Best on the Net - S to T
- Sabre Pilots Association
Reunion information, poetry, news and notes, online magazine, links to other aviation sites, and more.
- Sacrificial Lamb of the Cold War: The
Nationalists of Korea
The preface to a book by Young Sik Kim of Seattle, WA on the Kimsoft website. Kim is a survivor of the Korean
- Seabee – See section M - MCB 10 Guam/Kwajalein Seabeees.
- Seabee – Korea Seabee’s Muster Rolls
Muster rolls for Seabees who served in CBMU-101, CBMU-1, and CBD-1804 during the Korean War.
- Seabees and the Korean War
An article by Martin Richards (1955) found on the Navy Seabees Veterans Association website. See the site menu
on the left when you open the home page.
- Seabee – Seabee’s Album 1951-54
If you are interested in Seabees, this is the site for you. It contains photos and numerous other Seabee
- Second Armored "Hell on Wheels" Division,
US Army
History, registry, reunion information, chat room, bulletin board, and other items relating to the 2nd Armored
- Second Chemical Mortar Battalion, US Army
Contact information, history, reunion dates, shoulder patch information, etc. about the 2nd Chemical Mortar
- Second Infantry Division. Korean War Veterans Alliance
Information on the 2nd Infantry Division Korean War Alliance, including history, reunions, membership
information, and more.
- Seven hundred &
thirty-first Bomb Squadron (L-NA)
History of the squadron (Japan/Korea 1950-51), notices, links, and a list of the missing, wounded, injured,
and killed. The 731st was re-designated the 90th Bombardment Squadron on June 25, 1951.
- Seventh Cavalry Unit History
Details about the history of the Seventh Cavalry during World War II and Korea.
- Seventh Infantry Division Association
For past and present members.
- Seventh Infantry Division – 92nd AFAB (Red
Battalion history, citations, rosters, Korean War recollections, and more.
- Seventh United States Cavalry Association
See "GarryOwen null" entry, Best on the Net.
- Sexton, John – Personal website.
See "Korea – 1954" in the Best on the Net alpha listing.
**Ship Links
- Sixty Fifth Infantry Regiment
Puerto Rico's 65th Infantry Regiment is highlighted on the the Borinqueneers website.
Snapshots from the Korean War
Digital scans of Korean War photos. The photos are a joint
project of Kodak Alaris, the Democrat and Chronicle newspaper, and
Betty Perkins Carpenter of Penfield, New York. All of the
photographs were taken in Korea in June, July, and August 1950.
- Society of Korean-American Scholars
Online newsletters, directory, forum, South Korean and North Korean libraries, etc.
- South to the Naktong,
North to the Yalu
The entire text of Roy A. Appleman’s book can be found here.
- Soviet Air Aces of the
Korean War
An article by Igor N. Gordelianow regarding Soviet Air Aces in the Korean War. Viewers can find a list of US
Aces as well on this site.
- Soviet
Korean War Veterans
A brief article about Soviet pilots and their involvement in the Korean War.
- SparkNotes
Summary, general information, timeline, etc. about the Korean War.
- Special Operations Association
Reunion information, newsletter, membership application, etc.
- Submarine – USS Blenny
This WWII-era submarine took part in a Korean War reconnaissance patrol, thus earning her fifth battle star.
- Surfing the Net with Kids
Take a quick quiz about Korea or take a timed word search game. See how well you do!

- Texas (Hood County) Korean
War Veterans
A list of Korean War veterans from Hood County, including birth and death dates and links to obituaries of
those who have died.
- Thirteenth Bomb Squadron Association
Information, history, and graphics relating to the 13th.
- Thirty-sixth Engineer Combat Group – IX
Corps Engineers
Of interest to veterans affiliated with the 36th Engineer Combat Group – IX Corps Engineers in Korea,
including the: 11th, 74th, 194th, 378th Eng. Btns; 76th Dump Truck Co.; 86th Engr. Searchlight Co.; 323rd Engr.
Co. Light; 1437th Engr. Treadway Bridge Co. E-mail contacts, photo albums, read and post messages, 36th group
lineage and history, 378th ECB history, links.
- Thirty-sixth Fighter-Bomber Squadron
Squadron history (lineage, assignments, stations, aircraft, operations, honors, etc.), photographs, stories
from the 36th's veterans, and more.
- Tiger Survivors
Dedicated to the memory of a small group of Korean War Prisoners of War known as "Tiger Survivors." These POWs
were held captive from 29 June 1950 to 1 April 1954. The site includes Johnson’s List information, lists of
prisoners, true stories, reunion information and more.
- TJ Books of Arizona
This is a commercial website—with a twist. If you scroll down to "Poems of the Korean War 1951-1953" and
"Korean War Pictures and Annotations," you will find the poetry and annotated photos from the private
collection of Sfc John Taylor Jones. Jones was a mortar forward observer, mortar platoon sergeant, field first
sergeant with Co. D, 17th Infantry RCT, 7th Infantry Division, Korea 1951-52.
- Trade-a-Plane
A website that provides information about "aviation archeology"--aircraft wrecks, accidents, maps, crash
sites, etc.
- Tribute to a Korean War Veteran –
In memory of William C. Clookey, a mechanical engineer and Marine Corps Korean War veteran.
- Tribute to an MIA -
A tribe to Sfc. William "Buster" Hackney, MIA of the Korean War.
- TROB – 712th: Rail Spot
Scroll down this railroader’s delight to "Korean National RR" to find information and graphics about Korean
rail lines. The site creator, Don Ross, was a member of the 712th TROB during the Korean War.
- Twenty-fourth Infantry Division Association
Click on this site’s Division History bar to learn more about the 24th role in the Korean War.
- Twenty-fifth Infantry Division
A brief history of the 25th Infantry Division.
- Twenty-ninth Field Artillery
Information about James VanFleet, Jr., John McAllaster, and Ralph Phelps—all MIA in the Korean War.