We need your help to keep the KWE online. This website runs on outdated technology. We need to migrate this website to a modern platform, which also will be easier to navigate and maintain. If you value this resource and want to honor our veterans by keeping their stories online in the future, please donate now. For more information, click here.

Circle of Friends

Financial Support

The Korean War Educator Foundation and its website exist through the contributions of website visitors as well as many others. The KWE's "circle of friends" contribute funds because they believe that one of the best ways to honor those who served and died in the Korean War is to educate the public about the war.  When Americans learn about Korea and the bloody war that raged there in 1950-53, perhaps they will more fully understand that money cannot buy the price of freedom. Our veterans—the men and women who endure, suffer, and die in the misery of war--pay the high cost for our liberty.

You are invited to join the Korean War Educator’s circle of friends.  There are all sorts of ways to financially support the Korean War Educator.  There are five categories of giving in addition to membership dues.  Donations to three of them are cumulative, so some givers will eventually move from one category into a higher one.  Money given to the Bronze, Silver, or Gold categories goes into the KWE's general operating fund unless otherwise specified.

In addition to these levels of giving, general memberships and life memberships in the KWE are available.  All of the $10 fee for a general membership and one half of the $100 fee for a life membership goes into the Korean War Educator's general operating fund.  Money in this fund pays for the following: Lynnita's monthly internet connection, ink for Lynnita's printer (HP Photosmart C3150 All-in-One Printer-Scanner-Copier using HP Inkjet print cartridges #92 & #93), occasionally portions of Lynnita's telephone bill, filing of annual reports with the Secretary of State in Illinois, some webmaster expenses to Jim Doppelhammer, and miscellaneous small expenses.  No salary money is expended.  Lynnita does not get paid salary money for her KWE work.  Jim doesn't get much money either.  The KWE is too financially strapped to do much of anything except hang on by a shoestring.  (At any given time there is usually less than $500 in the KWE's bank account, and the average balance is more realistically about $200--if we're lucky.)  There are no "perks" for being a member of the KWE.  There is no online newsletter.  There is no printed magazine.  There are no elections.  There are no reunions.  There are no membership renewal notices.  There is one person only at the helm of the KWE and that is Lynnita Brown (see About Lynnita Brown).  Two other trustees are available to give her advice as needed.  People give money to the Korean War Educator for one reason only:  Because they believe in its mission to educate the public about the Korean War, to obtain the memoirs of Korean War veterans, and to honor Korean War veterans--and they want to help out financially to make those things happen via the KWE.

The Korean War Educator has three important bank accounts set aside to hold cash donations.  One is for web hosting fees, another is for the KWE's Endowment Fund, and the third is for the legal defense of the Korean War Educator.  It costs $100 per year to pay web hosting fees to iPowerWeb based in California.  In order to meet this cost, the KWE established a Web Hosting Fund (savings account) at 1st Mid-Illinois Bank (a half block from Lynnita's home) in Tuscola, Illinois.  Each year, $100 is withdrawn from the account to pay the web hosting fees.  Members of the public are invited to help increase the money available in this fund because this account virtually keeps the KWE online.

The Endowment Fund (savings account) was also established at 1st Mid-Illinois Bank to secure the future of the Korean War Educator after the death or incapacitation of its founder, Lynnita Brown.  Should the funds in the Web Hosting account be completely used up after Lynnita's demise, the Endowment Fund money is to be accessed to keep the KWE going for as long as possible.  Again, it is important to note that this fund will not be accessed until after Lynnita's death or incapacitation, and then only to pay the following expenses: web hosting fees, annual registration fee in the State of Illinois, KWE domain registration, and other minor costs associated with keeping the website online.  The total in this account as of October 24, 2007 was $2,189.44--enough to keep the KWE going for well over a decade.  More funds are needed in this account to ensure the future of the Korean War Educator.

The Legal Defense Fund was established after the KWE received a veiled threat about a lawsuit.  Although the caller's demands were frivolous at best and a lawsuit never materialized, it made us realize that the Korean War Educator needs to set aside funds to protect the website from off-the-wall complainers.  The Legal Defense Fund was established to meet this end.

It should be noted that members of the Korean War Educator may request verbal or printed information with regards to the financial records of the current fiscal year.  A response will be immediately forthcoming because Lynnita firmly believes that the records of a non-profit should be open and readily accessible to those members who care enough to support it with dues and donations.  Due to the meager finances of the KWE, if printed information is sought, the requester must pay Xeroxing/mailing costs.  The KWE's annual income/expenses for previous fiscal years can be found on About Us.

To view those who have donated memorial gifts and given to the three categories of giving, click on the "links" section below.  Join us in saluting those who have given to support this effort.

Memorial Gifts
Gold Circle of Friends
Silver Circle of Friends
Bronze Circle of Friends
Web Hosting Sponsors
Legal Defense Fund

Please give generously to support the Korean War Educator
and to thank the veterans of the Korean War.

If you would like to make a contribution through PayPal you may do so by clicking on the "Make a Donation" button at the left. If you prefer to send a check or money order, please send to the address listed below. We appreciate any gift no matter the size.

c/o Lynnita Jean Brown
111 E. Houghton Street
Tuscola, IL 61953


Your donation helps to
keep this web site FREE.

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