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Letters from the War Zone


American men and women serving in Korea during the war years filled in the tedious hours between firefights and company duties by writing V-mail letters to loved ones back home. This page of the Korean War Educator was inspired by Boris "Bob" Spiroff of Severna Park, Maryland. Bob served in Korea with the First Cavalry (Co G, 7th Cav Regt) as a platoon sergeant from 1950 to 1951. He is also the author of: Korea: Frozen Hell on Earth, a diary summarizing Bob's personal experiences in the Korean War (see this website's General Store for purchase information). Bob Spiroff's V-mail to his beloved wife, Cassie, open "Letters from the War Zone."

Korean War veterans who also wish to post one (or more!) V-mail letters on this website are welcome to do so. Whenever possible, we would like to also post a photograph of the veteran who wrote the letter, the person who received it, or a photograph which depicts what was discussed in the letter. Original photographs will be returned upon request. Clear and sharp reproductions can be sent in place of originals. To post your V-mail and accompanying photograph, send them to: The Korean War Educator, c/o Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton Street, Tuscola, IL 61953, or E-mail them to: lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org.

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