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Research Notices

This page of The Korean War Educator is a bulletin board for individuals and institutions who would like to post a notice about their Korean-War related research, in the hopes that one or more of our readers is knowledgeable about the subject matter in question. Be sure to include specific information about the nature of the research, deadlines, and contact information. Send your post to: Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton Street, Tuscola, IL 61953; e-mail lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org.

Hill 726

In search of information concerning the ground and air fighting for Hill 726 near Anheung village, South Korea, from 28 February to 3 March 1951. (Location: Coordinates: DS 280430, Map NJ52-10 (Chunchon), 1:250,000, Series L552. Principal unit was the 2nd Infantry Division, 9th Infantry Regiment. Particular focus is on the 2nd Battalion. Noted is the coverage in the book, Dogging Their Steps, by Larry Bertrand. The objective is further definition of the battle as an episode in a new biography concerning my father who was E Company Commander at the time. Also very interested in information on the 4th Helicopter Detachment OH-13 pilots and MASH 8076 surgeons at the time. Information is best received by July 1st, 2021, but welcome anytime before or after.

Ralph Little, Jacksonville, FL.  Contact at email: rivals2015@att.net. [Submitted 2/2021]

USS Benevolence (AH-13)

Retired naval historian seeks survivors of sinking hospital ship USS Benevolence (AH-13) sunk in the Golden Gate on August 25, 1950 with loss of 12 MSTS civil service personnel and 11 naval personnel (two missing). Included are MSTS members; Mare Island Naval Shipyard employees; crewmen of USS SKAGIT (AKA-105); personnel of Mare Island Group, Pacific Reserve Fleet and some 125 naval medical personnel aboard. Also seek contact with survivors' relatives. Objective is collection of oral history, artifacts, etc. leading to publication of a book memorializing the maritime disaster.

Dusty Rhodes
7801 Pebble Hi Drive
Tallahassee FL 32317-9665

(Posted: September 28, 2002)

Chinese/American Relationships in the Early 1950s

I am researching information for a book on the history of Western relationships with China and the Chinese between the 17th century and the present day. I am particularly interested in the influence of the events in Korea in the early 1950s on relationships between Chinese and Americans in the U.S. Were these relationships severely damaged or did events continue pretty much as normal? If any veteran could contact me with a brief description of his or her role during the Korean War I would be very grateful. My email address is richmuirhead@tiscali.co.uk. Thank you. My book is provisionally titled China: a Yellow Peril? Western relationships with the Chinese from the 17th to the 21st century. And will hopefully be available on Amazon before the end of July 2009. - Richard Muirhead

[Posted 12/21/08]

Operation Showdown (Triangle Hill)

I am writing a book about the battle of Triangle Hill (Operation Showdown) and the U. S. soldiers engaged in hat and related battles along the MLR in Korea during 1952 and 1953. My father, now deceased, was in the 31st Regiment, and fought and was wounded in the battle. I have been working on the book for the past 18 months. In addition to extensive documentary research in the US and Korea, I have been interviewing veterans of the battle and those who were in the service during that period. To date, I have interviewed or corresponded with over 100 veterans of the battle. The battle was fought by elements of the 7th US Infantry Division and the 5th US Air Force. I would appreciate it if you would alert your members about my effort and encourage any veterans who have knowledge of this battle and the other hill battles during October-November, 1952 to contact me. Thanks very much.

Kevin Quinn

(Posted: April 1, 2002)

17th Infantry Regiment, Chosin

I'm an actor/writer/graphic artist, and I've been doing a fair amount of research for a story based in part on my dad's experiences in Korea. He was a squad leader from July 1950 to April 1951 in the 17th Regiment. He made it all the way up to the Yalu River before the CCF invaded and really made a mess of things.

There is one point where my dad's account differs from the official record, though, and it is in how elements of the 17th got up there. According to the official account, after Inchon and the 1st liberation of Seoul, the 17th got driven back to Pusan, hopped on a troop ship which sailed up the east coast, landed in Iwon and made it up to the Yalu from there. Whereas Dad's unit (his was 1st squad, 2nd platoon, Company K) marched all the way up there past the 38th parallel, making it to the Yalu entirely over land.

The only times he recalls being on a troop ship during his tour were Tokyo to Pusan, Pusan to Inchon, Hungnam to Pusan and finally out of the country on the completion of his time over there. Any way that can be clarified from an official or semiofficial standpoint? I'd love to know the circumstances under which certain elements of the 17th split off from the rest and had to make it up the Yalu the hard way.

Conlin Hussey

(Posted: November 10, 2002)

POW Sign

I was a photo interpreter with the 67th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron based at Kimpo Air Base in late 1951 and early 1952. In one of the Mission Review Reports that I was writing, I came across a remarkable event on the photographs I was interpreting. It still remains vivid in my mind, even with the passage of over 50 years. But the unfortunate part of it is I do not remember the date or coordinates of the event.

A reconnaissance aircraft was flying over an installation in northwestern North Korea. The facility looked a lot like a typical Korean school building with a large field adjacent to it. In this field a large number of POWs were creating a standing formation spelling out P-O-W. The P and the O were complete and they were still forming the W, which if I recall correctly was about half finished. I wonder if any of the men imprisoned there at that time ever made it back and are readers of this website.

I have made several attempts to get a copy of that reconnaissance photo from the National Archives, so far unsuccessfully. They report to having a very limited staff and if a person cannot provide them with the coordinates and a date, there is not much hope in acquiring those photos or a copy of the report I wrote.

If there were someone that was there and reads this, I would greatly appreciate hearing from him. The S/Sgt that worked with me in Korea is collaborating with me in writing a book about reconnaissance and photo interpretation during the first part of the Korean War.

Ben Hardy
9443 E. Heaney Circle
Santee, CA 92071-2919.

(Posted: November 10, 2002)

Greek Armed Forces in Korea

I live in Athens, Greece. I'm 31 years old and I work as a literary journalist. I'm researching the history of the Greek armed forces in Korea. My father is a Korean War vet, though in the Air Force (2nd Lt., June 1951-August 1952), but my interest is not merely on the Air Force, but on the Battalion as well. With regards to Greek soldiers, I want to know: how they fought, what they did, their relationship with US forces, anything that you feel is interesting-even a negative comment (say, cases of cowardice on behalf of the Greeks, etc.). After all, I'm trying to work on an objective historical account, not a Greek epic. Even small details would do. If you know American soldiers who contacted Greeks during the war, please let me know. (Among other things, Greek pilots, flying C-47 saved many US marines during the ordeal at Chosin in December 1950.

Yours sincerely, Elias Maglinis
Please contact me at elmaglin@otenet.gr.

(Posted: November 10, 2002)

UNC/US/Koreans during the Korean War

I am researching the effectiveness of the Combined Forces Command staff here in Korea today, but I need some historical perspectives on how the UNC/US/Korean staffs worked during the Korean War. Focus is on G2, G3 and G4 staff interactions. Any and all comments and information will be greatly appreciated. Please give your sources, names, dates, etc. Thanks.

Ltc. Pouliot, Combined Forces Command
USFK, Yongsan, Korea
E-mail sunjoepouliot@msn.com.

(Posted: December 26, 2002)

Hungnam Evacuation

I am a filmmaker from Oregon who is making a documentary about the Hungnam evacuation. If you know of anyone who I should interview for this film, please let me know. Thanks for your help.

RJ McHatton
White Knuckles Productions
3633 Franklin Ave
Astoria OR 97103
Phone 541-948-3702
Email moviedream@charter.net
Website www.shipofmiracles.com

(Posted: November 2, 2004)

Rabbits/Operation Aviary

I am researching a group of South Korean actresses who were parachuted behind enemy lines in late 1950. Their mission was to attach themselves as concubines to high-ranking North Korean or Chinese officers, extract any information, and escape back to friendly lines. Upon return, they would give a special password and be debriefed by U.S. Intelligence. They were known as Rabbits and were part of Operation Aviary.

I spoke to BG Heine Aderholt, who was the pilot for several of the drops, and he indicated that no records were kept of the operations and that a Lt. Robert Brewer was their handler. However, Brewer has since passed away. Additionally, I contacted Ed Evanhoe and Michael Haas, both of whom are experts in Korean War Special Operation. Unfortunately, they, too, are tapped out.

If you come across any information, please let me know. I am the author of Silent Warriors: The Alamo Scouts Behind Japanese Lines; Elite Warriors: 300 Years of America's Best Fighting Troops, and other books on U.S. Special Operation, and am the historian for the Alamo Scouts Association. Many of our members are also veterans of the Korean War.

Lance Zedric
1816 W. Broughton Ct., Peoria, IL 61614
ph. 309-692-0802

(Posted: August 13, 2005)

Operation Mousetrap

I have been trying to find some written history on an event my outfit was in called Operation Mousetrap.  I have read a couple of books on the Korean War and in one, written by a Marine, he mentioned the event but he was in the 5th Regiment and they did not take part in this battle.  In searching for any information on your website, I found pictures of Operation Mousetrap.  It was a real surprise as I have some of the identical pictures.  The Mairne in the foxhole took the pictures.  He was in the battle but in a different unit than I was, however, several weeks later I met up with him and got copies of the same pictures.

I am still looking for some history of the operation.  It was no great event in the eyes of some, I guess, but to us who were there it was pretty hairy at times.  Maybe someday someone will write the story of it.

Contact: F.R. (Bud) Cavin Jr., USMC (50-53), budcavin@juno.com.

(Posted 10/14/05)



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