We need your help to keep the KWE online. This website runs on outdated technology. We need to migrate this website to a modern platform, which also will be easier to navigate and maintain. If you value this resource and want to honor our veterans by keeping their stories online in the future, please donate now. For more information, click here.

Buddy Search - Re: Deceased Veterans

The following listings are searches for information wanted about deceased Korean War veterans.

[KWE Note:  In cases where there is no contact information given, please email any available information to the Korean War Educator C/O Lynnita Brown.  It will be passed along to the requestor if the contact information has been provided to the KWE.]

Most recent additions to this page:

  • Schafer, Harold - Posted 7/14/2015
  • Bukke, Arno - Posted 4/01/2012
  • Clayton, William Dean - Posted 4/01/2012
  • Adams, Arthur Doyle - Posted 11/23/2010
  • Hanks, Donald Gene - Posted 11/23/2010
  • Samsel, Cpl. Denzil G. - Posted 11/21/2010
  • Katelhut, Robert - Posted 5/20/2010
  • Springer, Roy Earl - Posted 3/10/2010
  • DAC Joe Yuen Jeong - Posted 3/07/2010
  • Morrison, Donald - Posted 2/25/2010
  • Malloy, Capt. Francis Michael - Posted 1/11/2007
  • Crain, Dennis Felbert - Posted 1/12/2007
  • Adams, Edwin - Posted 1/21/2007
  • Harkleroad, Glenn Morris - Posted 2/04/2007
  • Kibbey, Earl Emerson - Posted 2/23/2007
  • Young, John C. - Posted 3/2007
  • Erickson, Carl Jr. - Posted 3/12/2007
  • Crandall, Arthur Clark - Posted 3/12/2007
  • Clark, Charley L. - Posted 3/12/2007
  • Dishman, Wesley Sr. - Posted 3/12/2007
  • Bledsoe, Willard Grant - Posted 6/22/2008
  • Dart, James (Jim) Paul - Posted 6/30/2008
  • Lesney, Eugene G. - Posted 11/13/2008
  • Dankovich, Alexander "Dankie" - Posted 12/29/2008
  • Henicke, John Edward - Posted 8/16/09
  • Ray, Harvey E. - Posted 8/16/09

VA Cemetery Locator Services

The burial locations of more than 5 million veterans for whom the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has provided grave markers are now available on the Internet, as well as the information inscribed on the markers. Online since April 2004, the nationwide gravesite locator helps veterans' families, former comrades-in-arms and others find the graves of veterans. VA recently added 1.9 million records for veterans buried primarily in private cemeteries to its database. Internet users only need to provide the last name of the deceased veteran or dependent. Typically, the information available includes name, birth and death dates, rank, branch of service and the address and phone number of the cemetery. Veterans whose discharges are other than dishonorable, their spouses and dependent children may be buried in a national cemetery, regardless of where they live. No advance reservations are made. VA provides perpetual care, as well as a headstone or marker, a burial flag and a memorial certificate to survivors. Information on VA burial benefits can be obtained from national cemetery offices, from a VA Website at www.cem.va.gov or by calling VA regional offices toll-free at 1-800-827-1000.

This gravesite locator does not work for Arlington National Cemetery.  Contact information for Arlington:

Mail address

Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, Virginia 22211

Telephone Numbers:

For General Information, Location of Gravesites, & Visitor Information
(703) 607-8000

Interment Services Branch: Funeral Arrangements & Eligibility Requirements (Please note that Arlington National Cemetery does not make prearrangements)
(703) 607-8585

Media Inquiries & Escorts
(703) 607-8574

*Wreath Laying Ceremonies: (Requests must be received in writing)
(703) 607-8559

Aanes, 1Lt. Edward Augustus

I am trying to find out any information on my father (whom I never knew).  He was 1Lt Edward Augustus Aanes from Fort Collins, Colorado.  He served in the 39 AF Squadron of the 18th battalion, and flew a P51 Mustang.  He was a DFC winner.

He, along with some other brave men, was killed at Barksdale AFB in a B26 crash.  (The pilot hit power lines during takeoff.  I hear the power lines are still there.)  Is there any way I could further my search about his life?  There isn't really anyone I know who knew him, and this has always been one huge hole in my heart.

Contact: Steven E. Aanes, 5027 Merlin Drive, Oakwood, GA 30566
ph. 770-534-4151.  E-mail pitbul99@bellsouth.net.

Abey, Robert Chester

I am trying to reconstruct my Uncle's (Robert Chester Abey) service history. He served in the Korean War with Company K, 7th Inf. Regiment; 3rd Inf. Div.  He was also connected with the 443rd AAA, according to the pictures I have. He was killed in an auto accident just after he was discharged. He wrote home to his sister - the only sibling left out of 17 brothers and sister. it's very important to her to have his story so I am working hard to find it before it is too late. I was a very young child when he died so I have only faint memories of him. There is no one who knows his service story in our family.

While reconstructing the artifacts our family has, and general history of the unit in which he served, I found he sent home many photographs of his buddies. There is one of him and another G.I. with 7 Korean service members in the background. I gather these are the Korean draftees assigned to his unit. There are photos of them cooking something in what looks like a fox hole; one of the camp in snow; another shows many tents and appears to say "Ham hung - North Korea hell hole". The pictures are in pretty good condition for the most part. One photo shows the notation "White and me"; another one says "Sam" - looks like the same guy so maybe his name is Sam White. Many of the pictures are taken in Germany and some on post somewhere with the 443rd AAA HQ sign in the background. ("Sam" was quite tall; my uncle was 5' 3" inches tall so imagine the contrast.) There are a lot of the two of them together and I would like to find "Sam" or his family to share these pictures with them. I think there are about 30 - 40 photos in good shape; others I will have to restore, but I am sure there are people in these pictures who have family that would appreciate sharing and I would certainly like to know what my Uncle did in the war.

I believe his Korean War service dates are 17 November 1950 - 15 July, 1951. Those are the dates on his Commendation Ribbon and Certificate. We have the original shipping case and that medal and we have the Army of Occupation medal and ribbon (for Japan.) Missing is his Korean War Service medal w/3 bronze stars. I am trying to get that replaced. I was wondering as well if he should have received the Combat Infantry Badge. Another veteran said I should ask that question. If it is relevant, the DD 214 shows he was a Corporal when discharged.

I plan to try to get his personnel records - but every time I ask for records for older veterans, the Service Center says they were lost in a fire, so I don't have a lot of hope. Any assistance you can provide would be appreciated and if you can tell me how to find "the boys" in these pictures I would be very happy.

You can reach me by telephone at the number below or at 1-888-227-1446 if you need to confirm anything. Thanks for your help and for the wonderful job on this history web page.

Contact: Kathy Abey, ph. 410-758-2368.  E-mail: monga@dmv.com.

(Click a picture for a larger view)

My Uncle's "Dress" photo

Taken not in Korea, I believe, but shows him with his friends having a few drinks somewhere. He is the one closet to the camera on the left. You can see his patch on his shoulder.

Hamhung North Korea "Hell Hole"

His unit cooking something in their fox hole.






My Uncle is the short one in the picture.






[Posted 9/8/04]

Adams, Arthur Doyle

I am looking for any information regarding my grandfather, Arthur Doyle Adams. The only information I have received, all word of mouth, was that he received the Purple Heart while serving with the Army in Korea, and was Honorably Discharged.

He was born on June 30, 1925 in Kansas. I was born 55 years later to the day. He meant a lot to me, but passed away when I was 11. He never talked about the war with any of his children, including my father. I named my son after him, and would like to tell him someday about his great grandfather's military background. Any help is most appreciated.

Contact: Jonathan Adams at irbojon28@hotmail.com.

[Posted 11/23/2010]

Adams, 1st Lt. Edwin

I am attempting to obtain information on the circumstances of the death of my uncle in Korea.  He was First Lt. Edwin Adams, F Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division.  He died September 1, 1950 in Korea.  Any suggestions as to internet info available would be appreciated.

Contact: Richard Adams, e-mail richardandsaucy@charter.net.

[Posted 1/21/07]

Adler, Maxwell (Mac)

I am looking for anyone who knew my brother Maxwell (MAC) Adler from Brookline, Massachusetts.  He was killed during the Korean War.

Information:  PFC Maxwell Adler, 62nd Engineering Battalion, U.S. Army, died on or about March 31, 1951 on a bridge over the Han River.  My family was never given any information about the circumstances of his death. If any one knew him or knows what happened to him, I would greatly appreciate any information.

Contact: Alan Adler.  E-mail bill_mcgroarty@town.brookline.ma.us.

[Posted 9/26/06]

Arnold, 2nd Lt. Donald Dewey Jr.

I am driven by a ghost from the past.  I am the son of a Korean War KIA soldier.  His name was 2nd Lt. Donald Dewey Arnold Jr.  He was KIA near Imjin River (5th Cav Regt., 1 Cav Div), on October 03, 1951.  He was a 1st Lt., 1st Platoon, Company G.  Our story was thoughtfully included in the St. Petersburg Times tribute to the Korean War veterans recently.  It can be viewed at:

My kid is now in the US Army and E6 and at Ft. Bragg.  Out of that interest I found a most interesting group of people online in a website called SOCNET ( http://www.socnetcentral.com/vb/ ).  That site is the "real deal."  Another member (a Korean War SF soldier) has offered suggestions and the following kind words that have meant a great deal to me.  He wrote the following and I hope sharing it is okay.  We never had much given to us to remember my dad, and so these words mean something to me:

"I am not a religious man, but I understand compassion.  Losing a Dad in a war is akin to losing the story of your life and not being able to find the marked page again.  The story is ended without the ability to start again.  Those killed in war are, for the most part, very young men.  And the home life they had was just blossoming.  I have seen many casualties as I used to wonder who they were, who would be in mourning for them.  Will anyone really miss them.

It was more grim, but what you, Don, wish is not fleeting remembrances, but rather some graciousness to be attached to the loss of your Father.  I wish I were the man who did find your Father.  But Bless your Father's memory and consider yourself a full person, and that your Father gave his life as a hero.  Medals notwithstanding, death brings medals unattached to most military deaths when the incident occurs in the mayhem of battle."

I have just about lost hope in my search and maybe it's as well.  I know my father is more than those last days, but for some reason I have continued.  My latest break concerned a Medal of Honor recipient, Lloyd Burke, who probably knew my dad before his death.  I hit on it totally by accident.  It shocked me on my luck and the story.  They both were the rank of Lieutenant, in charge of platoons in the same company (G).  Both had infant sons and more than likely shared intimate information as peers often do in such situation.  I had a fantasy that they were friends and that maybe the fury of Burke's attack was in part due to the loss of his friend earlier that month.  That my dad's spirit helped him in that attack.  This though I will never know.

See http://mishalov.com/Burke.html.  The problem is, my one sure fire link to information on my dad from a peer was this guy.  He died in 1999.  Kind of a bitter pill to swallow.  I was close, but at least I have some leads.  I am running out of ideas on how to find Col. Lloyd Burke's survivors.  If you have any suggestions in finding others that may have known my father, I'd appreciate it.  Or just words of wisdom.

Contact: Don Arnold at ddarnold@tampabay.rr.com.

[KWE reply to Don:  Lynnita Brown, founder of the KWE, attended Scooter Burke's funeral at Arlington, VA in 1999.  She happened to be in DC for the reunion of Outpost Harry Survivors.  Lynnita attended the family reception after Lloyd Burke's funeral, and had the addresses of Burke's next of kin.  She shared them with Don.]

Aston, Frank V.

My brother, Frank V. Aston, was killed in action in Korea.  His last known address was Laclede County, MO.  His date of death was July 24, 1953.  He was a 2nd Lieutenant in the army and his service number: 0-1926738.  Can you tell me if he is honored in Missouri on any memorials?

Contact: Dick Aston.  E-mail DAston8496@aol.com.

Backoff, Dick

There is one bit of information that I would appreciate, if available, about Line Hays, 9 September - 15 October 1951.  My best buddy, Dick Backoff, got a Bronze Star, posthumously, for his participation in this action on September 9, 1951, and was later KIA on Nov. 1, 1951 when a hand grenade went off in his foxhole, presumably thrown by the Chinese. If there are any battle reports of this action, could you please let me know how I may obtain them.

Contact: Tom Smith USMCR 1020172. E-mail Tomputtnchip@cs.com.

Barber, Otis C.

Searching for anyone stationed at Tachikawa who knew Mr. Barber in the early 1950s, specifically 1953-54.  Also anyone who served with Mr. Barber at March AFB in the early 1960s.  He was a licensed ham radio operator at the time of his death.

Contact: Bruce Leichty (son-in-law of Otis Barber) at leichty@sbcglobal.net.

Bevels, Charles Marion

I have been trying to find out any information I can find out about my uncle, Charles Marion Bevels.  He was in a POW camp where he died of malnutrition and pneumonia.  The food he was given (what little it was) he gave to the other prisoners.  (So sad.)  Anyway, I have been trying to find out if any of his camp buddies or soldiers that were in his camp are still alive.  I would love to hear from them and find out about my uncle.  I never knew my Uncle Charles.  I wasn't born when he died.  I only have stories I've heard from my daddy and my two uncles that are still living.

Charles M. Bevels is one of the soldiers they haven't brought home yet.  He died in the Hanjang-ni Camp and was buried there on a hill or mountainside under some rocks.  That is what a man told my grandmother when he came home from the war.  The man also gave my grandmother Charles' dog tag.  I wish I knew who that man was and what his name is and if he is still alive.  I'm hoping one day they will search there at the Camp Hanjang-ni for his remains and we can bring him home to bury him.

Contact: Beverly Gale Bevels Sansing.  E-mail beverly68_86@yahoo.com.

[Posted 6/9/05]

Bledsoe, Willard Grant

Searching for anyone who served in the 3810th USAF Hospital who remembers my father, Willard G. Bledsoe, AF14352219. He enlisted in the Air Force for four years at Chattanooga, TN and was discharged at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, on July 6, 1954. His most significant duty assignment was the 3810th USAF Hospital. He was a male nurse.  I know nothing about the 3810th or my father's military service. I loved my dad so much and finding something about him would be like a connection I can make with him.

Contact: Donna Jordan at jordan274475@bellsouth.net.

[Posted 6/22/08]

Boyle, Terrance

One of my school friends was killed in Korea and I was planning a small tribute to him to be erected in our local Veterans Plaza.  I visited his sister who told me that her brother's medals and citation were hanging on the wlal of her mother's house, and after her death, the house was cleaned out and the cleaners disposed of the framed awards.

My friend's name was Terrance Boyle.  He was a medical corpsman and served in the 31st Regiment of the 7th Division.  His serial number was RA21728651 and he was killed in action on March 7, 1953, while attempting to rescue two fellow soldiers who were wounded.  For his heroic actions, he was awarded the Silver Star for heroism.  I would like to obtain a copy of the citation for the Silver Star so I can read it before the City Council, when I request that a small tribute in his honor should be placed at our Veterans Plaza.

Contact: Richie Alexander at Njkv1@aol.com.

Brown, Norman Herbert

I am trying to find information on my father in the Korean War. His name is Norman Herbert Brown. He was born on May 22, 1934. He was a tail gunner in the Korean War. I am not sure what Bomb Squad he was in. He lived in Michigan when he served. He later was in Viet Nam. He died March 14th, 2002 in Maryland. If you can help me get any information or photos of him in the war, I would appreciate it.

Contact: Cathy J. Briscoe at Cathysdream001@aol.com.

Brown, Richard W. Sr.

My name is Richard W. Brown Jr., and I am a former Marine of the Vietnam era with eight years of service. My father (Richard W. Brown Sr.) was a proud United States Marine veteran of the Korean War. The few times that I was able to get him to talk about it, I was able to glean from him that he served with A/1/7 in that theater. Following his death in 1995, I was able to acquire his service records from HMC, and found out that he was there from February to June of 1951.

I would ask two things: First, if anyone can remember serving with my father (or a man by the name of Don Barry, both from Kansas City, MO) then please contact me by e-mail or phone, and – please feel free to contact me with any questions, and especially if you remember my father. Thank you in advance and Semper Fi!

Contact: Richard W. Brown Jr., rwbrown3@att.com. Ph. 816-391-5214.

Bukke, Arno

While trying to find information about my grandpa I stumbled across your  website. First off I would like to thank you for the work you have done. Your website is very informative, and I love that it gives the veterans' point of view rather than just textbook answers.

My grandpa was my best friend, and unfortunately he passed away 15 years ago. He fought in Korea, but he never discussed it when he got home. My grandma says that he came home a different man; visibly shaken with signs of serious PTSD. Other than the occasional story I've heard from my grandma, I have no information on his time there, and no pictures (although I did watch a documentary on the History Channel and a picture came on the screen that my whole family believes was him). I was wondering if through your countless research and interviews you have heard anything of him or have any pictures. I know it's a long shot, but this is the only place I know to go.

Here is what I know: His name is Arno Bukke and he was a sergeant in the army's 2nd Infantry Division. He enlisted in the army soon after his arrival in America from Denmark. I know that he was considered a decorated vet, and received an honorable discharge. My grandma says he was there in the winter of '49, although I'm not sure if she meant '49 or '50 (she's getting older and sometimes her dates get confused). I know that he lived in a foxhole, and was near some bad explosions numerous times, one of which sent a shard of material straight at his heart, and the only thing that saved him was the pocket bible he had, that now has a hole through it because it saved his life. I wish I had names or something more to go on, but I do not.

Contact: Sara Frederickson, phone 801-870-3455.

Byrne, Paul Sheldon

My husband Paul Sheldon Byrne passed away March 6, 2008.  I have begun the appeal for a service connected disability as he had blood cancer of MDS for which he received chemo twice a week for about 4-5 years, bladder cancer, pulmonary fibrosis (on oxygen 24 hours a day), cardiac issues, had cardiac arrest, etc.

I have been left in extremely difficult circumstances as I was our sole support and was unable to work for the last several years.  I also missed a great deal of work as a realtor as in the preceding years he had many medical crises.  The VA wants me to name the chemicals to which he was exposed, and as I was just married to him in December 1997, I am not in possession of that information.

Paul told me that he served as an advance scout with the Korean military behind enemy lines.  He was an Annapolis graduate and a Marine.  I noticed in the records that he had been promoted to temporary Captain, but don't know if it ever became permanent.  I thought someone who had served with him might know more about the situation.  He had said that he had been in a valley with munitions so thick that it was like a pea soup fog.  He had been in and out of the military hospitals and diagnosed with lupus erythematosus.  That was later changed to heat sensitivity which meant that he couldn't return to combat so he left the military.  Any help you can give me will be appreciated.

Contact: Carolyn Marshall Byrne, ph. 408-225-5205; e-mail cmarshall@kwsv.com.

[Posted 3/07/10]

Clark, Charley L.

Ft. Lt. Charley L. Clark passed away December 11, 2006.  He was 80 years old.  His Korean War papers were burned in the fire in the 1970s.  Looking for anyone to help me.  I want to get his Korean War medals, but cannot do so due to no proof.  I cannot find his separation papers.  Anyone out there that remembers him or has any suggestions how to attain these, will be greatly appreciated.  He was from Paragould, Arkansas at the time of induction.  He was an ROTC draftee.  He was a proud soldier until the end.  He served in World War II as a young man, then was drafted into the Korean War.  He was proud to serve his country both times.  He was married for 39 years to Joyce Shumate Clark.  I would appreciate any help.

Contact: Joyce Shumate Clark, e-mail huger19@comcast.net.

[Posted 3/12/2007]

Clark, Robert Eugene

My father served in the Army in the 57th MP Company out of Camp Stoneman, CA. He originally enlisted at Fort Snelling, St. Paul, MN. His name is Robert Eugene Clark. He lived in Porter, MN at the time. He returned home March 1948 and married my mom in December of 1948. He never talked about his experience although he died before we became interested in the history.  The only other information I have:

1. He was in the 2nd Platoon Co. E, 1st Reg Apg Mo in Oct 1946.
2. He served from Sept 1946 - March 1948.
3. He was appointed the rank of Corporal in July 1947 at Camp Inch'on, Korea.
4. I have a passenger info manual for the HF Hodges transport out of San Francisco.
5. I have a few diary entries talking about prison breaks and a lot of pictures with no references.

Can you point me in the right direction for information on this Korean area during those dates I've listed? I don't even know where to start looking. It would be great to get in touch with some of his military buddies but I don't know what information to enter in some of the military sites I've seen. Yours was the only site with information related to the Korean War that I found beneficial.

Contact: Kristi Wright, kristi_wright@hopkins.k12.mn.us.

[Posted 12/08/05]

Clayton, William D.

I am looking for anyone that served with my grandfather in the Korean War. All the info I have so far is that he served on a naval ship and was a radar tech. He was born in Wapello, Iowa on April 10, 1929.  His name was William Dean Clayton.  Date of passage January 5, 1988. I will hopefully have more info soon.  It would be amazing to be able to post on this site.  My name is Boletta `Bo` Hunter.  My email is boletta30@live.com.  The phone number to reach me is 740-223-8368.  Address: 1495 Forest Brooke Way Apt #246, Delaware, Ohio 43015.

[Re-posted 4/01/2012 following website crash.]

Cocchi, Anthony L.

I am trying to locate the town or gravesite of KIA Anthony L. Cocchi, KIA 6-4-1952.  He was in the 24th Infantry Division.  He did not have enough points to leave with the 24th so he was sent to the 40th Infantry Division.  He served with me as a combat medic with Fox Company, 223rd Infantry until he was killed on 6-14-1952 on Hill 449 along with 12 other service men.  His body was recovered the same day.  The Army lists their casualties only from their counties of origin, not their home towns.  He is listed as being from Wayne County, Michigan.  His service number is RA16364748.  Any ideas would be helpful.

Contact: Bill Pappas, Massachusetts.  E-mail medic223@prospeed.net.

[Posted 4/30/05]

Cochran, L. G.

My uncle was killed in Korea and I am looking to hear from someone who may have known him while in the service. I can find very little information about him other than the following.  Any further help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. - Mark Cole Mark.Cole@sanmina-sci.com.

Info available:

  • Pfc. L. G. Cochran.
  • Serial number *S53007083.
  • State of record – Alabama.
  • County of Record – Marion.
  • Year of birth – 1928.
  • MOS – 4812 (Heavy Weapons Infantryman).
  • Assigned unit: 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.
  • Place of casualty – South Korea.
  • Date of Casualty – 1950-09-22

Coleman, Ronald G.

My grandfather was in World War II and the Korean War.  He died August 4, 1992.  Whne I was very young, he gave me his ribbon bar.  One ribbon is the Navy presidential unit citation with bronze star.  he was in the 1st Marine Division in World War II and Korea, third amphibious.  If you have any information that would help me to place where he got the award "Chosen"? it would be of great help to me and my children.  I do have photos of him and on the back it says they were taken in Puerto Rico.  Appears to be "on maneuvers."  Any info would be appreciated.

Contact: Pat Wilson at patricia9873@sbcglobal.net.

Cool, Robert Palmer

I am trying to find out information about my father's tour of duty in Korea. He is now deceased. His name is Robert Palmer Cool. He arrived in Korea in December of 1952 and served with Company C, 30th Tank Battalion. His rank at separation (Sept. 1955) was SP3. His separation point was Ft. Knox, Kentucky.

Contact: Bob Cool, RR1, Box 154, Tannersville, PA 18372
ph. 570-236-4504; e-mail robertacool@msn.com.

[Posted 7/4/04]

Cooke, William Arthur Jr.

I am asking about my father who died in the Korean War.  I believe it was in August of 1951.  He was from Georgia out of Benning.  I need to know anything I can about him.

Contact: Gail Dion.  E-mail dion1228@comcast.net.

[Posted 4/05/05]

Cowen, Harry R.

I just recently received my father's discharge papers from the records center in St. Louis. I'd like to make a posting to try to find anyone who knew him in the service. I'm also having trouble figuring out what some of the information means. Here is what I have about my father:

Name: Harry R. Cowen
Service Number: US 22 834 279
Rank: Sgt. (T)
Component/Branch: AUS
Service Number: 37 9 31 357
Enlisted at reserve component: Trans Army Res AGC Rhode Island
Entry date: 2 Feb 1953
Discharge date: 9 Dec 1954
Most significant Duty Assignment: 1816 330 Mi Plat

I'm not sure what some of this means...do you know what the (T) after Sgt. means? I also don't really understand the duty assignment. Is there any way for me to find out about what he actually did, what battles he fought in, where he was stationed, etc. based on the information I have? Boy I wish I had asked him all this years ago!

Contact: A. Cowen, Junebugg61966@aol.com.

[Posted 12/29/05]

Cowie, Johnnie Calvin

I’m trying to find anyone who served with Johnnie C. Cowie. He is the father of my wife and died October 13, 1984 when she and her sisters were quite young. I would like to find out any stories/memories of friends to record audio as a present to the three daughters. He was a pilot n the army who flew planes, but most helicopters. I know most of his duty was in Korea.

Contact:  I can be reached at syocom@cooper-smith.com.

Crain, Dennis Felbert

My father's death notice said that he was in the Korean War.  He never talked about his past.  This is the last chance I have to learn more about him.  If you can help in any way, I would appreciate it.  His name is Dennis Felbert Crain, date of birth February 8, 1927.  He died on April 18, 2006 at the age of 79.  He was born in East Lake, Dare County, North Carolina.  He died in Wagener, Aiken Couty, South Carolina.  He was in the Army and served in World War II and served from 1955-1956 with Co C, 13th Armored Infantry Battalion and Headquarters Co. CCA 3 AD.  He enlisted at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina in 1945.  His Army serial number is 44081315.  It has been told that in flight to a drop zone the plane went down and he almost died in the crash.  He spent about six months in the VA hospital in Virginia.  It was told that he was a paratrooper.  His sister said he was never the same again.  I guess I'm just looking for the truth about my father.

Contact: Dennis Crane Jr. dennisbigdcrane@yahoo.com.

[Posted 1/12/2007]

Crandall, Arthur Clark

I would like to add my dad's name to this list to see if anyone recognizes his name.  I know he served in the Korean War, but don't know much about it.  His name is Arthur Clark Crandall, date of birth 12/9/30.  He died 12/1985.  I hope someone will recognize the name and contact me.

Contact: Pearl Burbee, e-mail pebbles288@verizon.net.

[Posted 3/12/2007]

Dankovich, Alexander "Dankie"

My father talked very little about his experiences in Korea and passed away in 1963 when I was eight years old.  It would mean so much to me if I could find out more about his time in Korea, even more so if I could talk to someone who knew him.  Here's what information I have:

Name: Alexander "Dankie" Dankovich
Born: Marianna, PA
Male causasian, brown hair, gray eyes, 5'6", 155 lbs (according to DD-214)
Active service dates: December 1950 to September 1952
Most significant duty assignment: Company "C" 81st Recon Battalion

As far as any anecdotal information, my mom mentioned that he and some of his buddies had "adopted" a Korean child that they named Paul.  I have been having trouble even finding information out about Company C 81st Recon Bn so any light anyone could shed on that unit would be appreciated as well.

Contact: Kim Dankovich-Taylor.  E-mail k_dankovich@yahoo.com.

[Posted 12/29/08]

Dart, James (Jim) Paul

I am searching for anyone who may have served with Jim Dart. He was my sister-in-law's father. He and her mother separated when she was very young. She has very little information about him and has never even seen a photo of him. I have just been able to obtain the military service records for her father. He was in the 52nd Field Artillery Battalion and also the 24th Infantry Division.

Jim Dart was from San Francisco. He was a Private First Class in the Army from 7/30/48 through 5/9/52 and fought in land battles in the Korean War. He also served in the Army again from 6/29/55 through 8/29/58. Jim Dart passed away in 1976 and there are no surviving family members other than my sister-in-law. It would mean so much to her to find someone who served in the Army with her father and who could tell her anything about him.

Contact: Ginny Sanders. E-mail jacksmom@knology.net. My telephone number is on file with Lynnita Brown of the Korean War Educator.

[Posted 6/29/08]

Dishman, Wesley Sr.

My grandfather Wesley Dishman Sr., served in the war.  I am not sure which division he belong to, but I know that it was an infantry battalion.  He was from Danville, Virginia.  When we were little we would ask questions and he wouldn't tell us anything.  He said he didn't want to talk about it.  We learned from my grandmother that the day he came back he threw his bag with all his war reminders over the side of the boat because he wanted to not be reminded of what he went through.  I am asking for anyone who knew him to contact me.  I would like to know more about his days.

Contact: Kristy Mowell, kmowell@hsus.org.

[Posted 3/12/2007]

Doherty, Curtis

I am looking for any information anyone has about my uncle. His name is Curt Doherty He went missing 16 Oct. 51 near Chorwon Valley on or around Hill 202. He was with 70th Heavy Tank Battalion,16th Reconnaissance Company attack on Kojak-kol village. His body was never found and we want to bring him home. There is only 1 sister left and myself so if you remember a guy named Curt from a little town in Ohio please e-mail me .I have other information on this site that is incorrect please update it. This is information we just received from a Family Update from the government. God Bless our vets and God Bless America!

Contact: Michele Doherty, choppyshoney@yahoo.com.

Doyle, John

I am now a 53 y/o father who has never known much about my father since he was killed in Korea before I was born. He was a Marine killed in action in Korea about 1951-1952. His name was John Doyle, born in Indiana.

There was an obituary in the Asbury Park Press. I have hunted for information and spent money on sites claiming to have the tools to find information on this man, my father. Is there anything that you can do to help me end this quest? I would greatly appreciate this as it is something that renders my fabric incomplete.

Contact: J. Russell Vaile (Vet) at GStreetJoe@aol.com.


Elders, Enoch C.

I am trying to find the people my Dad served with.  He was in the Korean War 2053-D SU-PERS center division.  I think he served in Germany.  I have been looking for years now.  My father's name was Enoch C. Elders.  Hope you can help me.

Contact: Martha Elders Taylor, mountainlife4me@triad.rr.com. Phone 336-685-4784.

[Posted 4/10/06 by Martha Taylor]

Erickson, Carl Jr.

My father was Sgt. Carl Erickson Jr.  He was with the Air Force.  He served during the time of the Korean War.  I am sorry to say I do not know more, but I lost my father to cancer when I was just six years old.  Now that I am 33 I am trying to get to know him.  If there is any information you could help me with or anyone who knew him, could you please pass it along to me?  It would be greatly appreciated.  His date of birth was March 31, 1931 and at one time he was stationed at Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina in 1954.

Contact: Carla Binford, e-mail lcbinford@tds.net.

[Posted 3/12/07]


Fletcher, Earl

I am trying to find out some things like stories, pictures, etc... about my grandfather Earl Fletcher. He served on the Joseph P Kennedy (DD850) during the Korean War. He was born in 1932 in Michigan I believe and he passed away on July 2nd 1991 in Fall River, Ma (where the actual DD850 is now at as a museum). I know when he passed my family donated the ONLY color photo of the ship at the time and they have it buried in a room--a locked room I might add where you can't even see it. I'm just trying to find out any information about his life during the war and his service time.  Thank you very much for any info in return.

Contact: Michael Charles Earl Fletcher MagikMike@aol.com.

[Posted 7/04/06]

Fonville, Jerry Jr.

My name is James Fonville and I am in the U.S. Air Force. My father, Jerry7 Fonville Jr., served in the Army in Korea but never talked about it much. He died in 1994 before I could ever really talk to him about his time in the military. I don't know what his unit or job was, and I'm not sure when he was in Korea. These are things I would like to find out. My father was from Texas, 6'2" tall, about 200 lbs at the time I guess, and was very musical. I have one photo of my father (playing the guitar) and two other soldiers, (one playing the fiddle, and the other playing guitar). If anyone has any knowledge of my father please email me. Thank you.

Contact: James Fonville at Fonville4@msn.com.

[Posted 7/06/08]

Freeman, George Andrew

I have been trying for a long time to get info on my great aunt's son who died in Korea.  We do not know what service he was in but any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  George Andrew Freeman was born February 7, 1927 and died July 18, 1946 in Korea.

Contact: Jim McLeman@aol.com. [Posted 8/16/09]

Freeman, Roe L.

I have received my uncle Roe L. Freeman's (service number 38-371-701) war records.  The VA sent only part and I have re-requested the whole file.  I was a child and present when he received the Silver Star at a ceremony in Amarillo, TX.  He was originally supposed to receive the award in Lubbock, Texas, but he didn't go.  Some General told him he would be in Amarillo to receive the award or in Levenworth without an award--his choice.

This has been a family joke for years even though Roe was killed in an oilfield accident 18 December 1953 in Aspermont, Stonewall County, TX.  You can probably imagine my disappointment when his records didn't include or mention his Silver Star.  This is only one reason I think Donald Rumsfeld should be fired.  If he can't protect the records of our soldiers, no wonder people question his ability to protect our soldiers.

Do you have any information about Uncle Roe Freeman concerning your listing him as a recipient of the Silver Star?  He was 29 when he died but had lived a hero's life in World War II and Korea.  His cousin Sgt. Arlis Wade Ramsay was KIA in Korea and received the Navy Cross.  Roe's mother Grace Ramsay-Freeman was my maternal grandmother.  Grace Ramsay-Freeman's youngest brother was Rayburn Ramsay, father of Sgt. Arlis Wade Ramsay.  I have a photo of Rayburn & Roe working in my grandparents' peach orchard when Roe was 12 and had just dropped out of the sixth grade at school to become a farmer.  Roe and Arlis both died in 1953.

Here is a list of everything the VA sent me:

WWII - MOS - Squad leader (rifle) 7745; military qualification and ate - combat infantryman's badge 15 June 1944; battles and campaigns - Normandy, Ardennes, Rhineland, Central Europe, Go 33 WD 45; decorations and citations: EAME campaign medal with four Bronze Stars, Good Conduct Medal, Purple Heart with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster Go 192 101st Air Div 24 Aug 45, Bronze Star Medal; see Remarks (Go 199 Hq. 101st Air Div 2 Oct 45) (Distinguished Unit Badge with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster) (EAME Dates Unknown); service schools attended - jump; remarks - lapel button issued, ASR Score (2 Sep 1945) 85, GO 26 Hq. 1st USA 17 Jun 44, Victory Medal, 4 Overseas Service Bars; significant diseases, wounds, and injuries - wounded in action, concussion Dec 1944 Belgium no hospitalization.  Purple Heart.  Pneumonia Feb 1944 England, hospitalized 18 days.  Service outside continental U.S. and Return - Date of departure - 5 September 1945 destination EAME date of arrival 15 Sept 1943; Date of departure - 1 November 1945 destination US date of arrival 15 Nov 1945.  Total length of service continental - 6 months, 18 days.  Foreign service - 2 years, 2 months, 11 days.

Service years in Korea: 18 December 1950 to 23 Aug 1951.  Decorations, medals, badges, commendations, citations and campaign ribbons awarded or authorized - Purple Heart GO 33 Hq 5th Cav. Regt 22 Jun 1951; Pres. Unit citation GO 289 EUSAK 8 May 1951; Korean service medal with 3 bronze service stars; combat infantry badge 2nd award GO 50 5th Cav. Regt. 3 Jun 1951.  Most significant duty assignment - Company B 5th Cavalry Regiment.  Wounds received as a result of action with enemy forces - shrapnel legs, right hip, right hand.

Contact: Jim Caddell, Bastrop, TX.  Ph. 512-303-7904.  E-mail jcaddell7904@esagelink.com.

Gagnon, Joseph (Speedbag, Sammy)

My father was Joseph Gagnon (Speedbag, Sammy).  He began his tour in 1950.  Does anyone remember him?  He was with the 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division.  His serial number was RA11175354.  I didn't know my dad but would love to know about him from someone who may have served with him.  Please help me.  Much thanks for your time and service.

Contact: Doreen Gagnon Schibbelhute.  E-mail gagnonmyhero@metrocast.net.

[Posted 4/30/05]

Gallant, Marcel

Pfc Marcel Gallant was my uncle.  I am looking for anyone who knew him while he served in Korea.  He was with the 180th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division.  He died of wounds on July 18, 1953.  He was from Cambridge, MA.

Contact: Chris Raffol at craffol@comcast.net.

Gann, Samuel "Sam"

My name is SFC Durry Gann from Winston-Salem, NC. I'm stationed at Ft. Lee, VA. I've been working on my family tree history and come from a long line of military service veterans from my side of the family. I recently received a little information about my grandfather, Samuel (Sam) Grover Gann of Harriman, TN. My grandfather served in WW1, WW2, and Korea.  I discovered that his military records were most likely lost due to the fire at the National Personnel Records Center. He passed away in 1957, way before my birth in 1968.

I was informed thru NPRC that he was awarded the Army Occupation medal w/Japan clasp and was a member of the 8th Army some time during the late 40's/early 50's. I've included a photo of my grandfather who is standing just to the right of the female in the picture. I was wondering if you could post this picture and a request to any vets who may have served with him or tell me about the place in the picture to help in my research. Looking at the photo it seems he was in the 8th Army during the Korean War and was most likely a medic due to his retirement from 23 years of Army service at Fort Bragg, NC (1956?), where he was working or was assigned to the post hospital unit. I don't have a unit (info) yet of his last assignment at Bragg prior to his retirement. I do have some other photos from his days in the 8th Army and several pictures of his trip to Korea on a ship named General Hugh J. Gaffey (IX507)(Tap151). So if any other vets out there went over on that ship, I may have a photo of some of them or a friend.  The pictures are fairly good shots. Any vets are welcome to email me with any request or who may can help me on my search. I've included t he info the NPRC was able to find, however it is not complete.

Sam Gann
RA- 6 323 204
SSN- 298-07-9467
BORN- Harriman, TN (June 2,1902)
DIED- Fayetteville, NC (Nov 4, 1957)
Service dates Dec 24,1920-Jun 7,1928/Jun 16,1928-Jul 8,1931/Jul 9,1931-Dec 9,1934/Mar 16,1942-Oct 16,1943/Aug 13,1946-Jul 5,1949

P.S. In 1928, he was a member of D Battery 17th FA and 1931-34 A-Battery 17th FA.  A photo I have from the U. S. ARMY PHOTO DEPT in 1954 at Fort Bragg (caution on back stated he was a medical aid man dated October 1956 which he received a award or a certificate).

[Posted 6/21/05]

Gerig, Cpl. George J.

I  am searching for anyone who may have served with or known my uncle Cpl. George J. Gerig - Med Co 7th Inf. Regt, 3rd Infantry Division. I am trying to find out any information I can about my uncle, who served in the Korean War. He was from Hudson, Michigan and was KIA on 6/24/53.  I would like to correspond with anyone who might have known my uncle--someone who could give me insight into his life in Korea.

Contact: Kim Gerig kmgerig@tc3net.com.

[Posted 11/11/06]

Gledhill, Arlie

I was wondering if anyone might have any information about my (deceased) uncle, Arlie Gledhill, who served in the U. S. Marine Corps and fought at the Chosin Reservoir in the Korean War in 1950. Thank you in advance for any information.

Contact: Marcia Simpson marciasimpson@shaw.ca.

[Posted 12/29/2006]

Gomez, Pvt. Joseph

I am researching Private Joseph Gomez, who was awarded the Silver Star after he was killed in action on Hill 800 in May 1951.  Can you tell me where I can find more information about Silver Star honoree?

Contact: Marc Wilson.  E-mail: ginwil1@mchsi.com.

Graham, Marvin Dean

My husband, Marvin Dean Graham, passed away on February 18, 1998.  He was a member of the Minnesota National Guard and served in the Army during the years of 1951 and 1952 in Korea.  He went to Camp Breckenridge and then was shipped to Korea via San Francisco.  I am trying to find what particular infantry he served in.  Could you guide me to a place where I can find and verify this information?

Contact: Elaine Graham.  E-mail ElaineG106@aol.com.

[Posted 4/30/05]

Guimond, Gerard

I am looking for US Marines who served with my father, Gerard Guimond.  I believe he joined the Marines in 1950.  I am told that he joined with several other guys from Fall River, MA just out of high school.  Since he could speak French, I am told he was assigned as a Navy Admiral's interpreter and sailed to Greece and Portugal instead of Korea.  I have some old black and white pictures he took of ships passing in the sea, Greek ruins, and Portuguese bull fighting rings (most with other Marines and sailors in them).  I know he did his boot at Camp LeJeune.  I'd like to speak to some of the guys he served with.  Before he died, he said one of his best buddies was then living in Phoenix, AZ, but I forgot his name.

Contact: Gerard Guimond, Jr.  E-mail GGuimond@aol.com.

[Posted 4/30/05]


Hamm, Walter Owen

My father's name was Walter Owen Hamm.  Date of birth: June 29, 1932.  He passed away in his home on February 23, 1999.  I was told growing up that he served in the armed forces during the Korean War.  That is about the extent of the information he would tell us.  He was a man of few words and I think it was not a time he liked to talk about.  I am sure it has a lot to do with what he saw while he served his country.  A few years after his death I was given a picture of him in uniform that simply said "Salzburg" on the back of it.  Other than that photo, I have no idea where he served.  I would like to put together a scrapbook album about his life for my children.  In this album I would like to include at least some information about his service in the military.  I would also like to have a few more pictures of this time in his life.  My step-grandmother gave me the only one she had.  There was a house fire some time ago, so if she ever had any other photos, they didn't survive the fire.  I would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction for the information.  Thank you in advance.

Contact: Brenda Hamm Dierolf, brenda@cropwithme.com.

[Posted 4/19/06]

Hampton, John Edward

I am looking for information about my mam’s brother who was in the Korean War. His name was John Edward Hampton. He died age 18 just before Christmas 1950.

Contact: blackpoolgirl@aol.com.

Hanks, Donald Gene

My father, Donald Gene Hanks, who was a veteran of the Korean War, passed away on July 19, 2010.  He was a member of the 17th Infantry Regiment.  His separation papers show his assignment as Signal Message Clerk, HQ & HQ Co., 17th Infantry Regiment, APO 7.  I am trying to find out as much information as I can about where he was during his service and was hoping you could direct me to any resource you know of for doing this.  I appreciate any information you can provide.

Contact: David Hanks at enginerddave@yahoo.com.

[Posted 11/23/2010]

Harden, Samuel Lee

I am trying to find any information on my Grandfather who was killed in the Korean War by a gunshot wound. My family has never talked of him and I would like to find out any information about him that I can. His name is Samuel Lee Hardin of Indiana. Please help if you can. Thank you.

Contact: Brandi Knight at Brandi22na@aol.com.

Harju, Elmer

I am trying to find out any information I can on my father's time served in Korea. All I have left of my father is his obituary and a few photos I took when he was alive, plus some memories. Anyone that may have served with my father and could give me some history regarding his unit and time served would greatly be appreciated!!! My daughter is interested in the military (only one in the family) and I would like her to at least have some history of her grandfather's service, along with myself. He told me very little of the time he served.  He never liked to talk about it much and said the pictures he had were too gruesome for me to look at. He truly was a hero, just as are the other veterans who serve/served our country!! Anyway, his name is Elmer Harju and he was born in Duluth, Minnesota, on February 24, 1928. He moved to Fort Bragg when he was a young man. He was a Sergeant in the US Army and served with the 6th Army. He received the Korean Service Medal with a Bronze Star along with other commendations. It would be nice to know what these medals and commendations were and what they meant also. He passed away on Sunday, June 29th, 1997 at home following a sudden illness. If anyone has any information regarding my father please contact me.

Contact: Kris Harju at kristinaharju@yahoo.com, P.O. Box 1042, Ft. Bragg, CA 95437.  Phone 707-472-7355.

Harkleroad, Glenn Morris

My father Glenn Morris Harkleroad was on the cover of September of 1952 Leatherneck.  I am trying to get some information on him while he was there in Korea and if anyone remembers him.  He passed away at home in Fresno, Texas, October 1, 1973.  I was 11 years old and it still seems like yesterday.  He was loved and still missed by all.

Contact: Rusty Harkleroad, harkie5@austin.rr.com.

[Posted 2/04/07]

Harper, Joseph Mack

Did you serve with or do you remember Joseph Mack Harper who died at the Chosin Reservoir?  He was with Communications Platoon, Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment.  See Buddy Search By Group for details about this search.

Harrell, William

My father, WOJG William McDonald Harrell, served in Korea from the summer of 1952 to April 12, 1953. On that date, he stepped on a land mine and died several hours later. He was with the 38th Field Artillery, stationed just over the 38th parallel line. I would like to find anyone who knew him.

Contact: William F. Harrell Sr. at billpat2002@msn.com.

Heath, 1st Lt. Thomas

I am trying to find anyone who knew my father, 1st Lt. Thomas Heath.  I never got to know him or even see a photo.  It is my sincere prayer that someone out there on this site can provide me with anything pertaining to him.  It is certainly NOT ENOUGH to know thousands of military records were burned in a fire.  I want more than anything in my life to see him or to meet people who knew him. 

His information: Born in Alma, Georgia (Bacon County); service #0-2018343.  Final rank: 1st Lieutenant.  Army 37th Field Battalion to Battery B (Capt. John A. Elledge) Company G.  Date of death: 9-21-1951 KIA.

I'm trying every avenue in searching.  If there is someone in his same unit who perhaps knew him, PLEASE contact me. 

Contact: 85sooz@mpicomputers.com.  Be sure to put "Thomas Heath" in the subject line.

Henicke, John Edward

My brother John Edward Henicke passed away four years ago.  He died in Austin, Texas and was buried in Ft. Sam Houston Cemetery in San Antonio, TX.  He served 24 years in the Army.  He was in Korea in 1949 and part of 1950 in a tank outfit.  He was wounded twice.  I wish I could hear from anyone who served and knew him in Korea.  He also served in Germany--I believe in the 4th Armored Division.  I know he was Elvis Presley's sergeant in Germany.  He also was in Ft. Hood, TX when Elvis was there and they went to Germany together.

I served in Korea in 1962 and 1963.  I had another brother who served in Korea when my brother Johnny was there.  His name is Frank Henicke.  He dismantled bombs that didn't explode.

Contact: Paul Henicke at paulhenicke@earth-comm.com.

Hill, George N.

I am looking for information on my Uncle CPL George N Hill who served in the Army and was listed as MIA around November 30, 1950, during the Korean Conflict. I never knew my uncle, but my Dad, Glenwood (Blakie) Hill, loved him so very much. My brother is named after him. I would like to hear from anyone who may have know him or served with him. He was from Bristol, New Hampshire. We have so few pictures of him as photography was not such a big thing back then. Any pictures, stories or just general information would be treasured. Thank you and God Bless You.

Contact: Melody Moulton, 2901 River Road, Plymouth, NH 03264.  E-mail: 112bluemoul@msn.com.

Hogate, Robert "Bob" Christopher

My father was in the Korean War, US Army 6 years.  I am searching any/all information on him.  I ran across this site and I want to add him to the list.  When I was a little girl (I am 40 now), he spoke of this war very often.  I wish I could have understood better.  I was too young.  He was a very proud and honest, hard-working person.  I miss him to this day and would give anything to have him in my life.  I'm sure he had to have made many friends in the war.  His name was Robert 'Bob" Christopher Hogate, date of birth May 19, 1930.  Death date August 27, 1979.  He was from Salem County, New Jersey.

Thank god for this site and the internet so people can live on and speak of "The Forgotten War."  I'll never forget through my father (I was born 1966) and I'm very proud of my father and all the men/women that gave so much for others, and "always" for all wars.

Contact: Amanda "Mandy" Sue Hogate Wilkins of Penns Grove, New Jersey.  E-mail manda91103@gmail.com.

[Posted 10/18/06]

Holmes, Lester William

My dad was a Korean War veteran of the U.S. Army.  Can you lead me in the direction to find his M.O.?  He died 06-08-1991.  He never talked with his four sons about the war.  We do know he was possibly an artillery sergeant.  His name is Lester William Holmes, born in Mississippi on 01-21-1931.  Fort Jackson, South Carolina, 1950-1952?

Contact: James Parker Holmes.  E-mail rhtylertown@aol.com.

[Posted 4/07/05]

Holt, Marvin Benton Sr.

My father's name was Marvin Benton Holt Sr.  He was from Newton, Georgia.  He passed away on September 4, 2003.  He served in the Korean War.  I don't have any more information on his dates of service or even what he did.  I beg of you to please help me fill in the missing blanks.  Sincerely, Candi Mathis, 144 Century Rd. East, Leesburg, GA 31763.

[Posted 2/23/06]

Horne, Waymond

I am looking for information about my brother, Waymond Horne.  He was a PFC in the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, and was deployed to Korea July 1950.  He was killed August 18, 1950.  I would like to speak with anyone who knew him or was in that unit.  He had a buddy named Clyde Allen, who enlisted and went over with him.

Contact: Larry Horne larryhorne@adelphia.net.

[Posted 11/14/06]

Houchins, Carl

I am trying to find information on my grandfather, Carl Houchins, who passed away before I was born. I do not know anything about his time in Korea; however, I have a picture of him with three other men in front of a sign that reads: Headquarters, Second Battalion, 31st Infantry and some of his patches which I learned were from the 31st Infantry. The picture is dated January 5, 1950 and it was taken in Japan. I know that he was wounded and sent back to the States. I am hoping that someone out there knows who he was and would be willing to share any memories or stories about him.

I can be contacted at AshleyDini@hotmail.com.

Huffman, Lewis John

My father, Lewis John Huffman from Fort Valley, Virginia, served in the Korean War.  He died when he was only 59 and never told me anything about his service.  If you served with him, please contact me.

Cheryl Lou Huffman at cmetz@mrlib.org.

[Posted 6/16/05]

Hursey, Jans F.

My name is Roger D. Davis and I am the Commandant of the Jans F. Hursey Marine Corps League Detachment #748 of Slidell, LA. I need your help. Our Marine Corps League is named after a young Marine from Slidell, LA, who was sent to Korea in 1950. He gave his life saving the lives of nine other Marines.

In December of 2003, I wrote to the President requesting that PFC Hursey be awarded the Medal of Honor for his unselfish act of heroism. I also wrote to the Secretary of the Navy, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Department of Defense, and the Louisiana Senators stating my story about his "unselfish heroism" in sacrificing his life so that nine other Marines could live.

Pfc. Hursey (serial number 1072029) was killed in a battle in Korea on September 23, 1950, during the Inchon Korean campaign. It was only his third day in Korea. His commanding officer was killed in this same battle and apparently this is where all the problems began. Pfc. Hursey’s commanding officer never nominated him for the MOH, but that was because he was also killed in the same battle. The Department of Defense told the parents that the reason their son was never considered for the Medal of Honor was because, "In order for a soldier to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, an application must be made within two years of the action." They further stated, "No one ever applied for Hursey to receive the Medal of Honor. His Commanding Officer, who would have recommended the private for the honor, was also killed.

If any soldier deserved the Medal of Honor, Pfc Hursey deserved it. But because of bureaucratic blunders and the death of his commanding officer, he was never considered for it.

I am asking you to assist me in my quest to find the nine Marines that served with Pfc Jans F. Hursey, whose lives were spared because of his unselfish bravery. Statements from these Marines attesting to the unselfish bravery shown by Pfc Hursey will be invaluable in my quest to procure the Medal of Honor for Pfc Hursey – an honor that should have been bestowed upon him posthumously in 1950/51.

Contact: Dick Brandt, dbcon@att.net.




Jeong, DAC Joe Yuen

My grandfather was DAC Joe Yuen Jeong, who was assigned to UNCREG, Observers Section, Chinese Teams 1-8.  He died while serving with this unit.  I do not know too much about him.  I would be interested in anyone who might have a recollection of him or photos that might include him.  Also, can someone tell me what the designation DAC signifies?  Thanks to everyone who has served, and all who worked hard to document everything in this website.

Contact: Byron Lee, California, USA firebasez@aol.com.

[Posted 3/07/2010]

Jones, M/Sgt. David E.

My brother, M/Sgt David E. Jones from West Virginia, was an enlisted soldier. He trained at Ft. Knox and Ft. Lewis, Washington, prior to going to Korea.  I feel that he was a very good soldier, having progressed to the rank of M/Sergeant and offered a Battlefield Commission, particularly so since he only had an 8th grade education. I would like to be in touch with men who served in his command. He has been deceased since 1991.  This is what information I have. I believe that he was in Korea during 1950-51.  Company H, 9th Inf. Regt.

Contact: Evelyn Drake 2drakes@bellsouth.net.

[Posted 12/29/2006]


Katelhut, Robert

I'm trying to find some friends of my grandpa Robert Katelhut.  I'm not sure how to do this because grandpa didn't talk about the war at all.  I want to speak to some of these great men who served with him.  Grandpa was in the Marines in George Company, 5th Battalion, 1st Regiment, I think (or maybe G-3-1).  I'm trying to order grandpa's records but I'm not the next of kin and it's been a little hard.  Grandpa died in 2006.  He was a forward observer and a member of the Chosin Few.  He shows up on the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade roster as C-1-11 on September 30, 1950.   His serial number was 665360. He was a Private First Class at the time.

Contact:  Jean Reed at jeanreed2010@hotmail.com.

Kearns, Robert "Bob"

My grandfather wants to find some of his buddies from the Korean War stationed in Japan from 1958-52.  There are two names he remembers: Bob/Robert Kearns and David Waldron.  David's middle name may have been Edward.  My grandfather's name is Alfred Rushlow.  His nickname was Shorty.  He knows that David was born in Mt. Clemens, MI and he would be in his high 70s/low 80s.  If you could please help my grandfather reunite with old friends he would never forget it.

Contact: Alfred Rushlow at lkretzinger@charter.net.

Kelsey, William Ralph

Looking for any information on my dad, known to friends as Jack. He was a prisoner of war in Korea for over a year. They brought him out to the Salvation Army on a stretcher. He weighed 80 pounds. I am looking to find the story he could not bring himself to tell his children. Being the wife of a Vietnam vet, I would like to fill in the blanks. Any leads to follow would be of great help. Daddy has since passed and I believe it would be a tribute his grandson should be aware of. Maybe he received medals for his service, but again, I don't know where to start.

I wish I had more information to tell you.  He ended up in Hawaii.  I believe he went to Hawaii after his release from the service.  Maybe his discharge sent him to Hawaii.  I just don't have any details.  He talked as if he was a medic or with a medical group.  He spoke a few times about doing field medical rescues, but still not a lot of details.  This may have been for emergency reasons in the field.  I never knew of a medical background after his marriage to my mother.  I do know he was born in Michigan.  I do know that he made us promise to NEVER give to the Salvation Army.  He said they tried to sell him a pack of cigarettes while he was laying on the stretcher being released from the prison camp.

Please forward any leads to Janice Heesch at heeschhomes@bledsoe.net.

Kendrick, John G.

I am the daughter of John G. Kendrick.  Dad passed away March 10, 2009 at the Tucson Arizona VA Hospital from cancer.  He was a World War II and Korean War veteran.  He served in the United States Army from 1943 to 1953.  He trained at Camp Shelby in Mississippi.

In 1950 he was awarded the Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with two service stars, World War II Victory Medal, Army of Occupation Medal (Germany), Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge and the Bronze Star.  In 1951 while serving as a member of Battery A, 37th Field Artillery Battalion, 2d Infantry Division in Korea he was awarded the Silver Star.

I would be very interested in talking to anyone who served with my dad or their families.  I do have some original pictures of his time in Camp Shelby, Germany and Korea.  A few of the pictures have names on them but there are some that do not.

At this time I would also like to say "Thank You" to all the men and women who have served and are currently serving in our armed forces.  We have the freedoms we do today because of your sacrifices.

Contact: Sharon Holmes at sholme38@yahoo.com.

[Posted 3/07/2010]

Kennard, Clyde

Did you know Clyde Kennard at Ft. Bragg?  I am researching a new book about Clyde Kennard, a black Korean War era veteran who attempted to register at the University of Southern Mississippi in the late 1950s and was imprisoned at hard labor on a false burglary charge and died in 1963 from medical neglect.  A full account of his ordeal is on this website: http://www.clydekennard.org.  I am author of two books on American history: http://www.insidetheovaloffice.com & http://www.anamericaninsurrection.com.  I am trying to locate friends who knew Mr. Kennard for interviews for my book.

I'm afraid I have very little to go on regarding Mr. Kennard's service details, other than his Army serial # (RA 44-143-812); that he was posted at Ft Bragg in 1950-1952, HQ, 3rd Battalion, 505th Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division; and that he was honorably discharged from service at Ft. Jackson, SC on October 6, 1952 as a Technical Sergeant assigned to HQ Company, 279th Infantry Regiment.  I also understand that he received the Korean Service Medal with one Bronze Service Star; UN Service medal and a Good Conduct Medal.  He was a truly great American who was martyred in the struggle for civil rights for all Americans.  If you knew Clyde Kennard, could you please email me at billdoyleusa@yahoo.com. Thank you so much!

Contact: Bill Doyle, billdoyleusa@yahoo.com, 25 Tudor City Place Suite 2004 New York, NY 10017.

[Posted 11/13/2005]

Kibbey, Earl Emerson

I have just begun to research my uncle's military history.  His name is Earl Emerson Kibbey and he was with I Company, 3d Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment at Chosin.  The last letter we had was near Thanksgiving in 1950 and he said that he was very cold and his feet and hands were frozen.  He was from Blanchester, Ohio.  He was listed as MIA until 1953 and then declared dead.  Does anyone know or have you ever met my uncle?

Contact: Dennis Kibbey, 67 Fleming Road, New Vienna, OH 45159; ph. 937-987-9967.

[Posted 2/22/2007]

Lesney, Eugene G.

Our father, Col. Eugene G. Lesney from Michigan (now deceased - California) was a corporal (infantry, US Army Reserve) who was temporarily assigned to the 73D Heavy Tank Battalion from I Corps Headquarters in 1951. Should you or anyone you might know from this unit be familiar with his name, please forward my email address as I would like to either know more about these units from that period or perhaps, any information regarding my father.

This inquiry follows the recent discovery of our father's silver star medel award letter while assigned with the 73d HT Battalion.

Contact: His daughter Karen at email: kelesney@sbcglobal.net.

Littlefield, Gary Earl

Gary Earl Littlefield was my uncle.  Gary and several of his classmates from Baton Rouge High enlisted in the Army together and went to Korea. Gary was the only one who died in Korea.  I am interested in contacting Gary’s classmates through Korean War Educator and, perhaps, a local Korean War Veterans Group in Baton Rouge.  If you know any information about a contact that I can make, I would appreciate your assistance. If possible, please add Gary’s information to the Buddy Search.

Gary Earl Littlefield
Born: October 22, 1931 Jackson, Rankin County, Mississippi
Died: February 28, 1951 Near Sonchu and Sunchon, North Korea
Buried: April 4, 1955; National Cemetery, Grave 3030B, Section 44,
19th Street, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

2d Engineer Combat Battalion, 2d Infantry Division, United States Army
Serial Number: RA18282616
Rank: E4
Service Component: Reserve
Death Record: 501130

Corporal Gary E. Littlefield was reported as Missing In Action on 30 November 1950 near Sonchu, North Korea by letter to Mrs. Birdie Ann Littlefield from Wm. E. Bergin, Major General, The Adjutant General of the Army, dated 1 December 1951, Washington 25, D.C.

“Your son became missing in action near Sonchu, North Korea, while his unit was fighting through a strong heavily defended opposing forces’ roadblock in an effort to reach Sunchon, North Korea.

Remained MIA until letter dated 8 September 1953 (nearly two years later) officially notifying Mrs. Bertie (sic) A. Littlefield of Sergeant Gary E. Littlefield’s death of pneumonia in a prisoner of war camp run by the Red Chinese; letter from Robert E. Parsons, Chaplain, 1st Lieutenant, United States Army, San Francisco, California.

“As Chaplain of the 2d Engineer Combat Battalion, it is with deep regret that I write to you an official notification concerning the loss of your son, Sergeant Gary E. Littlefield, RA 18282616, a member of Headquarters and Service Company, 2d Engineer Combat Battalion.

On 30 November 1950, your son was reported missing in action after a general withdrawal of his battalion from defensive positions near Sonchu, North Korea. Recent information received by this headquarters from the Department of Army indicates that Gary was captured by the enemy the same day he was reported missing in action, and that he died of pneumonia on 28 February 1951, while in prisoner of war camp.”

Baton Rouge addresses for Gary’s mother, Birdie Ann Littlefield:
2135 Dayton Drive 2135 Chapman Street

Father Ezra Edward Littlefield, Sr. Occupation: Master Chef
Born: May 14, 1896 DeFuniak Springs, Florida WWI Veteran (Purple Heart)
Died: September 11, 1964 Merchant Marine
Buried: Mountain View Cemetery, Alameda, California
Married: December 3, 1919 (Birdie Ann) February 1, 1953 (Mrs. Edna S. Thorpe)

Mother Birdie Ann Miley Occupation: Housewife
Born: October 15, 1895 (probably Puckett, Mississippi)
Died: September 6, 1959
Buried: Roselawn Memorial Park, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Ezra Edward Littlefield, Jr. Occupation: Chemical Purchasing Agent
Born: July 11, 1921 Helena, Arkansas
Died: August 2, 1992
Buried: Masonic Cemetery, Highway 10 East, Clinton, Louisiana 70722
Married: August 11, 1946
Spouse: Leona Lenora Johns

Henry Harold Littlefield Occupation: Used Auto Parts Retailer
Born: April 24, 1923 Jackson, Rankin County, Mississippi WWII Veteran
Died: April 20, 1998; Slaughter, Louisiana Bronze Star
Buried: ?? Cemetery, Zachary, Louisiana Purple Heart
Married: September 17, 1946
Spouse: Reba Nell Pace

Paul Ernest Littlefield, Sr. Occupation: Game Warden
Born: February 22, 1930 Jackson, Rankin County, Mississippi
Died: February 26, 1993
Buried: Woodland Memorial Park, first hill, Lot 138, Space 4, Section 1,
Highway 110, Quitman, Arkansas
Married: January 28, 1948
Spouse: Ann Dedon

Contact: Damon M. Littlefield at dlittlefield@hsmm.com.

[Posted 10/25/06]

Lowe, James Edward

I am not at all sure what I'm doing besides grasping at straws.  I was born and raised in New York, New York and lived in Harlem (1948).  My dad James Edward Lowe was a merchant marine probably out of Kingsport, New York.  He passed away November 29, 1959.  I was very young.  He was 38 years old.  He was born July 7, 1921.  I think he was buried in New Jersey.  I am going on 59 and I am remembering less and less of what he looked like.  I thought maybe his maritime records would have a photo.  I only have information on my birth certificate and the information on his death certificate of him being born in Springfield, Illinois.  You cannot imagine how important this is to my son, daughter, only grandchild, and myself for even having hope to once again put a face to the warm memories I hold dear to my heart. Even if per chance we bat zero, the cage was rattled.

Contact: Annette Taylor at alwaysannette@sbcglobal.net.

[Posted 10/18/06]

LTC Livingstone or Livingston

I have been asked by a governmental agency of South Korea to locate the family of a LTC Livingstone or Livingston. He apparently died many years ago, perhaps even as a result of wounds from the Korean War. The story I was told was that LTC L's unit was caught above the Soyang River near Inje, NK, in May 1951 and that they could not escape because there was no bridge. After his death, in 1957, a bridge was built jointly by the US and Korean Armies as LTC Livingstone has indicated in his will and it was named the Livingstone Bridge. The Inje District is now updating the bridge and will have a ceremony in 2005 to dedicate it and a memorial to LTC Livingstone. Do you have any ideas as to where there might be more info about the origin of the construction and the full name of the Colonel so that we might be able to locate family members? He may have been a member of the 2d Infantry Division which was in that area (me included).

Contact: 2d Infantry Division, Korean War Veterans Alliance (KWVA)
Ralph M. Hockley, President
P.O.Box 19944
Houston TX 77224-9944
Tel: (713) 334-0271
e-mail: rmh-2id-kwva@earthlink.net

Luna, Sgt. Edward G.

Sergeant Luna was MIA to KIA on 5/19/51. He was assigned to the 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, and was a Light Weapons Infantry Leader. Anyone who knew him or has any information please e-mail me.

Contact: Debra Weirauch, dweirau@bgnet.bgsu.edu.


Major, Maj. George

I am trying to locate several men who served with my Father, Major George Major in Korea. He was shot down 1-3-1952 and presumed dead 12-18-1953.  He served in the VMF-311, Marine Air Group 33, 1st Marine Air Wing.  The names of the men are: Major Frank C. Drury, Lieutenant Blass, and Colonel AF Binney--or any other men that served in that unit from 1951 to 1-3-1952.

Contact: Suzanne Schilling, SuzSchil@aol.com.

Malloy, Capt. Francis Michael

I have been reviewing my deceased father's military records.  He was a battery commander in the Korean War between 1951 to 1952.  His unit was the 933rd AAA.  He never talked about his time in Korea, and I know very little about his work.  However, I found some old photos of the Orderly Room with a sign painted over the door: 933rd AAA.  Thus I was able to do a Google.  I noticed on your main web page that there is also someone asking about the 933rd.

My father was Captain Francis Michael Malloy (01045508).  He was activated out of the North Carolina National Guard and was sent to Korea for one year.  I would like to know if there is anyone still alive that would have known him during this time?  By the way, I am a retired Army Reserve officer myself.

Contact: Maj. Mike Malloy, USAR (Retired), Corpus Christi, TX, e-mail mmalloy@davin.net.

[Posted 1/11/07]

Massey, William "Bill" A/1C

My father was severely wounded in March, 1953. I'm trying to reconstruct the record so I can get his medals etched on his headstone. I'm trying to find anyone who knew him in the 67th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (AF). He was A/1C William "Bill" Massey, I don't know what he did outside of being a Chaplain's Assistant. He was in Japan (whether he was on leave or stationed there, I don't know) for a period of time during 1951 and 1952, but was stationed at Suwon in 1953.

Contact: Anne Bauer mtwriter@mt.net (406) 449-0019, 517 6th Ave., Helena, MT 59601.

[Posted 7/25/04]

Megrund, Henry

Information on my father's Marine Corps service...

I am curious about my father's service in the marine corps, where he was stationed, etc. He died several years ago. He never spoke much about Korea, but I am now trying to learn everything I can about his military service. I do know that he received a Korean Service Medal with 1 star; a National Defense Medal and a United Nations Service Medal, but I do not know what exactly that means. I hope you can help me out or at the least, point me in the direction.

His name was Henry H. Megrund and he was inducted 10-19-51 in Minneapolis, MN and separated from service 12-18-53. He was a staff sergeant and his service # was #1230661. I have his discharge papers which seems to have a lot of information - just not sure what would be needed to start search. I'd appreciate anything you can provide. Also, if you could tell me how to find buddies of his, I would certainly appreciate it.

Thank you. - Kristin

[Posted 7/11/04]

Miller, John W.

Judy Miller Hoff is trying to locate anyone who might have known her father, 1st Lt. (USAF) John W. Miller. Miller was a navigator on a RB-26C invader bomber with the 12th Tactical Recon Squad, 67th Tactical Recon Wing. His plane crash landed at Suwon on October 8, 1951 and John was KIA. If anyone knew John, please contact Judy.

Contact: Judy Miller Hoff, 173 Mile Ridge Estates, Lebanon Church, VA 22641. Ph. 540-465-4633.

[Posted 6/27/04]

Minser, Robert Allington

I am trying to find out more about my uncle Bob. His name is Robert Allington Minser. He was from Springfield, IL and was a Marine in the Korean War. He was killed November 29, 1950. He was a corporal.

My father's family never told me where he was buried. My father would never talk about the war with me. He also was a Marine. His name was Carl Leighton Minser Jr. He named me after him. That's all I know.

Contact: Robert Minser at rminser@ford.com. Ph. 313-322-7343.

[Posted 6/25/04]

Montgomery, John

I am writing an article for the Old Times antique newspaper about John Montgomery, a Marine lieutenant in the Korean War.  He died this year, and a friend gave some of his paintings to an antique store.  I don't know if he was a paratrooper.  I heard that he commanded 180 men and only 18 survived.  I don't know how they were wounded or where John Montgomery served.  He did leave some notes from a slide show of photos he took at Pusan.  Syngman Rhee was at the UN gathering.  Unfortunately, no one knows where the slides are.  Any help you can give me on John Montgomery would be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Virginia Broich, VBroich@msn.com.

[Posted 4/30/05]

Morrison, Donald

Recently 2-23-10 My Father passed away from a massive stroke. He was 83 and a veteran of World War II and Korea. I was hoping to find or contact anyone who may have known him. He was part of Task Force Crombez. I believe he was a tank gunner. He was in the 9th tank in the column. My Uncle was also in the Crombez armored column (James Mallette) also deceased, was in the 8th tank. He became my uncle as he became my father's friend and married my aunt when they returned from the war. All I know at this time is that my father was in the 24th detached 6 medium tank (?) and became part of the Crombez task force. I am about to receive several medals (one I believe is a presidential citation from Task Force Crombez?) and would like to try to identify some of them. I remember my father talked for years of how cold it was there. He came home to raise 7 children and is survived by 13 grandchildren and 7 great grand children. My sisters and I would love to find a surviving veteran that knew him.

It is sad that so many Korean vets are passing away and that so little has been known of this war. Most of those men came home and proceeded to build the best middle class society in modern history here in America. I am proud to have had a father that was a part of history.

Contact: Mark J Morrison, 1001 Crimson Cloud Court, Mount Airy, MD 21771.  Ph. 301-829-7777-h; 410-259-7021-c.

[Posted 2/25/10]

Morrow, Harvey A.

My name is Mark Morrow. I'm searching for any information on the 176th Armored F.A. Bn. I think my grandfather was in this unit, but I'm not to sure. I have a old clipboard of his when he served in Korea. His name was Harvey A. Morrow.   on the inside of his clipboard it has hand written Btry. C 176th Armd F.A. BN. His name is stamped on the front so I know it was his. Now where O get confused is that when I asked my father about it, he said that my grandfather was in the regular army for 18 years and he thinks it was the 5th Calvary. I'm going by his clipboard.  He also received the Bronze Star medal and on his certificate his serial number is NGxxxxxxxx, which to my understanding the NG stands for National Guard.

My question to you is.. Is there anywhere I can find a list of the men who served in this 176th battalion in the Korean war ? Or is there a way to find out what he might have done to receive the Bronze Star Medal? Or was this something that the whole battalion received? His certificate reads "For Meritorious Achievement In Ground Operations Against The Enemy."  I'm very interested on finding this information.  I was not close with my grandfather due to divorce in my family.  I knew him, but was not close. He passed away in 1993.  I really would like to honor him by perusing his history and what he accomplished in his life. Thanks for taking the time to read this ..and any help or advice on where to obtain this information you could give would be great. You can contact me by e-mail markandmichelle@suscom.net. Thanks again.

[Posted 12/11/05]




O'Day, Walter

My name is Robert " Walter" O'Neill and am the nephew of Cpl. Walter G. O'Day, 2nd Platoon - Able Company - 1st Battalion - 7th Regiment - USMC. On November 26th, 1950, Able Company - 1st Platoon (under Lt. Eugenous Hovatter) were on patrol southwest of Yudam-ni and were ambushed by the Chinese near a village known as Hangsan-ni. From the account of a Charles T. Anger, the 1st Platoon was running low on ammo and were brought up a re-supply by Cpl. O'Day and a few others from 2nd Platoon. In the midst of this action, fire team leader Cpl. Jewel Coquat was hit, along with his BAR man and a South Korean interpreter. Instead of returning to his platoon, Cpl. O'Day acquired a BAR rifle and stayed to assist those under fire in 1st Platoon. Lt. Frank Mitchell (along with 8 to 10 men, including Cpl. O'Day) went out in an attempt to rescue Cpl. Coquat and the others. Mr. Anger recalled that Cpl. O'Day was on the "extreme left flank" of that group. As Lt. Mitchell approached Cpl. Coquat, he was hit and apparently killed by enemy fire. The rest of the group tried to pull back, but Cpl. O'Day never returned. Due to the massive Chinese offensive, Baker Company executive officer Lt. Joseph Kurcaba ordered an immediate withdrawal of forces from the Yudam-ni sector. The situation was so dire that they were unable to retrieve Able Company's dead and missing, that included Lt. Frank Mitchell, Cpl. Jewel Coquat and Cpl. Walter O'Day.

When my grandfather (George O'Day) moved away from River Forest, Illinois in the mid-1960's, the USMC "Missing Persons Office" lost all contact with the family of Cpl. O'Day. Although his parents are deceased, both of his twin sisters and younger brother are alive and well. I helping my 11 year old daughter do research on the Korean War, we came across the Korean War Project website and went to a link titled " The Search for Korean War MIA/POW Family DNA" and pulled up the information on my Uncle Walter O'Day. Through the generous help of Art Lajeunesse and others, I have since made contact with Hattie Johnson - USMC, who is in charge of helping families in search of those Marines missing in action. She was ecstatic to finally re-establish contact with Cpl. O'Day's family and immediately send DNA kits to Walter's brother and sisters for samples. She said that they have recovered remains from the area where Walter was lost within recent years and will test for a match. In the interim, I would request that any Marines that served with (or knew) my Uncle Walter, contact me by return e-mail or by the mail giving any insight or recollections of our loved one that never returned home. The effort would be greatly appreciated !! God bless you all...our heroes !!

Contact: Bob O'Neill, PO Box 111, Twin Lakes, WI 53181; (312) 388-9070 cell

[Posted 12/30/04]


Palmer, Henry P.

I am searching for any information about Hills 314/660. My uncle Henry P. Palmer was killed in this battle on September 12, 1950. I have acquired his casualty report and understand this battle was a big one. General Gay had a special report written on it. I have searched for pictures and have limited information. If there is anything you could send or direct me in a particular direction I would appreciate it. I am a public affairs officer stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.

Contact: Jim Palmer, ph. 937-257-7563. E-mail James.Palmer@wpafb.af.mil.

Piorunski, Sgt. Leonard

I am writing to find out if you can help me.  I have been trying to locate anyone who may have served with my brother during the Korean War.  He was KIA on 2-22-51.  His information is as follows:  Sgt. Leonard Piorunski, 5th Cavalry Regiment (Inf), 1st Cavalry Division, 3rd Platoon - Co. F.  Any direction you can offer will be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Ray Piorunski, 20375 N. 268th Drive, Buckeye, AZ 85396, Ph. (928) 252-6773, E-mail: rasu2@cox.net.

[Posted 6/24/04]



Ray, Harvey E.

I'm looking for anyone that might have known my dad, Harvey E. Ray.  He was in the Merchant Marines in World War II, and in the Army during Korea.  We have learned that he was on the SS Golden Gate during World War II from April to August 1945.  In Korea he was in the 45th Infantry and retrieved tanks.

My dad passed away last year (09/25/08) and I am trying to get pieces of his overseas tours and create a memory book for my children so they can better understand the importance of what he did.  If there is anyone that knows/remembers him and might know what ports of call he saw or even have pictures I could get copies of, it would be most appreciated.

Contact: Jennifer Faulkner, Arlington, TX.  Phone 817-269-1884.  E-mail cjcacf@yahoo.com.  [Posted 8/16/09]

Rea, William Avery

My husband is looking for information regarding his uncle William Avery Rea. When he died, he was not aware of his war record, but was told about it years later. We believe that he served during the Korean War and was a pilot with the Army Airborne (not sure on the division). Any information you can find will be very helpful. Please email information to Darla Rea at drea@mtnhome.k12.ar.us. I have searched internet and not sure where to go from here. Any help you can give me would be much appreciated.

Contact: Darla Rea, 870-404-0453, 253 Big Mac Dr., Lakeview, AR 72642

Rodman, SFC Marvin L.

I have tried for many years to find out what actually happened to my brother, SFC Marvin L. Rodman, S# 555200683.  He was a Platoon Sergeant, 3rd Platoon, Co. "K, 3rd Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment,7th Infantry Division, US Army. Last action: "Operation Showdown", Iron Triangle Area, on Hill #598, October 1952. His Company & Battalion had 40% To 50% casualties and could not fight as a unit, so he was transferred on Army Records to Co "L". I have proof from Army Records that Co "L" was in Chipori, ( rear area), but SFC Marvin L Rodman was in some of the heaviest AND worst combat of the Korean War. Some reported that Marvin was wounded and taken to a hospital in Japan.  That statement was never verified.

Only after Congressman Earl Wilson had sent FIVE, yes, FIVE Cablegrams to FECOM was SFC Marvin L. Rodman declared MIA. Everyone but Marvin came down from Hill #598 that night. The Army keeps explicit records as to movies shown and meals served in Korea, BUT, they could not keep track of OR locate my brother SFC Marvin LRodman.

Over the many years, I contacted Senators, Representatives, Generals, and Presidents trying to find out what actually happened to, or became of Marvin. Others with contacts in Washington, DC have tried.  All got the same answer:  to put it quite plainly, they just simply lost him.

One of his best Army buddies was SFC Willis Price of the same unit , I have talked to him, but there was nothing there to shed any light on the problem. He had the nickname of "Poofie" since High school.  It may have stuck with him in the Army.

If anyone knows anything whatsoever about my brother, SFC Marvin L Rodman, or knows anyone that has info about him, PLEASE contact me - Gareth M Rodman - 997 N Wabash St, Wabash, IN 46992-1716 Phone # 260/563-2630.  Email: dear22@verizon.net.  Declared dead Dec.31,1953.  Any help or info on this search will be very greatly appreciated. The Army just simply lost him!

Contact: Gareth M Rodman at the e-mail address above.

[Posted 6/13/05]

----- Original Message -----
From: Gareth Rodman
To: Niki Wey ; Emanuel E. Parker
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 4:25 PM
Subject: Info on SFC Marvin Rodman

Saturday, 7/5/2008 I received yet another packet of info from the US Army Human Resources Command, Alexandria, Va. like the one some time ago that info on Pvt Ralph Zecco and others. That info is totally useless to me, another IDPF with the same info in it,.  I have asked many times that only info on SFC Marvin Rodman or info of some use to me in our search of the truth about what truthfully happened to him on, or about 10/20/1952 on Hill # 598 in "Operation Showdown". Please do not waste your time, effort, and money sending me more info like this. There are questions I need answers to. I do mean answers, not excuses, no more "Stonewalling" either.

#1 Why did it take 4 or 5 Cablegrams from Congressman Earl Wilson to get SFC Marvin Rodman declared MIA. He was declared dead, (KIA) on 12/30/1953. How could he be declared dead when the Army simply lost him, that looks like an easy way out. I have info from Army records that shows he was assigned to Co "L" due to 40% to 50% casualties in Co "K" & 3rd Btn., Co "L" was assigned to the rear lines, but was in the worst combat on Hill # 598. The Army keeps precise records as to meals served, & movies shown, BUT, they simply can not keep track of SFC Marvin Rodman, why?

#2 Why was SFC Marvin Rodman was not added to Field Search Case #779 till 12/30/1953, the date he was declared dead, ( KIA) and his, and other names were written in on a Master Roster for 10/18/1952 for the 32nd Inf Reg when he was assigned to the 17th Inf Reg. This type errors may be why the army lost him, and now can not find out truthfully what happened to him.

#3 Why is it that that I have written to Presidents, Congressmen, and others over the past 50 years and no one can, or will give me a straight answer, or the truth, as to what happened to SFC Marvin Rodman. Others have tried, but no one will give a straight answer, we all get to the same place, "Stonewalled", nothing more.  For once give me straight answers, and the truth, no "stonewalling, no more excuses, beating around the bush, info on SFC Marvin Rodman only, just info pertaining to him that is useful in my search for the truth, please!

Any help and assistance you can give me in my search will be very greatly appreciated.

Gareth Rodman

[Posted 11/09/09]

----- Original Message -----
From: Parker, Emanuel A Mr CIV USA HRC
To: dear22@verizon.net
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 10:04 AM
Subject: RE: SFC Marvin Rodman (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Mr. Rodman,

I do sympathize with your frustrations. We are doing all we can to request the information for you to help you with your request. We ourselves do not actually conduct the research. The documents are requested from a staging facility and we review the Individual Decease Personnel Files (IDPF) to ensure there is no sensitive information contained within the document. The IDPFs are not physically maintained at this facility and must be located and retrieved from another geographical location. The documents they provide us, unfortunately, is all we have to offer. National Archives: Modern Military Records may be able to provide you with more information, there address is as follows:

National Archives: Modern Military Records
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, Maryland 20740
Military Reference (301) 837-3510

I do apologize for not being of better assistance to your request. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the number listed below.

Emanuel A. Parker
Information Release Specialist
Department of Defense
Army Human Resources Command
Public Affairs Division
Comm 703-325-8495 DSN 221-8495
Fax Comm 703-325-3008 DSN 221-3008

[Posted 11/09/09]


From: Gareth Rodman
To: Niki Wey
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 1:13 PM
Subject: Fw: Info on SFC Marvin Rodman SN 55200683

Over two months ago I sent you this email, that is enough time to get an answer to me, just what is the problem that it takes so long to get answers from you people, someone afraid to tell the truth for a change? I am very sure someone knows the real truth as to what happened to my Brother, SFC Marvin Rodman on, or near, October 20, 1952, in Operation "Showdown", "Hill # 598 ", "Iron Triangle Area" in Korea. Why did it take 4 or 5 Cable Grams from US Congressman Earl Wilson to get SFC Marvin Rodman to be declared MIA? Is that the Army way of admitting they just lost him? Explicit detailed as to meals served, and movies shown, BUT, the US Army can not, or will not keep track of my Brother SFC Marvin Rodman. Someone knows the truth, so, just tell me, NOW !! No more cover-up, stone walling, excuses, or beating around the bush, for once THE TRUTH !!

A totally disgusted,
Gareth Rodman
(260) 563 - 2630

[Posted 11/09/09]


----- Original Message -----
From: Gareth Rodman
To: Parker, Emanuel A Mr CIV USA HRC
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 4:30 PM
Subject: SFC Marvin Rodman

Mr. Parker,

Thank you very much for your reply about info on my Brother, SFC Marvin Rodman. Please let me know ASAP when, or if, you and your staff find any more new info about him. The last two batches I received were almost useless as one batch had much info on a Pvt Zecco, the last one had 96 pages about the same, and much duplication of info I have.

I will contact the National Archives place you named, just hope they or someone can tell me the truth, and not Stonewall me as in the past. The main thing I want to get a straight answer on is what I have asked about many times, BUT NO STRAIGHT ANSWER IS " Why did it take 4 or 5 Cablegrams from then US Congressman Earl Wilson to so much as get my Brother, SAC Marvin declared MIA as of October 20, 1952 ? Then declared dead as of December 30, looks as if the Army just lost him, and afraid to admit their screw-up, so they cover it up, and Stonewall everyone that tries to get at the truth as to what actually happened to him on Hill # 598, Iron Triangle Area, Operation Showdown, in October 1952. Just the truth, please, no more stonewalling.

Any and all assistance you can give me in getting at the truth will be very greatly appreciated.

Gareth Rodman
997 N. Wabash St.
Wabash, In. 46992-1716
(260) 563-2630

[Posted 11/09/09]

Rosecrants, George

This might be a long shot. I'm looking for information on George Rosecrants. He was in Medical company 35th Infantry, 25th Division. He was a Sgt and a Medic or Aid man and was captured 27 November 1950. He died while a prisoner and the official date of death might be 31 March 1951. This date shows up on the POW web site. I know his unit was overrun and suffered heavy casualties and many were captured.

If anyone knew him or has more information please contact me. He was the brother of someone I know. I don't know if his body was recovered or not. He was from Chicago and was about 21-22 years old.

Contact: Dennis Eichler at FoxNewsChicago@AOL.COM.

Rota, Frank J.

Hi. I was just looking to see if anyone knew my grandfather. I am not sure what regiment he was in, but I know he was a Corporal in the Marines. I think he was part of Casual Company. His name is FRANK J. ROTA. He has passed away and I just wanted to learn more about him and what he went through. He had two Purple Hearts, one from World War II and one from the Korean War. He was in the Marines for 13 years. If anyone has any information it would be greatly appreciated. I have contacted the National Personnel Records, but all they gave me where documents of separation. Is there anything else I can do to get more information on him? Thank you.

Contact: Frank M. Rota, frota30@yahoo.com.

[Posted 12/18/05]


Sampson, Herman J.

My father served in Korea from 10/54-9/55 with Detachment M, KMAG in Seoul. He passed away six years ago and never really talked of his time overseas. With the 50th anniversary of the Korean Conflict, I have been thinking a lot about what his duties may have included. My mother has a large "certificate" of appreciation, in both English and Korean, which states the names of Ramon Sandin, Lt. Cnl MPC, acting senior advisor, and Kim Byong Sim, Brig. General, Republic of Korea. Any information you may have would be greatly appreciated, including recommending websites and/or books on this topic.

Contact: Jo-Ann Sampson Badar, jassampson@yahoo.com.

Samsel, Cpl. Denzil G.

I am looking for any and all info concerning my uncle, Corporal Denzil G. Samsel. He was a member of Co. C, 1st Battalion of 19th Inf Reg, 24th Inf Div. He was taken Prisoner of War on November 4, 1950 near Anju, North Korea. The date of death given to him by the Army was February 28, 1951. He died while prisoner in Camp 5. (This is the basic info the government has given us.)

My father, who is 80 years old and also a Korean War veteran, is wanting to possibly find the names of servicemen who were with his brother in Camp 5 or have any knowledge of him after he was taken prisoner. He would especially like to know the names of the men who were with him when he died.

We attended an update in Bellevue, WA and the annual accounting in Washington DC this year. This is where I found out dad had not requested Denzil's Deceased Personnel Records and in August was told it could take up to 9 months to receive this.

As we all know time is running short and it is extremely important to my dad to thank the men or their families. I have promised my dad I would do all I could to help him find info he is seeking and I have been struggling for several months on where to go for the help my dad has asked of me.  I have cried for hours reading the statements of these men and thinking about how scared and miserable they all must have been.

Is there somewhere that I can get a list of ex-POW's captured with Denzil or were with him in Camp 5 that may still be alive and a way to contact them or their families?  Any help, info, or pics will be greatly appreciated! I have attached the last photo my family has of my Uncle Denzil. God bless you!

Contact:  Laura Samsel at rapid_river@yahoo.com.

[Posted 11/21/2010]

Sandrock, Calvin George

(Click pix for larger view)

I am the brother of Calvin George Sandrock. I am looking for anyone who served with him in Korea. He was in the Air Force. He was a Radio Operator with 21st TCS (Troop Carrier Squadron). He was killed on April 29, 1952. The information we received at the time was his plane went down between Korea and Japan, possible in the Korean Sea. We also understood that 4 or more people were killed, the pilot, co-pilot, and possibly wounded personnel. His death was considered non-combat, accidental. His birth date was Feb 19, 1932. The last known address for him was 21st TCS (M), APO 970 0/0 PM, San Francisco, California. If anyone has information please email to Bill Sandrock. The e-mail is csand57@aol.com.  Please put in Subject Box "Korean War".

[Posted 12/18/05]

Schafer, Harold W.

I came across your website and would like to post the name of my grandfather, Harold Schafer, who was a Medical NCO (Sgt.).  He passed away in Burbank, California on May 20, 2008.  He was a World War II and Korean War veteran.  According to the National Personnel Records Center, most of his military records were lost in the 1973 fire.  If anyone in your organization would have been at the 172nd Evacuation Hospital possibly between 1949 and 1951, who might have known him or have any related photos, we would sure appreciate hearing from them.  Thank you for your efforts.

Contact: Tiffany Abadi, 315 N. Orchard Drive, Burbank, California 91506.

[Posted 7/14/2015]

Schmidt, Harold Gustav

I am trying to find some information for my daughters.  I know their grandfather was a Marine during the Korean War.  It has been said that he was the youngest Captain in the Marines at the time.  His name is/was Harold Gustav Schmidt.  I have heard there is a story about him.  Capt. Schmidt and the Fox Patrol and I believe he was at the Chosin Reservoir.  He died when my girls' father was around three years old and information about him would be so great.  Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Gina Schmidt, 918 N. Pine #B, Livingston, TX 77351.  Phone 936-327-5972.

[Posted 2/19/2010]


Seabloom, Conrad Jack

I am looking for people who may have known my Uncle Jack, who is now deceased. He was with F Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division in Korea. Date of Loss 1951-12-07. He was a Corporal (E-4). Service Number 1119251. He was from St. Paul, MN. Born 1932-08-18.

Contact jseabloom@comcast.net.

Shepard, Pvt. Harold Randolph

I am writing a synopsis on the MIA/KIA during the Korean War that were from my county. My work will be placed in our local library. I have a Pvt. Harold Randolph Shepard that was murdered during the Sunchon Tunnel Massacre. Do you have any information on this event or possibly guide me to sources.

Contact: Harold G. Davis, hgdavis@bellsouth.net .
517 Mohican Trail, Wilmington, NC 28409-3426; ph. 910-791-2333.

Smith, Corporal Theodore "Ted" Smith

My father, Corporal Theodore "Ted" Smith (aka "Smitty") served with the 8th Army in the area around Seoul.  He was a member of an engineering company.  He enlisted in Milwaukee, WI in 1950, and may have arrived in theater later that year, or early 1951.  He served for about a year.  Unfortunately, my father left behind few mementoes, letters, or other records of his time in the Army.  None of this information identifies the units he served with.  Any help you can give me to track down more information about my dad would be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Robin Smith, rsmith@ssdd.nri.navy.mil.

Spencer, Erdis

I had an uncle who was a POW in Korea.  He and my Aunt have long ago divorced.  I remember as a young child hearing him tell my father of his dark days as a POW.  My uncle passed on some time ago, but I have become interested in the Korean War and the stories told by our proud servicemen during their days as POWs.  My uncle's name was Erdis Spencer and he was in the Army.  I do not know his capture date or the camps he was in.  My question is this. Where does one track down any info regarding a POW's ordeal if he is no longer here to tell the stories?  I am interested in knowing the facts about his capture, the date of his capture, and also any details including other POWs who knew him.  Your guidance to these sites would be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Arthur M. Schlosser.  E-mail a.schlosser@comcast.net.

[Posted 4/05/05]

Springer, Roy Earl

I am looking for information on an uncle and hope the following will help you give our family some insight:

Roy Earl Springer - born 2 August 1935
S1, US Navy, Korea - service start date 25 November 1952
Death Date - 23 November 1990 - buried in Riverside National Cemetery, Riverside, CA

Contact: Susan Schotts, Michigan.  E-mail: susan.schotts@att.net.

[Posted 3/10/10]

Stebbins, George

Searching for information about George Stebbins, who was with the 15th Infantry Regiment in Korea from September of 1950 until he was killed in action May 24, 1951 at age 19. I am seeking where the regiment was located at that time. I was with the 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. George was wounded a month before with a head wound and a month later another telegram stating he was KIA arrived. Perhaps one of his old foxhole buddies still remembers? We were from Springfield, MA.

Contact: MSG Charles Stebbens, US Army Ret. E-mail cesmanchu@aol.com.

Stone, John F. "Buddy"

My brother John F. Stone (Buddy) fought with the 7th Infantry Division, 31st Infantry Regiment. He was KIA on 6/3/52. That is all I know because I have been unsuccessful getting info from the military and/or government. I am interested in what battle he died in and what other battles he may have fought in. I am told he took a Japanese wife and fathered a son while in Korea but have no way of verifying that either. Buddy was a very short man, probably 5’2" or so. He hated it until he was in combat. He wrote to my mother once that he was finally glad to be so small because he was harder to hit.

Any help you can give would be appreciated. I know he was wounded once and sent home. He reenlisted and returned to Korea and tied there. I have a room in my house with pictures of some of his Korean War pals with whom he fought. I have dedicated a room in the house – in part – to his memory, but I have almost no knowledge of what he actually went through there.

Contact: Ron Stone, Plano, TX; e-mail jrstone2@gte.net.

Swearingen, George L.

I've been researching the Korean War for the past year, hoping to understand more about what happened during those awful years. I've also been trying to find anyone who might have known my father, George L. Swearingen, who was KIA 2/22/1951. I had an article published in the May/ June 2004 issue of the Graybeards and believe it or not, I have been able to come up with some info, and meet (on line) a lot of nice, caring people. They have been kind enough to try and help me and share their own personal stories with me as well. This generation of men have been, and continue to be remarkable. I am enjoying this site.  Thank you for putting together this site that is both informative, and historical.

Contact: Joanne Chmura.  E-mail: Joanne@cablelynx.com

Sweet, Richard Theodore

My dad passed away this year.  He talked a lot about his war buddies, but never mentioned three Bronze Stars that he was awarded.  Interested in e-mails from ANYONE who knew Richard Theodore Sweet, my beloved father.

Contact: E-mail Touchedbyart@aol.com.

[Posted 4/30/05]

Swinehamer, SFC John Daniel "Jack"

I am looking for anyone who served with SFC John Daniel "Jack" Swinehamer, who served a tour in Korea between 1951 and 1953. Jack was a career soldier who first enlisted in the the Illinois National Guard in 1940. During WWII he had the bad fortune to endure the Bataan Death March and 3-1/2 years as a POW in the Philippines and Japan. He was on occupation duty in Trieste immediately before the Korea War began. Jack was an Infantryman and most likely he went to Korea as an individual NCO replacement in mid-1951 or later. He continued to serve in the Army until 1956 when he reenlisted in the Air Force in which he served until retiring in 1963. Jack died in 1979. The accompanying picture of Jack was taken in Trieste, in December, 1949.  Swinehamer is not a common name: If anyone reading this knew a Swinehamer in Korea, it was undoubtedly Jack. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who knew Jack, especially during the Korean War (or before or after). Any and all responses will be promptly and gratefully acknowledged.

Contact: John Patton.  E-mail: antaxi@gmail.com.


Tucker, Boyd Edward

I am trying to obtain some info on my Brother. His name is PFC Boyd Edward Tucker. He was stationed in Japan when the Korean War broke out and was in one of the first groups to be sent to Korea. He was in the 24th Infantry Division, 63rd Field Artillery Battalion and was KIA on July 14,1950 while trying to hold the Kum River position. I would love to receive any info, no matter how small. I would like to locate some of his close buddies that he served with. My family knows nothing about his time in Japan or his time in Korea before he was killed.

My brother was 18 when I was born, so he was mostly out on his own. He was in the Military for a yr when he was discharged. Then he re-enlisted the next day. He was sent to Japan in 1950 as part of the Occupation Forces, so when the Korean War started, his Division was the first to go. We got news of his being MIA on July 14,1950, but didn't receive confirmation of his death until April of 1954 and received his remains that same year. My Mother died never giving up hope that somehow there was a mix-up and that he wasn't really killed. I say all that to say this: The last time I saw him was in 1949 when I was 7, so I barely remember him. I'm hoping to learn more about him through my research. Please email if you can help.

Contact: Pat Robbins.  E-mail: doycepatr@sbcglobal.net.

[Posted 9/10/2004]

Turner, Donald

I’m trying to find out about when the 14th Infantry was left on the line with the 2nd while the 25th rotated back. My Uncle Donald Turner was killed on November 4, 1951.

A letter sent to my grandparents spoke of Donald Manning twin 50s and they were overrun when Donald couldn’t raise the gun high enough to shoot over the bodies of the Chinese. It also told of the Chinese wrapping their bodies with ace bandage material so that even when they were hit, it took 4 or 5 rounds to bring them down.

This is what makes me think that perhaps the 2nd may have some record:
http://www.2id.org/2idhistory2.htm . "The massive relief once again was completed without mishap and the 2nd Division assumed control on 20 December. The tactical situation saw the Division manning a four-regiment front, the 25th Division having left its 14th Regiment occupying one of the sectors. With the extra regiment, the Division was spread across a 22,000-meter line with only two infantry battalions and the 72d Tank Battalion in division reserve."

"The 14th Regiment reverted to the control of its parent division on 29 January, necessitating an extension of boundaries to occupy the wide frontage with three regiments instead of four."

"One battalion remained from the 25th Div Arty to provide direct support for the 14th Infantry Regiment, which became attached to the 2d Division."

Contact: Donna Turner Thorson, tdthorson@comcast.net.


Underwood, Cpl. Robert Everett

If any Marines from the Korean War who were in Korea from June 1952 until July 1953 are reading this, I would like to hear from them.  My husband, Cpl. Robert E. Underwood, was in Korea at that time.  His address was Regt. Hdq. Batt. F/S, 11th Marines, 1st Division FMF.  He arrived in Korea on July 4, 1952 and arrived in San Francisco in June of 1953 on the U.S.N.S. General Meigs troop ship.  I'm trying to locate any Marine who would have served with him or knew him.  He graduated from boot training at San Diego MCRD, going from there for more advanced training at Camp Pendleton.  There he was in C Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Inf. Tr. Reg. TC2 at Camp Pendleton, graduating March 8, 1952.  I would be happy to hear from anyone who would have served with my husband to share memories.  He passed away December 12, 1996 from lung cancer and still is very much loved and missed.

Everett landed at Inchon on July 4, 1952 and was a forward observer the entire time he was in Korea, returning in July of 1953. There was a Ralph C. Scott and I believe he was from West Virginia, also a Robert Vickery, not sure where he was from.  (I have pictures of these and several others.) I know one friend Vance Worster was killed in action on October 21, 1952, on the Hook, I believe. He used to come to our home in Vista, CA when we were there.  That was during their combat training at Camp Pendleton.  I received the following e-mail from "Connie" Blevins:

Lynnita Brown, of the Koreanwar-educator.org asked me to contact you.  I was in the same unit as Vance. In fact, the FO team he was in relieved mine the day before the Hook was overran by Chinese forces. I did know Vance, but not well, as we were on different Teams.

A couple of days after the Hook action, and it was more than just taking the Outpost, the Commanding Officer of the Unit, Lt. Bill Phillips and I went back to the Outpost to see what had to be done to put our observation post back in service. A mortar round fell close, wounding both of us. We were both evacuated to Forward Aid. The Lieutenant died, but I only had minor shrapnel wounds and in a few days I was back in the Unit.

Contact: Marcella Underwood, 308 W. Main St., Heyworth, IL 61745; e-mail maqu33@msn.com.

[Posted 09/17/06]


Van Allen, Robert Warren

I am checking out to see if my dad, Robert Warren Van Allen would be any Korean War Veterans lists anywhere.  He attended the Korean War and he was from Williston, North Dakota. If you happen to have some information.  I would love to have it.

I plan to visit my relative in North Dakota and if there is a place with his name on it, I would like to know where that place be at.

I know that at some Korean War Memorials, they have a list of guys' or gals' names on the stones or papers that attended there. I was wondering if there would be any like that in North Dakota or going into a museum that has the list of Korean War Veterans with my Dad's name on it. A few years ago, I went to Alexander Museum in Alexander, ND and there was a list of names (KW veterans) and we assumed that Dad would be on it since he lived close by but I was told it might be in Williston, ND.

Would also like to know how long did my dad stay in the service or any interesting information?


[Posted 8/15/04]

Vernon, Gary L.

Looking for anyone who might have been in my husband's outfit in the early days of the war. My husband was Gary L. Vernon, who died Dec. 29, 2003.  He served 24 years in the Army.  He went to Korea with the 29th RCT.  Don't read too much about them. My husband rarely would talk of Korea... and what a shame. He was highly decorated and never really gave his sons a chance to know what he went though. I have met and talked with two men who served with my husband (besides my uncle) in those early horrible days. As I said, you will rarely read of the 29th RCT (lst and 3Bns) from Okinawa as there were few survivors. Those who did were assimilated into other outfits. He was wounded in Sept. of 50, returned to Korea on his birthday Nov 1, in time to be up near the Yalu when the Chinese came across. ]

Contact: Carolyn Vernon, CGRAM434@aol.com.


Waldron, David

My grandfather wants to find some of his buddies from the Korean War stationed in Japan from 1958-52.  There are two names he remembers: Bob/Robert Kearns and David Waldron.  David's middle name may have been Edward.  My grandfather's name is Alfred Rushlow.  His nickname was Shorty.  He knows that David was born in Mt. Clemens, MI and he would be in his high 70s/low 80s.  If you could please help my grandfather reunite with old friends he would never forget it.

Contact: Alfred Rushlow at lkretzinger@charter.net.

Walter, Sgt. Stephen C.

I would appreciate it if anyone who knew or served with my brother, Sgt. Stephen C. Walter, would contact me.  Stephen was KIA while serving with C Company, First Battalion, 7th Marines in Korea on July 18, 1953.

Contact: Paul Walter, 15049 Endicott St., Philadelphia, PA 19116.  Phone 215-464-1504.  E-mail lorypaul@att.net

[Posted 4/30/05]

Wedding, Stephen

I am searching for anyone who may have served with my father-in-law Stephen Wedding.  He served in Korea from August 1950 to June 1951.  He served with the 1st BG 27th Infantry before going to Korea.  He trained at Ft. Knox and Ft. Benning.  He also served two tours in Vietnam.  He retired in 1970 and died a few short years later from cancer caused by Agent Orange.  My husband and his family are hoping to hear from anyone who may have known him and can tell them about their dad and about his time in Korea and Vietnam.  Any memories and stories about him would be great appreciated.

Contact: Terri Wedding at teacups5@verizon.net.

[Posted 10/06/06]

Weddle, Lt. Raymond P.

My father, Lt. Raymond P. Weddle, US Army, Deceased was died in the 8076th MASH in Korea on April 24, 1952. He was born in El Dorado, KS on August 10, 1918. Between WWII and Korea he lived with his wife and family in Bakersfield, CA. He served in the 55th and 619th Ammo Ord Cos. while in Korea. He was in an airborne unit in WWII. He was killed accidentally by a fellow soldier.  If anyone knew Lt. Weddle, please contact his son.

Contact: Patrick W. Weddle, P.O. Box a529, Placerville, CA 95667.  Phone 916-425-7986.  Fax 530-621-3213.  E-mail pweddle@igc.org.

[Posted 8/06/05]

Werstler, James Theodore

My brother served in the Korean War. He never married and had no children, so I am next of kin. He is deceased. I am making a family book for my sons for Christmas, and would like to include something from his military record. I contacted the National Personnel Records Center for military personnel records. They tell me that I do not have enough information. If I had, I could get records and medals and ribbons (if any).

His name is James Theodore Werstler. He was inducted in California or Ohio. I think California. He was a Sergeant in the war; I think he also used a howitzer. He was in the 5th Infantry. He was discharged probably about October 1952. He was born in Midway, Ohio. (It may say Hartville, Louisville, or Canton.) I don't know much else.

Contact: Marguerite W. Closs.  E-mail mwcloss@juno.com.




Young, John C.

Like many children of war casualties, I know practically nothing of my father's life in the service. I contacted the records department and found his records had been destroyed in the infamous St. Louis fire. If there is anyone out there who either knew my father or anything about him, I would be forever grateful.  Here is the information that I have about him:

  • John C. Young
  • Onondaga, New York
  • Born 1918
  • Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army
  • Service Number O-36362
  • Killed in Action/Died December 4, 1952 in Korea
  • Lieutenant Colonel Young was a member of the 223rd Infantry Regiment, 40th Infantry Division. He was Killed in Action while fighting the enemy in North Korea on December 4, 1952. Lieutenant Colonel Young was awarded the Purple Heart, the Combat Infantryman's Badge, the Korean Service Medal, the United Nations Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Korean Presidential Unit Citation and the Republic of Korea War Service Medal.

All my best to those who survived this war and did not.  Please contact Leslie C. Young, MS, Director of Universal Design Services, Center for Universal Design, College of Design, North Carolina State University.  Campus Box 8613, Raleigh, NC 27695-8613; phone 919.515.8558.

[Posted March 2007]

Young Bear, Jasper

I am looking for any information about my Brother Jasper Young Bear he was MIA on pork chop Hill and later reported KIA, I think in 1952. His name does not appear on the ND Korean War veterans Memorial in Bismarck, ND, therefore I am trying to remedy this error but I don't have any paperwork on him any assistance you can provide will greatly be appreciated. Also if you could point me in the right direction as to getting paperwork on my Grandfather, Jasper's dad, Walter Young Bear who served in the Army during WWI any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Lyle Gwin Sr., e-mail lgwin@fbcc.bia.edu.

[Posted 4/28/05]


Zagurskie, Steve

I found my cousin's information (Steve Zagurskie) on Ancestry.com.  He died on March 24, 1951.  At casualty type, it states: "Returned to Duty (FECOM).  I didn't know what that meant.  Can you tell me?

Contact: Don Zagurskie, dhz@nmax.net.

Zurn, Vernon

Seeking anyone who knew my brother, Vernon Zurn. He was in E Company of the 65th Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division. He was MIA/KIA on June 14, 1953 probably near Hill 412.

Contact: Donna Adams at zurn480@aol.com.


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