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Directory and Station List
of the United States Army - Korea


[Editor’s Note: This list was sent to The Korean War Educator by Marty O’Brien of Augusta, Maine. In turn, Marty got the list from his friend, Clyde B. Keene of Kearns, Utah. Clyde got the list from the Department of the Army, The Center of Military History, in 1998. Marty points out that this 1952 list is one of the few available for the war years. This Directory and Station List was originally classified material, but was declassified after 12 years. It was classified "secret" because of the complete listing of all (Army) units in Korea at the time. If any of our readers has a similar list for other branches of the service that were in Korea, we would like to post it on The Korean War Educator.]

See Additions and Corrections sent in by KWE readers at the end of this page.


  • Inchon-Ascom City Area Command - Taegu
  • Kunsan Port Command Area - Pusan
  • Seoul Area Command (Prov) - Seoul
  • Sokcho-ri Area Command - Yachon-ni
  • Taegu Military Command - Taegu
  • United Nations – Advance Headquarters – Taegu
  • Wonju Area Command – Wonju
  • 2nd Logistical Command C - Hq & Hq Co. – Pusan
  • 3rd Logistical Command B – Hq & Hq Co. – Pusan


  • Eighth Army – Hq & Hq Co. & Hq, Sp Trps – Pusan


  • I Corps – Hq & Hq Co. – Yongdung Po
  • IX Corps – Hq & Hq Co. – Chunchon
  • X Corps – Hq & Hq Co. – Pupyong-ni


  • United States Military Advisory Group to Republic of Korea – Taegu


  • Battalions:

    • 64th Tk (Med) (3rd Inf. Div) – Pusan
    • 72nd Hv Tk (2nd Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 73rd Hv Tk (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 89th Tk (Med) (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 140th Tk (Med) (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 245th Tk (Med) (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
  • Companies:

    • 2nd Recon (2nd Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 3rd Recon (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 7th Recon (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 25th Recon (25th Inf. Div) – Yongdung-po
    • 40th Recon (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 45th Recon (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
  • Platoons:

    • 502nd Recon – Taegu


  • Corps Artillery:

    • I Corps Artillery – Hq & Hq Btry – Yongdung-po
    • II Corps Artillery – Hq & Hq Btry – Chunchon
    • X Corps Artillery – Hq & Hq Btry – Pupyong-ni
  • Division Artillery:

    • 2nd – Hq & Hq Btry & Med Det, Div Arty – Chunchon
    • 3rd – Hq & Hq Btry & Med Det, Div Arty – Wacho-ri
    • 7th – Hq & Hq Btry & Med Det, Div Arty – Chunchon
    • 25th – Hq & Hq Btry & Med Det, Div Arty – Yongdung-po
    • 40th – Hq & Hq Btry & Med Det – Sanyang-ni
    • 45th – Hq & Hq Btry & Med Det – Taegwang-ni
  • Groups:

    • 1st Prov. FA – Hq & Hq Btry – Yongdung-po
    • 5th FA – Hq & Hq Btry – Chunchon
    • 10th AAA – Hq & Hq Btry – Seoul
    • 227th AAA – Hq & Hq Btry – Taegu
  • Battalions:

    • 1st FA Obsn – Yongdung-Po
    • 3rd AAA AW (SP) (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 8th FA (l05mm How, TrkDr) (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 9th FA (155mm How, TracDr) (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 10th FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 12th FA (155mm How, TracDr) – Chunchon
    • 15th AAA AW (SP) – Chunchon
    • 15th FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (2nd Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 17th FA (8th How, Hv, Towed) – Taegu
    • 21st AAA AW (SP) (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 24th AAA Gun (90mm) – Pusan
    • 31st FA (155mm How, (TracDr) (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 37th FA (105mm How, (TrkDr) (2nd Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 38th FA (105mm How, (TrkDr) (2nd Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 39th FA (105mm How, (TrkDr) (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 48th FA (105mm How, (TrkDr (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 49th FA (105mm How, (TrkDr) (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 50th AAA AW (SP) – Taegu
    • 57th FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 58th FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 64th FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 68th AAA Gun (90mm) – Yongdung-po
    • 69th FA (105mm, How, TrkDr) ((25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 75th FA (155mm How, TracDr) – Chunchon
    • 76th AAA AW (SP) (Less Btrys A&B) – Taegu
      • Btrys A & B – Kunsan
    • 78th AAA Gun (90mm) – Yongdung-po
    • 82nd AAA AW (SP) (2nd Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 90th FA (155mm How, TracDr) (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 92nd Armd FA (155mm How, SP) – Chunchon
    • 96th FA (155 How, TracDr) – Taegu
    • 140th AAA AW (SP) (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 143rd FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 145th AAA AW (SP) (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 145th FA (155m Gun, Towed) – Taegu
    • 158th FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 159th FA (155mm How, TracDr) – Yongdung-po
    • 160th FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang—ni
    • 171st FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 176th Armd FA (105mm How, SP) – Chunchon
    • 189th FA (155mm How, TracDr) (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 196th FA (155mm How, TracDr) – Pupyong-ni
    • 204th FA (155mm Gun, Sp) – Taegu
    • 213th FA (155mm How, TracDr) – Chunchon
    • 300th Armd FA (105mm How, Sp) – Chunchon
    • 424th FA (9th How, Towed) – Chunchon
    • 555th FA (105mm How, TrkDr) – Taegu
    • 623rd FA (155mm How, TracDr) - Taegu
    • 625th FA (105mm How, TrkDr) (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 780th FA (8"How, Hv, Towed) – Taegu
    • 933rd AAA AW, Mbl – Taegu
    • 936th FA (155mm How, TracDr) – Yongdung-po
    • 937th FA (155mm Gun, SP) – Chunchon
    • 955th FA (155mm How, TracDr) – Pupyong-ni
    • 980th FA (105mm How, TracDr) (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 981st FA (155mm How, TracDr) (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 987th Armd FA (105mm How, SP) – Chunchon
    • 999th Armd FA (155mm How, SP) – Taegu
    • Batteries:

    • 2nd Rocket FA (4.5" Rocket TrkDr) – Chunchon
  • Detachments:

    • SFA Topo & Meteor Det (8219th AU) – Chunchon


  • 2nd Inf. Div – Chunchon
  • 3rd Inf. Div – Wacho-ri
  • 7th Inf. Div – Chunchon
  • 8th Army – Taegu
  • 25th Inf. Div – Chunchon
  • 40th Inf. Div. – Sanyang-ni
  • 45th Inf. Div. – Taegwang-ni
  • 56th Army – Pusan


  • Battalions:

    • 2nd Mortar – Taegu
    • 4th Smoke Genr – Hq & Hq Det. – Pusan
  • Companies:

    • 21st Decon – Taegu
    • 68th Smoke Genr – Pusan
    • 69th Smoke Genr – Taegu
    • 92nd Svc – Taegu
    • 95th Svc – Pusan
    • 375th Smoke Genr – Pusan
    • 388th Smoke Genr – Taegu
  • Detachment:

    • 52nd Tech Intel – Taegu
    • 401st Tech Svc Intel – Taegu
    • 503rd Tech Intel – Shipment #8446-AI


  • Brigades:

    • 40th – Hq & Hq Co. & Med Det. – Pusan
    • 417th Avn – Hq & Hq Co. – Taegu
  • Groups:

    • 2nd Const – Hq & Hq Co. – Yongdung-po
    • 19th C – Hq & Hq Co. – Taegu
    • 24th Const – Hq & Hq Co. – Seoul
    • 32nd Const – hq & Hq Co. – Wonju
    • 36th C – Hq & Hq Co. – Yongdung-po
    • 930th Avn – Hq & H&S Co (Less Det) – Taegu
      • Advance Det. – Seoul
    • 931st Avn – Hq & H&S Co. – Seoul Air Base
    • 934th Avn. – Hq & Hq Co. – Suwon
    • 1169th C – Hq & Hq Co. – Yongdung-po
  • Battalions:

    • 2nd C (2nd inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 10th C (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 11th C (Army) – Yongdung-po
    • 13th C (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 14th C (Army) – Yongdung-po
    • 21st Prov Const. – Yongdung-po
    • 44th Const. – Taegu
    • 62nd Const. – Seoul
    • 65th C (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 73rd C (Army) – Yachon-ni
    • 74th C (Army) – Chunchon
    • 76th Const. – Yongdung-po
    • 79th Const. – Chunchon
    • 84th Const. – Seoul
    • 116th C (Army) – Yachon-ni
    • 120th C (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 185th C (Army) – Pupyong-ni
    • 194th C (Army) – Yongdung-po
    • 366th Avn – Shipment #4841-A,B,C
    • 378th C (Army) – Yongdung-po
    • 430th Const. – Pusan
    • 434th Const. – Pusan
    • 439th Const. – Wonju
    • 453rd Const. – Pusan
    • 548th C (40th Inf. Div) – Taegu
    • 802nd Avn. – Suwon
    • 808th Avn – Kunsan
    • 809th Avn (Less Co’s B & C) – kunsan
      • Co’s B & C – P’yongtask
    • *811th Avn (Less Btry B) – Seoul Air Base
      • Btry B – Kangnung
    • 822nd Avn – Taegu
    • *839th Avn – suwon
      • Co. C – Kimpo Air Base
    • 840th Avn – Suwon
    • 841st Avn – Shipment #4852 – A,B,C
    • 1092nd C (Army) – Yongdung-po
    • 1343rd C (Army) – Pupyong-ni
    • 1903rd Avn (Less Co. A) – Pusan West Air Base
      • Co. A – Taegu
  • Companies:

    • 50th Port Const. – Pusan
    • 54th Fld Maint – Yongdung-po
    • 58th Tdwy Brg – Yongdung-po
    • 60th Dep – Pusan
    • 61st Slt – Yongdung-po
    • 62nd Topo, Corps – Taegu
    • 68th Dep – Pusan
    • 72nd C – Pusan
    • 74th Hv Equip – Taegu
    • 76th Dp Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 77th C (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 82nd Pipeline – Yongdung-po
    • 86th Slt – Yongdung-po
    • 91st Water Sup – Seoul
    • 92nd Slt – Yachon-ni
    • 98th Aerial Photo Repro – Shipment #8029-A
    • 298th Base Dep – Pusan
    • 30th Dp Trk – Wonju
    • 323rd Lt Equip – Yongdung-po
    • 341st Panel Brg – Seoul
    • 388th Pipeline – Pusan
    • 402nd Panel Brg – Seoul
    • 428th Water Sup – Pusan
    • 485th Dp Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 501st Sup Point – Taegu
    • 512th Dp Trk – Yachon-ni
    • 523rd Pipeline – Pusan
    • 526th Panel Brg – Yongdung-po
    • 536th Fld Maint – Pusan
    • 538th Fld Maint – Pusan
    • 546th Ffgt – Pusan
    • 570th W Sup – Yongdung-po
    • 571st Dp Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 573rd pon Brg – Seoul
    • 595th Dp Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 622nd Avn Maint – Pusan
    • 630th Lt Equip – Yachon-ni
    • 633rd Lt Equip – Yongdung-po
    • 704th Dp Trk – Pusan
    • 712th Dep – Pusan
    • 919th Avn Maint (less Det) – Suwon
      • Det. #1 – Pusan
    • 984th Fld Maint – Pup-yong-ni
    • 1437th Tdw Brg – Yongdung-po
    • 2998th Tdwy Brg – Yachon-ni
  • Platoons:

    • 467th Ffgt – Pusan
    • 525th Ffgt – Taegu
  • Detachments:

    • Yokohama Engr Depot WAC Det (Prov) – Sagami
    • *Engr Photo Repro Det (8199th AU) – Taegu
    • *Engr Topo Det (8218th AU) – Pup-yong-ni
    • *Engr Map Repro Det (8038th AU) – Taegu
    • 1st Engr Svc Det (Prov) – Pusan
    • 25th Map Dep – Taegu
    • 60th Slt Maint – Taegu
    • 313th Util (10,000 man) – Taegu
    • 336th Util (10,000 man) – Taegu
    • 378th Util (10,000 man) – Pusan
    • 420th Avn Topo – Taegu
    • 518th Gas Genr – Pusan
    • 524th Slt Maint – Taegu
    • 538th Slt Maint – Taegu
    • 545th Refrg Maint – Pusan
    • 550th Map Dep – Taegu
  • Crews:

    • 328th Dredge – Yongdung-po
  • Teams:

    • 533rd Tech Intel – Taegu
        (to return to the US under Shipment #19028-A)
    • 535th Tech Intel C – Taegu
    • 536th Tech Intel C – Taegu
    • 539th Tech Intel C – Yongdung-po
    • 558th Tech Intel C – Taegu
        (to return to the US under Shipment #19028-B)
  • Depots:

    • 552nd Base – Hq & Hq Co. – Pusan


  • Sections:

    • 1st Disb – Yongdung-po
    • 2nd Disb – Chunchon
    • 4th Disb – Pusan
    • 9th Disb – Pusan
    • 21st Disb – Taegu
    • 105th Disb – Taegu
    • 106th Disb – Pupyong-ni


  • 1st (Type A) – Taegu
  • 2nd (Type B) – Taegu
  • 3rd (Type B) – Taegu
  • 4th (Type C) – Taegu
  • 5th (Type C) – Taegu
  • 6th (Type C) – Taegu
  • 7th (Type B) – Taegu
  • 8th (Type C) – Taegu


  • Divisions:

    • 2nd – Hq & Hq Co & Med Det., Div Hq – Chunchon
    • 3rd – Hq & Hq Co & Med Det., Div Hq – Wacho-ri
    • 7th – Hq & Hq Co & Med Det., Div Hq – Chunchon
    • 25th – Hq & Hq Co & Med Det., Div Hq – Chunchon
    • 40th – Hq & Hq Co & Med Det., Div Hq – Sanyang-ni
    • 45th – Hq & hq Co & Med Det., Div Hq – Taegwang-ni
  • Regiments:

    • 5th (less 3rd Bn) – Pupyong-ni
      • 3rd Bn – Wonju
    • 7th (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 9th (2nd Inf. Div) (less 3rd Bn) – Chunchon
      • 3rd Bn – Pusan
    • 14th (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 15th (3rd Inf. Div) (Less 1st Bn) – Wacho-ri
      • 1st Bn – Pusan
    • 17th (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 23rd (2nd Inf. Div) (Less 2nd Bn) – Chunchon
      • 2nd Bn – Wonju
    • 27th (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 31st (7th inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 32nd (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 35th (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 38th (2nd Inf. Div) (Less Tank Co) – Koje-do
      • Tank Co – Chunchon
    • 65th (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 160th (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 179th (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 180th (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 223rd (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 224th (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 279th (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
  • Platoons:

    • 26th Scout Dog – Sanyang-ni


    • 5th RCT
    • 5th Inf (Regt) – Pupyong-ni
    • 72nd Engr C Co – Taegu
    • 555th FA Bn (105mm How, TrkDr) – Pupyong-ni
  • Sections:

    • 3rd lt Avn (Inf) – Yongdung-po
    • 4th Lt Avn (Inf) – Chunchon
    • 5th Lt Avn (Inf) – Pupyong-ni


  • 4th (Mbl) (Type Z) – Taegu
  • 25th (Type Z) – Taegu


  • Battalions:

    • 2nd (2nd Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 3rd (3rd Inf. Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 7th (7th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 25th (25th Inf. Div) – Chunchon
    • 52nd (Sep) – Hq & Hq Det – Yongdung-po
    • 115th (40th Inf. Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 120th (45th Inf. Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 153rd (Dep) – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 232nd Svo – Hq – Pusan
  • Companies:

    • 37th Preventive Medicine (Sep) – Seoul
    • 60th Base Dep – Pusan
    • 123rd Holding – Seoul
    • 217th Coll, Sep – Pusan
    • 421st Coll, Sep – Taegu
    • 514th Clr, Sep – Taegu
    • 542nd Clr, Sep – Yongdung-po
    • 543rd Clr, Sep – Pusan
    • 558th Coll, Sep – Pusan
    • 559th Amb (Sep) – Wonju
    • 560th Amb (Sep) – Taegu
    • 561st Amb (Sep) – Pusan
    • 562nd Amb (Sep) – Taegu
    • 563rd Amb (Sep) – Yongdung-po
    • 567th Amb (Sep) – Yongdung-po
    • 568th Amb (Sep) – Taegu
    • 584th Amb (Sep) – Chunchon
    • 618th Clr, Sep – Yongdung-po
    • 629th Clr, Sep – Taegu
  • Hospitals:

    • 3rd Fld (400-Bed) – Pusan
    • 11th Evac, Smbl (400 Bed) – Wonju
    • 1th Fld (400 Bed) – Pusan
    • 21st Evac, Smbl – Pusan
    • 22nd Evac, Smbl – Pusan
    • 25th Evac, Smbl – Taegu
    • 64th Fld (400 Bed) – Pusan
    • 121st Evac, Smbl (400 Bed) – Yongdung-po
    • 171st Evac, Smbl (400 Bed) – Taegu
  • Dispensaries:

    • 7th – Pusan
    • 12th Gen – Pusan
    • 60th – Yongdung-po
    • 541st Gen – Taegu
    • 542nd Gen – Taegu
    • 543rd Gen – Yongdung-po
    • 544th Gen – Taegu
    • 545th Gen – Pusan
    • 546th Gen – Pusan
    • 548th Gen – Taegu
  • Detachments:

    • Med Admin Det (8211th AU) – Pusan
    • 1st Artificial Limb & Brace Shop (Prov) – Taegu
    • 2nd Neurosurgical (Prov) - Taegu
    • 3nd Neurosurgical (Prov) – Taegu
    • 10th Preventive Medicine Contl Det – Taegu
    • 38th Preventive Medicine Contl – Pusan
    • 74th Vet Food Insp – Taegu
    • 75th Vet Food Insp – Taegu
    • 106th Vet Food Insp – Taegu
    • 119th – Taegu
    • 120th – Yongdung-po
    • 121st – Taegu
    • 122nd – Taegu
    • 123rd – Taegu
    • 124th – Taegu
    • 125th – Taegu
    • 126th – Taegu
    • 127th – Taegu
    • 128th – Taegu
    • 129th – Taegu
    • 130th – Taegu
    • 131st – Pusan
    • 132nd – Pusan
    • 133rd – Pusan
    • 134th – Pusan
    • 135th – Taegu
    • 136th – Taegu
    • 137th – Taegu
    • 138th Amb – Taegu
    • 139th Amb – Taegu
    • 150th Vet Food Insp – Pusan
    • 151st Preventive Medicine Contl – Taegu
    • 152nd Preventive Medicine Contl – Pusan
    • 153rd Preventive Medicine Contl – Taegwang-ni
    • 154th Preventive Medicine Contl – Taegu
    • 155th Preventive Medicine Contl – Taegu
    • 156th Food Svc – Taegu
    • 157th Food Svc – Taegu
    • 158th Food Svc – Taegu
    • 159th Maxillo-Facial – Pusan
    • 160th Neurosurgical – Taegu
    • 161st Orthopedic – Yongdung-po
    • 162nd Orthopedic – Yongdung-po
    • 163rd Orthopedic – Yongdung-po
    • 164th Orthopedic – Yongdung-po
    • 165th Orthopedic – Yongdung-po
    • 166th Orthopedic – Yongdung-po
    • 175th Autmv Maint – Taegu
    • 176th Autmv Maint – Taegu
    • 177th Autmv Maint – Taegu
    • 178th Autmv Maint – Taegu
    • 179th Equip Maint – Taegu
    • 207th Preventive Medicine Surv – Taegu
    • 212th Psychiatric – Taegu
    • 213th Shock – Yongdung-po
    • 214th Shock – Yongdung-po
    • 215th Shock – Yongdung-po
    • 216th Shock – Yongdung-po
    • 217th Shock – Yongdung-po
    • 218th Shock – Yongdung-po
    • 219th Preventive Medicine Surv – Taegu
    • 247th Surg – Yongdung-po
    • 248th Surg – Yongdung-po
    • 249th Surg – Yongdung-po
    • 250th Surg – Yongdung-po
    • 251st Surg – Yongdung-po
    • 252nd Surg – Yongdung-po
    • 359th Dental Pros (Mbl) – Taegu
    • 461st Dental Pros (Mbl) – Taegu
    • 462nd Dentral Pros (Mbl) – Taegu
    • 463rd Dental Pros (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 476th Vet Food Insp – Pusan
    • 477th Vet Food Insp – Pusan
    • 477th Vet Food Insp – Taegu
    • 554th Opt Rep – Taegu
    • 555th Opt Rep – Taegu
    • 665th Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 666th Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 667th Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 668th Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 669th Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 670th Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 671st Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 672nd Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 673rd Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 674th Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 675th Dental Oprg – Taegu
    • 676th Dental Oprg – Taegu
  • Centers:

    • 549th Cono-Hq - Pusan
  • Depots:

    • 6th Army – Taegu
  • Laboratories:

    • 1st Field, Army – Taegu



  • Communications Reconnaissance Groups:

    • 501st – Hq & Hq Co – Taegu
  • Communications Reconnaissance Battalions:

    • 301st – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 303rd – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 304th – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
  • Communications Reconnaissance Companies:

    • 326th (Intel) – Taegu
    • 329th (Intel) – Taegu
    • 330th (Intel) – Taegu
    • 351st (Scty) – Shipment #8644-A
    • 352nd (Scty) – Taegu
  • Counter Intelligence Corps Detachments:

    • 2nd – Chunchon
    • 3rd – Wacho-ri
    • 7th – Chunchon
    • 25th – Chunchon
    • 40th – Sanyang-ni
    • 45th – Taegwang-ni
    • 181st – Yongdung-po
    • 201st – Yongdung-po
    • 209th – Chunchon
    • 210th – Pupyong-ni
    • 308th – Taegu
    • 704th – Pusan
    • 705th – Taegu
    • 801st - Taegu
  • Military Intelligence Battalions:

    • 522nd Svc (Prov) – Taegu
  • Military Intelligence Companies:

    • 302nd Svc – Taegu
  • Military Intelligence Platoons:

    • 330th Svc – Taegu
    • 521st Svc – Taegu
    • 523rd Svc – Taegu
    • 528th Svc – Taegu
  • Military Intelligence Detachments:

    • 163rd Svc – Taegu
    • Photo Interpreter Companies:
    • 4th Aerial Photo Intpr – Taegu


  • Battalions:

    • 91st – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 92nd – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 93rd – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 94th – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 95th – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 96th – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 97th – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 519th (Army) – Wonju
    • 525th Svc – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 728th – Seoul
    • 772nd – Taegu
  • Companies:

    • 1st Svc (Prov) – Pusan
    • 2nd (2nd Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 2nd Svc (Prov) – Pusan
    • 3rd Svc (Prov) – Taegu
    • 3rd (3rd Inf Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 4th Svc (Prov) – Taegu
    • 5th Svc (Prov) – Taegu
    • 6th Svc (Prov) – Taegu
    • 7th (7th Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 25th (25th Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 30th Esc Gd (Prov) – Pusan
    • 31st Esc Gd (Prov) – Pusan
    • 32nd Esc Gd (Prov) – Taegu
    • 33rd Esc Gd (Prov) – Taegu
    • 34th Esc Gd (Prov) – Taegu
    • 35th Esc Gd (Prov) – Taegu
    • 40th (40th Inf Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 45th (45th Inf Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 55th – Seoul
    • 57th – Yongdung-Po
    • 58th – Taegu
    • 59th – Taegu
    • 88th (Corps) – Pupyong-ni
    • 142nd Escort Gd (Mbl) – Taegu
    • 164th PW Pro – Pusan
    • 165th Escort Gd (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 212th (Corps) – Chunchon
    • 289th – Pusan
    • 512th (Corps) – Pusan
    • 551st Escort Gd (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 552nd Escort Gd (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 555th Escort Gd (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 556th Escort Gd (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 558th (Corps) – Taegu
    • 560th (Corps) – Pusan
    • 563rd – Pusan
    • 595th Esc Gd (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 622nd (Corps) – Yongdung-po
  • Platoons:

    • Honor Guard Plat (8230th AU) – Taegu
  • Detachments:

    • 3nd Crim Inves – Taegu
    • 3rd Crim Inves – Pusan
    • 19th Crim Inves – Taegu
    • 20th Crim Inves – Pusan
    • 21st Crim Inves – Pusan
    • 51st Crim Inves – Taegu


  • Composite Units:

    • 560th Svc Co – Yongdung-po
  • Miscellaneous Units:

    • AG Publication Supply Point (8194th AU) – Pusan
    • Helicopter Det (8190th AU) – Taegu
    • Helicopter Det (8191st AU) – Taegu
    • Helicopter Det (8192nd AU) – Taegu
    • Helicopter Det (8193rd AU) - Taegu


  • Companies:

    • 1st Loudspeaker & Leaflet Co. – Seoul
    • 4th Mbl Rad Broadcasting Co (less Dets) – Taegu


  • 10th – Taegu


  • Groups:

    • 59th – Hq & Hq Co. – Seoul
    • 60th – Hq & Hq Co. – Seoul
    • 314th Ammo – Hq & Hq Co – Seoul
  • Battalions:

    • 4th – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 30th – Hq & Hq Det – Seoul
    • 32nd Ammo – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 66th – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 67th – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 68th Ammo (Prov) – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 74th – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 79th – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 83rd – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 192nd – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 328th – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 335th – Hq & Hq Det & Med Det – Pusan
  • Companies:

    • 1st Med Maint – Pupyong-ni
    • 2nd Med Maint – Yongdung-po
    • 5th Med Maint – Yongdung-po
    • 7th Med Maint – Chunchon
    • 13th Arty & Veh Park – Seoul
    • 17th Med Maint – Chunchon
    • 19th Med Maint – Yachon-ni
    • 21st Med Maint – Chunchon
    • 24th Med Maint – Yachon-ni
    • 30th Hv Maint (Army) – Seoul
    • 31st HAM – Wonju
    • 34th Dep (Army) – Wonju
    • 38th Med Maint – Seoul
    • 44th Dep (Army) – Yongdung-po
    • 46th Lt Acft Maint – Yongdung-po
    • 47th Lt Acft Maint – Yongdung-po
    • 52nd Ammo (Army) – Taegu
    • 55th Ammo (Army) – Chunchon
    • 57th Recovery – Yongdung-po
    • 58th Ammo (Army) – Taejon
    • 65th Ammo (Army) – Chunchon
    • 69th Ammo (Army) – Pup-Yong-ni
    • 71st Dep (Army) – Yongdung-po
    • 82nd Hv Maint (Army) – Seoul
    • 89th Fld Maint (COMZ) – Pusan
    • 91st MAM – Taegu
    • 106th Hv Maint (Army) – Pusan
    • 107th Med Maint – Yongdung-po
    • 195th Dep (Army) – Yongdung-po
    • 330th Dep (Army) – Wonju
    • 363rd Ammo (Army) – Pusan
    • 445th Ammo (Army) – Pusan
    • 461st Ammo (Army) – Wonju
    • 512th HAM – Seoul
    • 515th HAM – Pupyong-ni
    • 516th HAM – Chunchon
    • 518th Med Maint – Yachon-ni
    • 533rd Rclm & Clas (Army) – Pusan
    • 538th – HAM – Yongdung-po
    • 545th HAM – Chunchon
    • 568th Hv Maint (Army) – Seoul
    • 570th HAM – Yongdung-po
    • 619th Ammo (Army) – Yachon-ni
    • 630th Ammo (Army) – Seoul
    • 696th Ammo (Army) – Yongdung-po
    • 700th Maint (45th Inf Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 702nd Maint (2nd Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 703rd Maint (3rd Inf Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 707th Maint (7th Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 725th Maint (25th Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 740th Maint (40th Inf Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 823rd Sup Dep (COMZ) – Pusan
    • 833rd Sup Dep (COMZ) – Pusan
    • 858th Ammo (Army) – Pusan
    • 930th Ammo (Army) – Pusan
    • 937th HAM – Wonju
    • 958th Fld Maint (COMZ) – Pusan
  • Platoons:

    • 59th Ammo Recv – Pusan
    • 502nd Dep – Pusan
  • Squads:

    • 4th Explosive Depl – Pusan
    • 8th Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 9th Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 14th Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 15th Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 16th Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 17th Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 19th Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 21st Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 22nd Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 25th Explosive Depl – Taegu
    • 98th Explosive Depl – Taegu
  • Detachments:

    • 24th Explosive Disposal Control – Taegu
    • 78th Stock Contl (Type A) – Pusan
    • 83rd Tech Intel – Pusan
    • 250th Ballistics & Tech Svc – Taegu
    • 283rd Tech Intel Control – Taegu
    • 508th Tech Intel – Taegu
    • 510th Tech Intel – Pusan
    • 511th Tech Intel – Taegu
    • 512th Tech Intel – Taegu
    • 514th Tech Intel – Pusan
    • 528th Tech Intel – Taegu
    • 920th Tech Intel – Taegu
  • Depots:

    • 226th Base – Hq & Hq Co. – Pusan


  • Army Postal Unit:

    • 10th (Type F) – Yongdung-po
    • 11th (Type F) – Chunchon
    • 12th (Type F) – Taegu
    • 15th (Type G) – Seoul
    • 19th (Type M) – Taegu
    • 51st (Type F) – Yachon-ni
    • 66th (Type F) – Pusan
    • 112th (Type F) – Pusan
    • 117th (Type F) – Chunchon
    • 507th (Type F) – Pupyong-ni
  • Base Post Office:

    • 1st (Type C) – Yongdung-po
    • 2nd (Type C) – Pusan


  • Groups:

    • 6th – Hq & Hq Co – Yongdung-po
    • 23rd – Hq & Hq Co – Seoul
    • 32nd – Hq & Hq Co – Pusan
  • Battalions:

    • 13th – Hq & Hq Det – Yongdung-po
    • 54th – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 96th – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 98th – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 142nd – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 325th – Hq & Hq Det – Pusan
    • 402nd – Hq & Hq Det – Taegu
    • 501st – Hq & Hq Det – Chunchon
  • Companies:

    • QM Base Dep Co (8074th AU) – Pusan
    • QM Svc Co (8051st AU) – Pusan
    • 2nd (2nd Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 3rd (3rd Inf Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 7th (7th Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 19th Subs Sup – Yongdung-po
    • 24th (24th Inf Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 25th (25th Inf Div) – Yongdung-po
    • 40th (40th Inf Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 45th (45th Inf Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 58th Salv – Seoul
    • 108th Bkry, Mbl – Chunchon
    • 110th Bkry, Mbl – Pusan
    • 114th GrReg (less 4th Plat) – Pusan
    • 130th Bkry, Mbl – Yongdung-po
    • 148th GrReg – Wonju
    • 265th Petrl Sup (Mbl) – Chunchon
    • 287th Refrg, Mbl – Yongdung-po
    • 293rd GrReg – Yongdung-po
    • 295th Bath, Smbl – Yongdung-po
    • 297th Clo & Gen Sup Dep – Seoul
    • 392nd Graves Regis – Taegu
    • 470th Bkry, Mbl – Yondung-po
    • 473rd Subs Sup – Chunchon
    • 491st Petrl Dep – Pusan
    • 504th Svc – Yongdung-po
    • 505th Rclm & Maint (Smbl) – Taegu
    • 506th Petrl Sup (Mbl) – Yongdung-po
    • 508th Salv – Yongdung-po
    • 511th Svc – Pusan
    • 515th Salv – Pusan
    • 527th Svc – Pusan
    • 529th Petrl Sup (Mbl) – Wonju
    • 530th Svc – Pusan
    • 537th Ldry (Smbl) – Yongdung-po
    • 539th Ldry (Smbl) – Seoul
    • 545th Svc – Chunchon
    • 549th Ldry (Smbl) – Yachon-ni
    • 550th Refrg – Chunchon
    • 564th Clo & Gen Supplies Dep – Pusan
    • 565th GrReg – Pusan
    • 580th Subs Dep – Pusan
    • 658th Ldry (Smbl) – Chunchon
    • 790th Rcm & Maint (Smbl) – Yongdung-po
    • 802nd Svc – Pusan
    • 819th Bath, Smbl – Pusan
    • 821st Bath, Smbl – Yachon-ni
    • 849th Petrl Sup (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 856th Bath, Smbl – Seoul
    • 872nd Bath, Smbl – Chunchon
    • 899th Ldry (Smbl) – Pusan
    • 929th Subs Dep – Pusan
    • 945th Svc – Pusan
    • 961st Svc – Seoul
  • Detachments:

    • QM Sup Det (8058th AU) – Taegu
    • 248th Ldry (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 249th Ldry (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 250th Ldry (Mbl) – Pusan
    • 254th Ldry (Mbl) – Yongdung-po
    • 350th Ldry (Mbl) – Yongdung-po
    • 351st Ldry (Mbl) – Wonju
    • 527th Tech Intel – Yongdung-po
    • 569th Off Mach Rep – Taegu
    • 579th Off Mach Rep – Taegu
    • 580th Off Mach Rep – Taegu
    • 581st Off Mach Rep – Taegu
    • 589th Tech Intel – Yongdung-po
    • 744th Ldry (Mbl) – Taegu
  • Laboratories:

    • 4th Petrl Prod (Base) – Pusan
    • 7th Petrl Prod (Mbl) – Yongdung-po
    • 61st Petrl Prod (Mbl) – Pusan
  • Depots:

    • 55th Base – Hq & Hq Co – Pusan
    • 443rd Base – Hq & Hq Co – Seoul


  • Battalions:

    • Repl Bn (8069th AU) – Pusan
    • 110th – Hq & Hq Det – Yongdung-po
  • Companies:

    • 2nd (2nd Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 3rd (3rd Inf Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 7th (7th Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 24th (24th Inf Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 25th (25th Inf Div) – Yongdung-po
    • 40th (40th Inf Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 45th (45th Inf Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 52nd – Taegu
    • 55th – Taegu
    • 369th – Taegu
    • 509th – Yongdung-po
    • 510th – Yongdung-po


  • Groups:

    • Long Lines Signal Group, GHQ (8226th AU) – Pusan
    • 22nd – Hq & Hq Co – Taegu
  • Battalions:

    • 4th Corps – Pupyong-ni
    • 23rd Const – Taegu
    • 26th Const – Taegu
    • 51st Corps – Yongdung-po
    • 101st Corps – Chunchon
    • 304th Opr – Yongdung-po
    • 440th Avn Hv Const – seoul
  • Companies:

    • Signal Air Group Liaison Co (8075th AU) – Taegu
    • 2nd (2nd Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 3rd (3rd Inf Div) – Wacho-ri
    • 7th (7th Inf Div) – Chunchon
    • 24th (24th Inf Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 25th (25th Inf Div) – Yongdung-po
    • 40th (40th Inf Div) – Sanyang-ni
    • 45th (45th Inf Div) – Taegwang-ni
    • 181st Dep – Taegu
    • 205th Dep – Taegu
    • 226th Svc – Taegu
    • 507th Svc – Pusan
    • 521st Base Dep – Pusan
    • 556th Rad Relay – Taegu
    • 557th Rad Relay – Taegu
    • 581st Rad Relay – Taegu
  • Detachments:

    • Armed Forces Radio Svc Det (8214th AU) – Taegu
    • 32nd Crystal Grinding – Pusan
  • Radar Maintenance Units:

    • 11th (Type C) – Taegu
    • 14th (Type C) – Taegu
    • 16th (Type C) – Yongdung-po
    • 51st (Type B) – Taegu
  • Depots:

    • 520th Base – Hq & Hq Co. – Pusan


  • Groups:

    • 351st Hwy Trans – Hq & Hq Co – Taegu
    • 425th Tfc Reg – Taegu
  • Battalions:

    • 14th Port – Hq & H&S Co – Kunsan
    • 52nd Trk – Hq & Hq Co – Taegu
    • 55th Trk – Hq & Hq Co – Chunchon
    • 69th Trk – Hq & Hq Co – Pupyong-ni
    • 70th – Hq & Hq Co – Taegu
    • 167th Trk – Hq & Hq Co – Pusan
    • 231st Trk – Hq & Hq Det – Yongdung-po
    • 296th Trk – Hq & Hq Co – Pusan
    • 712th Ry Oprg (Steam) – Yongdung-po
    • 724th Ry Oprg (Diesel) – Pusan
    • 765th Ry Shop (Diesel) – Pusan
  • Companies:

    • 3rd Amph Trk – Pusan
    • 20th Trk – Taegu
    • 21st Car – Seoul
    • 28th Trk – Taegu
    • 42nd Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 43rd Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 46th Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 47th Hv Trk – Pusan
    • 48th Hv Trk – Pusan
    • 49th Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 54th Hv Trk – Pusan
    • 60th Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 73rd Trk – Seoul
    • 74th Trk – Chunchon
    • 95th Car – Taegu
    • 107th Trk – Chunchon
    • 121st Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 131st Trk – Pupyong-ni
    • 153rd Port (Type B) – Pusan
    • 154th Port (Type B) – Pusan
    • 155th Port (Type B) – Pusan
    • 252nd Trk – Chunchon
    • 339th HarCft & Marine Maint – Yongdung-po
    • 377th Trk – Pupyong-ni
    • 396th Trk – Chunchon
    • 501st HarCft – Pusan
    • 504th Trk – Taegu
    • 505th Trk – Chunchon
    • 510th Trk – Wonju
    • 513th Trk – Taegu
    • 514th Trk – Taegu
    • 515th Trk – Pupyong-ni
    • 534th Trk – Wonju
    • 536th Trk – Wonju
    • 539th Trk – Pusan
    • 540th Trk – Chunchon
    • 541st Trk – Chunchon
    • 551st Trk – Pusan
    • 553rd Hv Trk – Pusan
    • 556th Hv Trk – Pusan
    • 558th Amph Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 584th Trk – Pusan
    • 665th Trk – Yongdung-po
    • 715th Trk – Chunchon
    • 726th Trk – Yachon-ni
    • 863rd Port (Type A) – Pusan
    • 866th Port (Type A) – Yongdung-po
  • Detachments:

    • 149th Warehouse – Pusan
    • 593rd Tfc Reg – Taegu
  • Ports:

    • 7th Maj (Op) – Hq & Hq Co – Pusan
    • 21st Med – Hq & Hq Co – Yongdung-po
  • Services:

    • 3rd MRS – Hq & Hq Co – Seoul


  • Prisoner of War Camps:

    • UN Prisoner of War Camp #1 (Koje-do)
    • Hq & Hq Co – Pusan
    • Prisoner of War Inclosures:
    • UN Prisoner of War Enclosure #1 (Pusan Branch) – Pusan
    • United Nations PW Enclosure #10 (Pusan) – Pusan
  • Centers:

    • Amphibious Training Center (8206th AU) – Pusan
    • United Nations Reception Center (8212th AU) – Pusan
  • Depots:

    • Pusan Chemical Base Depot for Korea – Pusan
  • Points:

    • 2nd Log Comd Chaplains Distr Point – Pusan


  • 8038th AU, Engr Map Repro Det – Taegu
  • 8043rd AU, Japan Central Exchange Det – Pusan
    • Distr Point – Pusan
    • Inchon Distr Point – Yongdung-po
  • 8055th AU, Mbl Army Surg Hosp – Yongdung-po
  • 8063rd AU, Mbl Army Surg Hosp – Yongdung-po
  • 8069th AU, Repl Bn – Pusan
  • 8075th AU, Signal Air Ground Liaison Co – Taegu
  • 8076th AU, Mbl Army Surg Hosp – Chunchon
  • 8085th AU, Eighth Army Flight Det – Taegu
  • 8100th AU – Det, Civil Info & Education,
    • UN Comd Fld Oprs Div – Pusan
  • 8136th AU, Eighth Army Hq Co Aug – Taegu
  • 8137th AU, Hq & hq Det, MP Gp – Pusan
  • 8138th AU, Hospital Train – Pusan
  • 8189th AU, Sig Svc Hq – Hq & Hq Co – Taegu
  • 8190th AU, Helicopter Det – Taegu
  • 8191st AU – Helicopter Det – Taegu
  • 8192nd AU, Helicopter Det – Taegu
  • 8193rd AU, Helicopter Det – Taegu
  • 8194th AU, Engr Photo Repro Det – Taegu
  • 8200th AU, Eighth Army Aug – Taegu
  • 8201st AU, UN Civil Assistance Comd – Pusan
  • 8202nd AU, US Military Advisory Gp to Republic of Korea – Taegu
    • Rear Det – Pusan
  • 8206th AU, Amph Tng Ctr – Yachon-ni
    • Rear Det – Pusan
  • 8207th AU, Eighth Army Sp Trps Aug – Taegu
  • 8209th AU, Mbl Army Surg Hosp – Yachon-ni
  • 8211th AU, Med Admin Det – Pusan
  • 8212th AU, UN Reception Ctr – Pusan
  • 8214th AU, Armed Forces Radio Svc Det – Taegu
  • 8215th AU, Turkish Liaison Det – Chunchon
  • 8216th AU, Pusan assembly Area Comd – Pusan
  • 8218th AU, Engr Topo Det – Pupyong-ni
  • 8219th AU, FA Topo & Meteor Det – Chunchon
  • 8221st AU, FA Topo & Meterological Det – Pupyong-ni
  • 8222nd AU, Augmentation, Hq & Hq Btry, I Corps Artillery – Yongdung-po
  • 8223rd AU, Augmentation, Hq & Hq Btry, IX Corps Artillery – Chunchon
  • 8224th AU, Augmentation, Hq & Hq Btry, X Corps Artillery – Pupyong-ni
  • 8225th AU, Mbl Army Surg Hosp – Pupyong-ni
  • 8226th AU, FEC Long Lines Sig Gp, Hq – Pusan
    • Sig Svc Co #1
    • Sig Svc Co #2
    • Det #3
  • 8228th AU, Mbl Army Surg Hosp – Yongdung-po
  • 8230th AU, Honor Guard Plat – Taegu
  • 8238th AU, Mil Intel Svc Gp – Adv Det – Pusan
  • 8240th AU, Combined Comd for Recon Activity, Korea – Taegu
    • FEC Liaison Det (Korea) – Taegu
  • 8243rd AU, Sig Intel Tm – Taegu
  • 8244th AU, Sig Intel Tm - Taegu

Additions and Corrections

From Carl Brickey:

Enjoyed reviewing your list of Units in the Korean Conflict. I notice one is missing which was the 507th AAA AW Bn. (M) that was stationed in southern Japan. Our Battalion was the first to enter the conflict for defensive purposes of the Air Fields on a temporary basis until replacements from the U.S., as our assignment was to protect Air Bases in Japan: Ashiya, 610 AF Radar Base, and Brady AFB. Shortly after entering the conflict, Cpl. John Holman shot down the first YAK Airplane, which was printed in the Stars and Stripes. Cpl. Holman was with Battery "C" of the 507th.

From Marvin Barrash:

Please add the 19th Military Criminal Investigation Attachment (8th Army) to your list.  This unit investigated theft of government and private property in Korea.

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