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Marty O'Brien's Casualty Book

Appendix IV



Joint operations are being conducted in Korea to recover the remains of Americans who died during the Korean War. The Pentagon has requested that any one with information as to grave sites or crash sites in North Korea or anywhere else to forward such information to one of the agencies listed above. It is suggested that the primary next of kin or relative of a service member who has been un-accounted for to contact:

Department of Defense
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
6825 16th Street, NW - Bldg. 54
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, DC 20306-6000

That address houses the Armed Forces DNA Identification Registry Attn: James J. Canick, Administrator, Washington, DC 20306-6000 Call: (202) 576-3287/3288/3232.

Forensic investigation is conducted at the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laborary (AFDIL), Rockville, Maryland, and Department of the Army, Central Identification Laboratory, Hawaii, 310 Worchester Ave., Hickham AFB, Hawaii 96853-5530.

Hopefully, the efforts in North Korea will be more productive than past efforts to recover remains in the former USSR. If the remains-recovery program in North Korea is anything like the one in Vietnam, it may be a costly operation. According to the San Jose Mercury News: "More than one-third of the $11.2 million spent last year by DoD in the Vietnam MIA program could not be accounted for."

Over a period of four years, the U.S. has spent $33.6 million in its remains-recovery operations in Vietnam. In a story in the Washington Post on June 26, 1996, Mike Benge, a former POW held for five and one-half years in Laos had this to say about the remains-recovery program to begin in North Korea: "At the rate of $600,000 paid for each of the five sets of remains returned to date, this could amount to a $5 billion surreptitious foreign-aid program for what should be a purely humanitarian effort."

Please pass along this information. It’s been too many years now and in too many instances the families of our POW/MIA have been handed bitter disappointments, but there’s always hope…There’s one thing we can rejoice about, our lost buddies are in God’s care. Keeping this in mind, the machinations of secular man seem trivial.


  • May God Forgive Us, Robert Welch, 1952
  • From the Danube to the Yalu, General Mark W. Clark, 1954
  • Korea 1950, Department of the Army, 1956
  • Korea 1951-53, Department of the Army, 1956
  • Scenes from an Unfinished War, Major Daniel P. Bolger, 1957
  • In Every War But One, Eugene Kinkead, 1959
  • The Politician, Robert Welch, 1963
  • March to Calumny, Albert D. Biderman, 1963
  • The Korean War, General Matthew B. Ridgway, 1967
  • A Secret War, Oliver J. Caldwell, 1972
  • The Savage Wars of Peace, Charles Allen, 1985
  • The Korean War: Pusan to Chosin, Donald Knox, 1985
  • Above and Beyond, Editors of Boston Publishing Co., 1985
  • Presidents’ Secret Wars, John Prados, 1986
  • A Soldier’s Disgrace, Don J. Snyder, 1987
  • Enter the Dragon, Russell Spurr, 1988
  • The Korean War: Uncertain Victory, Donald Knox & Alfred Coppel, 1988
  • Outposts and Allies, James A. Huston, 1988
  • The Wages of War, Richard Savero & Lewis Milford, 1989
  • About Face, colonel David H. Hackworth, 1989
  • The Gulag Handbook, Jacques Rossi, 1989
  • Rangers in Korea, Robert W. Black, 1989
  • The Four Deuces, C.S. Crawford, 1989
  • Journey into Madness, Gordon Thomas, 1989
  • The Coldest War, James Brady, 1990
  • The Fighting Never Stopped, Patrick Brogan, 1990
  • Korean War, Stephen Badsey, 1990
  • Korean War Almanac, Colonel Harry G. Summers, Jr., 1990
  • In Mortal Combat, John Toland, 1991
  • Soldiers of Misfortune, James D. Sanders, Mark A. Sauter & R. Cort Kirkwood, 1992
  • Korean War Heroes, Edward F. Murphy, 1992
  • Psywar, Stephen E. Pease, 1992
  • Refighting the Last War, D. Clayton James with Anne Sharp Wells, 1993
  • The Day The Chinese Attacked, Edwin P. Hoyt, 1993
  • Korean War: Ex-Prisoners of War, David Polk, 1993
  • The Man Who Stayed Behind, Sidney Rittenberg and Amanda Bennett, 1993.
  • Korea Focus, Korea Foundation, 1994


"The forgotten are only forgotten to the ones who never tasted gun oil and charred flesh. But [they] have always been the heroes to the ones who care, who live, who love, and who never will let the forgotten become just that; forgotten." - Tom Bunner

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