Best on the Net - I to J
- ICE Case Studies
The Yalu River and Its Security Implications for China—a case study. See also #52 (DMZ as a Bioresource), #58
– (North Korean Famine), and #95 (Korea and Japan Island Dispute). The studies are part of the Inventory of
Conflict and Environment case studies.
- Imjin Buddy Bunker
A site devoted to regiments serving in combat along the Imjin River and on or near Outpost Nori, Outpost
Tessie, Outpost Kelly, Hill 317 or Hill 355 (aka Little Gibraltar), Armistice Hill and Dagmar. Map and photo
index, visitor messages, and some great war stories!
- Imjin Scout
Forgotten and overshadowed details about the Imjin Scouts who served in Korea’s DMZ. Created by veteran Don
Lopez, this site has general and specific information about the Imjin scouts, including photos and chronology.
- Inchon to Hungnam
Amphibious forces, Pacific APD Attack Transports with emphasis on the Wantuck.
- Irish-related websites (pertaining to Korean War)
- The Irish in Korea
Gives name, rank, branch of service & unit, date and place of birth, US home of record and date, and
circumstance and place of death of Irish civilians who died in Korea 1950-53. There is a nice links page,
- Irish - See section H, History of Royal Ulster Weapons.
The story of the Irish Royal Ulster Rifles in Korea by Lt. Col. H. Hamill. Includes a list of KIA and MIA.

**Japanese-American War Veterans Website
- John Maclean's Cavalry Country
Maclean was a Reconnaissance Scout with A Troop, 1st Reconnaissance Squadron, 9th Cav. Regiment, 1st Cavalry
Division, in Korea.
- Join the Navy and See the World
The personal page of George Henderson. His site covers his time in the US Navy the ship USS Henderson DD785.
It covers the ship's participation in the invasion of Inchon in September 1950. "We were one of the 'sitting
ducks of Inchon," he notes.