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The General Store

Welcome to the General Store. Please feel free to browse the aisles and enjoy the selection. We are confident that the offerings on this page will grow as other materials are brought to our attention.

Please feel free to let us know if you have something that we can offer our visitors. If you have non-fiction, Korean War-related material to sell (books, videos, photographs, commemorative items, newsletter subscriptions, association memberships, etc.), you are welcome to post purchase information about it on the Korean War Educator’s General Store page. Send detailed information to Lynnita. There is no charge to list your Korean War-related material on the General Store page of the KWE.  A word of caution: Items listed on this web page are for reader information only, and not an endorsement by the Korean War Educator of products being sold.


Korean War: Fire and Ice set VHS Korean War: Fire and Ice Set

Half a century ago, American forces went toe-to-toe with a fanatic Chinese colossus fighting in its own backyard. The Korean War set all the rules for East/West superpower conflict in the nuclear age, and in so doing brought the world closer to all-out atomic war than has ever been told.

Click on image or title to get more information or to purchase the 4 tape video collection.


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