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Ray Wells Survey

Earlier this year, newly-elected KWVA director Ray Wells distributed the following survey to the presidents of various KWVA chapters throughout the United States. He told Lynnita Brown of the Korean War Educator that he had "spent hundreds of dollars to mail the survey," and had received "hundreds of responses" from it. Following is the text of his survey:

Charles Ray Wells, National Director
The Korean War Veterans Association
6228 Josephine Road
Norton, VA 24273
(276) 679-2096 Email:

TO: Chapter Presidents/Commanders and Members
As a new Director, I have no procedure manual or directions to follow to assist me in my job responsibility. I have no intentions of being your Director in name only. In order to assist me and you in our common efforts to help make our National Association a better organization I am asking each of you to please complete this survey. As you complete your answers and comments please consider how it may affect every KWVA member and state.

1) Do you favor a name change from our present Korean War Veterans Association to something like Korea Service Veterans of America? It is suggested a name change could help in recruiting those who think we are only about 1950-1953 Korea War members.



2) Do you favor funding a national advertisement program to promote our KWVA to include a massive membership drive?



3) Do you favor a procedures manual for National officers, the Executive Council and local Chapters to include our By-Laws, dress uniforms and any other general operating procedures, i.e.: meetings etc?



4) Do you feel that our By-Laws need to be re-written as to make them clear and concise so that everyone clearly understands their meaning? (We have had several amendments since 1992.)



5) Should all local Chapter members be required to join the National membership business. This may encourage Chapters to increase their membership and register all new members with our National Association. Furthermore, representation would eliminate one Chapter bringing 75 members to an annual meeting and taking control of the business. Last October in Branson we could not have a General Meeting because there was no quorum.



6) Do you favor assigning all National KWVA members at-large to a local Chapter?



7) Do you favor the National KWVA returning $5.00 of the $20.00 regular membership National dues to local Chapters?



8) Do you favor the National KWVA returning $30.00 of the $150.00 Life membership National dues to local Chapters?



9) Do you favor having National officers in place to begin their new term so that it coincides with the new fiscal year which begins on January 1?



10) Do you favor setting the term of office for local Chapters at two years to coincide with the term of National officers?



11) Do you want to give $88,000 to the KWVA Museum committee, who does not have land or architectural plans for this massive project? Our National KWVA Directors and officers, needs to investigate this situation? It has been reported the need for $30 million dollars to construct this project. Lots of controversy going on here.



12) Do you favor changing our By-Laws for general membership meetings that requires 75 members present to have a quorum. Suggestion: Vote by Representation. Example: Chapters could be given 1 vote for each 20 members or fraction thereof. Chapters could send their votes by one or more representatives to transact general business



13) Do you favor changing our annual National meeting dates from July to another month to avoid the summer rush and heat? (For example: May or September, or etc)



14) Our By-Laws state we shall have a National office in Washington, D.C. Do you feel that any President should violate the By-Laws by having the National office in Beaver Creek, Ohio, or anywhere else other than Washington, D.C.?



Send me additional sheets if you wish.
Thanks, Ray Wells

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