Cacciola, Thomas F. |
Medic, "A" Battery, 955 FAB (Army), Korea 1951-52 (COMING SOON) |
Campbell, Robert B. |
Forward Observer, Weapons 1-1 (USMC) Korea Feb 1952-53 |
Carmin, Charlie |
H&S-3-1, I-3-1 (USMC), Inchon Landing, Chosin, Korea 1950-51 |
Carpenter, Richard |
Prov. AA Battery (Army) attached to HQ Co, 7th Inf Div, Iron Ridge, Korea 1953 |
Caulkins, Robert |
A-1-11 Korea April-Sept. 1953; 1st Provisional DMZ Police Co. Sept. 53-July 54 (USMC) |
Cearlock, Tom |
Field wireman, 300th Armored Field Artillery & 24th Inf Div, 21st Inf Regt, HQ Co., 2nd Btn. (Army) Korea 1953-54 |
Chapman, Franklin "Jack" |
Heavy Weapons Platoon, Dog Co., 31st Inf. Rgt., 7ID - Chosin Reservoir, wounded 7x, POW 1950-53, death marches,
Camp Kanggye & Camp 1 (Ch'angsong), Bronze Star |
Chase, Donald A. |
B Co, 19th Inf Regt, 24th Div (Army), I Co, 15 Inf Regt, 3rd Inf Div, wounded 3x |
Chikami, Akira "Chic" |
Drafted July 1945 US Army. Took short
discharge a few months later for convenience of the
government. Enlisted in Army 1945. Sent to Germany with
Signal Corps. Won the Berlin Lightweight Boxing
Championship 1946. Discharged 1947. Re-enlisted in the
Army in Nov. 1950. Went to Korea January 1951 with 2nd
Div., 38th Inf. Reg, George Co. Mortar man (60mm)
weapons platoon. May 16, 17, 18, 1951 in May Massacre.
Captured August 27, 1951 near Piari. Wounded in the leg.
Sent to Camp 12 propaganda center near Pyongyang Aug.
1951-Dec. 1951. Sent to Camp 5 – Dec. 1951-Fall 1952.
Then to Camp 4 – Fall 1952-Aug. 1953. Released.
Re-enlisted for 3 years and was sent to Japan as
assistant manager of the Yurakau Officer’s Open Mess in
downtown Tokyo. Re-enlisted again – became an advisor to
the Reserve Infantry Unit at the Presidio, SF, CA. Then
to 1st Cavalry Div, DMZ, Korea – 1963 in mobile
communications. Asked to be transferred out of DMZ to
3110th Signal in Seoul for 3 years. Discharged circa
1966. Enlisted in Air Force. Strategic Air Command.
Became missile maintenance superintendent. Retired late
1960s or early 1970s. |
Christian, C.V. (Chris) |
Able Co., 35th Inf Regt, 25th Inf. Div., Korea July 1950-March 1951; USAF 19 years |
Christiansen, Jim |
Radio Co., 304th Signal Operations Battalion Forward (Army) Korea 8/1950-5/1951 |
Clark, Boyce |
E-2-7 (USMC) Pohang Guerilla Hunt, Ops Killer/Ripper, wounded 2x, lost arm |
Clark, Jimmie L. |
Battalion Operations Chief, 937th FAB (Army) Korea 1953 |
Clune, Bill |
C & A Batteries & Air Section, 955th FAB (Army) Korea 11/50-3/51 |
Collins, John P. |
508 RCT 6/51-1/52 & truck driver & supply clerk (Army), 513th Transportation Co., 70th Truck Bat. Korea 5/1952-12/1953 |
Cox, Robert |
H&S Co, 1st Marine Regiment, Radio Operator, Korea 6/51-6/52 (USMC) (later AF) |
Crivello, Joseph Jr. |
Communications, 1-11 (USMC) Pusan, Inchon, Seoul, Chosin |
Crum, Bill R. |
Communications, 7th Division (Army) Arrived in Korea Feb 1953, Bronze Star |
Cundiff, John H. |
W-2-5 (USMC), Korea 1/27/51-10/15/51, Punchbowl, Evacuated |
Curtis, George W. |
USS Andromeda, LSTs 1090 & 772, USS Washburn (USN) |
Cuthrell, Jack L. |
25th Division, 35th RCT (Army), Pusan Perimeter, Battle Mountain, Korea 1950-51 |
Czyscon, Frank P. |
F-2-1 (USMC) Inchon, Seoul, Chosin, Korea 1950-51 |
Dallas, John Wm. "Bill" |
P&A Platoon, 9th Inf, 2nd Inf Div (Army) Arrived in Korea May 1951 |
Dammon, Emmett "Pete" |
512th Ordnance Co. (H.A.M.), Korea
Sept. 1950-April 1952 (Army) |
Dawson, George |
WWII, N. Africa, Okinawa, and Korea aboard USS Yancey (USN) |
DeBlasi, Anthony J. |
Radio Teletype Platoon, Radio Co., 304th Signal Battalion, 22nd Signal Group (Army), Korea 1953-54 |
DeDeaux, Edwin A. |
"B" Company, 1st Amtrac Battalion, Korea 9/15/50-11/51, Inchon, Masan (USMC) |
DeLapp, Charles Jr. |
6147th Tactical Control Group, K-47, Korea 1952-53 (USAF) |
DeLong, James C. |
Machine gun squad leader, Korea 1950-53, 7th Division, Inchon, Chosin, Captured at Hill 1221, POW Camp 10, 1,
& 4 until release (Army) |
Diaz, Wilfred "Will" |
Brigade, C-1-11, radio operator - forward observer team, Pusan perimeter, wounded September 27, 1950 in Seoul.
Returned to Korea after Chosin. (USMC) |
Dickey, Perry J. |
Fireteam leader, squad leader, company/intelligence scout, Dog Seven (USMC), Korea 12/50-11/51, Guerilla Hunt,
Operation Killer, Massacre Valley, No Name Ridge, Mousetrap, WIA-Hill 749 |
Dibble, Birney |
(Navy) V-12 program 1943; Reserves; arrived Korea 1/2/1952 as Battalion Surgeon for 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines;
staff doctor, Easy Med; Battle of Bunker Hill August 1952 as seen from Easy Med |
Dixon, Gene |
Brigade & 1-5 (USMC) Pusan Perimeter, Inchon, Chosin, Spring Offensive |
Duncan, Joshua M. |
BARman, Brigade, D-2-5 (USMC), Korea 7/2/50-12/15/50; Pusan Perimeter, Chosin, evacuated for wounds & frostbite;
enlisted USAF; enlisted US Army; 3 tours in Vietnam |
Durham, Clyde G. |
28th Bomb Squadron, B-29 named the Island Queen (USAF) Korea 1952-53 |
Eaton, LeRoy |
HQ Pltn, Co A, 1st Btn, 5th Regt, 1st Cavalry (Army) Korea 7/50-7/51 Pusan Perimeter |
Eberlin, Charles J. |
I-3-1 (USMC) Korea 1951-52, Heartbreak Ridge |
Ecker, Richard E. |
Counterfire officer, Korea 1952-53. Bearcat Counterfire attached to 57th FAB, 31st Inf. Rgt., 7ID - How one unheralded
platoon of GIs helped shorten the Korean War. |
Edwards, Archie |
Gunner, 105mm Howitzer, 2nd Division (Army) Arrived in Korea 8/50; POW |
Edwards, Orace |
BARman, G-3-1 (USMC) Korea 15 Sept. 1950-30 Nov. 1950; Inchon, Seoul, Chosin; frostbite; wounded |
Elder, Richard B. |
27th RCT (Wolfhounds), 25th Division (Army) Korea January-November 1952 |
Elkins, James W. |
Ammo Carrier, A-1-5 (USMC) Korea 1950-1951 |
Ellis, Howard |
Korean War Veteran of the United States Army |
Emerson, Charles Lewis |
2nd Engineer Combat Battalion, 2 ID (Army), Korea July 1950-July 1951; Pusan Perimeter; WIA; pneumonia |
Erickson, Dale |
Assault Platoon, Recon Unit, Weapons 2/7 (USMC), Pohang, Operation Killer, Chinese Spring Offensive, Yanggu River
Valley, Punch Bowl, Korea 1950-51 |
Evans, David R. |
Machinegun Section, G-3-1 (USMC) Korea 1952, Yoke, Bunker Hill, wounded |
Everist, Carroll |
1st Cav. Div., 5th, 7th, 8th Cav., and 3d Bn, 5th Cav. Regt, 1st Cav Div. (Army); Task Force Crombez, POW, wounded,
evacuated - Korea 1950-52 |
Extrom, Robert Lee |
Radio Operator, Howe Company, (USMC), Korea 1950-51; Inchon, liberation of Seoul, Chosin, spring guerilla hunt |
Fisher, William James |
Corpsman HM3 C-1-5 Marines (USN & USMC Reserves) Brigade, Inchon, Chosin, Wounded |
Feucht, Lewis |
WWII - Okinawa and HQ Co., 1st Marine Regt., (USMC), Korea Sept. 1950-Dec. 1950 |
Ford, Jim Gibson |
Lt. Colonel (USAF); significant WWII aeronautical history, 95th Bomb Group, 13th Combat Wing, 45th Bomb Squadron;
England, India, China, Mariannas; Korea 1950-52, Aerial
Amplifier, Gooney Birds (The Voice) Mr. Ford's
family has blocked their father's memoir from being
published on the KWE. |
Fly, Ralph David |
Corpsman 1-5 Marines & Battalion Aid (USN) Korea 11/52-11/53 |
Frankville, Fred |
Dog Company, 7th Marines; Korea 12/6/50-12/3/51; rifleman with Dog Company; S2 attached to Easy & Dog Companies;
4.2 mortars; Silver Star recipient |
Frazier, Raymond L. "Doc" |
HQ Company, 3rd Btn., 38th Inf. Rgt., 2ID - Hoengsong Roadblock, POW in Mining Camp, Changsong, Reactionary Camp,
& the Lost Camp - also Vietnam War veteran |
Freeman, William D. |
Prisoner of War, Bean Camp & Camp 1. Captured during the Hoengsong Massacre. Veteran of Co. A, 38th
Inf. Rgt., 2nd ID (Army) |
Gale, Alfred |
Division Artillery HQ, 555 (Army) Korea 1946-47 & 1951-52 |
Galey, Carl |
Operations Dept., USS Essex CV9 & USS Yorktown CVA10 (Navy) |
Gann, Helen Obertance |
US Navy Nurses Corps, 1950-55; surgical
nurse on the USS Haven 1952-53 |
Gates, John W. |
Corpsman, Island of Cho-do, North Korea (USN) |
Gatliff, George |
Assistant gunner and gun driver in Battery A, 937th Field Artillery Battalion (Army) |
Genrich, Jon Charles |
H-3-7, Korea 8/1/51-8/8/52; Bloody Ridge, Able Hill, The Rock outpost (USMC) |
Giaquinto, Albert E. |
Radioman, 2nd Infantry, 38th Regt., HQ & HQ Co., Korea 8/50-8/51 (Army) |
Gillmore, Earl |
6132nd Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron (USAF) attached to 502nd TOG |
Goldsmith, Smith Ely |
2nd Inf Div (Army) Finance Section & later 4th Finance Disbursing Section I Corps (Army), DMZ |
Goode, Lemuel C. |
USN 1944, USMCR 1950-51, Korea 9/50-4/51, Weapons-1-7, Inchon, Chosin (USMC) |
Goss, Capt. M. W. |
S-3 176th AFAB (Army) Korea |
Gracco, Tony G. |
H-3-5 (USMC) Korea 5/1952-6/1953. Machine-gunner during the outpost wars |
Greenhut, William |
A Company, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2ID (Army), DMZ, Korea 5/1967-6/1968 |
Grimshaw, Conrad |
National Guard, 213th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (Army) 6 mo in Korea 1951 |
Hahn, Lynn |
Company Headquarters, 148th Graves Registration (Army) Korea 1952-53 |
Hall, Homer |
148th Quartermaster Graves Registration (Army) Korea |
Hanson, Robert L. |
HQ Battery, 625th FAB, 40th Infantry Division (Army) Korea January '52-May '52 |
Harmon, Jesse G. |
84th Engineer Construction Battalion, Co. C (Army), Korea 1953-54; Libby Bridge, POW compound at Panmunjom |
Harper, Herb |
Historian, 98th Bomb Group (AF), Yokota, Japan, August 1950-August 1952 |
Harper, Robert J. |
Communication Platoon,34th Rgt., 24ID (Army) Korea 1950-51, Taejon (COMING SOON) |
Haworth, Ronald |
Truck driver, 3rd Quartermaster, 3ID (Army), Korea 1951-52. |
Heckelman, Ted |
Weapons-1-5, Brigade, Inchon, Seoul, Chosin (USMC) Korea 1950-51 |
Hertensteiner, R.A. |
Assistant BARman in Co. A, Scout Observer in H&S Co. (USMC) Korea 9/51-10/52 |
Holliday, Sam |
S-2, 1st Btn, 29th Inf. Regt (Army); Commander, Fox Co., 2nd Btn., 35th Regt., 25th Inf. Div., Korea 1950-51 |
Hoskins, John |
Commander, 1st Platoon, How Co., 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Korea 1951, Hill 161. Also, Advisor & Liaison Officer,
KMC. |
Hubbard, George |
25th Infantry Div., 25th Medical Btn, Ambulance Co., 2nd platoon attached to the 27th Infantry Regiment (Army)
Korea 1951-52 |
Huebner, William |
3rd Infantry Division Training,
Information and Education Public Information Officer and
then U.S. Army correspondent reporting on 3rd Infantry
Division's operations during the Korean War |
Huffaker, Jake |
304th Signal Battalion Operations (Army) Korea 12/52-2/54 |
Jackson, Willis |
World War II & Korea veteran; Korea April 1951-May 1951; Platoon Leader, 3rd Platoon, Fox Co., 35th Inf. Rgt.,
25th Inf. Div.; recipient, Distinguished Service Cross for action on Hill 329; wounded; evacuated |
Janca, Richard A. |
W-2-7 (USMC), Korea September 1950-September 1951; Chosin Reservoir; WIA Sept 1950; Bronze Star |
Janes, Robert C. |
E-2-5 (USMC), machine gun squad, Korea 1951; chaplain's assistant Korea 1951-52 |
Jaska, Wesley Frank |
1st Provisional Marine Brigade, G-3-5 (USMC); wounded and evacuated 8/24/1950 |
Jaunal, Jack W. |
Veteran of 3 wars; Korea - radio operator, 51st & 4th Signal Btns. (Army), Sept. 1950-Dec. 4, 1951; wounded;
enlisted USMC 1952; TDY w/Operation Plumbomb (atomic tests); served in Vietnam |
Johnson, Corky |
Merchant marine, SS J.A. Moffat; U.S. Army Air Corps (USA); Marine Corps Reserves (USMCR); Korea, 1950, First
Marines; Inchon, Seoul, Chosin; U.S. Army Reserve; U.S. Navy (USN) |
Johnson, Dwight |
Korea May 1951-52; medic, 3rd Engineer Boat & Shore Regiment; later assigned to forward aid station with 17th
Regt., 7ID at Triangle Hill; wounded by white phosphorus; assigned to Battalion Aid; duty station in Germany after Korea |
Johnson, Wayne |
DMZ Veteran Remembers Operation Paul Bunyan (Army) |
Jones, Col. Robert E. |
WWII, 502nd Parachute Inf. Rgt; 1st Btn, 32nd Inf. Rgt., 7th ID (Army), Korea; took Don Faith's place at the
Chosin Reservoir; Distinguished Service Cross; Pentagon; Vietnam |
Kane, John |
C-1-7 (USMC) |
Keizer, Milton Lee |
G-3-1, Hill 902 (USMC) Korea 1951-52. Wounded. |
Kendall, Kenneth |
HQ & HQ Co., 3rd Div (Army) Korea 10/50-10/51. Wonsan to Hungnam. Transf. 703rd Ordn. |
Kilfoyle, Thomas |
24th Reconnaissance, 24th ID (Army) Korea July 4, 1950-June 1951 |
Kirk, Robert |
A Co., 160th Regt. (Army) Korea 10/52-8/53; BARman Heartbreak Ridge, Koji-do riot |
Klein, Reinhold |
USMC 1944-46; recalled as 2nd Lt. 1950. Korea 1951. Dog Company 7th Marines. Platoon leader,
1st Platoon. Then 60mm mortar section, 81's, and XO of 2nd Battalion's Weapons Company. |
KleKotta, Joe |
Motor Pool Sergeant, Co. B., 245th Heavy Tank Btn., 45th Infantry Division, Korea 1/53-8/53 |
Kohen, Roland J. "Rolly" |
Battalion Surgeon attached to 2nd Div., 23rd Regt, 2 Btn Medical Co. Korea 11/50-5/52 (also WWII 1941-46) (USN) |
Krivo, Ron M. |
F-2-5 (LARGE PDF file - slow) (USMC) Korea 17th Draft, BARman, Outpost Yoke, Wounded |
Larson, Jack F. |
D-2-7 (USMC), Korea 1950-51, Chosin, Pohang, wounded, evacuated. Navy Cross for action at Hongchon on 3/11/51. |
Lombard, Charles |
Medic (Army), 618 Medical Company and 30th Medical Company, Korea 1953-54 |
Loraine, Don |
F-2-7 (USMC) Med Cruise; football team; Korea 6/53-4/54; E. Berlin, Boulder City |
Luster, Herbert L. "Lefty" |
A-1-5 Brigade (USMC), 2nd platoon, 2nd squad, & 1st fire team BAR. Lost an arm in combat. Korea 1950.
MacLennan, Murdo |
Radio Operator, 7th Marine Regiment, ANGLICO (USMC), Korea 9/22/50-9/10/51 |
Malone, Maj. James F. |
2nd Division, Co. C, 2nd Engineer Combat Battalion (USA Ret.), Korea 1950-51; Kunu-ri; Silver Star |
Mann, David |
WWII (Zigzag Pass on Luzon, Mindoro, Mindanao, occupation of Japan), Korea 9/1/51-2/52, HQ Co., Assistant S-3,
15th Infantry Rgt., 3rd Inf. Div. (Army) |
Markley, Martin A. |
Platoon leader, 75mm recoilless rifle platoon, M Co, 3rd Bat., 15th Regt, 3rd Div (Army) Seriously wounded during
siege of Outpost Harry June 1953. |
Martin, Leonard |
1st Tank Btn., Tank Commander, F22. Flame Tank Platoon. Korea Nov. '50-Nov. '51 (USMC) |
Martin, Paul G. |
Recon Company (USMC), Korea 9/50-11/1951; Han River crossing, Chosin Reservoir, Hwachon Reservoir |
Mason, Maurice D. |
Company clerk, truck driver, guard, jack hammer operator (Army), 532nd Engr. Boat and Shore Rgt, 378th Const.
Engr Detach., 96th QM HQ Detach., 375th Port Guard Detach. (all at Inchon), and 8th Army HQ Command Seoul. Korea 1951-52 |
Matheney, Richard |
G-3-1, 11th Regt., D Bat. (USMC), Korea 1950-51, Inchon, Chosin, guerilla hunt, Operations Killer/Ripper.
Wounded 5x. |
Mathews, Russell |
68th AAA Gun Battalion & 76th AAA Self-Propelled Gun Battalion, Korea 1951-53 (Army) |
McGill, Frank |
45th Infantry Div., 179th Inf. Regt. (Army) Korea June 1952-December 1952 |
McMaster, George H. |
Machine gun platoon, Dog Co., 7th Regiment (USMC) Korea 9/21/50-12/10/50 Liberation of Seoul, wounded 2x at Chosin |
Merritt, Samuel H. |
Machine gun platoon, H Co, 2nd Btn., 223rd Rgt., 40th Div. (Army) Korea 1/22/52-5/3/52 |
Miles, Jack R. |
Fireteam leader, 3rd platoon, George Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, Korea 3/52 to 2/53; Bunker Hill and
other outposts |
Mol, William D. |
F-80 fighter pilot in Korea 1951. Also served as forward Air Controller with 65th Inf., 3ID. Silver
Star recipient. Korea/Vietnam War veteran. Retired as Colonel. |
Morneweck, Art |
40th Div., 185th Inf., Co. E, 1st Platoon, 1st Squad (Army) Korea 1945-46 |
Mossman, Dallas Sr. |
B Co., 38th Inf Regt, 2nd ID, Ex-Prisoner of War (Army) |
Neely, James |
987th AFAB (Army) The Story of Bull Run |
Nichols, Thurman |
HQ, 3rd Infantry Division Reconnaissance Co. (Army) Korea 1950-51. Wounded. Also involved in quelling
the Koje-do riot. |
Nightingale, Keith M. |
A Vietnam veteran's tribute to Korean War veteran, Olin "Bud/Short Round" Hardy, Love Co., 3rd Btn, 21 Inf. Rgt.,
24ID |
Njus, Michael |
Machine gun platoon, D Co., 1st Btn., 8th Regt., 1st Cav. (Army) Korea 9/16/50-8/28/51 |
Nussmeyer, Carl |
17th Inf. Rgt., 7th Div. (Army) Medic in rifle co., litter jeep driver at Btn Aid Station, Bronze Star w/V Pork
Chop, Koje-do |
Oleson, Glenn F. |
DMZ veteran, 2nd Infantry Div., 3rd Bn., 23rd Inf., "C" Company (Army), Korea 9/67-9/68 (MEMOIR SUSPENDED AT
Olson, Derold "Mick" |
F-2-7, Korea 1952, wounded July 1952 (USMC) |
Olson, Richard A. |
Brigade, Chosin, wounded twice, Korea 8/50-5/51 (USMC) |
Osborn, Norman R. |
GySgt (USMC) Retired, China Marine 1947; Korea 12/52-4/54, Division HQ & 11th Regt. HQ |
Oschwald, Donald Sr. |
304th Signal Operations Battalion (Army) Korea Nov. 1951-Jan. 1953 |
Othrow, James |
21 months (USAF) at Kadena AFB on Okinawa, ground crew for the B-29 The Lemon Drop Kid, 1951 to 1953,
28th Bomb Squadron |
Parchen, Jack |
G-3-1 (USMC) Korea 1952, Operation Clam-up, Commander, machine gun platoon, Hill 190-190.5, Bronco, Yoke.
Served in Vietnam War also. |
Park, Robert |
24th Division, 155mm Howitzer Battery, Explosives (Army) Korea 1951 |
Patterson, John "Pat" |
SCR 300 radio operator and rifleman, Co. L., 35th Inf. Regt., 25th Inf. Div. (Army), Korea Sept. 1950-Sept. 1951 |
Patton, Dale A. |
C Co., 3d Battalion, 23rd Inf Reg, 2nd Infantry Division, DMZ, Ambush on Mortar Hill, Summer of 1968; served
a 2nd tour in Korea at a missile site and was in Vietnam (Army) |
Pelley, Richard A. |
USMC 1952-54; Korea 6/53-9/54; wounded on OP Esther on July 24, 1953. Returned to Korea after recovery
until September 1954 |
Pezzella, P. Michael |
USMCR 1947-52; Korea 11/04/50-12/09/50; 2nd replacement draft, HQ Platoon, Item Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine
Regiment; Chosin; wounded. (USMC) |
Piercefield, Fremont "Monty" |
1BN, 32nd Inf. Rgt., 7th Infantry Division; Inchon Landing, Chosin Reservoir, Battlefield Commission |
Placko, Edward C. |
USMC, Korea 3/52-10/52; H-3-7; Hill 229 & other outposts; wounded & evacuated |
Powell, Rudy D. Sr. |
18th Fighter Bomber Group (USAF) Korea 1952-53 |
Powers, Bill |
503, 504, & 511 ABN Infantry (Army) Korean War era - did not serve in Korea |
Prest, Clifford |
Love Company, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, serving in Korea as a BAR man in 1951-52 |
Putnam, James H. |
2nd Btn, 7th Marines (USMC) machinegun section attach. to Dog Co., Korea 1952-53 |
Raven, Royce |
Memoirs and PHOTO ALBUMS of Royce Raven (Army) 865 AAA AW BN SP Korea 1952-53 |
Rendina, Pete |
1st Fire Team, 3rd squad, 1st platoon, C-1-7 (USMC) Korean 1952-53 |
Roberts, Joseph N. |
1st Plt., "C" Co., 17th Inf. Rgt., 7th Inf. Div., (Army) Korea 1952-53; Heartbreak, Pork Chop, Erie & Arsenal
Outpost, Jane Russell |
Robinson, Bobby J. |
1st Marine Air Wing, Kimpo K-14, 1951 (USMC) |
Rodriguez, Jesus Sr. |
29th RCT, Pusan Perimeter, Silver Star recipient |
Ross, John Carl |
45th Infantry Division (Army) Co. D,
medical aidman, Korea 1952-1953 |
Rosser, Ronald E. |
Forward observer, 2nd Inf. Div., Korea 1951-52 (Army) Medal of Honor recipient |
Rowell, Doyle |
Platoon corpsman, G-1-7, Korea 1951-52, wounded & evacuated from Punchbowl 1952 (USN) |
Sarno, Chris |
"You'll Be Soorree" Able Co, 1st Tank Battalion, Korea 1951-52, 2nd Tour in Korea 1954 (USMC) |
Scarlett, James W. |
60mm Mortars, B Co., 2nd Platoon, 9th Inf. Regt, 1st Bat., 2nd Inf Div. Korea 2/53-8-54 (Army) |
Schroeder, Glenn B. |
Corpsman, C Co., 1st Eng. Bat., 1st Marine Division, Korea 9/50-10/51 (Navy) |
Scott, Allen |
Medic, 629th Medical Clearing Co., Korean 1950-51 (Army) |
Scott, Charles |
1st Platoon, C Co., 35th Inf. Rgt., 25ID (Army), "An Account of a West Virginia Boy in the Korean War", 8/6/1950-8/10/1951 |
Secor, Harold |
Surgeon, 8055 MASH, Korea 1951-52 (Army) |
Selley, Harold |
Medical Company collecting station, 7th Cav Regt. Korea 1950-51 Pusan, Osan, Sinchang (Army) |
Selmyhr, Spike |
G-3-1 (USMC) Korea May 1951-March 1952, Hill 1052, Hill 1161, Wounded Sept. '51 |
Servais, Dean |
1st Tank Battalion, Dog Company, Pusan, Inchon, Chosin, Korea 1950-51 (USMC) |
Sigler, Neil |
1st platoon, 1st Engineer Battalion, construction, clearing mines, later cook shack, Korea 1951-52 (USMC) |
Silver, Dr. Morton I. |
US Army WWII; US Navy 1948; Regimental Dentist for 5th Regiment, USMC, at the Chosin Reservoir |
Slaney, Maurice R. "Bob" |
Service Co., 34th Inf Regt., 24th Inf Div., (Army) Korea 7/2/50-7/20/50, wounded at Taejon |
Smith, Arthur |
Machine gunner, Able Co., 224th Inf. Regt, 40th ID, Korea 1952-53 (Army) |
Smith, Billy R. |
728th Military Police Battalion, Korea 9/52-10/53 (Army) |
Smith, Dana |
Engineering officer & then Executive Officer, LST 1084 1952-54 (USN) |
Smitha, Frank |
Voice radio/telegraph, 1st Div, 1st Regt., 1st & 2nd Btn., E& F Co. (USMC) Korea 7/52-6/53 |
Sowders, Joe |
S-3 Operations Draftsman (Army), Korea 7/53-12/54 |
Spadafora, Alfred J. |
Medic, Service Battery, 955 FAB (Army), Korea 1/51-52, frostbite victim |
Sports, William D. |
Howe Co., 3rd Btn., 7th Regt. (USMC), Inchon, Chosin, wounded |
Stack, Austin "Ozzie" |
B-1-5 (USMC), Korea 1951, machine guns. Hwachon, Hill 313. Wounded 6/1/51. (COMING SOON) |
Stamper, Wayne |
C Battery, 955 FAB, Korea 1/51-7/51 (Army) |
Stanley, E.L. "Ike" |
H-3-7 Korea (USMC) 1951; wounded |
Stedman, William B. |
936 FAB (Army) Korea 12/51-2/53, Hill
355 and various outposts. Wounded in action. |
Stotts, Glenn E. |
1st Cavalry Division, 99th FAB, Korea
7/50-8/53 (POW for 33 months) (Army) |
Styles, Albert C. |
1/11 (USMC) Korea 1950-51, Brigade, Inchon, Chosin |
Swango, Lynn |
Clerk, Service Company, 45th Inf. Division, Korea 1953-54 (Army) |
Sydnam, Harold "Syd" |
B-1-5, 2nd Platoon, 2nd Squad, Fire team & Squad Leader (USMC), Korea 1951 |
Tolar, Bill |
A Battery, 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, 1st Provisional Marine Brigade. When he died on March 31, 2009, he left
a legacy to his family and the general public in the form of a short memoir that he wrote about events that occurred on August
10, 1950 while he was serving in a forward observer team. |
Tesheneck, Marian |
One of the original 121st Evacuation
Hospital nurses; landed in 11th wave after Marines in
Inchon; cared for Chosin survivors; Korean War duty for
two years |
Ueland, Kermit |
Army Air Corps, 2nd Communication Squadron, Kimpo Air Base; Pre-war Korea, 9/1946-8/1947 |
Veal, Samuel |
BARman, Love Company, 3rd Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Army, Korea January 1952 to December 1952 |
Venlos, William "Bill" |
S/Sgt in Able Company's Tank Battalion,
Brigade, Chosin (USMC) |
Vittitoe, C. Hagan |
World War II & Korea, 2nd platoon A-1-5 in Korea, Pusan, wounded & evacuated at Inchon (USMC) |
Vittitoe, James A. |
World War II & Korea, Service Squadron at Kimpo, later artillery spotter at Chosin, Marine Air Wing 1950-51 Korea
(USMC) |
Volpone, James |
5th Armored Division Army Band 2/48-2/50. Discharged from Army. Drafted 11/01/50. 38th Regt.,
2nd Inf. Div. Captured 2/12/51 at Hoengsong Massacre. POW until repatriated 8/21/53. |
Wagner, Richard |
Weapons Company, 81mm Mortars, 7th Marines, Korea August or September 1951-August or September 1952 (USMC) |
Walker, Emory |
Platoon Leader, 3rd Platoon, 15th Regt., 3rd Inf. Div., Korea 1/53-6/63, survivor Outpost Harry, Wounded (Army) |
Walker, Ray L. |
3rd platoon, A-1-5, Pusan Perimeter, Inchon, Chosin. Frostbite. Korea 8/50-12/50 (USMC) |
Webb, George F. |
Wire Communications (Army), 40th Division, 160th HQ Co. Korea 10/23/52-10/31/52. Lost foot in landmine
explosion. |
Williams, David M. |
BARman, C Co., 29th Inf. Regt. Korea 1950-51, Pusan Perimeter, Battle of the Notch, Pyongyang. Frostbite.
(Army) |
Windsor, Jack W. |
1st Armored Amphibian Battalion, B Co 2nd Platoon (USMC), 1951-52 |
Wong, Herb |
H&S, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, Scout & Observer Korea 1951-52 (USMC) |
Wood, Morton "Pete" Jr. |
1Lt Infantry Rifle Platoon Leader, Co. C, 5th Regt, 1st Cav. Div. (Army) Korea 9/51-10/51; wounded and evacuated |
Wright, Bill G. |
Company H, Service Company, Company A, 224th Infantry Regiment, 40th Infantry Division (Army) Korea 1951-52 |
Wright, Sidney Jack |
Airplane Mechanic, 8178th Transportation Army Aircraft Maintenance Company, Ascom City (Army) Korea 1956-57.
Assisted with the evacuation of casualties in the Globemaster crash, Han River, 2/22/1957. |
Ybarra,Tony |
Corpsman, USS Haven & USS Consolation 1951-53 (USN) |
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Veterans' Short Stories (Mini-Memoirs) - Index
Alaimo, Kim |
A child in Korea during the war "Triggered Memories" (COMING SOON) |
Bade, Harold E. |
Korea 1951-52 (Army) |
Begay, Marco Yazzie |
Korea August 24, 1950-October 4, 1951; C Company, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division; wounded; Silver
Star |
Blackburn, Don |
Able Co., 17th Inf. Rgt., 7th Div., Korea 1952-53 "Chinese Sniffing Dog" (COMING SOON) |
Bretz, Paul |
Air Corps (Army), 1947-50 |
Brown, Paul E. |
Stateside (Air Force), Tendell AFB |
Carlock, Terry |
Survivor, sinking of USS Magpie (USN) 1948-52 |
Chambers, S. Dave |
"Star of the Sea Orphanage", Chaplain (USN) attached to 2-1 Marines |
Chmura, Joanne |
Daughter of Cpl. George L. Swearingen, KIA 2/22/51 Korea "Thinking of You, Dad" |
Connor, Joseph H. |
Hospital Corpsman/Silver Star Recipient, Korea 1953 (USN) |
Cooper, Richard |
"Suffer the Little Children" 5th Air Force (AF) Wounded & returned to action |
Denton, Zachary |
DMZ Veteran (Army), 2008 |
Dey, Vic |
1st Ptn, A Co., 3rd Btn. (Australian), Korea 1952 "An Australian in Korea" |
Dillon, Bill |
3rd Inf. Div., Mike Co., 15th Regt. & 1st Cav Div., 5th Rgt., (Army) Korea 1952-53 |
Downs, Jesse D. |
Engineer, 171st Evacuation Hospital, Korea 1951-1952 |
Faris, Robert W. |
Small Arms Repairman, "B" Co., 707th Ordnance Btn, 7th Inf Div. (Army), Korea 1953 |
Gire, Edwin Jesse |
5017th Military Police (Army) Company Clerk, Stateside, Football team |
Graham, John |
Infantryman, Co. C, 17th Infantry, 7th Inf Div (Army); wounded in Korea February 1951. Evacuated. |
Griffin, Benjamin |
USMC, 1st Marine Air Wing, Marine Air Group 12, VFM 121 Fighter Bomber Squadron, Korean 1952 |
Harned, Jack |
USAF, 6160th Communication Squadron, Korea 1951, K-16 |
Henjum-Howard, Jerry |
C-1-7, wounded & evacuated from Korea in 1951 - A Son & Buddy's Tribute (USMC) |
Imparato, Frank |
KMAG (Army) Korea 1951-52 |
Jaffe, Richard E. |
Artillery Forward Observer, Battery B, 57th FAB, in support of 31st Inf. Regt., 7th Inf. Div., Pork Chop Hill,
Korea 1953. Evacuated from Korea due to hemorrhagic fever. |
Jaros, Floyd |
Corpsman, F-2-7, & Easy Med (USN) Korea 1951-52 |
Jaska, Wesley Frank |
1st Provisional Marine Brigade (USMC), Pusan Perimeter, G-3-5, wounded 8/24/50 and evacuated (COMING SOON) |
Johnson, Allen |
USS Randall (USN) Involved in boiler room explosion clean-up. Now has Mesothelioma. |
Larsen, Erik |
Task Force Zebra & Korean Revisit (Army) |
Lee, Hee Sung |
Freedom is not Free (Korean Army) |
Maloy, LTC Ted L. |
Sergeant, 45ID of Oklahoma National Guard (Army), Korea March 1951, 81mm forward observer |
Martinez, Guadalupe |
Liaison Officer, Colombian Infantry Headquarters (Army), Battle for Triangle Hill, October 1952 |
Mason, Paul |
The Atomic Test (Army) |
McGuffey, Leonard |
14th Tank Co., 25th Div. (Army) Gunner on Tank 34, Tank Commander |
Millholland, Arthur "Mac" |
Stars and Stripes Correspondent with the 7th Infantry Division, Korea 1951 |
Oppen, Gilbert "Jerry" |
Battery A, 24th AAA Battalion (Army) Korea 1952 "Why We Went to War in Korea" |
Pizzi, Herm |
H-3-7 (USMC) Korea 2/52-3/53, wounded 3 times, Carson, Reno, Bunker Hill, Detroit, Frisco, Hook |
Proffitt, Ralph L. "Red" |
HQ, 39th Engineer Construction Group (Army) Germany |
712th TROB |
Compilation of memoirs written by members of the 712th Transportation Railway Operating Battalion during World
War II and the Korean War (Army) |
Reinhart, Harold |
Forward Observer, Co. H, 35th Rgt., 25th Div., (Army), heavy weapons; Korea 1951-52 |
Sinclair, Fred Jr. |
Survey Sergeant, US Army Reserve, Counter-Mortar Radar Unit, 10 FAB 3rd Division October 1951-May 1952 |
Smith, Arthur |
Machine gunner, Able Co., 224th Inf. Regt, 40th ID, Korea 1952-53 (Army) |
Spencer, John Robert |
C Company, 2nd Inf Div, Korea 1952-53 (Army) |
Spring, Norman |
31 Inf. Regt, 7th Inf Div., Iron Triangle, Korea 1/53-83/53 (Army) |
Stemple, James |
Commander, 3rd rifle platoon, A-1-7, Chosin Reservoir (USMC) |
Szymciak, Edward M. |
Tootsie Roll Goes to Korea (USMC) |
Tate, Robert |
G-3, 7th Infantry Division, Chosin, Korea 1950-51 (Army) |
Wareing, R. Bruce |
Commonwealth Division, Armoured Regt. LDSH, Korea 1952 "Memories of Korea" |
Warner, Volney |
2nd Lt., "L" Company, 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division (Army), Korea August 1950-1951 |
Yancey, John |
7th Marines, Chosin Reservoir, 2 Navy Crosses (1 at Guadalcanal, 1 at Chosin) (USMC) |