Dissenting Voices
Filing Formal Complaints
Over the past several years, a growing number of Korean War Veterans
Association members have complained internally about a number of possible
irregularities and violations by national KWVA officials in the following general areas.
- Election of President of KWVA & Directors
- Constitution & Bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order
- Graybeards Magazine.
- Budget for the KWVA headquarters at Beavercreek, OH.
- National Meetings, Reunions & Conventions
- Loans and Grants
- Termination of Members
The Korean War Veterans Association, Inc. was incorporated in the State of New York in 1985. Thus the KWVA
and its operation are subject to the laws of the state, and members have the right to make inquiries or
The New York State Department of Law, Charities Bureau maintains a website to address complaints by members of non-profit
organizations of possible irregularities and/or violations of laws governing the conduct of such organizations
and their officials. The Charities Bureau has jurisdiction to investigate complaints that involve:
- Wrongdoing by charitable corporations, trusts or other nonprofit
- Fraudulent or misleading solicitation and improper expenditure of money
for charitable purposes; and
- Improper activities of executors, administrators, trustees and personal
representatives for honoring pledges or bequests to a charity.
The Bureau generally does not become involved in mere governance disputes within nonprofit organizations,
however a preponderance of possible irregularities and violations may warrant an investigation. A
form is available on the website
to file an inquiry or a complaint. In order to read the information you must have
Acrobat Reader.
The form is not clearly legible, but becomes quite readable when copied on a printer. Note particularly that
the form may be used either as a formal complaint or just as an inquiry. If you don't have a printer, call Legal
Assistant Todd Holt, Legal Assistant, Charities Bureau, Office of New York State Attorney General, 120 Broadway,
3d Floor, New York, NY 10271 Tel: 212-416-8410, and request that a form be sent to your home. He is the person
who will be handling your complaint, should you desire to send one. |