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Korean War Memorials-In-Progress

Florida -
New Riverfront Park, Cocoa, FL

Emory L. Bennett Statue

The Emory L. Bennett Foundation was incorporated by the State of Florida on September 25, 2002, by the classmates of Cocoa High School, friends, and relatives for the purpose of placing a statue of Emory, along with a memorial base honoring him and all other veterans, in the New Riverfront Park in Cocoa, FL. Unanimous approval for the statue was given by the City of Cocoa. The Emory L. Bennett Foundation was designated as a non-profit by the IRS on May 1, 2003.

After a two-year search, the Foundation found a qualified sculptor to create a life-size bronze memorial. The statue will stand over six feet tall and weigh approximately 350 pounds. The sculptor will deliver the likeness and mount it in the park. The actual cost of this will be $48,000.00. We must have the entire sum in our treasury before we contract with the sculptor. Payment will be made as work progresses. The final payment will be made when the statue is delivered to the New River Front Park in Cocoa. The location is just one block from Emory Bennett's former home. The statue's completion is our number one goal. It will honor all veterans of the United States.

Emory L. Bennett Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 560803, Rockledge, FL 32956-0803

Emory L. Bennett Foundation, Inc.
c/o Indian River National Bank, 3300 Murrell Road, Rockledge, FL 32955.
E-mail emorylbennett@bellsouth.net.
Website: http://www.emorylbennettfoundation.org.

About Emory Bennett

PFC Emory L. Bennett earned his diploma from Cocoa High School in 1948. He was killed on Hill 717 in the Iron Triangle near Sobangsan, Korea on June 24, 1951. President Harry Truman posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor to Emory on December 3, 1951. The citation reads as follows:

Private First Class Emory L. Bennett, United States Army, a member of Company B, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in action against an armed enemy of the United Nations on 24 June 1951 near Sobangsan, Kroea. At approximately 0200 hours, two enemy battalions swarmed up the ridge line in a ferocious banzai charge in an attempt to dislodge Private Bennett's company from its defensive position. Meeting the challenge, the gallant defenders delivered destructive retaliation, but the enemy pressed the assault with fanatical determination and the integrity of the perimeter was imperiled. Fully aware of the odds against him, Private Bennett unhesitatingly left his foxhole, moved through withering fire, stood with full view of the enemy, and, employing his assault rifle, poured crippling fire into the ranks of the onrushing assailants, inflicting numerous casualties. Although wounded, Private Bennett gallantly maintained his one-man defense and the attack was momentarily halted. During this lull in the battle, the company regrouped for counterattack, but the numerically superior foe soon infiltrated into the position. Upon orders to move back, Private Bennett voluntarily remained to provide covering fire for the withdrawing elements and defying the enemy, continued to sweep the charging foe with devastating fire until mortally wounded. His willing self-sacrifice and intrepid actions saved the position from being overrun and enabled the company to effect an orderly withdrawal. Private Bennett's unflinching courage and consummate devotion to duty reflect lasting glory on himself and the military service.


Memorials by State...

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