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The Korean War-Educator's

(News about the Korean War Veterans Association, Inc.)

Disclaimer:  KWVA News is not a product of, or endorsed by, the Korean War Veterans Association, Inc.


The purpose of this page of the Korean War Educator is to inform the public about news associated with the Korean War Veterans Association—one of the nation’s largest organizations entirely devoted to the veterans of the Korean War and Korea Service. The KWVA has more than 275 chapters in states throughout the USA. The chapters are the glue that holds the KWVA together (see heading "KWVA Accomplishments")

Primarily, this page focuses on the organization’s leadership, organization, and administration at the national level during the three-term (two years per term) presidency of Harley Coon of Beavercreek, Ohio. It also discusses the relationship of the KWVA officers, board of directors, and other officials at the national level with respect to the chapters at the local level, and with the general membership.

At the present time, the exact location of the national headquarters is unknown. For a time it operated out of an industrial building owned by Harley J. Coon in Beavercreek, Ohio. When he sold the building, the KWVA operated out of a post office box in Beavercreek. The address listed for "National KWVA Headquarters" in the most current issue of the organization's magazine is said to be the home of the current illegal KWVA president, Harley Coon. Administration is scattered among the president and officers residing at different locations across the country. Mailing address for membership is: KWVA, P. O. Box 10806, Arlington, VA 22210. During the Coon administration, the distribution of a list of chapter locations and contacts was not permitted. Nevertheless, chapter locations can now be found on the Korean War Educator [See heading "Chapter Information."]

The National KWVA, which is reported by Harley Coon to have a current membership count of over 16,000 active (dues-paid) members, has accomplished many objectives in its 18 years of existence. For instance, its chapters played a role in the fund-raising and promotional efforts to build the Korean War Memorial in Washington, DC. It stages annual reunions. It maintains a website. It has a bi-monthly publication that is a valuable source of information about issues affecting Korean War veterans, reunion details, chapter news, and more. In addition, the individual KWVA chapters actively help veterans within their communities and promote a "Tell America" educational program within the local school systems. [See heading "KWVA Accomplishments".]

To the casual observer, the KWVA might appear to be a well-oiled and well-run organization. But inside the organization, there has been continuing dissension and turmoil among the membership over the last six years (the years of Harley Coon’s presidency). For instance, some members who disagree with the current president and board policies have been arbitrarily and illegally removed, or threatened with removal, from the membership rolls. Some members question what they feel to be unnecessary, unwarranted, or exorbitant expenditures of funds. Business is conducted and executed in meetings with no quorum present. Passed motions have been ignored by the president.

The organization's national magazine is highly censored, and the advertising contracts of non-Coon supporters have been broken. Their advertisements were pulled from the magazine, and funds were not returned to at least one of the advertisers. There is also controversy over a falsified photograph of the KWVA national headquarters that was published in the national newsletter, as well as a high budget for funding and operation of a headquarters that the magazine claimed was "donated space." Columns of the magazine are also repeatedly used for one-sided electioneering for Harley Coon's friends.

Another extremely significant controversy deals with KWVA bylaws that were changed in 2001 (illegally, according to the KWVA judge advocate) to allow a third- and fourth-term presidency, heretofore forbidden in the original bylaws. As a result of the bylaws manipulation, Harley Coon is serving as the illegal, third-term board president.

Please note that this page of the Korean War Educator is not solely a sounding board for complaints about the Korean War Veterans Association, nor is it intended to be a propaganda page to expound unduly on the KWVA’s virtues. Instead, it is meant to be an informative resource for Korean War veterans who want to make their own decisions regarding the worthiness, honesty, and integrity of the leadership of the Korean War Veterans Association. No where else in the world can our readers find a better collective resource for the topics and issues that have affected the KWVA (past and present) than can be found on KWVA News, Korean War Educator.

This page was created by Lynnita Jean Brown lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org, with information supplied to the Korean War Educator by members of the Korean War Veterans Association. There is a standing invitation to readers of this page that if they discover any errors in the information on KWVA News, they are welcome to provide supporting documentation that disproves anything stated. The KWE will rectify any errors inadvertently made on KWVA News. Send your documentation to: Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953.


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