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God Bless the "Docs"

(Click the picture for a larger view)

Photo courtesy of Ralph Fly. Taken by Dr. Birney Dibble

The medical personnel who tended the wounded in the Korean War are held in the highest regard by veterans. These heroic men—the Army medics and Navy corpsmen—thought nothing of risking their own lives to give aid to the men who were fighting on the front line. While burp guns were firing deadly bullets and mortars were exploding around them, the aid men and corpsmen were there on the spot—saving the lives of combatants. Most of the medical personnel in Korea had never before seen the kind of death and destruction they witnessed in Korea. Many were fresh out of medical school, and some reservists had little experience dealing with the sick and wounded beyond giving shots or administering medication. Civilian doctors--"retreads" from World War II--were pulled from their specialized field of medicine to become "general practitioners" in Korea. Whether they had medical degrees or not, the medics and corpsmen became "Doc" to the soldiers and Marines who depended on them on the front line. They were heroic, and will forever be remembered with honor and respect by those who returned home from Korea. Very often Korean War veterans testify that they are living today because a nameless "Doc" saved their life in spite of poor odds for survival under combat conditions.

This page of The Korean War Educator is devoted to Korean War medical personnel whose devotion to duty saved so many lives. If any of our readers have photographs or information to add to this page in tribute to their own Korean War "Doc", please contact Lynnita Brown: lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org .

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