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If you have information about a Korean War Memorial in this state, please e-mail Lynnita.


The pictures on this page depict the Korean War Memorial that was erected in Evansville, Indiana. The monument, dedicated August 29, 1992, is located downtown in a beautiful riverfront park. Sunset Park overlooks the beautiful Ohio River, a fitting place for this memorial.

Fund raising efforts were spearheaded by veterans of the local Marine Reserve Unit which served with the 1st Marine Division in Korea. The money to build the monument came mostly from the citizens of Evansville and the surrounding area.

The memorial was dedicated August 29, 1992, and was renovated in 2001 with the Riverfront Beautification Project. The renovation included a stairway and a wheelchair accessible ramp. Memorial funding was raised by "C" Company 16th infantry battalion U.S.M.C.R. INC. Evansville, Indiana.
Photo by Dave Kissel

In the background of the above picture are four columns which were erected near the Korean War Memorial. This monument, dedicated to the United States of America, has been honorably called The Four Freedoms Monument. Upon closer examination of the four columns one will see smaller monuments to each state placed in a circle around the columns displaying each state seal.

Robert Tate, contributor to the content of this page states, "Ironically, [the monument] columns were salvaged and stored for many years; they came from a main building downtown that served as the USO during WW II. I thought it was quite appropriate to place the Korean War Memorial in the shadow of The Four Freedoms Monument…" to commemorate this country’s sons and daughters who lost their lives defending our freedom in Korea.

Robert goes on to state, "I can remember as a boy going downtown to the USO building and shining shoes for the many soldiers that visited this city during WW II. [Many of the soldiers were] from Camp Breckenridge, Fort Knox, and Fort Campbell all located in Kentucky.

This Memorial serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by so many. In addition to adding beauty to the park, for those people who stroll down the Plaza or visit the park, the Korean War is no longer "The Forgotten War".



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