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Machines of War

Many of the machines of war, the weapons and equipment used during the early (and even later) days of the Korean War, were left over from World War II. A familiar scene on ships en route to Korea was scores of young American men cleaning cosmoline preservative off of World War II vintage rifles. So, too, the wheeled and tracked vehicles used in Korea were often of World War II vintage. Some of the first American tanks to arrive in Korea had been on display at Army bases in the United States, but when the new war broke out, they were reactivated for use on the Korean peninsula. Likewise, all types of equipment stored at the Marine Corps supply center in Barstow, California, were brought back into service when the Corps deployed troops to Korea. Radios for field communication were repaired and recycled for yet another war on foreign soil as well.

This page of the Korean War Educator is devoted to sharing information and pictures about the small and large machines that were needed to help ground troops fight the deadly Korean War. The Table of Contents at the right will expand as veterans contact the Korean War Educator to add more information to this page. If any of our readers has photos, information, or suggestions to make this page a comprehensive one, please e-mail Lynnita.


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