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If you have information about a Korean War Memorial in this state, please e-mail Lynnita.


Portland - Williamette National Cemetery

On June 22, 1996, the Oregon Korean War Veteran's Memorial was dedicated. It is located in S.E. Portland at the Williamette National Cemetery on the N.E face of the hill. It is dedicated to the Oregon Veterans who participated in the Korean War. It has the names of 290 fallen soldiers who gave their lives for God and Country inscribed in it.

(Click the picture for a larger view)


A memorial to veterans who served in the Korean War was dedicated on July 16, 1999 in Salem, Oregon. The memorial is located at the North end of the State Veterans Building, 700 Summer NE



(Click the picture for a larger view)



The Korean War Veterans Association, Oregon Trail Chapter, dedicated its Memorial on September 30th, 2000, in the New City Town Center Park, Wilsonville, Oregon. It is under 10 miles South of Portland, Or. on Interstate 5.

(Click the picture for a larger view)

The following is a physical description of the Memorial setting:

The memorial centerpiece is a 94 feet long Wall of Honor constructed of carnelian granite.

  1. It contains the names of the 298 Oregon servicemen filled in the Korean War.
  2. A 14-feet wide brick terrace made from bricks containing hundreds of names of memorial donors runs the length of the wall of honor. Flags of the United State, MIA/POW flag, Republic of Korea, United Nations and State of Oregon are flown from 30' poles placed within the brick terrace.
  3. Three ribbons of concrete, three feet wide, containing battle markers, parallel the "Wall of Honor" at 30-feet intervals. Each concrete ribbon depicts a major battle line defending a crucial turning point in the war.
  4. Four donor benches, 8-feet in length, placed adjacent to a five-feet wide walkway. Wall and bench lighting and landscaping complete the major components of the memorial.
  5. This memorial occupies a 15,625 sq. ft. area including setbacks and buffer areas.

The cost of the memorial was $400,000.00 when completed.

Any questions please contact Don Cohen at dnldcoh@aol.com .


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