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Buddy Search - Miscellaneous info sought
from others who may have been there too...

Most recent update of this page: November 24, 2010

  • Pork Chop Hill Monument

  • Katharine B. Sherwood Liberty Ship

  • Ghost Walkers

Photos - Operation Clam-up/Vegas

I am Harold E. Wadley, Sgt. USMC (ret) and fought with the 5th Marine Regiment in Korea, 1952 -53. After several inquiries to U.S. Naval Records in DC I have been unable to obtain pictures of Operation Clam-up, 3 Feb 53 which was one of our raids on a gook hill called UnGok, Hill 31A (I think?).  I was wounded on this raid. Lt. Ray Murphy got the Medal of Honor on the raid. Captain Ted Williams, the ball player, was one of the pilots flying support for us that morning. It was a fairly cold day of -21 degrees. Do you have a file of pictures of this action? If so, what is the cost and is there a way to preview them so I could make a selection?

Second question: I'm hoping you have a source for both day and night time pictures of our battle on Outpost Vegas from 26 March to 10 April 53? It was a fairly bad one with incoming like rain! Especially the night time was lit up like daylight from the incoming and outgoing rounds. I'd sure like to review your pictures of this as well. Thank you so very much.

[Posted 11/02/05]

General M.C. Meigs

When was the first trip made to Korea by the M. C. Meigs?  I am sure I sailed on her from Seattle in the summer of 1951 with Canadians.  Could I be wrong?

Contact: Ron J. Delagard, KVA, Canada.  E-mail rgard@niagara.com

[Posted 5/02/05]

The amount of chlorine used in drinking water for the troops in the Korean war

Hello. I am a veterinarian doing nutritional research on chlorine in drinking water. I have been trying to find out the amount of chlorine used in drinking water for the troops in the Korean war. Several of the personal accounts refer to sanitation but I have found no specifics. Please reply if you have an answer or can direct me to the information.

Thank you.
Cindy Feldkamp, DVM  lonerock@wtciweb.com

Response from former Navy Corpsman, Joe Brown of New York:

Don't know the specifics, but while we were in the mountains, our water came from mountain streams.  We used chlorine tablets--one or two per canteen--but the water tasted so lousy most guys drank it straight.  The one or two dosage was determined by the clearness of the stream.  In reserve areas there were lister bags and I have no idea how much chlorine was put in them.  It really was a strong taste.


I made good use of the KWE's listing of enlisted MOS' used during the war.  I found all I needed except 0062 and 0361.  Now, do you have a listing of the Officer MOS' used during the war?  I'm looking in particular for 0200, 1193, 1229, 1510, 1512, 1542, and 2622.

Contact: Buck Ballow at bballow@motion.net.

[Posted 6/24/04]

Task Force 77

Your services would be appreciated and of great help in my preparing a paper covering an event which occurred off the east coast of Korea, December 24/25 in the year 1950.

I was serving aboard the CV-37, U.S.S. Princeton, which carried the flag of Admiral Ralph Ofstee and was the Flag Ship of Task Force 77.

The event occurred almost 53 years ago and my memory of small details may be foggy, but, as I recall, Task Force 77 usually consisted of 1 battleship, 4 cruisers, 4 carriers and some 16 destroyers.

Since these ships were constantly being relieved, rotating duty stations and changing assignments, I would appreciate it if your records would show the names of the major ships (Battle ships, Cruisers and Carriers) steaming with Task Force 77 on the night of December 24/25, 1950. The names of the Destroyers will not be necessary, since they played a secondary role in this event.

Thanking you in advance, I am, Sincerely yours,
Wallace R. Mc Gehee
C/O panamapati@yahoo.com

107th Truck Transport Unit

I am looking for any information about the 107th Truck Transport Unit of the National Guard.
Send information to: thyde205@aol.com.

Norwegian Mash Unit

My father was wounded in the Korean War on Pork Chop Hill.  His medical records were destroyed in a fire in St. Louis, MO.  We are trying to find the Norwegian MASH unit which would have cared for him.

(See Claims Assistance section.)

Last plane out of Pyongyang Airport, Dec 3, 1950

I would like to know before my time is up who were the pilots of the last plane out of Pyongyang airport on or about 3 December 1950.  The entire stock of supplies for UN troops in North Korea were being burned as the Chinese troops were approaching from the north, very close on this date.  There were several of us on stretchers being airlifted to hospitals in Japan (155th Sta. Hospital for me).  One of the pilots told us we were on the last plane out of the North Korean airport.  He even found some canned peaches for us to get sick on.  Not having any real food for weeks, we were all sick very quickly from the sweet, wonderful peaches.

I have often wondered over the years who these guys were that spirited us on wings to a more peaceful world.  I wish I could give each one my thanks for waiting for us to get to the airport, as all hell really was breaking loose as we were leaving.  The temps at this time were very low. I have heard 30-40 degrees below zero, can't say for sure other than it was bitter cold, especially with nothing but field jackets for warmth.  Chinese padded clothing and fur hats the dead Chinese furnished were a help as we stuffed these in our fatigues to help ward off the cold.

Contact: Ray Davis, RC8105R@aol.com
Former member of the 8th Cav., Japan/Korea "D" Co., 1st Battalion.

USO Show - 1953

I was just wondering if you could give me any information on the 1953 USO show, in specific the names of the entertainers.  The reason behind this is because I have some pictures from that show and I would just like to know who I am looking at.

Contact: James Arthur at james_arthur@hotmail.com.

Willys Jeep

I am in the process of restoring a 1951 M38 Willys jeep.  I would like to honor the 8th Army Rangers (the first Rangers in Korea) but I need help in how to designate this group on the front and rear bumpers on the jeep.  (I want to be accurate with the Army regs on vehicle markings for a unit.)

The first Ranger group was started by the Eighth Army, G3, of the Far East Command.  So, I am thinking that the markings might be (left to right on the front bumper facing the front of the jeep: 8A-G3 8013-1 (Where the "1" is the vehicle number).  I don't know if I should include the "G3" or not and if the 8013 is the first Army Ranger Unit started by the FEC G3.

Contact: Jay and Brenda Ritzen, 14995 Boulder Pointe Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55347 USA.

Navy Meritorious Service Medal

I've been trying to locate a copy of the citation for the Navy Meritorious Service Medal awarded to Seventh Fleet and units under command for the Korean War.  I would appreciate any information you might have.

Contact: Les Peate, First V-P, Korea Veterans Association of Canada;
e-mail jlpeate@mondenet.com.

USMC Interrogator-Translators

I am attempting to write a history of the USMC Interrogator-Translator field (which I think was established around 1957--maybe some vets can put me straight).

This project is being undertaken by Marine Corps Interrogator-Translator Team Association (www.mcitta.org).  The field (as far as I know) had its roots in WWII (then called Marine Language Officer or Marine Interpreter - enlisted), then "disappears" and suddenly reappears in 1957 as MOS 0250/0251 Interrogator-Translator (in the USMC MOS Manual).  I have been through various history websites, libraries (including the USMC Archives in Quantico, VA) and have truly began to appreciate the term "The Forgotten War."  I have found nothing on the history of Korean interpreters/interrogators (at least for the USMC).  If anyone can help me out, I would truly appreciate it.

Contact: Doug Brower, patoloco@verizon.net.

Medals Being Sought

I am writing to you for our help.  My step-dad served during the Korean War and I have tried to obtain information on any medals or honors that are due to him.  I have tried the records in St. Louis, but because of a fire in 1972, it may be hard to do.  My step-dad is dying from cancer and his time is growing very short.  Please, I need some help.  I am forwarding the only information I have on him and I would love to get them and present them to him before he dies.  His name is Myron Wayne Belmer, born 03/03/1930 in Plaistow, NH.  He now lives in Methuen, MA.

Contact: Al Hicks, 353 Sanborn Rd., W. Newfield, ME 04052.  Ph. 207-793-4052.

Call Signs, 24th Division HQ

Do you know what the call signs were for the 24th Division Headquarters, the 19th Regiment, the 21st Regiment, and the 34th Regiment?  I know that the 24th Division Headquarters was "Danger."  The commander was "Danger 6."  The 24th Division G-1 was "Danger 1."  And I think that the 19th Regiment was "Doughboy."  The 21st Regiment was "Diamond."  And the 34th Regiment was "Dragon."  And the three battalions were "Red", "White", and "Blue."  But I need verification.

Contact: Lacy Clayton Barnett at abarnett@globalsite.net.

K-Sites for Microsoft Product

I belong to a group of avid hobbyists who take different air battles and try to re-enact these battles through the media of Microsoft's Combat Flight Simulator.  Our group is called RCAF 6 Group (http://www.geocities.com/rcaf6group/).  At present we are working on the Korean War and setting up the K-sites for use in this media.  In doing research, both in books and the internet, it is almost impossible to locate any precise locations as to the locations (latitude and longitude).  Do you have access to any of this information or could you please direct me to a place where I can locate it?  I have a couple of maps showing the K-sites North and South Korea, but it is hard to get the airbases in the correct locations without the coordinates for flying.

Contact: Al Smith at aileronic@hotmail.com.

Verify Existence of K-16

I have a friend who was active in Korea in 1951 and 1952.  He was very active in the battle with the Chinese.  On April 22, 1951, the Chinese started their spring offensive.  The 1st Marine Air Wing sent approximately 100 men and 12 F4U Corsairs to a small air field called K-16.  This was a small air field located on a sand bar in the Han River.  They were in support of the Army's 25th Division.  This small airfield was about 5 miles west of Kimpo K-14.

On many occasions my friend and his companions were ordered out to repel the Chinese infiltrators and keep them from destroying the planes.  For this action they are attempting to be awarded the combat action ribbon they so richly deserve.  Do you have any information that would indicate that K-16 existed and that the above action took place?

If you would e-mail any information to me, I will see that it gets to the proper hands.
Contact: Jim Florence at napa157@my180.net.

Battlefield Commission Recipients

I have tried almost every Korean War site, trying to find a list of those receiving Battlefield Commissions during that conflict.  There seems to be the names and lists of almost all other medals, awards, etc.  I have a good friend who received one in the Kumhwa Kumsong Valley battle and simply want to know the date and how the citation reads or perhaps how he earned it.  What for?

Contact: Donna E. Heter at dheter4452@aol.com.

[KWE Reply to Donna:  Donna, I just got off the phone (6/6/04) with a man who is associated with the National Order of Battlefield Commissions (WWII, Korea, Vietnam).  He said that no list exists of who got those commissions.  The person commissioned would have it on his DD214 (discharge papers) and they can apply to the NOBC for membership.  At that time, the NOBC does a complete investigation to see if that person actually did get a battlefield commission at the time and place he said he did and under the circumstances he said he did.  They have a website:
The contact is: Mr. J. Angier, 67 Ocean Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32080; ph. 904-471-7695.]

Signing the Armistice

My name is Daniel M. Savino and I am a US Marine Corps Korean War veteran. I spend considerable time talking to high school students about the Korean War. I was asked a very interesting question that I could not answer and have not been able to find the answer. Why did South Korea not sign the Armistice? My research came up with the United States, the United Nations, North Korea and China all signed, but not South Korea. I have searched for the history of the signing but have not been able to come up with an answer. Could you help me?

Contact: Daniel M. Savino, 11 Enright Ave., Freehold, NJ 06628-2029;
ph. 321-462-4348. E-mail PDDDan141@aol.com.

[KWE reply: Hi, Daniel. This from the Dept of Navy website:

"The combatants finally reached an agreement in July 1953. It established a demilitarized zone along the final battle line with a commission to maintain it, and allowed communist prisoners to choose to return to their original country, Taiwan, South Korea, or a neutral country. Because it did not provide for a united Korea, Syngman Rhee refused to sign the armistice, although he pledged South Korea would abide by its points."

And... From "Truce Tent and the Fighting Front" ......

In May and June of 1953, the NKPA/CCF launched some of the largest attacks of the war, mostly against ROK troops, in an effort to influence the peace talks. Rhee was refusing to sign an armistice that left his country divided. Now with experienced leadership, better equipment, and better trained personnel, the South Korean units were no longer the undependable force they had been at the beginning, but were able to hold and inflict heavy losses on the enemy. These greatly improved troops occupied two-thirds of the U.N. line. Rhee agreed not to invade the north, but never did sign the cease-fire agreement which the other belligerents did on July 27, 1953. Elected in 1952, President Eisenhower had let it be known in May '53 that if a negotiated settlement could not be reached, he was prepared to seek a military solution, implying the use of atomic bombs and earlier measures advocated by MacArthur. How much did the March '53 death of Stalin or the May Eisenhower "promise" influence the Communists to accept the U.N. terms?]

Silver Star Citation

One of my school friends was killed in Korea and I was planning a small tribute to him to be erected in our local Veterans Plaza. I visited his sister who told me that her brother's medals and citation were hanging on the wall of her mother's house, and after her death, the house was cleaned out and the cleaners disposed of the framed awards.

My friend's name was Terrance Boyle. He was a medical corpsman and served in the 31st Regiment of the 7th Division. His serial number was RA21728651 and he was killed in action on March 7, 1953, while attempting to rescue two fellow soldiers who were wounded. For his heroic actions, he was awarded the Silver Star for heroism. I would like to obtain a copy of the citation for the Silver Star so I can read it before the City Council, when I request that a small tribute in his honor should be placed at our Veterans Plaza.

Contact: Richie Alexander at Njkv1@aol.com.

Bean Patch Photos

While the Marines were located in the so called "bean patch", a photographer took photos of the units of the Brigade. I do not recall if he was a military photographer or not.  I would like to obtain the photo of the unit I was with but I have never heard any information on the photos after they were taken. Would appreciate any information from anyone that might have knowledge of these photos.

Contact: Gene Dixon through lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org


Searching for information about AACS to help a veteran with a claim.  I need some help in finding the deployment of the MOB AACS unit from Johnson AFB in Japan to Korea.  Contact: Kathy Abey, ph. 410-758-2368.  E-mail: monga@dmv.com.

Chewing the Fat

I have been searching for photos of the Tidal Basin (manmade enclave filled with sea water) located in Inchon Harbor, South Korea for many years. I was stationed there and worked daily at and on the Tidal Basin piers where my civilian labor crew of South Koreans rolled POL drums from unloading dock area to a POL stockpile area immediately behind the pier about 200 feet. My heart lived there in that place and my work for almost 18 months from 1951-53.

At last my search paid off when I went online to StillPix@nara.gov and up popped ONE photo of the very spot I had worked at and the old cranes that unloaded the POL drums were there in photo. All that was missing was ME. I had to go to the CIA (come in Angels) for assistance and they do answer personal requests I can testify to that. So, I try to contact other VETS of the Korean War and see how they are doing and chew the fat with them somewhat either online or by cell phone too.

I want to instill a fact to you that I feel is necessary. In 1957 I had an auto wreck that tore me all to pieces, fractured my skull, brain contusion, unconscious 17 days. I came to with loss of memory that doctor said might never come back. My time in Inchon had been wiped out in many places and just came and went. Finding the Tidal Basin by picture which I have saved on my computer documents has been like the 1849 Gold Rush was to many folks in the USA.

If I can make one person happy in some little way, then I am passing on the steps of A.A. as asked to do. Will appreciate communicating with you or someone you may think needs online support via chewing the fat per se. Thanks again for replying!

Contact: Maurice D. Mason, P.O. Box 465, Eldorado, IL 62930.

Outpost Nori

My name is Daniel Wolfe secretary of the W.A. Sidney Outpost 52 of the 15th Regt, 3 Div. I recently downloaded a photo of Nori Outpost, an outpost we defended in 1952. This is a wonderful photo of the entire area our company defended. Many men were lost and many men were wounded. It has been fifty-two years since we have been there. We still have reunions. This photo will play a significant role in my memoir.  The photo was taken by Major Charles "Chip" Knighten on a tour of Korea in the year 2000.  When I downloaded the photo to send it to my men it was quite grainy. I wonder whether you can refer me to anyone who could provide me with a crisp copy of the photo so that I can send it to my men.  Thank you.

Contact: Dan Wolfe.  E-mail Pitcha96@aol.com.  

School of Standards

Seeking information about the Korean War School of Standards, including (a) How long did the SOS continue in existence, and (b) What became of the former staff when the school closed.  Are any of them still living?

Contact: John Wiess.  E-mail gew555@cet.com

Beetle Bailey

I wonder if you could help me. I am an historian here in Finland and I am writing a book about Beetle Bailey, Mort Walkers world famous comic strip soldier, published in Finland form 1956, and how that strip has scanned the U. S. history day by day more than 50 years.

Beetle Bailey enlisted in U. S. Army in 1951 during the Korean war and he become very popular among the American soldiers. I'd like to know what the American soldiers who fought in Korea thought about Beetle then in 1951-1953. Beetle was not a good example of the disciplined soldier and maybe that is why the soldiers like him.  But it has been very difficult to find any veterans of Korean war in  Internet. I wonder would it be possible that you could forward this e-mail to some veterans around the KWE website. I'd appreciate that very much.

Contact: Ilpo Lagerstedt, Helsinki, Finland.  E-mail ilagerstedt@suomiforum.com.

DMZ Immediately After Armistice

I am a student at the Joint Military Intelligence College and I am researching the marking of the MDL within the DMZ right after the cessation of hostilities in Korea in 1953. I have searched the records at the National Archives and found some discrepancies. For example, an UNCMAC document from May of 1953 stated that the MDL markers would use 8 foot metal pickets. However, I also found at NARA a 1954 photo of Joint Observer Team 2 talking with North Korean officials and in this photo are two markers, but of wooden posts. None of the documents from NARA indicate which units actually marked the MDL. This is what I am searching for.

In addition to identifying units involved, I would like to contact veterans who did the marking and learn their story and if possible see their pictures, if they took any during the marking or made sketches or know who did the surveying for the marker locations. Any kind of information pertaining to the execution of the Armistice terms, in erecting the MDL (Military Demarcation Line- the line that bisects the DMZ) would be a real shot in the arm.

Though I have spoken to a limited few Korean War veterans in my area, none were in Korea from 1 Aug through Dec 1953. Research from the Archives indicates that the markers, all 1,292 of them, were placed during August and then the Joint Observer Teams reviewed each marker during September and October. Again, no information has been found regard Aug thru Oct of '53 and this is where I hope to locate and converse with some veterans to get the "rest of the story." If any veteran should have pictures and they are willing to share, I would like to scan each picture and use them in my thesis. Of course, appropriate credit would be given to the veteran. I am a veteran myself and would want the same consideration. Also, have any of your members written any books or memoirs about their experiences? I have a handful of books on the war and would like to acquire more, but since I am not a Korean veteran I do not know what is out there.

Contact: John Rado, 314-263-4356 (work) usually in around 0630 (Central).  E-mail: radoj@mindspring.com (home e-mail).

[Posted 1/24/05]

Livingston Bridge near Inje

I have been doing a lot of research on the Livingston Bridge near Inje, Korea.  The one thing I am lacking is the identity of the US troops who were stationed in that area as of the beginning of 1955 and beyond.  Do you have any data on that period?

Contact: Ralph Hockley, 10027 Pine Forest, Houston, TX 77042-1531; ph. 713-334-0271; fax 713-334-0272.  E-mail rmh-2id-kwva@earthlink.net

[Posted 4/29/05]

Sources to Acquire Korean War Photos, Memorabilia, Etc.

I am an instructor at the Davis-Monthan Airman Leadership School.  Our curriculum consists of leadership/human relations/communication and profession of arms to enlisted members ranking E-4 and E-5.  We have four seminar rooms which we have decided to dedicate to each major conflict.  My classroom is dedicated to the Korean War.  I was wondering if you knew of any sources to acquire photos, memorabilia, etc.

Contact: MiaFarah Kelly, TSgt., USAF, Instructor, Airman Leadership School, Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ; 520-228-3948 office, 520-954-1025 cell, 520-228-5977 fax.

[Posted 4/29/05]

Former POWs in the Clovis, NM area

I am a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer.  I work at an Air Force Base close to my home town of Clovis, New Mexico.  The Vice Wing commander tasked me with finding information concerning POWs from my area.  Can you help me?  I am looking specifically for those in the East Central and South Eastern section of the state.  I would like, if possible, to get a roster of members of the Korean War Association of New Mexico.

Contact: CPO Richard Robertson, USN (Ret).  E-mail rz@plateautel.net.

[Posted 4/29/05]

C Company, 204th Medical Battalion

I am a former member of Company C, 204th Medical Battalion.  I am interested in the history of my unit.  Any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.

Contact: William Rogers, gayle@opencominc.com.

[Posted 4/24/06]

SS Katharine B. Sherwood Liberty Ship

What info do you have on the Katharine B. Sherwood Liberty Ship? Katharine was my great-great grandmother. Your efforts will be appreciated.

Contact: Mitsu Roberts-Soria soria.m@sbcglobal.net

[Posted 6/03/06]

KWE research found:

  • She was built by the Delta Shipping Company in New Orleans, LA. Delta was an emergency ship yard built in 1941. It was closed after the war ended. It was located on the west bank of Industrial Canal in New Orleans, just south of the I-10 bridge.
  • The SS Katharine B. Sherwood was a standard EC2-S-C1 liberty ship with Hull No. 2813.
  • She was the 139th Liberty ship built by Delta.
  • She was laid down on 18 August 1944.
  • She was launched 26 September 1944.
  • She was used by the merchant marine in Korea from 29 May to 11 June 1952 and from 17 to 26 June 1953, which is why she deserved a Korean Service Medal and United Nations Service Medal.
  • She was scrapped in 1966 at Terminal Island.

More from Mitsu:

Thank you so much for this information! It's more than I expected. Please tell me though, what does it mean that she was a standard EC2-S-CI ship? I don't know what that means. Perhaps just a cargo ship? Transporter ship? What? Also, is there any records of the men that worked on this ship. (List of shipmates or sailors?) It is also been said that there was some kind of plaque dedicated to KBS. Where would that have gone to and how can I find out where it is now? If the ship was dismantled in Terminal Island, Long Beach, CA, would the Maritime Museum have that plaque? Thanks again for you help. - Mitsu

Ghost Walkers

What do you know of covert units that operated out of ASCOM City in 1962, 63, and 64?  This unit would have not had an insignia on their uniforms, nor did they wear any dog tags and they didn't carry ID tags.  Some called this unit "Ghost Walkers."  Do you know who they were attached to?  Could it have been the 8th Army?

Contact: Barbara Wright at ewagon@earthlink.net.

[Posted 3/29/07]

Long Horn Steer

I met someone from England who went to Korea for a reunion.  He told met hat they do it every year as a type of celebration (it is held every year about the same time) of the combined services from Britain and Korea for the Neutral Nations.  (Could be other countries involved, I don't know.)  He took a photograph of a long horn steer type animal in front of the Neutral Nations building.  I would like to know more about the statue.  It is very unusual in that the horns are made of cutlery (knives, forks, spoons, etc).  It is extremely interesting and I would love to find out the details of it.  (How many spoons, knives, etc.)  Who, why it was created, any symbolism.  He told me he knew nothing about it and there was no sign with the steel animal, but every Neutral Nation building has this type of statue (different animal) he believes.

I would appreciate any information you can give on this.  I have tried various searches with no luck.  Now it's just a matter of principal.

Contact: Ingrid at bobingalong@mindspring.com.

Aircraft Crash on Cheje-do Island

I am seeking information on an aircraft crash on Cheje-do Island, Korea.  The crash occurred on 24 May 1954 and involved a plane from the 11th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron from Kimpo.  A friend of mine was killed in the crash.

Contact: J. Kilgore at mark1504@aol.com.

Korean War Soldier Rosters

Searching for Korean War soldier rosters that have the names of Ivan Rule Alley (entered service 13 January 1951 Taegu, Korea--reenlistment and discharged 12 January 1954) and George Bland.  Bland was from North Carolina.

Contact: Floyd Lawrence at floydlawrence@verizon.net.

Pork Chop Hill Monument

My brother was in Korea during the war and spent time on Pork Chop Hill during numerous battles.  A student of his was in Korea and saw my brother recently.  He told him that there was a monument on Pork Chop Hill and had his name on it.  could you tell me what website might show this monument?  I have searched for days.

Contact: Jim at dutch305@bellsouth.net.

[Posted 11/24/2010]

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