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If you have information about a Korean War Memorial in this state, please e-mail Lynnita.


Photo courtesy of John Dowd, KWVA of Massachusetts.
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Memorial located at Boston National Historic Park, Shipyard Park, Charlestown Navy Yard, Charlestown, MA. Dedicated July 28, 1993.

The centerpiece of the memorial is a 9 foot bronze statue of a U.S. Infantryman in winter combat gear standing on an 18-inch high piece of Korean granite donated by the Korean government. The granite piece has been inscribed with the names of the seven Medal of Honor recipients from Massachusetts.

The soldier is looking at the listings of major battles and stands guard over the "honor roll" of our KIA's and MIA's. The outside perimeter has a "Memorial Brick Walkway" beginning at the entrance and proceeding up to and around the memorial to the ceremonial plaza. There, four flagpoles display the flags of the United States, Korea, United Nations and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Meditation benches are positioned around the memorial. An audio system integrated into the memorial plays taped narratives relating to the Korean War.

Fact Sheet

  • Shape: Hexagonal
  • Diameter: 44 feet
  • Height: 14 feet overall (five 2-foot high lintels on six 12-foot high columns)
  • Composition: Gray (Barre, Vermont) Granite


  • Center Interior Lintel: Massachusetts Korean War Veterans Memorial
  • Other Interior Lintels: Major Battles of the Korean War
  • Exterior Faces of Lintels: Great Seal of Commonwealth of MA; Great Seal of U.S. of America
  • Interior Faces of Columns: Names of KIA/MIA on Bronze Plaques

Hyannis, MA

(Click picture for a larger view)

KWVA Cape Cod & Islands Chapter 1 Memorial
Veterans Park, Ocean Street

Photo courtesy Don Duquette.

Don also wrote: "Maybe you could use these two newspaper stories (or any part of them) to go along with the picture of our memorial that I sent yesterday."

Local soldier in famous photo missing after action

May 07, 2000 - by Tony Nauroth, The Express-Times

Lehigh Valley veteran John J. Allen is to be immortalized in bronze on June 25. That's when a Cape Cod, Mass., veterans group will dedicate a statue modeled from a famous photograph of Allen shot near Suwon, Korea, in 1951.

The only thing that might be missing at the June ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of "America's forgotten victory" is Allen himself. Despite a search through a thicket of people with the last name of Allen gleaned from Lehigh Valley telephone books, Internet searches, and contacts with local veterans organizations, little information on the man or his relatives, has been found.  Several potential contacts actually named John J. Allen have denied any connection to the Korean vet.

Stan Jones, a member of the Korean War Veterans Association of Cape Cod & Islands Chapter I, said he has exhausted his resources. He turned to The Express-Times several months ago for help.  "We would like very much for Mr. Allen, or his surviving relatives, to attend the unveiling," Jones said. 

It seems Allen has dropped off the face of the Earth.  The photographer who snapped the famous photo last saw Allen on a railroad platform somewhere in a small town in California at a newsstand where they both peered at a magazine cover featuring Don Duquette's photo.

"It was a coincidence," former Army combat photographer Duquette, now of Massachusetts, said last week.  Both men were on their way home from the war. That was the second and last time they saw each other, although Duquette said he did write to Allen once afterward.  "But it turned out we had little in common," Duquette said.  Asked if he still had Allen's address, Duquette said, "I did have it in an old address book, but I threw it out a long time ago ... I wish I

Duquette said his photo was on the cover of "Look" or "See" magazine. It also appeared in several books on the Korean War, such as "In Mortal Combat -- Korea, 1950-1953," by John Tolland.  "I wish I was collecting royalties," Duquette said.

The photo remains an icon of the spirit demonstrated by the infantryman in Korea. With rifle at the ready and bayonet fixed, the heavily shadowed Allen climbs a scrubby Korean hillside. He seems to be saying, "Follow me, boys!"  It has been compared to the much more famous photo of Marines raising the American flag at the peak of Mount Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima near the end of World War II.

In February and March 1951, the U.S. Eighth Army was recovering from the Chinese onslaught that had driven United Nations forces from the Yalu River down to the midpoint of the Korean peninsula. Duquette took the photo near the town of Suwon.  Duquette said he was assigned by the Army to document the actions of the 25th Infantry "Tropic Lightning" Division, which included Allen's unit, the 35th Infantry Regiment.  "My job was to go anywhere in the division to take photos," Duquette said. "I don't remember too many specifics of the photo. I talked with him for maybe a half hour."

Duquette says Allen came from Allentown and would be between 68 and 70 years old now. A check with William Allen High School yearbooks from 1945 to 1952 -- the time frame when Allen is likely to have graduated --reveals that no one by that name was in any of the senior classes at the city's only public high school at the time.  He could have graduated from a parochial school, from another school somewhere else in the Lehigh Valley, or perhaps he did not graduate at all.

The mystery of the whereabouts of Allen or of his surviving family members comes at a time when Lehigh and Northampton county officials are searching for additional yet-to-be-identified Korean War veterans so they may be honored locally. On Friday, veterans and government officials kicked off the search near the women's Korean War memorial in front of the Lehigh County Courthouse.  John J. Allen is only one among the missing.

The 8-foot-tall bronze statue will rest atop a 3-foot tall pedestal next to the memorial to John F. Kennedy overlooking Hyannis Harbor. Sculptor Robert Shure, whose work includes the Irish Famine in Boston, is casting the statue.


No longer missing in discharge

John Allen, whose photo is a model for a Korean War memorial, died in 1985.

By Tony Nauroth
The Express-Times

They called him "Jack" back where he went to high school in Frackville, Pa., about 50 miles northeast of Allentown.  John J. Allen, whose famous photo is being used as a model for the Massachusetts Korean War memorial, was tracked down Tuesday to the Pennsylvania coal region in Schuylkill County where those who knew him say he was a nice guy.  But his final destination is most likely under a plot of ground in Lantana, near Palm Beach, Fla.  According to a Palm Beach Post obituary, Allen died Jan. 6, 1985. He was 58.

Elsie McHale of Kintnersville read of the search for Allen in a story Monday in The Express-Times. She read of the Cape Cod memorial organizers' unsuccessful efforts to find Allen in Allentown, where he was believed to have grown up.  McHale knew better as soon as she saw the photo accompanying the story.

"That's Jack," she said. "He's not from Allentown. He's from Frackville."  McHale remembers her mother shopping for stockings at Allen's mother's hosiery shop not far from where the Allen family lived at 9 Frack St.  "I remember passing their house as a child and seeing them sitting on their porch all the time," she said.  McHale e-mailed The Express-Times to steer the search in the right direction. She included the name of Roy Mengel, who is in charge of annual high school alumni reunions.

"I graduated in 1950," Mengel said Tuesday. "Jack graduated in 1946. I didn't know him that well, but I remember him as a real nice boy."  Frackville historian Lorraine Stanton is the author of two books on Frackville history and included chapters about Allen in both of them.  "We all called him Jack," said Stanton, who was one year behind Allen in high school.

When contacted by phone Tuesday, she flew to her Allen files, pulled out a "New York Times Magazine" article that was published in 1951, and insisted on reading from it. She said the photo was used with the story.  The article said Allen was climbing a ridge near the present-day border
between North and South Korea when Don Duquette of Massachusetts, assigned as an Army combat photographer to cover the 25th Infantry "Tropic Lightning" Division, took the picture.  The dramatic photo, compared in its power to the raising of the American flag on Iwo Jima in World War II, is actually named "The 38th Parallel," according to the article.

Allen was awarded the Bronze Star for heroism May 20, 1951.  He was an only child and he never married.  Allen attended the Neighborhood Playhouse School of Theater under the GI Bill and moved to New York City where he performed with the Lighthouse Theater for the Blind, according to his obituary.  He appeared in several productions including, "Picnic," "The Glass Menagerie" and "Brigadoon."

Stanton's books, "Images of America: Frackville Book I" and "Book II" feature the photo.  "I wanted to honor him because of the famous photo," Stanton said, "and because he was from Frackville. We only have 4,000 people. I'm really excited about it."  Asked if she ever dated Allen, Stanton said, "Oh no, he was older. It just wasn't done but he was a great dancer."

Stan Jones is spearheading the June 25 dedication of the 8-foot bronze statue that will be placed next to the Kennedy Memorial in Hyannis looking out over Cape Cod Bay. Jones is a member of the Korean War Veterans Association of Cape Cod & Islands Chapter I.  "The picture was chosen because of the dramatic action it portrays, and Don (Duquette) was a local guy who took the picture," Jones said Tuesday. "Basically it was nameless, and the statue is dedicated to the missing and killed in action, so we wouldn't want to individualize it. But it does make it more special now that we know what happened to him."

Despite the purposeful anonymity of the memorial, Jones originally wanted to find either Allen or a relative to attend as guests of honor. He now realizes chances of that are slim.  With Allen dead, and with no siblings or offspring to represent him, only distant relations might still be found.  So far, none has turned up.  But Jones opened the door to anyone who might want to represent Frackville at the dedication.

Marshfield, MA

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Rusty Tramonte, a life member of the KWVA, is the person responsible for forming the Cpl Alfred Lopes/Lt. Ronald Ferris Chapter #34 of the KWVA, and getting the memorial installed. Photo sent courtesy of Dick Lariviere.

It stands Next to the town hall and we are very proud of it. Mark Erickson was added later as he died in Korea in the ("90's) We now have a committee formed to honor all; Korean War Veterans that left from Marshfield to have there own Honor Roll. As Commander I am on that committee.

North Attleboro, MA

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[Photographs and information provided to the KWE by Alfred Achin and Raymond E. King, North Attleboro.]

After years of planning, a Korean War Memorial was officially dedicated in North Attleboro, MA on June 15, 1996.  In day-long ceremonies attended by local Korean War and Vietnam veterans and thousands of city residents, the memorial was dedicated at Veterans Park, alongside the previously dedicated Vietnam Memorial.  Appropriately, Veterans Park is located in the center of this busy Massachusetts community, located 30 miles southwest of Boston.

The original idea for the memorial began with Jim Bound, a long-time resident and retired Navy veteran of Korea and Vietnam.  The design was provided by Mosquito Fred Holmes with a major contribution by his son, Fred J.

Local Korean and Vietnam veterans assisted with preparation and landscaping for the project which was built entirely with private individual contributions and donations from small businesses.

Facts from various media sources:
  • The monument was constructed by New England Stone, Inc., of North Smithfield.
  • It consists of a concrete gate and a separate granite stone with plaques bearing the names of about 450 veterans in North Attleboro who served during the era of the Korean War.
  • The memorial also includes the names of seven local men who lost their lives in Korea.  They were: John Westcott, Edmund Nichols, Robert Hill, Vernon Darrah, Richard King, Raymond Tatro, and William Thorpe.  Their average age was 23.
  • The 13x13 foot granite arch was designed after the gates that lead into the cities of Korea.  The gate leads into a memorial area.
  • It is located in Burrows Park, directly beside the Vietnam War Memorial on South Washington Street.
  • Over 1,000 people donated time and energy to make the memorial happen.
  • The cost of the monument was $20,000.
  • The planning committee of veterans included: Tony Achin, Fred Glover, Fred Holmes, Ray King, Frank Ouellette, Joseph Clougherty, Paul Belham, Earl Foss, Roger Fleming, Alex Midon, Carol Scanlon, and James Bound.
In Memoriam - Korean War Veterans of North Attleborough
  • Vernon J. Darrah - Born November 10, 1921 in North Attleboro, MA.  Entered the service April 28, 1942.  Died March 28, 1952.
  • Robert H. Hill - Born March 24, 1928 in North Attleboro, MA.  Entered the service October 25, 1940.  Killed in action March 22, 1952.
  • Richard B. King - Born October 12, 1928 in North Attleboro, MA.  Entered the service August 3, 1948.  Died July 3, 1950.
  • Edmund H. Nichols - Born August 17, 1920 in Dracut, MA.  Entered the service February 7, 1939.  Died August 11, 1950.  Killed in action.
  • Raymond A. Tatro - Born January 30, 1930 in Attleboro, MA.  Entered the service February 2, 1947.  Died March 19, 1953.
  • William Thorpe - Born January 22, 1932 in Pawtucket, RI.  Entered the service March 8, 1951.  Died October 16, 1952.
  • John C. Westcott - Born August 6, 1928 in Attleboro, MA.  Entered the service January 17, 1949.  Died December 2, 1950.  Killed in action.

South Boston, MA - Castle Island (Ft. Independence)

Digital photos courtesy Paul Nally

(Click a picture for a larger view)

Swampscott, MA

Honor Roll in Swampscott, MA  (Click picture for a larger view)
This memorial was sent in by Judy Miller Hoff of Lebanon Church, VA.  Her father is listed on this Honor Roll:

John W. Miller, 1st Lt. US Air Force, navigator of a RB-26C Invader bomber with the 12th Tactical Recon. Squad, 67th Tactical Recon Wing. He was killed on October 8, 1951 in a crash landing at Suwon.

All those who served from there in the Korean War are listed, with the casualties starred.

I am also trying to locate anyone still living who may have served with him.  John W. Miller, 1st Lt. US Air Force, navigator of a RB-26C Invader bomber with the 12th Tactical Recon. Squad, 67th Tactical Recon Wing. He was killed on October 8, 1951 in a crash landing at Suwon.

If there is anything available on your site to assist me in my search, I'd be most appreciative!

Judy Miller Hoff
173 Mile Ridge Estates
Lebanon Church VA 22641

Weymouth, MA

The park where this memorial is located is at the intersection of Commercial and Broad Streets in East Weymouth, Massachusetts.


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