We need your help to keep the KWE online. This website runs on outdated technology. We need to migrate this website to a modern platform, which also will be easier to navigate and maintain. If you value this resource and want to honor our veterans by keeping their stories online in the future, please donate now. For more information, click here.


Advertising on the Korean War Educator is easy and inexpensive. You can advertise an approved product, post a tribute to a fallen buddy, or direct viewers to your own website.

Here are some statistics:

  • Some 17,000 unique (first time) visitors stop by the Korean War Educator each month. There are generally 25,500+ repeat visitors each month.  Total hits in 2006 were 6,857,386.
  • The continents which visit the Korean War Educator are:
- North America  98%
- Europe .65%
- Oceania & Australia .28%
- Asia .18%
  • Countries which visit the Korean War Educator are:

United States, United Kingdom, South Korea, Canada, and Germany just to name a few.

If you are interested in posting an ad on the Korean War Educator (KWE) the cost is listed below. Please contact Lynnita if you have any questions and we will be more than happy to help.

All listings are based on a three month commitment unless otherwise noted:

  1. Veteran or family member - $15
  2. Non-Veteran - $30
  3. Commercial Veteran or Family Member - $60
  4. Commercial Non-Veteran - $120

Ads are subject to approval. The KWE reserves the right to edit content and refuse ads with or without explanation. Ads which conflict with or are not in agreement with the content of this web site will not be considered. Political advertisement is not permitted on the Korean War Educator.

Layout of the ad is subject to approval. Questions concerning layout or content should be referred to the webmaster.


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