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After Action/Command Reports

The Korean War Educator Foundation is seeking After Action and Command Reports associated with the Korean War. These reports are important historically because they were written so soon after the battle/incident took place, and while the Korean War was in progress. Veterans who have After Action and/or Command Reports are invited to share them with the general public and other Korean War veterans on this website.

Send your "After Action/Command Report" to: Korean War Educator, c/o Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton Street, Tuscola, IL 61953.

In addition to our desire to post After Action and Command Reports, historical accuracy is of paramount importance to The Korean War Educator Foundation. If any of our readers note an error on an After Action or Command Report posted on this website, please contact us immediately. Please point out the inaccuracy, and note any correction(s) that should be posted with regard to the After Action/Command Report in question.


After Action/Command Reports Index



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