We need your help to keep the KWE online. This website runs on outdated technology. We need to migrate this website to a modern platform, which also will be easier to navigate and maintain. If you value this resource and want to honor our veterans by keeping their stories online in the future, please donate now. For more information, click here.

Membership Information

General Membership

Life Membership
The Korean War Educator is fast becoming the world's largest website devoted entirely to the subject of the Korean War and its veterans. The site is utilized by Korean War veterans and their families, the news media, students and scholars, government officials, educators, and the general public. You are invited to become a member so that you can have the satisfaction of knowing that you are part of this exciting, history-making (history-preserving!) website. The only criteria for becoming a member is that you believe in and support the Korean War Educator. Membership is open to veterans and non-veterans.

Your dues support this site!

One hundred percent of your dues goes toward the direct support of the Korean War Educator website. Imagine that! One hundred percent!! Dues money is spent on web work, office supplies, postage, cassette tapes to record veterans' interviews, Internet-related fees, reference material, and other expenses. The premier needs of the Korean War Educator are web hosting fees and monthly internet connection fees.  These two expenses will always take priority over the other needs of the Korean War Educator.

Your membership dollars never go toward salaries, utilities, rent, or other costs generally associated with a non-profit, because the Korean War Educator is operated out of the private home of Lynnita Brown, who provides these services at no charge (and not for a personal tax write-off). Each year the Korean War Educator completes a 990 tax form (although its income is too small to require actual its actual filing with the government.  The annual income and expenses of the Korean War Educator is posted on the website for public perusal. You can be confident that your dollars are spent with fiscal responsibility -- always and only expended directly on behalf of Korean War veterans and the Korean War Educator website.

The annual general membership fee is $10.00. A renewal notice is not sent.  General membership fees support the KWE's general operating fund.

Life Membership is a one time payment of $100. One half of the life membership fee of $100.00 goes into the Korean War Educator's Endowment Fund to perpetuate the KWE into the future.

Above-membership contributions are welcomed and needed. They are tax-deductible because the Korean War Educator is federally tax exempt under 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Checks should be made out to: Korean War Educator. The mailing address is: Korean War Educator, c/o Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953.  You can see who supports the Korean War Educator on its various membership/support pages.

This is a standing invitation to all to support our efforts to educate the world about the Korean War. The names of members are posted on our membership page as each new member signs on to help the Korean War Educator grow and remain online as a premier resource on the Korean War.

Membership contributions can be made in 2 ways:

Using PayPal is fast, easy and secure.


To make a Life Time Membership contribution using PayPal, click on the button to the left.


To make a General Membership contribution using PayPal, click on the button to the left.

If you wish not to use PayPal...

  • General Membership: $10 a year. Renewal annually.
  • Life Time Membership: $100 one time gift. $50 to general fund and $50 to the KWE endowment fund.

Your check should be made payable to:  Korean War Educator

Please mail to:  The Korean War Education Foundation

c/o Lynnita Jean Brown
111 E. Houghton Street
Tuscola, IL 61953,

Please click here if you have membership questions.


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