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Best on the Net - K



  • KATUSA – Side by Side in Korea
    An excerpt from "Soldiers", March 1995, volume 50, no. 3.
  • KoreaLore
    Information on modern-day Korea, written in English. Lots of interesting links from a (Academia) to Z ("webzines").
  • Korea - Land of the Morning Calm
    This web site provides features, photos, maps, and video information about present day Korea, as well as some of its history.
  • Korea - 1954
    Photos from the John Sexton Collection, taken in Korea and Japan in 1954.
  • Korea12April1951
    James Quincy Adams' first-hand account of the B29 and MiG dogfights over the Yalu River on 12 April 1951.
  • Korea Veterans Association of Australia Inc.
    PO Box 3252 - Wheelers Hill - Victoria 3150 - Australia
    Victor A. Dey O.A.M. - NATIONAL PRESIDENT - K.V.A.A. Inc.
  • Korea Web Weekly
    History, culture, economy, politics, and military in Korea since 1995.
  • Korean Historical Connection
    This web site, brought to you by Hong-Ik University in Seoul, Korea, was created to help researchers all over the world who are interested in Korean historical scholarship.
  • Korean History: A Bibliography
    A bibliography of Korean history covering political, diplomatic, and economic history as well as historical linguistics, art history, literature, and more.
  • Korean War Aces
    A site listing Korean War aces and their accomplishments in Korea.
  • Korean War Aircraft Loss DataBase
    This website shows Korean War resources for the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office database to assist U.S. researchers and analysts in their efforts to account for Korean War aircraft losses. This database associates specific aircraft with individual aircrew members, circumstances of loss, status and other data.
  • Korean War Aircraft K-Sites
    An alpha and numerical listing of K-sites from which aircraft operated during the Korean War. Source: Air Force Historical Research Agency.
  • Korean War Ballads
    Audio clips of songs composed by Frank Gross and performed by John Carpino.
  • Korean War Casualties from Humboldt County, California
    A memorial site dedicated to honor the 23 men from Humboldt County, California killed in Korea.
  • Korean War FactBook
    Timeline, casualty information, map of Korea, UN forces, etc.
  • Korean War: Forgotten No More
    Created in honor of Sgt. Ted Hofsiss who served with the 5th Cavalry Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division in Korea Sept. 1950-Feb. 1951.
  • Korean War: A Fresh Perspective
    An article by Col. Harry G. Summers, Jr., USA (Ret.).
  • The Korean War Veterans Association Chapter 38
    KWVA chapter located in Traverse City, Michigan.
  • Korean War Maps
  • Korean War Net
    The site features articles about the war, interviews with Korean War veterans, links to related sites, an online store, site sponsors, a gallery of art and photographs, queries, and more.
  • Korean War: 1950-Present
    A wide variety of general information and articles about the Korean War.
  • Korean War Novels
    A list of novels and short fiction about the Korean War compiled by Philip K. Jason.
  • Korean War Poetry
    The poetry of Korean War Marine and Chosin Reservoir survivor, Frank Gross of New Jersey.
  • Korean War Project
    The first major Korean War-related website on the internet.  Ted and Hal Barker of Dallas, Texas, provide a Looking For forum to help buddies unite and families find information.  Site also features maps, DNA testing information, and other Korean War-related materials.
  • Korean War Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC
    Information on the memorial’s hours, special events, background information, etc.
  • Korean War Veteran’s Personal Account
    The personal narrative of Pvt (later Cpl) Fernando P. Olguin, K Company, 31st RCT, 7th Infantry Division.
  • Korean War: Weapons, History, Biography
    Bert Kortegaard’s excellent web site provides information on US and communist weapons used during the Korean War, online documentaries about the Korean War, other documentary resources, and Book Search Resources.
  • Korean War Veterans Reunion, Inc.
    Richard Gallmeyer’s efforts to locate 800,000 Korean War veterans. Buddy search. Annual reunion information.
  • Korean War Web Ring
    A tremendous web site of links to dozens of other military-related Web sites.
  • Koreanists
    An online database of scholars in the field of Korean Studies and of Korea-related professionals around the world.
  • Kunsan, Korea - Welcome to Kunsan!
    This is an outstanding website about Kunsan City, Korea. Created by Kalani O'Sullivan, it is a graphics-intense website featuring an excellent history of Kunsan. (It takes time to download it due to all the photos.) There is a section called "Korean War Period" which details events associated with Kunsan harbor and Kunsan Air Base. Several American veterans supplied photos (1951-54) for page three of this website. Do you remember the Korean folk song, "Arirang"? Veterans can hear the familiar tune at the bottom of the home page for Kunsan City.
  • Kunsan Air Base
    This Website contains past and present information and photographs about Kunsan Air Base, Korea.

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