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If you have information about a Korean War Memorial in this state, please e-mail Lynnita.



(Click picture for larger view)


The Memorial Statuary is composed of five larger than life figures.

A Nurse leads the group, because without the dedication, compassion, and bravery of the Medics, many would not have returned. Following the Nurse are Army and Marine infantrymen, because the Infantry bears the brunt of battle.

Then comes an Air Force Pilot and a Sailor, without whose support the battle would have soon been lost. The statues face east, because Korea is in the Far East, and in memory of all who lost their lives and are still missing in action. All five figures are touching, touching in a brotherhood that comes of battle. There are no weapons on the Memorial - this is to confirm the veterans' wish for peace. The five figures stand in memory of all veterans who serve our State.

Chauncey J. Dunday, President Emeritus, KWVMAW


(Click a picture for a larger view)


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