Santa Clara Resolution - 2002
At its General Membership meeting held on February 9, 2002, the members of Santa Clara County Chapter #6,
San Jose, California, passed by unanimous vote a Resolution entitled, "Proposed KWVA Restructure
Resolution." The Resolutions Committee of the national KWVA (Ted Trousdale, chairman; Don Byers,
co-chairman) referred it to the KWVA Bylaws Committee.
February 9, 2002
"WHEREAS, The Korean
War Veterans Association, Inc. (KWVA) may establish effective communication links between the National
Headquarters and all regional state departments, chapters and membership at large; and
Executive Council will provide a more open forum to the general membership via Directorates, enabling
interests and grievances be heard at Executive Council meetings, as accorded by the bylaws; and
may promote a more effective means to increase chapter formations, departments and general membership,
especially within those regions having states lacking chapters and small membership; and
will take the annual National reunion to the veterans in each of the four regions, on a rotation bases, to
promote during the twenty-first century the Tell America Programs; now, therefore, be it
Santa Clara County Chapter #6 - San Jose, California of the Korean War Veterans Association, Inc., in a
general membership meeting on February 9, 2002, That the Korean War Veterans Association, Inc. shall sponsor
and support the establishment of four Regional Directorates,
Resolved That
regional designations east of the Mississippi River shall be: East Region I with fourteen states and
District of Columbia representing 1,267,000 resident Korean War veterans and the Mid East Region II with
twelve states representing 1,433,000 resident Korean War veterans,
Resolved That
regional designations west of the Mississippi River shall Be: Mid West Region III with eleven states and two
territories representing 785,000 resident Korean War veterans (excluding the two territories) and West
Region IV with eleven states plus Alaska, Hawaii and one territory representing 967,000 resident Korean War
veterans (excluding the one territory),
Resolved That
a resident Director, elected by the chapters within the region for a two-year term in accordance with the
National KWVA bylaws (with a two-term consecutive limit), will represent the region at the Executive
Council, and the resident Directors shall not hold any KWVA elective office at the State or chapter levels
during their term of office."
NOTE: Resident Korean
War veterans are by VA estimates. The National KWVA bylaws may require amending due to the above
restructuring of organization. Refer to the enclosures titled: Korean War Veterans Association Regions
and Four Regions State Map.
Korean War Veterans
Association Regions:
I - EAST |
Maine |
Wisconsin |
North Dakota |
Alaska |
New Hampshire |
Michigan |
South Dakota |
Washington |
Vermont |
Illinois |
Minnesota |
Oregon |
New York |
Indiana |
Iowa |
Idaho |
Pennsylvania |
Ohio |
Nebraska |
Montana |
Massachusetts |
West Virginia |
Kansas |
Wyoming |
Rhode Island |
Kentucky |
Missouri |
Colorado |
Connecticut |
Tennessee |
Arkansas |
Utah |
New Jersey |
Mississippi |
Oklahoma |
Nevada |
Delaware |
Alabama |
Texas |
California |
Maryland |
Georgia |
Louisiana |
Arizona |
Virginia |
Florida |
Puerto Rico |
New Mexico |
North Carolina |
Virgin Islands |
Hawaii |
South Carolina |
Guam |
Distr. of Columbia |
26 states east of Mississippi: 14 states in East
Region plus District of Columbia and 12 states in Mid East Region (2,700,000 resident veterans); 24 states
west of Mississippi: 13 states in West Region plus one territory and 11 states in Mid West Region plus two
territories (1,752,000 resident veterans).
A region is a geographical grouping of states
bordering one another, north and south, and territories, as identified above, for the purpose of an
effective communication link with the National, sponsor National reunions within the region, promote "Tell
America" programs, membership expansion and chapter information.
A resident officer will officiate, as a Director,
elected by the regional membership for two years in accordance with the National bylaws, will represent each
region reporting to the executive Council. There will be a two term consecutive limit the Director may
Map - KWVA Four Regions
(Click picture for a larger view)