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Topics - Rosters

Most Korean War veterans are now either retired or semi-retired. With their children now grown, many Korean War veterans find that they have extra time in their lives to try to renew old acquaintances with their buddies from the Korean War. Unfortunately, some of their buddies were only known by nicknames such as "Smitty" or "Little Joe." Even if their last name was known once upon a time, it is possible that too many years have now passed to remember them. Often times too, the exact spelling of the buddy's last name is not now, nor ever was, known. Neither was his or her home town of record. To assist veterans in their efforts to try to locate the names of their buddies, this page of the Korean War Educator was created to post rosters submitted to the KWE by veterans and others. Send your roster to Lynnita Brown.


Air Force



  • Company "G", 9th Infantry Regiment
  • Morning Report, Co. A, 15th Inf. Regt., 4 August 1952
  • Morning Report, Co. B, 15th Inf. Regt., 4 August 1952
  • Morning Report, Co. C, 15th Inf. Regt., 4 August 1952


Company "G", 9th Infantry Regiment

The following list of personnel (submitted by Charles L. Brown) was printed on the back of the Ninth Infantry Regiment Thanksgiving Day Menu, Kapyong, Korea, 1951.  Please be aware that portions of the document are extremely faded, and therefore the writing was sometimes very difficult to read.  As a result, there could be misspellings of names that were not clearly legible.

Col. John M. Lynch, Comdg, 9th Infantry Regiment
Captain Joseph V. Buckley, Comdg, Company "G"
1st Lt. John Pike
2nd Lt. John G. Dawson

Headquarters Platoon
Cpl Charles Bitner Cpl Gerald M.  Blaski
Sgt Isaac P. Blue Sgt Ralph A. Bolton
Pfc Charles D. Boone Cpl Curtis D. Burtness
Pfc Raymond D. Cotta Pfc Sidney Halbersma
M/Sgt Frank G. Holzer Pfc Henry Horn
Pfc Albert E. Hume Cpl Leslie E. Johnson
Pfc Roland N. Jordan Cpl Kiako Nicholas
SFC Francis C. Koors Pfc Westly L. Landry
Cpl Robert C. Lee Cpl James E. Leitwein
Cpl John S. Luis Cpl Anthony S. Marcone
SFC John Martin Cpl John McQuillan
Pfc Charles K. Meadors Sgt Willie O. Nickelberry
Pfc Oliver Mackford Cpl Norbert J. Ososkie
Pfc Angelo S. Passafiume Cpl R.L. Patton
Cpl Thomas Prentice Sgt Bill Rankin
Pvt Robert Scheire Pfc Francis P. Schurpf
Cpl Hobert J. Sharpton Sgt Jess L. Stallings
Pvt Lauro Valadez Sgt Jerry L. Wetzel
Cpl Lamar W. Yoder  
First Platoon
Pvt Louis Adams Sgt Robert G. Adams
Pfc Anthony L. Barbato Pfc Leo E. Bartholomay
Pvt Everett K. Bedley Sgt Joe W. Boothe
Pfc Richard Clark Jr. Pfc Charles K. Davis
Cpl Robert A. Dupler Pfc Frank V. Edwards
Cpl Donald J. Eslinger Pfc Melvin J. Ernster
Pfc Burnell E. Forry Cpl Evertt  R. Grider
Pfc Vernon J. Helgeson SFC Earl G. Heltzel
Pfc Willard Hotakainen Pvt Stanley N. Jurewicz
Sgt Delbert J. Kasperbauer Cpl Abraham Margosian
Pfc Francis A. Meyer Pfc James G. McKee
Cpl John A. Mendoza SFC Robert R. Morgan
SFC Clarence L. Morrison Jr. Pfc Sidney C. Page
Sgt Benjamin A. Pippinger Cpl CalvinD. Reverts
SFC Vernon Rucks Pfc Charles E. Smith
Pfc Harry D. Stiteler Pfc Orville Vandehei
SFC Vernon D. Volney Pfc James A. Ward
Pvt Bernard D. Wiemer  
Second Platoon
Cpl Agustin Arvelo Pfc J.T. Badgett Jr.
Pfc Howard Barboe Pfc Herbert V. Barger
Pvt Lewis J. Bejeck Pfc Francis Blanchard
Pfc Jack D. Blodgett Pfc Andrew W. Bogdonoff
Pfc Herman E. Buckler Pvt Thomas H. Cohoon
Pvt Harvie P. Clements Cpl Ernest T. Conrad
Pvt Anthony Drago Pfc Kenneth S. Fike
Pfc Cirilo N. Garcia Pfc Humbarto Gonzalez
Pfc Leon Hamilton Sgt Edward B. Harden
Pfc Rubin G. Hofer Sgt John E. Humkey
Cpl Lawrence C. Jones SFC Richard D. Kuhar
Pfc Robert R. Kuss Cpl Thomas G. MaGaha
Pvt Robert A. Minton Pfc Charles J. Moysis
Cpl Guadalupe P. Nunes SFC Tadeuss Pienkowski
Cpl Gerard L. Plante Pfc Paul L. Schuler
Cpl Patrick E. Senac Pvt Shageru Tamashire
Cpl Mario Tomarelli Pfc Kenneth E. VanDyke
Sgt William F. Wells Sgt Hubert F. Wente
Sgt Nelson J. Wormwood  
Third Platoon
Pvt Jennings B. Abner Pfc Amos J. Leaudein
Pvt Carl R. Blakeman Col Andrew Bonilla
Pfc Clifford Butler Cpl George Darner
Cpl Phillip Dawson Pvt Larry Dodge ?
Pfc Shirley D. Griebe Pfc Robert L. Harden
Cpl Royce Hazlett Pfc Charles Hill
Pfc Michael E. Hogan Pvt Clarence L. Jackson
Cpl Christopher Johnson Pfc Paul L. Krunocs
Pvt Bobby J. Langston Pvt William J. McDonough
Pfc James G. Olive Pfc Gaspar Perez
Pvt Edward E. Peterson Pfc Anthony A. Ricci
Cpl Gilbert P. Riddick M/Sgt Albert L. Ross
Cpl Celedonio G. Salazar Cpl Edward C. Saleido
Pfc Wayne C. Schafer Sgt David H. Sharkey
Pfc Nelson C. Spanfeller Pfc Ivan L. Thomas
Pvt James F. Vella Cpl Doward Wiggins
Cpl Donald Williams Sgt Arthur L. Willings
Pfc Herbert L. Willis Pvt Leonard J. Witkowski
Fourth Platoon
Pvt James L. Adams (1st plt) Pvt Balistereri
M/Sgt Richard B. Beevers Pvt George E. Bluebird
Pvt George C. Boyd Pfc Charles L. Brown
SFC Jack L. Brown Pfc Robert W. Bushner
Sgt William Bryne Pvt Thomas Costello
Pfc Frank P. DeDonato Pfc Manual P. DeHerrera
Pfc Leroy L. Ferris Sgt John W. Flowers
Sfc Irwin R. Fraser Pfc Elzy R. Givhan
Pfc Richard R. Greene Pvt John Kernaszewski
Pvt Melvin L. Laviolette Pvt Nick J. Lanford
Pfc Aurelio Lopez Pvt Andrew Luoni
Pvt Clyde H. Martin Pvt Robert S. Miley
Pfc Amos T. Nanone Pfc Henry Navaja
Pfc Richard E. Nelson Pfc John Nicholson
Pfc Dennis O'Driscoll Pfc Patrick O'Sullivan
Pfc Richard G. Rainel Pfc Howard J. Rossmeissel
Pfc Charles T. White Pfc James Y Yamada
Pfc James Y. Yamomoto Pvt Wladyslaw Zawisza
Pvt Wladyslaw Zawisza Pfc Delbert Gautney
Sgt Paul L. Hoyt Cpl Roger C. Moody
Cpl Maynard G. Morrow M/Sgt Lauren Overby
Sgt George A. Rowlette Sfc Ray H. Wolfe


[KWE Note: The following three morning reports for Companies A, B, C, 15th Infantry Regiment, 4 August 1952 were submitted to the KWE by Jack R. Siewert, author of the book Outpost Kelly: A Tanker's Story.]

Morning Report, Co. A, 15th Infantry Regiment, 4 August 1952

Grover, Pfc. William H. US52120734
Snyder, Cpl. Gerald D. US52074638
Romeo, Pfc. Reginald E. RA21193719
Mullen, Sfc. George L. RA13280855
Scarborough, Pfc. Clinton US53058288
Gaus, Cpl. Howard E. RA13390757
Kellogg, Sgt. Samuel L. RA27694324
Cobb, Pfc. Truman L. RA19378476
Taylor, Cpl. Oral E. RA15275579
Bell, Cpl. Thomas E. RA13382058
Fall, Cpl. Omar B. RA13371695
Hession, Pvt. 2 James F. RA12383566
Hooven, Cpl. Ernest D. RA14356990
Lashley, Cpl. Costa C. US51118580
McLaughlin, Pfc. Billie E. US25903174
Neal, Pfc. Roger L. RA15299977
Saylors, Sfc. Cecil L. US54002476
Founders, Cpl. Phillip L. Illegible #
Dylowski, Cpl. Casimir G. Illegible #
Mais, Cpl. Marvin Illegible #
Siegel, MSgt. Carl Illegible #
Davis, Pfc. Lewis Illegible #
Wideman, Cpl. Leo A. Illegible #
Warren, Cpl. [first name illegible] RA14880428
Luz, Pfc. Robert Illegible #
Bundy, Cpl. Robert Illegible #
Savige [?], Pfc. [first name illegible] Illegible #
Sullivan, Pf. William Illegible #
Morgan [?], Cpl. Illegible #
Noy [?], Cpl. David Illegible #
Lambart, Sgt. Robert Illegible #
Evins, Pfc. Robert Illegible #
Lulewder [?], Pvt. 3 Alfred Illegible #
Nugent, Pfc. William Illegible #
Saulley, Pfc. Paul E. Illegible #

28-30 Jul - Company located at Sang-Ni Korea (2.37-1.54).  No enemy contact.  Morale Excellent.

31 Jul - Company located at Sang-Ni Korea (2.37-1.54).  At aprx 0600 hours engaged in Bn counter attack for OP Kelly.  Heavy enemy contact.  After securing objective company pulled back to MR.  3 EM KIA 6 EM-SWA, 15 EM LWA, 3 EM LIA.  Enemy casualties unk.  Morale excellent.  Dptd Sang-ni Korea (2.37-1.54) aprx 2000 hrs.  Travel by foot for 5 miles to Koyang-dae Korea (19.9-20.9).

[KWE Note: The copy of this morning report was poor quality and several names and service numbers were not legible.]


Morning Report, Co. B, 15th Infantry Regiment, 4 August 1952

Ferguson, Cpl. Charley US52118215
Hendricks, Cpl. Edward L. US52119778
Lawrence, Cpl. Richard J. RA12334316
Guerrero, Pfc. Filiberto RA19416497
Thatcher, Sfc. Irwin F. RA11173663
Faist, Sgt. Clifford H. US51106565
Love, Cpl. Lilburn C. US55159278
Miura, Cpl. Paul G. US50003929
Ranard, Cpl. James E. RA17325723
Sexton, Cpl. Marvin L. US55088466
Riley, Pfc. James F.X. US52102911
Twigger, Pfc. George C. RA13406733
Wagner, Pfc. Oscar E. RA13379144
Lomoya, Pvt. Richard RA19384150
Eddington, Pfc. Vernal US54073290
Fowler, MSgt. James T. RA37647245
Shutes, Pfc. Max D. RA14432577
Hughes, Pfc. Edward C. RA28105236
Lee, Cpl. Marvin US52067051
Montgomery, Pfc. Frank US52120607
Smith, Cpl. Robert L. US55152906
Fairbanks, Pfc. William D. RA19428887
Hamilton, Sfc. Curtis RA44111333
Heronime, Cpl. Donald J. RA17321296

31 Jul - Company located at Sang-Ni (2.37-1.54) Korea at aprx 0600 hrs engaged in Bn counter attack for OP Kelly Heavy enemy contact.  After securing objective company pulled back to MLR 2 EM KIA 2 EM SWA 12 EM LWA Enemy casualties unk. Morale Excellent.  Aprx. 2000 hrs returned by foot to rest area.  Aprx 2100 hrs dptd rest area at Sang-Ni tvl by foot to Koyang-dae (19.2-20.9) Korea on line.

1-3 Aug - On line at Koyang-dae (19.2-20.9) Korea.  No enemy contact.  Morale Excellent.

4 Aug - On line at Koyang-dae (19.2-20.9).  Korea Light enemy contact 1 EM LWA Morale Excellent.


Morning Report, Co. C, 15th Inf Regt., 4 August 1952

Boydston, Pfc. William R. RA28116092
Warf, Pvt. 2 James C. RA18414596
Daniels, Pvt. 2 Charles E. US54058694
Metivier, Cpl. Alphege M. RA31254322
Byers, Pfc. Harold E. RA16370418
Halamuia, Sgt. John J. RA39426048
Harris, Pvt. 2 Jack D. US55220515
Cummins, Pfc. Robert C. US52091444
Makuch, Pfc. Peter US51124853
Paeluhi, Pfc. Edwin N. US50004107
Vohs, Pfc. James H. US55207477
Weisner, Pfc. Norman J. RA21002127
Woodward, Pfc. Walter O. RA13277018
Lantz, Pvt. 2 Allen C. RA13214471
Mandiblas, Cpl. Thomas P. US56079737
Snyder, Cpl. Jacob H. RA13394863
Wendt, Pfc. Seymour US55196263
Langue, Cpl. Herman A. US54049991
Koon, Pvt. 2 Dale E. RA17333188
Akey, Pfc. James H. US54013831
Mocharald, Pfc. John L. US51035724
Martynowald, Cpl. Robert A RA15458763
McWilliams, Pfc. Kenneth L. US51042235
Collins, Pfc. Floyd US55158202
Plunk, Pfc. Charles D. RA14324639
Kuykendall, Pfc. Arthur R. RA14367741
Tucker, Cpl. Earl S. RA14324639
Gorham, Pfc. Raymond US53081267
Duff, MSgt. Joe RA16312002
Russell, Pfc. Thermon L. US53080211
Morales, Pfc. Carmelo C. US52151694
Thompson, Sfc. Henry G. RA17140966
Boydston, Pfc. William R. RA28116092
Warf, Pvt. 2. James C. RA18415496
Paaluhi, Pfc. Edwin N. US50004107
Jasper, Cpl. Thomas A. US52178127
Crutchfield, Sgt. Morris D. US53057031
Herbert, Sgt. James C. Jr. RA12363196
Moore, Pfc. Charlie V. US53096823

31 Jul - Company located at Sang-Ni (2.79-1.34) Korea at aprx 0600 hrs engaged in Bn counter attack for OP Kelley Heavy enemy contact.  After securing objective company pulled back to MLR 4 EM KIA 2 EM LIA 31 EM LWA 1 EM SWA enemy casualties unk Morale Excellent.  Aprx 2000 hrs walked aprx 2 miles to rest area Aprx 2100 hrs tvl 3 miles by foot to Kojangha-Ri Korea (2.06-2.15) Korea on line.

1-3 Aug - On line Kojangha-Ri (2.06-2.15) Korea.  No enemy contact.  Morale Excellent.  2 supplemental CR atch.

Coast Guard



Able Company, 3rd Platoon
Platoon Roster as of Inchon Invasion, September 1950

Platoon Commander - Stemple, James W. (WIA)
Platoon Guide - McHugh, Charles W. Jr. (WIA)
Platoon Guide - Jepsen, David R.
Messenger - Zaremski, Henry J. (WIA)
Messenger - Chiovari, Sam C. (WIA)
Messenger - Killeen, Francis H.
Corpsman - Wood, Edward D.

1st Squad

Squad Leader - Karac, Edward W.
Fire Team Leader - Lhota, Laird A. (WIA)
Rifleman - Kasterko, Walter F. (MIA)
Automatic Rifleman - Drew, Francis E.
Asst. Auto Rifleman - Cooper, Walter W.
Fire Team Leader - Caples, William T.
Rifleman -
Automatic Rifleman - Flynn, James L.
Asst. Auto Rifleman - Hendrix, Bobby J.
Fire Team Leader - Scheaffer, Robert P. (WIA)
Rifleman - Grantham, Richard R. (WIA)
Automatic Rifleman - Hebert, Amos D. (WIA)
Asst. Auto Rifleman - Kinman, Malcolm D.

2nd Squad

Squad Leader - Nickles, John B. Jr. (WIA)
Fire Team Leader - Jack, Robert L. (WIA)
Rifleman - Thornton, William G. (WIA)
Automatic Rifleman - Isham, William J.
Asst. Auto. Rifleman - King, Roger C. (WIA)
Fire Team Leader - Brown, Herbert L. (WIA)
Rifleman - Knight, Harry A. (WIA)
Automatic Rifleman - Mayberry, Billie L. (WIA)
Asst. Auto Rifleman - Jerson, Sidney N.
Fire Team Leader - McMonagle, James P. (WIA)
Rifleman -
Automatic Rifleman - MacKenzie, George R.
Asst. Auto Rifleman - Ewald, Leroy E. (WIA)

3rd Squad

Squad Leader - Thompson, Robert E.
Fire Team Leader - Runge, Donald W.
Rifleman - Foster, Hubert E.
Automatic Rifleman - Yeasted, Vincent J. (WIA)
Asst. Auto Rifleman - Albert, Richard M. (WIA)
Fire Team Leader - Pearl, LeRoy R.
Rifleman -
Automatic Rifleman - DeRocco, Robert D. (WIA)
Asst. Auto Rifleman - Burnes, Lee L.
Fire Team Leader - Fussell, Jack C.
Rifleman -
Automatic Rifleman - Blair, Medric A.
Asst. Auto Rifleman - Bickley, David R. (KIA)

E-2-5, June 30, 1951



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