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Buddy Search by Name

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | Mc | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Looking For:

The list below includes the most recent postings for searches.  If you have requested that a search be posted, be sure to contact the KWE if your e-mail address changes.  If you wish to provide further contact information (your name, phone number, or address) but do not want them posted on the KWE, you can request that Lynnita keep them on file in her office rather than on the website.

  • McLain, Joe
  • May, Robert "Bob"
  • Hinds, Charles R.
  • Wilson, Charles L.
  • Della Vecchia, Michael
  • Hobbs, R.E.
  • Fehrle, John W. "Jack"
  • Kilpatrick, Rogene Howell
  • Clark, Glenn Leroy Jr.
  • Drew, Thomas
  • Gentleman, Jim
  • McNesky, Ralph
  • Schneider, Donald
  • Holliman, Henry (?)
  • Wimberly, Joe N.
  • Ryberg - Buddies of Robert Ryberg

Allen, Sgt. Richard Earl

I am trying to help my Dad find a photo that was taken just before he went home from the service.  I hope that someone will be able to help me find it.  His name is Sgt. Richard Earl Allen and he served in 1956 in Denham, Germany in Bridge Company, 17th Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd Armored Division.  He gave his money to a Sergeant Willis along with his address, but he never received his photo.  Can you help me?

Contact: Kathy Cangelosi, cangk@verizon.net

[Posted 4/19/06]

Alves, Henry

I am looking for an old friend I was in Korea with mainly in the 1955 era.  His name is Henry Alves of New York.  He was in the 24th Infantry Division, 21st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Howe Co.  I've been trying for years to find him, but I don't have the right connection I guess.  I sure hope you can help me.  I'm sure he would know where some of the rest of the guys are.  Contact: Norman Harp at winner@dslextreme.com.

Anderson, John

I'm trying to trace a John Anderson who fought in the Korean War.  He was from Bronxville, New York.  His parents were Hermann and Judith.  Please let me know if you have any information on him. Contact: Maxine Finlay, maxfinlay@yahoo.ca.

Angerame, August

Please send me any information on August Angerame of the 68AAA Gun Battery that served in Korea.  He was a medic and some called him Doc.  Thank you.  I am his son, John Angerame.  Contact: angobay@msn.com.

Ashley, Billy W.

He served in the 3rd Division, 15th Regiment, D Company.  SFC Billy W. Ashley's last known address when he rotated home in 1953 was 309 Glover Street, Albertsville, AL.

Contact: KVetFamily@cs.com.

Augustyniak, Raymond

I am trying to compile a memories book for my father for Father's Day.  I was wondering if you might have any stories or pictures of my father Raymond Augustyniak.  I do have a few pictures and have gotten a little info off the Korean web site on a Google search.  I would certainly appreciate it if you might be able to help me out so I can honor my father as well as all the other servicemen who he fought with and/or gave their life for the Korean War.  I am humbly appreciative of the stories I have read/listened to and I know in talking with my father about his time in Korea, it seems so unfathomable and yet so vicious what each person has gone through. 

Contact: Jennifer Augustyniak Fielding, St. George, UT; ph. 435-652-9572; cell - 435-619-0836.

[Posted 4/28/05]


Bacon, George

I'm looking for a friend of my father's that he served with in the Korean War.  The name of the person is George Bacon.  The outfit was 1st Marine Division, 1st Battalion, Weapons Company.  George's MOS was 3300.  My father said he was from Oklahoma, but I don't know what part.  My father's name is James Carter, who is celebrating his 72nd birthday this coming next Monday.

Contact: Wendy Bauer, wendyc@shoesforcrews.com.

[Posted 8/24/05]

Baker, Duane Clayborn

My father, Duane Clayborn Baker, was in the Korean War.  He served in the Triple Nickel Field Artillery Unit "B" Battery of the 5th Regimental Combat Team in the 24th Division.  But they were also considered a "Bastard Outfit," meaning assignment could be to anyone.  He is looking for members of his outfit, "B" Battery.  He is also wondering if there is a reunion, when and where.  If you could provide us with any information, we would be grateful.

Contact: Richard D. Baker, Coon Rapids, IA.  E-mail altinc@pionet.net.

Baker, James Robert

I am looking for James Robert Baker who was in the first platoon, Baker Co., First Am Trac Battalion (dismounted).  we shared a hole in the ground on the MLR around the Injin and Han Rivers in the summer and fall of 1952.  He was from Reno but talked a lot about Idaho.

Contact: C.L. (Nellie) Nelson via the Korean War Educator lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org.

Ball, James G.

My dad was in the Korean War.  I would like to find some of his old buddies. His name is Sgt. James G. Ball, served 53-54 in the war in the 38th Regiment, 3rd platoon, Love Company, 2nd squad.

Contact: Lin Templeton Lin_Templeton@yahoo.com

Ballerino, Tom

My name is Larry Valecce from Philadelphia, PA.  I am looking for Tom Ballerino from Scuiate, MA.  He was in the 401st Army Harbor Craft Unit in Pusan, Korea, 1954.  Contact: Larry Valecce, 3177 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, PA 19134.  E-mail nana3177@aol.com.

Barnes, SFC John E.

My dad SFC John E. Barnes was in Quartermaster in 1950 and re-enlisted and was discharged MSgt. in 1953.  Not sure what unit he was assigned.  He has many photos of Yokohama, Japan and troops loading up onto C-47 transport to Korea.  He has two photos of the same three men: Tommy Marshall, Larry Leaueagh (? - handwriting hard to read.  Not sure of spelling of the last name.), and Noel Paggit.  Noel looks to be a corporal and is wearing a 3rd Division "Rock of the Marne" patch on his sleeve.  If you guys are out there, I'd love to hear from you.

Contact: Daphne (Barnes) Houze, daughter of John Barnes.  E-mail daphnept@earthlink.net.

[Posted 4/30/05

Beatty Donald Edward "Red"

I am trying to find out any information I can about my father, who served in the Korean War.  He was from Bridgeport, CT.  I would like to correspond with anyone who might have known my dad--someone who could give me insight into who he was as a person.  My parents were divorced.  Contact: Cynthia (Beatty) Stevko, Shelton, CT at stevko@sbcglobal.net.

Beatty, Jack

I am searching for anyone who has information about Jack Beatty.  He served with the Marines in Korea for several years.  He was from the 9th ward in Brooklyn, NY.  He was from the parish of St. Teresa of Avila, and returned to Brooklyn after the war.  He was severely disturbed from his experiences in the war from what I understand, and may have been medically sick after being bitten by rats during his service.  After returning home, he became unstable and was hospitalized in the VA psych hospital on Long Island several times.  He tried to escape there once by jumping out a window and he broke his leg.  He battled alcoholism and eventually my Dad (his brother) and the other siblings lost touch with him.  They had the state declare him dead in the late 1980s early 1990s.  I am a NYPD sergeant, and am seeking info from anyone who might have known him.  By all accounts, he was an amazing guy.

Contact: Mike Smithy.  E-mail equine13872003@yahoo.com.

[Posted 4/30/05]

Behrends, John Irvin

My dad is a Korean War veteran from Brownstown, IL.  His name is John Irvin Behrends and he served February 1951 to November 1952 in the Army with the 1st Cavalry, 8th Regiment, 4.2 Heavy Mortar Co.  He is interested in reunions or other events coming up.

Would you please e-mail me or send the information to him at John I. Behrends, RR1, Box 24, Brownstown, IL 62418.
Contact also: John D. Behrends at johnnyb_cubbie@hotmail.com.

Bertha, George E.

My father was in the Korean War in 1953.  What I can get from pictures, he was in the 19th Group, 185th Engineer Battalion.  His name was George E. Bertha. His rank was Corporal.  I'm trying to find out what part of Korea he fought in and the corps or division he was with.  I've searched as many sites as I know how to find.  If you can help me locate any information or tell me how to go about finding information, I would greatly appreciate it.

Contact: John E. Bertha berthathree@aol.com.

[Posted 11/14/06]


Hello Lynnita. I am trying to help my brother locate his biological father for medical reasons. His father's name is Harold Bishop (bischoff?) who served at the 121st Evac Hospital at ASCOM somewhere around 1955-1963. Any information would be extremely helpful.

Thank you and keep up the great website!

L. Dawson

[Posted 7/9/04]

Bledsoe, Willard Grant

Searching for anyone who served with my father who served with the 6332nd Air Base Wing (APO 239 Unit 1) and 6332nd Medical Group at Kadena Air Base on Okinawa.

Contact: Donna Jordan at jordan274475@bellsouth.net.

[Posted 12/21/08]

Bloomer, Bill

There was a guy that I hooked up with in Korea whose name is Bill Bloomer. When I first met him he was a member of the tank crew on the tank that was on our hill "Barbed Wire Hill," but, somehow he became an Infantryman and he and I shared a lot of foxholes together. I would sure like to get in touch with him if it is at all possible, so, I am seeking your help in this matter.

Contact: C. V. (Chris) Christian, Dundalk, MD, e-mail chrisandsandi@msn.com.

[Posted 7/15/06]

Boler or Bohler, Sgt.

I am searching for Sgt. Boler or Bohler (I do not know how to spell his name, nor do I remember his first name.  I thought it was Sergeant.  Sgt. Boler was my Recon Sgt. when I was a Forward Observer with Battery "B", 69tyh F.A. Bn., 25th Infantry Division.  He taught this 2nd lieutenant more about Field Artillery than Ft. Sill ever did.  I am very, very sorry that I have not contacted him since he was my sergeant.  I wasin Korea with this unit from May 1952 to June 1953.  I actually was an FO from about August 1952 to December 1952.

My name is Ltc. Robert R. Ottis, USAR, Retired.
My e-mail is rrottis@att.net.
My Post Office Box is 36305, Houston, TX 77236.

Bolgar, Robert

I am looking for Robert Bolgar who served as part of a small Marine detachment aboard the USS New Jersey ship #BB62 during 1950-51.  Robert was believed to be from the Chicago, IL area at that time.  Raymond Lademan is searching for him because they were good friends and Robert saved Raymond's life and the lives of a lot of other men by picking up a live shore battery shell, carrying it across the deck, and throwing it overboard.  He was decorated with a commendation of valor for his heroism.

Raymond can be reached at 5584 Bullard Rd., Fento, MI 48430
ph. 810-632-7855 or at shirleym@usol.com.

Brinsko, George

Last known address Washington, DC area - originally from Weirton, WVa.  Robert E. Park is looking for George.

Contact: REPARK2@aol.com.

Briten, Jimmy

See Amerasian Search.

Brookover, Donald

We were with the 2nd Combat Engineers attached to the 38th Regiment.

Contact: Bob Coyle at Demo2191@wmconnect.com.

Brown, A.B.

My wife is African-American and has been searching for her lost grandfather for some time. All she knows about him is that his name is A.B. Brown, that he served one tour in Korea as a private, that he lives (or lived) in California after returning from Korea, and that he was an inmate of Folsom Prison, convicted of murder, some time during the seventies.  I know it's a long shot, but you never know. My wife's maiden name is Marshal Glenn, her father's name was Phil Glenn and her mother was Earnestine Brown, born in Dallas, Texas, the daughter of A.B. Brown.

Contact: Telephone number on file in the KWE office.  Our e-mail address is rod_lewin@hotmail.com.  Thanks for any help you can give. - Rod and Marshal Lewin.

Brown, Larry

Searching for Larry Brown (middle initial unknown), approximately 66 or 67 years old.  Served in the Eighth Army in Korea during the period of 1961 and 62 in Battery F of the Fourth Missile Battalion at Moon Hak-dong near Inchon.  His parents were living in New Mexico during his tour in Korea.  He was an SP5 and was a security guard. He had a brother and sister.  I want to clarify the fact that my father was with my mother during the term of my pregnancy.  My mother also shared the fact that my father did hold me after I was born on January 10, 1962.

(Click picture for a larger view)

(Click picture for a larger view)

Contact: Lynnita Brown (no relation), KWE, lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org.

[Posted 9/13/05]

Brown, Levorn L.

I am trying to locate Levorn L. Brown.  Levorn was a U.S. Marine assigned to the American Embassy in Saigon, Vietnam.

Contact:  Michael Bertini, P.O. Box 295, Jacksonville, NC 28541.

Bruhn, Herbert W.

There is someone I would like to find. Herbert W. Bruhn (was a PFC) in Sept of 52. He was with my husband in the 21st Med. Co in Camp Schimmelpfenning, Sendai, Japan  He was from Manning Iowa
Thanks, Carolyn Vernon. 

 [KWE Note: Just got off the phone with Herbert's nephew.  Herbert died in the Spring of 2003.  He was, indeed, from Manning, Iowa.  His wife died about three years before him.]

[Posted 11/05/04]

Brumfield, Harry Eugene

Looking for Harry Eugene Brumfield from Cincinnati, OH.  Last contact was around 1966.  We were stationed together in the 310th Fighter Bomber Squadron from 12/54 to 11/55.  K-2, Taegu and K-55, Osan.

Contact: Ray Peterson.  E-mail rayandpeach@comacast.net.

[Posted 4/30/05]

Buckley, Steven

Ms. Brown... my father (Willard H. Faucette) is searching for an army buddy from the Korean War. His name is Steven Buckley. He is not sure of a middle initial. They served together in Germany in the 53rd battalion, 83 Transportation Company from 1953-1954.  My father's hometown was Warrenton, N.C. while in the Korean War. He now resides in Henderson N.C. Any information that you could find on Mr. Buckley would be greatly appreciated. My father is interested in contacting him.

Daddy remembers him (Mr. Buckley) saying that he was from Malden, Mass., maybe the spelling for Malden is not correct. I am not familiar with the area.  Daddy thinks that he would be about 71 years old.

Thank you again for searching and we really appreciate the time that you spend.
Sandra Shearin - Whfaucette@aol.com


Calhoon, William C.

I am searching for anyone who may have known my father.  He served in the army and was a machine gunner.  His name is William C. Calhoon (from the western slope of Colorado).  I believe that he went into the Army in 1951.  I am very interested in his story and service records.  I would love to hear from anyone that knew and served with him.

Contact: Jesse Daughettee at mdaughetee02@comcast.net.

Candelario, Confessor "Bobby"

I have been looking for a buddy of mine that I met in Korea.  I have not seen or heard from him since I left Korea.  He was from Puerto Rico.  I don't remember what city he was from, but I think he might have been from San Juan.  I was in Puerto Rico three times and looked through phone books for him but to no avail.

His name was Confessor "Bobby" Candelario.  I was wounded in the morning of October 27, 1952 and he was wounded later on in the day.  I saw him in Charlie Med. Bat.  That was the last time we saw each other.

If I could get some information on how to locate someone I would appreciate it very much.  He would be part of the puzzle that I have lost and finding it would mean very much to me and my fellow Marines who were with me in Korea.

Contact: Ed Placko, 433 S. Wheeling, Oregon, OH 43616.

Cantrell, Billy

Wasson, Rawley and Cantrell
(Click picture for a larger view)

I will be 82 years old in a few more days and I want to try and find William "Billy" Cantrell. I believe he was from Georgia.  He took all of his training at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia with me, but then he was sent to cooks school and I was immediately sent to Korea.  He later showed up at the HQ Company of the 14th Combat Engineers and stayed with us as our baker and cook. He was one nice man in that when we were on guard duty in the coldest of winter time he would go to the mess hall at night and fix hot coffee and donuts and bring to the guards.  You just don't forget men like this. I appreciate your website. Thanks, James L. Wasson, wasson1929@aol.com.

[Posted 3/19/2011]

Carrano, James

I work for the USO of Illinois and am trying to find information about a James Carrano from the 724th TROB, stationed in Pusan, Kroea, in 1954.  Do you have any information about this individual?

Contact: Rhonda H. Hampton, Community Relations Director, USO of Illinois, Inc.
E-mail rhondahuso@attglobal.net.

Cartrett, John C.

Searching for John C. Cartrett, last known address was Galivants Ferry, South Carolina.  He and I were shipmates in the Navy on the USS Bolster, ARS38.  I gave my phone number to the Korean War Educator if John reads this message.

Contact: William C. "Sonny" Sinclair via the Korean War Educator.

[Posted 10/18/06]

Clark, Glenn Leroy Jr.

I am trying to find information on my dad.  He received the soldier's medal in Korea around 1958, bit I can't find anything on him.  His name is Glenn Leroy Clark Jr.  I only have the medal and the newspaper clipping from 1958.  Otherwise I can't find anything.  Hoping you can help.

Contact: Alana Liane Clark Johnson at socratesgir@frontiernet.net.

[Posted 3/07/2010]

Clark, Lawrence G.

Looking for Lawrence G. Clark, was with 224th Co. L 40 Div. in Feb. 52 and the same for Richard G. Love. Clark was from Michigan and Love was from KY.

Dwaine Loest of Wis. Was with L Co. 224th Reg. 40 Div.
Thank You, Dwaine

Connor, Charles R.

Searching for information on Charles R. Connor of Nashville, TN.  Gerald E. Dively, Charles, and I were in Korea at the same time in 1954.  All three of us were TAD to NCO School Center from HQ Co HQ BN MT, 1st Marine Division.

Contact: Larry Barickman at lwbarickman@msn.com.

Corley, Sam

Chet Hutton is searching for Sam Corley.  In March of 1950, Chester E. Hutton was a 3rd class blowersmate aboard the U.S.S. Cavalier, U.S. Navy.  It was one of the first ships to enter the Korean Conflict.  Chet's best friend aboard the Cavalier was Sam Corley.  His first name may have been William or just Bill.  He only went by the name Sam.  Chet said that Sam was from Birmingham, AL, and would be around 70 years old today (2001).

Chet was born in Hales Bar, TN, but grew up in Hixson, TN just outside of Chattanooga, TN.  He is now 70 years old and fighting cancer and may not live long.  He told me that he sure would like to see his old buddy just one more time.  Corley was a mechanist's mate 3rd class.  When Chet left the Navy Sam was still aboard the Cavalier in April 1950.

Cowart, Floyd

My name is Kathy Bueno.  My dad James Sykora served in Korea in 1952/53.  My dad now lives in Grand Junction, MI.  He used to live in Berwyn, IL.  I got to see my dad this weekend and he was telling me that he would really like to find his buddy from the war.  This buddy's name is Floyd Cowart.  Floyd was from Phoenix, AZ.  Floyd and my dad were very close in the war but they lost contact afterwards.  Floyd and my dad were in the 7th Division, 32nd Regiment, "G" Company.  Floyd also was S/S RA but my dad has forgotten the rest of Floyd's serial number.  Floyd had a brother in the Korean War at the same time.  Floyd's brother was a Marine but my dad does not remember where he was stationed.  I would really appreciate any help in locating Floyd or any help you can give me that might point me in the right direction to find this info. 

Contact: Kathy Bueno through the Korean War Educator. [Posted 2/23/2009]

[KWE Note: After a search, the KWE found out that Floyd Cowart died of heart trouble about six years ago.  He fell from a building and lived eight years after that.]

Cowen, Sgt. Harry

I would like to connect with anyone who knew my father during the war.  His name was Sgt. Harry Cowen and he was in intelligence.  I'm trying to gather more information about his outfit, etc.

Contact: Allison Cowen.  E-mail: Junebugg61966@aol.com.

[Posted 3/19/05]


Darrah, Stephen H.

I am trying to help a friend of mine in finding members of Company I, 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment. A Stephen H. Darrah in particular. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Contact Jo Lay, 3067 Co. Rd. 1422, Cullman, Al 35058; 256-734-0633; e-mail ejlay@yahoo.

[Posted 12/08/05]

Dart, James Paul (Jim)

I am searching for anyone who may have served with Jim Dart, my sister-in-law's father.  He and her mother separated when she was very young.  Jim Dart was from San Francisco.  He was a Private First Class in the Army from 7/30/48 through 5/9/52 and fought in land battles in the Korean War.  He also served in the Army again from 6/29/55 through 8/29/58.  He served in the Artillery and also in the 24th Infantry Division during his first military service.  He was separated from the Army at Camp Cook, California, in 1952 and the U.S. Army Personnel Center, Oakland 14, California, in 1958.  He died in 1976 and there are no surviving family members other than my sister-in-law.  It would mean so much to her to find someone who served in the Army with her father and who could tell her anything about him.

Contact: Ginny Sanders, ph. 256-325-4549.  E-mail jacksmom@knology.net.

[Posted 12/21/08]

Davidson, John Edwin Sr.

My name is John Edwin Davidson, Jr. and I am looking for my father. He served in the Army in Korea around my birth in 1966. I believe he left Korea and returned to the US before 1970 to Kansas. Do you have any resources to help find him? I am named after him so he is also John Edwin Davidson.

Contact: John Davidson.  E-mail davidson700@comcast.net.

Dawson, Donald L.

Looking for Donald L. Dawson who served in Korea with David Erbstoesser in 1963.  He was born in the State of Michigan in 1939.  He became a warrant officer after I got out in 1965.  He stayed in the Army.  We were in Korea together in C/7/2 in 1963.  He left there for Ft. Bliss in August 1963 and I left in December 1963.  Then we were both in B/6/56 in Ft. Bliss, TX.

Had contact with him at Manhattan, KS and was COW 2 APE NY also so he went to Germany.  I think this was late 1970s.  I think he married a woman named Betty from Michigan in 1965 or late 1964.  Was an SP-5 in Korea.  A Sgt. E-6 in Bliss, then Warrant Officer school.  I assume he is a retired officer now.

Contact: David Erbstoesser, 932 N. 15th St., Bismarck, ND 58501.
Ph. 701-223-5038.  E-mail erb1@bis.midco.net.

DeForge, David

My father is searching for David DeForge, last known residence was California.  They served together in the Army in Korea in the 7th Cavalry, 3rd Armored Division, land tanks.  Would appreciate any info.

Contact: rcadams59@adelphia.com.

[Posted 12/18/05]

Della Vecchia, Michael

Looking for anyone who served with Michael Della Vecchia, corporal, US Army, during the weeks immediately prior to the cease fire in 1953.  Need assistance in correcting military records.  He was assigned to Mike company, 65th Infantry, detached to 555th FA.

Contact Paul Huber at paul.huber@us.army.mil.

[Posted 11/21/2010]

Diamore, Robert

He was from the New York area.  We were in Korea September 1950 to 1951 stationed in Pusan.  We were in the 66th Army Postal Unit APO 973.

Contact:  Jimmy Krysztoforski at terrykriss@comcast.net.

Dickson, Howard "Howie" A.

I have attempted to locate a former Marine that I was stationed with in DC circa 1959 without success.  His name is Howard "Howie" A. Dickson, Jr.  Howie and I were assigned to the Marine Barracks, Ceremonial Guard Company, 8th &I, Washington, DC.  He was a member of the Body Bearers section and lived in Gloucester City, NJ at the time.  Howie is a W-M-64.  I believe he still lives in Camden County.

Contact: John T. Reim, ph. 856-364-4626.  E-mail jreim@aol.com.

Dingwall, David Jr.

Looking for David Dingwall, Jr., USAF from 1950-54.  He was from Newport, Rhode Island, but was born in Scotland while his parents were on a trip to that country.  Last known information about him was that he was working at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Martinsburg, WVa about fifteen years ago.

Contact: William W. Boyes, Jr. at Cwboyes@aol.com.

Dively, Gerald E.

Searching for Gerald, a former Marine from Altoona, PA.  He served in Korea in 1954 in a headquarters company.  His buddy Larry Barickman has been looking for him for years.  Contact Larry at lwbarickman@msn.com.

Dix, Charles

My father is getting ready to celebrate his 73rd birthday and he is very active in his branch of the Marine Corps League.  I am putting together a Marine Corps scrapbook for him and thought it would be nice to add, if I could, some e-mails or letters from people from his old unit.  He reported to Korea in 1951 to the 1st Regiment, 1st Battalion (then Baker Company), and Third Squad.  My dad's name is Charles Dix.

Contact: Alison Dix-Marks, alliedix2004@yahoo.com.

[Posted 9/13/05]

Doherty, Art

Does anyone remember me?  Is there a listing of Army units from September 20th to November 26, 1950 that were stationed at that time between Inchon and Seoul? I was there but am unable to remember what unit I was assigned to. When I arrived in Pusan January 1, 1951, I was transferred from the 226 HQHQ Ordinance to the 82nd Ordinance on January 3, 1951. My records were lost in the fire at St. Louis and I’m trying to recreate my records. Can you help me? Arthur Doherty

Contact: Art Doherty ajd2245@comcast.net

[Posted 1/13/07]

Drew, Thomas

Searching for buddies.  I am Thomas Drew who was a Sergeant in Dog/2/7.  MLR (Outpost Siberia) Fall of 1951-Fall 1952.  I was also a seagoing Marine from October 1949 until the Fall of 1951 on the USS Midway CVB-41.

Contact: Thomas Drew at zip35016@yahoo.com.

[Posted 1/15/09]

Dukes, Matthew D.

To whom it may concern: I am trying to retrieve replacement medals for my father, Matthew D. Dukes. Korean conflict recipient of both the Navy Cross and the Purple Heart. I have requested them from the Department of the Navy at St. Louis, but they say they have no records. I do not have a copy of the citation.  Help me please.

Contact: Mark L. Dukes, 966 Mulbury Mansion, Yukon, Oklahoma 73099.  Phone 405-350-6719 work 405-470-3201.

[Posted 10/12/05]

Duplantis, Wilbert Lee

My father is a Korean War veteran.  His name is Wilbert Lee Duplantis.  He was in Korea in 1951-1953.  His dog tag number is 54116148 US Army.  We are looking for some history with his name involved, as well as the ship that he came back home on, the USS William O'Darby.  If you served with my father, please contact us.

Contact: Michael G. Duplantis, e-mail mikeduplantis2003@yahoo.com.

[Posted 2/04/07]

Elrod, Robert J.

Searching for Robert J. Elrod, listed as one of the survivors of the Globemaster crash at Moses Lake, Washington, near the end of 1952.  I believe he was from Kentucky or Tennessee.

Contact: Notify Lynnita Brown, Korean War Educator, 217-253-4620 or e-mail lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org.

[Posted 9/08/05]

Engian, George

You helped me find a G.I. a while back.  Could you find a G.I. named George Enjian (not sure of the last name spelling).  He was in the Company 54/55 2224th I.D., 21st Inf. Reg., 2nd Bn. H Co.  He lived in Chicago back then.  I would really appreciate it if you could come up with something about my old buddy.

Contact: Norman Harp, winner@dslextreme.


I am trying to find a soldier who saved my life.  I have very little information, but on the first attack on Heart Break Ridge, he was injured protecting me.  I lost contact with him and am interested in finding this man if he is still alive.  His last name was Eubank from North Carolina.  He is Caucasian.  After so many years, I've forgotten his first name.  We were in the 2nd Division, 23rd Infantry, "K" Company, 3rd Battalion.  My name is Freddie Williams (Black).

Contact: Freddie at Dessawil7354@aol.com.

[Posted 10/03/06]

Evans, Thomas G.

Allan F. Barr, 226 Prospect Street, Apt. 301, Wethersfield, CT 06109-3662 is trying to locate you.

Farrell, Eugene

I am trying to locate Eugene Farrell.  He was in the Marines around 1953.  He escorted my father's body home and I would love to be able to get in touch with him.  He was my father's best friend and they joined up together.  My mother requested that he escort my father's body home.

Contact: Dennis Mahoney, mahoney853@optonline.net.

[Posted 1/12/2007]

Farrell, William P. II

I am looking for information on my father-in-law, William P. Farrell II, who served and was given the Purple Heart for the Korean War.  All I know is that he served in the 45th Infantry, 179th Regiment, Regular Army.  My son is doing a report on him for ROTC class and my mother-in-law has no records or memories.

Contact: Donna Farrell, e-mail address BOPS506@comcast.net for any and all information.

[Posted 11/20/06]

Faucett, Clarence Rutherford Jr.

The family of Clarence R. Faucett would like to surprise him by locating some of his military buddies.  Clarence served in the US Army from late 1949 to either late 1951 or early 1952.  He has spoken very little about those days as I think he lost a couple of these buddies names that I'm about to give you during the Korean War.  It would be an honor to present to him these old war buddies, either in person or at least for him to reconnect by letter, e-mail, phone call, etc. if any of them are still alive.

The following men I have only their last names: O'Brien, Monty, Blacklock, McClintock, Montgomery, Nartker, Salisbury, Wilde, Riefer, Bokulic, Calebusor and Statzer.

Contact: Linda Faucett at LFaucett@tampabay.rr.com.

Fehrle, John W. "Jack"

I am trying to find information or any pictures of my grandfather.  His name was John W. "Jack" Fehrle of Trevose, Pennsylvania.  He was a corporal in the US Army during the war.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Dan Wehlau at dan8100@comcast.net.

[Posted 11/21/2010]

Fields, Donald

I would like to contact a buddy named Donald Fields from West Virginia (I think).  We were in the HQ & HQ Company, 14th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Division.  The years were 1951 and 1952.  We were in contact for some time but due to many moves I lost his address.  If possible I would like to contact him once again.

E-mail G. Myers at gmyers3969@aol.com.

Fish, Robert

In doing a genealogy search, I find reference to a Robert Fish who served in the Navy during the Korean War.  He was from Dorchester (near Boston) Massachusetts.  Any information would be appreciated.

Contact: Kathy Colpas.  E-mail colpas1@comcast.net.

[Posted 4/30/05]


Garcia, Robert "Pancho"

Robert "Pancho" Garcia
(Click picture for a larger view)

I am trying to locate Robert "Pancho" Garcia. He was in the cavalry and possibly attached to a signal battalion in Germany in 1954. Robert may have been from Texas or Puerto Rico. He was known to hang out at the "Green Shack" with guys from the 34th Signal. Robert also knew where to find the mess hall. I can send a picture upon request. Thank you.  Pancho would now be around 80 years old.

Contact: Ed Taylor ohopej@comcast.net. 1-800-207-8226 EXT. 14

[Posted 7/08/06]

Gentleman, Jim (USN Corpsman)

See Thomas Drew.  He is looking for you.

[Posted 1/15/09]

Gibson, John William

My grandfather John William Gibson from Deale, MD, fought in the Korean War and I would like to find information on him.  Like what was his mission, MOS, unit name, Etc.  He survived the war and was lucky enough to come home and enjoy the rest of his life. 

Contact: Sarah Zwobata.  E-mail sarahzwobata@hotmail.com.

[Posted 4/30/05]


I am looking for a George Gladkowski, may be spelled Glagowski.  This person gave my mom his "navigator" wings around World War II.  They did not marry.  My mom (then Rita Moran) is now deceased and I thought it would be nice to try to return these to him or his family.  I haven't a clue where to start.  The venue of the gift was San Francisco in the late 1940s.

Contact: Janine Figueroa.  E-mail ja9figgy@cox.net.

Gomez, SGT

I am trying to find Sgt. Gomez who was with me on the machine gun when we ran the road block at Kunu-ri when the Chinese cut us off.  We were in Battery A, 17th Field Artillery.

Contact: William H. Brown, wmbrown@caprock-spur.com.

Gotterup, Paul

I am trying to locate an Air Force buddy, Paul Gotterup. He and I were stationed at Larson AFB, Moses Lake, Washington. He lived in the US Virgin Islands. This would have been in 1952-1954 when I was discharged. Hershel H. White, Fort Smith. AR hwhite4269@sbcglobal.net.

FOUND VIA THE KWE ON SAME DAY POSTED.  Poul Gotterup lives in Brooksville, Florida.

[Posted 2/20/06]

Green, William

Last known address was Alabama.  He was assigned to the Medical Detachment, 72nd Tank Battalion, at Ft. Lewis, WA and Korea from May 1949 to 1951.

Anyone with information about him please contact:
Edward L. James at 817-596-4234 or online at cw4james321@charter.net.

Griffin, James

Served in Korea in 1953 with Dog/2/11, 1st Marine Division.  At that time, James was from Meadville, PA.  Kelly Ruid from Hayward, Wisconsin is looking for James.

Contact Kelly through norwoods@cheqnet.net.  [Submitted by Ron Drews.]

Guertin, Robert

I am searching for C-1-1 Marine Robert Guertin who used to live in Sawyer, MN.

Contact: Lynnita Brown at lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org.


Hahn, Harold

See A9 - Buddy Search - Amerasian on the KWE.

Hand, PFC Jaque A.

Searching for PFC Jaque A. Hand of Cleveland, Ohio, medic with the 7th Cavalry Regiment, Korea March 1951.  He was a friend of my brother, Cpl. Russell D. Peterson of North Dakota, who was KIA March 17, 1951 at Yoml-li, Korea.  I have letters from Jaques stating that he was 18 years old and had been in the Army since age 16.  He was present at my brother's death.  He would be age 77 today.  He was formerly a jockey in Cleveland, OH.

Contact: Paul Peterson, 2121 Rosser Road, Bear Creek, NC 27207.  E-mail: lis.paulpeterson@gmail.com.

[Posted 3/07/2010]

Harper, Alford H.

If there is anyone out there who might know my dad, please contact him.  He was in the USAF and was a POW of the Korean War.  He is now 72 years old and not in real good health.  He has tried for a long time to reconnect with some of the people he served with.

Contact: Alford H. Harper, 267 Murphy Road, Meridian, MS 39301.

Hart, Lee

My name is Gailman Seward.  I was a Marine in the Korean War.  I was in the 1st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Fox Co., Hill 749 & 884, 60 mm mortar platoon, 3rd squad gunner assigned to the 3rd platoon.  I served with the Fox Co. from the first part of August 1951 to the first part of July 1952.  I was with the 11th Replacement Draft.

I am looking for Lee Hart and these men who served with me at that time.  They were in the same group.  I do not remember most of their first names: Van Thull (not even sure of the correct spelling).  I was told he might be in Wisconsin, but do not know.  There was a Muller and a Shecktor.  I would love to find these guys.  I used to be from California all my life but I met a gal and am living in Iowa.

Any information on them would sure be appreciated.

My home address is Gail Seward, 157 Westview Dr. N., Rockwell, Iowa 50469.
My phone number is 1-641-8232-3152 and our e-mail is fefe@netins.net.

Hart, Thomas Jefferson (TJ)

I am searching for a buddy that I served with in Korea from August 1951 to July 1952.  I served with I-3-7, 1st Division, machine gun platoon, U.S. Marine Corps.  I would like to hear from anyone who knows the whereabouts of Thomas Jefferson Hart from Yonkers, New York, better known as TJ Hart.  I am known as Okie Jones.  The only thing I knew about TJ was that his parents ran a deli in Yonkers.

Contact: James A. Jones, 405-483-5562, P.O. Box 48, Union City, OK 73090.

[Posted 10/25/06]

Hawkins, John Wesley

I am trying to locate a former POW who was in Camp 2 with me.  John Wesley Hawkins' home was 319 N. Horn St., West Frankfort, IL.  His nickname was "The Judge."  He was last seen after the reparation in September of 1953.  I have tried numerous ways to contact him, but no success.  Any information you can furnish would be appreciated.

Contact: Jesse M. Snyder snyderj@acsworld.com.

Henley, Henry McArthur

I am doing a search for my boss.  He would like to find Henry McArthur Henley who served in the Korean War.  My boss is Bill L. Carpenter, 1st Corps, 7th Division.

Also, are there any reunions?

Contact: Kathy Penwell at tammpykash@hotmail.com.

Hinds, Charles R.

I am seeking information regarding the unit my father served in during the Korean War, as well as anyone who may remember him. My father, Charles R. Hinds, was in Korea from December 1951 to April 1953. From the photos we have I believe he was assigned to a MASH Unit. The lettering on an entry point in one of the photos says: Mobile Army Surgical Hospital 8225 A.U. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Contact: Kim Brennan

Hoard, Cpl. Keith O.

I am trying to locate people who may have served in Korea with my father.  His name is Cpl. Keith O. Hoard and he was a cook in the Korean War from 1951 to 1953.  He was with Company B, 378 Engineer Combat Battalion.  He also went to cook school in Tokyo.  Some of the men's names on dad's photos are the Ford twins (he has a photo of a birthday cake he made for them), Adams who went to cook school in Japan with my father, Rodell and Smith and Stevens who went to cook school in Tokyo with Dad, Corporal Norris, Headlocke, Fienne, Sremmier, Bellette, Willette, Jarmillo Albecury (was in Camp Chaffee with Dad and they went to Japan for five days rest together) from New Mexico, John Misturack from Deslage, MO (also a cook in Korea), Garrison, Sgt. Thompson and Cp. Thompson, Camp Chaffee, Sgt. Gritter, Kim, Koptae, John KPs in Korea, Peewee, Kim Kat Toe, Song Kan (chun) yool, and a washboy named Hickman (Koreans).

On one of his certificates it says: Most significant duty assignment - Co B 378th ECB APO 301; Service Schools - Tokyo, Japan Food Service School 22 Nov 1951 to 19 Jan 1952; Major courses - cook.  On one menu giving thanks to all those in his command was signed Harry D. Hoskins, Lt. Col. Commanding.  Dad's active duty card says he was active from 7 June 1951 to 1 May 1953.  It is signed by R.P. Shepard 2nd Lt., Armor.  I imagine some of the names on the photos are misspelled.  Dad probably wrote the name as it sounded.

Contact:  ghamilton_06@msn.com.  I can put them in touch with Dad.

[Posted 9/07/05]

Hobbs, R.E.

I am stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington, and currently a soldier with the 191st BDE.  We were having some renovations done and we found a set of dog tags.  Through our internet sleuthing we have determined that the soldier listed was a draftee in the Korean War era.  His dog tags are stamped with T53.  We would like to try and return these to the owner or his/her next of kin.  They are stamped as follows:

Hobbs, R.E.
T53 - O

Contact: SFC Timothy Greenwell, 2/357 IN Schools and Resources, ph. 253-686-8909.

[Posted 11/21/2010]

Hoffman, Robert

I am looking for Robert Hoffmann that was in Korea in 1954.  He was also in Pirmasens in 1955-1956.  My mother Erika Menges had twin girls by him.

Contact: Jutta Menges, jalden1@socal.rr.com.

[Posted 11/09/07]

Holliman, Henry - Surgeon

I would be so grateful to find, or to find the family of, Major Holliman, a CO of the 8055th MASH unit.  For many years I have wanted to send my gratitude to him for the difference his dedication and excellent surgery made in my life.  I think his first name was Henry, though I am not sure.  He was practicing in Columbus, MS when I knew him.  I knew him only briefly, though I do know that he made my whole life possible, and I heard that he was such an excellent surgeon because he had learned his skills on a MASH unit in Korea.

Contact: Melissa Elliott.  E-mail melissae999@gmail.com.

[Posted 3/28/09]

Houchins, Carl

I am trying to find information on my grandfather, Carl Houchins, who passed away before I was born. I do not know anything about his time in Korea; however, I have a picture of him with three other men in front of a sign that reads: Headquarters, Second Battalion, 31st Infantry and some of his patches which I learned were from the 31st Infantry.

The picture was taken January 5, 1950.  This would put him just a few weeks shy of his 19th birthday.  I know that he joined the military when he was 17.  I also know that my grandfather was wounded and sent back to the States.

I am hoping that someone out there knows who he was and would be willing to share any memories or stories about him.

I can be contacted at AshleyDini@hotmail.com.

Hughes, Wirt

My dad was on Pork Chop Hill 11 July 1953.  He was in Love Company, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 7th Division.  His name is Wirt Hughes.  Just looking to see if anyone remembers him.

Contact: Tim Hughes.  E-mail: thughes@albemarle.org.

Iverson, John J.

Trying to find my cousin's biological father. His name is John J. Iverson and would be about 75 yrs old today. The only information we have is that he (John) was in the Marine Corps and was stationed at Camp Pendleton, in Southern California. He served in Korea.  It is believed that he left for Korea sometime in 1953.  My cousin was conceived about March-April 1953. Also, John was stationed at a Nuclear Testing Site in New Mexico. Not sure of those dates. I was told he was a Lieutenant. It is also believed that he was from Iowa and his parents still lived there in the 1950's. My cousin's mother is now deceased.  No further information can be found. His mother had a sister who married a man from Camp Pendleton who might of known John Iverson but that couple are also deceased. My uncle had a friend when he was stationed at Camp Pendleton whose name was George Livingston who was injured in Korea. His leg was permanently injured and amputated. George might have know more about John J. Iverson, but I'm not sure if George is still alive. My Aunt had a best friend named Tory who lived in Lake Elsinore, Calif. She would have info on John J. Iverson. His nickname was "Jack."  Please, if you know anything write to me.

Contact: Kristin Jacobs 741 Rye Ave., La Habra, California 90631 or email me at mommyoftriplets3@earthlink.net.  Thank you.

Isaac, J.W.

Searching for J.W. Isaac, who served with me in 1952 in a Heavy Weapons Platoon of the 40th Division.  He was an Afro-American from Little Rock, Arkansas.

Contact: Samuel Harvey Merritt, Goodyear, Arizona, through Lynnita Brown at the Korean War Educator lynnita@koreanwar-educator.org.

[Posted 11/27/04]


Johnson, Doug

Looking for Doug Johnson from Washington State.  See Buddy Search by Group - KMAG.

Johnson, Neil R.

Serial number US51-167-514-1812.  He was in the 7th Infantry Division in Korea.  He returned to New York in the last part of 1953 or first part of 1954.  He married a girl named Elsie, I believe.  I took this information from Headquarters, 8057th AU Replacement Battalion APO 971 special orders number 5, 19 April 1953.

Contact: Harold Smith at smith13032@msn.com.

Johnston, Peter F.

Hello: Peter F Johnston received purple heart in March of 1953 at Bunker Hill. Where can we go to get more info on friends/fellow soldiers etc.?

Contact: Pat Johnston.  E-mail patj@whidbey.com.

Jorgensen, Lester

I am looking for a PVT. Lester Jorgensen who was in the Army during World War II. He is in a photo of the American Red Cross World War II commemorative calendar dated March, 1945, Germany. The calendar was printed in 1995. He is listed to be from Grand Junction, Colorado (no other information).  He is wearing a Combat Infantry Badge.  I was wondering if there is a web site for C.I.B. Awardees?? I have been looking for those that are featured in the calendar for three years, along with the Korean War Calendar people. Looking at the photo for the 1,000th time (?) I noticed him wearing the C.I.B. and thought it might be the way I could contact him or a relative. Whenever I find someone or a family member, I have the photo made 8x10, framed and sent to a Red Cross Chapter close to them for presentation.

Contact: John Roberts, Volunteer, Heart of Tennessee Chapter, American Red Cross, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  E-mail ginger1997@bellsouth.net.

Judd, Fred

I am looking for Fred Judd.  I think he was from Boston, MA.

If you know of him, please contact me:
Jack C. Walker at WalkJck@netscape.net.
Thanks and Semper Fi!


Kelling, Earl

See Buddy Search by Group - 333rd Engineer Pipeline Company.

Kelsey, William Ralph "Jack"

Desiring information on daddy...

Looking for any info... he was a prisoner of war in Korea for over a year, brought out to Salvation Army on a stretcher at 80 lbs.  I am his daughter and looking to find the story he couldn't bring himself to tell his children.  Being the wife of a Vietnam vet I would like to fill in the blanks.  Any leads to follow would be of great help.

Daddy has since passed and I believe it would be a tribute his grandson should be aware of.

Thanks.  Please forward any leads to Janice Heesch at heeschhomes@bledsoe.net

Kennedy, John

Searching for John Kennedy who was with the 15th Infantry Battle Patrol.

Contact: Don Booth at DonandPat1964@aol.com.

Kilpatrick, Rogene Howell - Marine 108764

My cousin served in Korea and from verbal confirmation I managed to drill into your site and find he was in the First Provisional Marine Brigade in the defense of Pusan. (I recall he was pulled from Okinawa, but I am not sure.) I recently got his DD214 and find it is incomplete, noting five years service 48-53, and under remarks noting "Original Service Record missing; Hq USMC skeleton copy does not have record of school dates". Apparently not even units in combat in Korea, just noting discharge from 2nd Mar Div at Camp Lejeune in '53. His oral history describes the Pusan defense and later the Hungnam Evacuation (and possibly part of the final stretch of the Chosin fight). His DD214 only shows good conduct and national service ribbon. I'd like to find what else he deserves in ribbons since he is now in bad health. He is listed on your roster as Rogene Kilpatrick (service number 1087674). Any suggestions welcomed.

He rarely talked about the war and now he actually has trouble remembering what units he served with. BUT it is clear from your roster and from his corroborating story of Pusan that he arrived there early in the war and was in the First Provisional Marine Brigade at least for some time .. but what if any reassignments followed I have no clue except he talks about the massive humanity at Hungnam - the evacuation of refugees.

Contact: Vic Campbell at ablindpig@gmail.com.

[Posted 11/07/2010]

Kim, Kap Chang

My father has a friend whose father was drafted by U.S. military during the Korean War.  The approximate date of his draft is November 1952.  His name is Kim, Kap Chang and was a part of 8240.  His birth date is September 22, 1925.  Mr. Kim may still be alive.  People who served with Mr. Kim who are still alive say that Mr. Kim is deceased.  Mr. Kim's son is wondering whether the US military can verify the death of Mr. Kim.  Please let me know where I could obtain such verification.

Contact: Myung K. Oh myungkeun@inmyung.us.

[Posted 1/21/07]

Kramer, James & George William Wilson

My father served with the 44th Engineer & Construction Battalion from March 1952-March 1954 in Korea. He has never talked much about the war, but recently while researching family history for a genealogy, I was asking him some questions that must have brought up some memories. Later he asked me if I could get on the computer and find out about the ship that he returned home on (USS Buckner).  I told him that I had found a bit of info but needed some info from him to get anything more detailed. Today he asked me if "I could find people" on the computer, I told him that I could find just about anything that he wanted to know. He said he'd like to know what ever happened to "his buddy" from Pennsylvania. The name I am searching for is James Kramer.  My father said he was pretty sure when they returned home from Korea that he was living in Reading, PA. They returned to Camp Kilmer in New Jersey. Please let me know if you can find anything. Here is my father's info: Left from Seattle, WA and returned to Camp Kilmer, NJ. George William Wilson--he served with the 44th Eng. & Construction Battalion as a Sgt. (He mentioned that it was either the 6th or 8th, I'm not sure what that refers to, maybe the Division?) from March 1952-March 1954. He turned 76 this May. He lives in Ohio. Thank you for your help.

Contact: gregquaker17@aol.com.

[Posted 9/01/08]

Lane, J. D.

I am searching for any of my buddies from our Korean War outfit.  Time has taken its toll on my memory.  The only name I can remember is J.D. Lane.  I think his first name was Jerry, but to his buddies he was JD.  He was from Sweet Water, TX.  He served with me in the 567th Ammunition Supply Sqdn in Korea from October 1950 to February 1952.  Our mission was getting ammo to the forward air strips and the front lines.

Many times we found ourselves at or behind enemy lines in the effort to deliver ammo where it was needed most.  I saw action in five battles, was wounded once, and scared to hell hundreds of times.

Now at seventy, failing health, I have been tortured for fifty years about a little Korean girl.

[See Richard Cooper's story on the KWE's Memoirs page.]

Contact: Richard W. Cooper, richhazel@juno.com.


Lasich, Earl L. "Lash"

I am trying to find out information or people who knew my father when he was in the Korean War.  His name is Earl L. (Lash) Lasich, born in Michigan in 1929.  He served in the Marine Corps from 1948-1964.  He was in Korea from November 1952 through 1953 with the 3rd Amphibious Tractor Battalion.  Any information about buddies or about that battalion would be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Suzanne Lasich, Yuma, AZ; phone 928-920-5660.

[Posted 10/03/06]

Lentz, Robert

Last known address Anchorage, Alaska.  Originally from California.

Robert E. Park is looking for you.

Contact: REPARK2@aol.com.

Lesney, Eugene G.

Our father, Col. Eugene G. Lesney from Michigan (now deceased - California) was a corporal (infantry, US Army Reserve) who was temporarily assigned to the 73d Heavy Tank Battalion from I Corps Headquarters in 1951.  Should you or anyone you might know from this unit be familiar with his name, please forward to my e-mail address as I would like to either know more about these units from that period or perhaps any information regarding my father.  This inquiry follows the recent discovery of our father's Silver Star Medal award letter while assigned with the 73d HT Battalion.

Contact: His daughter Karen kelesney@sbcglobal.net.

[Posted 12/09/08]

Lewis, Robert

Looking for a black army vet named Robert Lewis.  All I know about him is that he served in Ft. Dix, New Jersey in 1949-1950.  He was from Pennsylvania and should be around 75 years of age today.  Where do I start looking?

Contact: Marta Dieguez at fl.marta@gmail.com.

[Posted 6/27/06]

Lipscomb, Stuart Lee

I am looking for anyone who remembers my father, Stuart Lee Lipscomb, in the fifth cavalry.

Contact: Jo Ann Pichan at jop@ifriendly.com.

Liptay, A1C Albert Joseph

I am searching for anyone who may have served with or known my father, A1C Albert Joseph Liptay, possibly known as A.J. or "Lippie."  I know he served from November 27, 1950 through November 28, 1954, and was from Chicago, Illinois.  He was only 18 to 22 years old during that time.  He served in the Air Force but I do not know what unit as he never spoke about the war.  Any info, pictures, et. would be greatly appreciated.  And a HUGE thank you and God Bless You to all our brave veterans!! 

Contact: Mary.  E-mail address is jkamb7@yahoo.com

[Posted 4/30/05]

Loll, Terry

Anyone remember me--Terry Loll--Master Sergeant--1811--USMC--Retired.  I spent time in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tank Battalions 1969 through 1989.  Would be good to hear from anyone who knew me.

Contact: Terry Loll, TerryNTori@npgcable.com.

[Posted 4/19/06]

Love, Richard G.

Looking for Richard G. Love, was with 224th Co. L 40 Div. in Feb. 52 and the same for Lawrence G. Clark. Clark was from Michigan and Love was from KY.

Dwaine Loest of Wis. Was with L Co. 224th Reg. 40 Div.

Thank You.

Lubitz, Lyman

I am looking for Lyman, who was from New York City.

Contact: Robert Park, REPARK2@aol.com.


McAilland, Robert J. (or could be McCilland)

We were in Parris Island at Boot Camp in February 1953, Platoon 76.  Last known address of Robert was R.D. #4, West Low Road, North East, PA.

Please contact Larry Barickman at lwbarickman@msn.com.

McAllister, Russell

I am trying to locate my father's best friend he served with in the Korean War.  His name is Russell McAllister, but I'm not sure of the spelling of his last name.  They served in the Army.

My dad (Guadalupe Sanchez Ybarra of Fillmore, CA) named me after him.  He has not seen him since they were discharged.  Any assistance you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Michael Russell Ybarra at runwild@cut.net

McConnell, Hugh E.

My grandfather, Hugh E. McConnell was a Korean War Veteran.  He passed away October 12, 1990. I have old letters and little information. I know he earned a Bronze Star, and he was injured in the line of duty. I only have a few details, but I'm eager to piece together this part of my family history.

The reason my family has so little information is that he was an only child and he conceived no children biologically--for reasons related to the duty injury. He came home and married my widowed grandmother, who was 31 with two small boys. He raised them as his own and I was his only grandchild. You can imagine how I was spoiled.

With a four-year-old of my own, I would like to be able to tell my son more about the man who raised me. Some of the letters were lost before I received what was left--and I am tracking down others who knew him. Right now, I know he came home around January/February 1953 by way of Japan.

In any direction you could send me would be greatly appreciated. I've just begun this search.

Contact: Amy Hallman, P.O. Box 502, Huntersville, NC 28078.  E-mail amytyler@adelphia.net.

[Posted 10/12/05]

McDonald, Larry

Searching for Larry McDonald from Kanab, Utah.  See Buddy Search by Group - KMAG.

McLain, Joe

Joe McLain
(Click picture for a larger view)

A family member is looking for Joe McLain, an African-American serviceman born around 1941, who served in Korea from approximately 1963-1967.  His rank around 1967 was E-5. It is not certain that Joe (or Joseph) is his first name or a nickname, and the spelling of McLain is not certain as well. He may have served or lived in Itaewon outside of Seoul. He may have also served in Japan. He may have been from or lived in (or his U.S. military base located in) Houston, Texas. He attended church, and is or was a Methodist. Any information, including contact information to family members or ways to gather more information, is appreciated. Please email David S. Miller at david@dotmiller.com.

McNesky, Ralph (USMC)

See Thomas Drew.  He is looking for you.

[Posted 1/15/09]

McPharlin, James (Jim)

I'm actually searching for anyone who may have known my father, James or Jim McPharlin. He was stationed in Kyoto, Japan during the Korean War after getting sick with appendicitis on his way to the region. His rank, I believe, was a corporal and he worked in an army office there. I'd like to get into contact with anyone who may have known him. I'll be in Japan for the month of April with my husband and son and we are planning to visit Kyoto. If there is anyone around who knew him and has memories of their time together during the war I'd be very interested in hearing them.

Contact: Molly McPharlin.  The best way to reach me for the next month is at this email address - mollymcpharlin@hotmail.com.

[Posted 3/28/07]

Main, LeRoy R.

My father is looking for a friend. His name is LeRoy R. Main.  This man's wife's name was Nora. If there is any way for my dad to reconnect with this gentleman, he would greatly appreciate it as he served as best man when this man married his wife. My father believes he may have been in the 24th Division. My father was in the 1st Cav. My father's name is Leroy Salsbury. Mr. Main grew up in North Stonington, CT.  His wife was from Texas.

Contact: Barb Robinson, e-mail Rrbnsn677@aol.com.

[Posted 4/21/05]

Mahoney, Emmett

Searching for anyone who has information about Emmett Mahoney who served in Korea in the 223rd Infantry Regiment, Co. D, 40th Infantry Division.  He was in Korea from January of 1952 until September 1952.

Contact: Danny Mahoney, mahones32@yahoo.com.

[Posted 1/21/07]

Major, James

Lynnita, my name is Johnita Major Moore. I ran across your name and e-mail address when I was searching for my uncle. The following is the information that I have on him:

Name: James Major
DOB: 02-11-34
Branch of service: US Navy
Last known to be in California

My father, John Major, is his twin brother. He served in the US Marine Corps.  I am 35 years old, and have never even seen him. I would like to locate him. If you can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.
Johnita Major Moore

Marshall, Robert I.

I have been searching for Robert Marshall for several years. He was a platoon leader and briefly Company Commander of G Company, 15th Inf., 3ID in late 1951 and early 1952.  I was also a platoon leader and later his Exec Officer.  He was a veteran of World War II and the Korean War.  His address at the time he entered (was recalled) the service:

Robert I. Marshall
800 6th Avenue N
Great Falls, Mont

Contact: Pat O'Connor, dagvet@closecall.com.

[Posted 11/22/05]

Marshall, Tommy

See Barnes, SFC John E.

[Posted 4/30/05]

Mason, Merle

Searching for Merle Mason, an A/2C who was with William (Bill) Massey (my Dad) the night they found and rescued a little girl in January 1953.  The article was in Stars and Stripes July 17, 1953. 

Contact: Anne Bauer mtwriter@mt.net, 406-449-0019, 517 6th Ave., Hewlena, MT 59601.

May, Robert "Bob"

May, Robert (Bob) – I am trying to locate any buddies of Robert (Bob) May from Springfield, Missouri. He was stationed at the US Naval Ammunitions Depot in McAlester, Oklahoma in 1951. My email is okays@swbell.net.

[Posted 10/05/2013]

Mederois, Everett

CMSgt Lee H. Chalifour, USAF Ret., is interested in finding whatever information he can on TSgt or MSgt Everett Mederois from Fall River or New Bedford, MA.

Last known information was that he was a radio/sound drop personnel on a B-29 mission.  Personal contact between Lee and Everett was lost while they were both in service in WWII.  Sgt. Everett Mederois may have been killed on a flight, but that information was never verified.

Contact: Lee Chalifour through his wife, Mary L. Chalifour (Lt Col., USAF Ret).
E-mail tigerlily@tnh.net.

Melton, James

I am looking for James Melton of Grand Junction, CO in October 1947, basic Ft. Ord, CA then school at Ft. Dix, NJ.

Contact: Milt Grismore at mdgrismore@earthlink.net.

Melvin, Roger

I took basic training with Roger in Camp Roberts, California.  We went to the Far East together on the USS Meigs.  Took CBR training in Gifu, Japan, together.  Went to the second platoon of C Company of the 32nd Regiment in the 7th Infantry Division.  Transferred together to Headquarters Company of the 7th Division forward and rotated and came home on the same ship.

Rogers' home was in Redondo Beach, CA (I think on Ruhland Drive).  I think his middle initial was M.

Contact: Clyde Napier at cmnapier@netins.net.

Meyers, Samuel E.

Allan F. Barr, 226 Prospect Street, Apt. 301, Wethersfield, CT 06109-3662 is trying to locate you.

Miller, David

Looking for David Miller who was from Alabama.  See Buddy Search by Group - KMAG.

Miller, Pfc. John

Last known from Minor Hill, TN.  He was assigned to the Medical Detachment, 72nd Tank Battalion, at Ft. Lewis, WA and Korea from May 1949 to 1951.

Anyone with information about him please contact:
Edward L. James at 817-596-4234 or online at cw4james321@charter.net.

Mitchell, Edward E.

I am looking for Edward E. Mitchell, known as "Mitch."  I went through boot camp with him, spent the next year and a half with him at Camp Pendleton.  We went to Korea together in a flight draft in August 1952 and were assigned to different outfits.  I was in D-2-1 and I believe he was in the 5th Marines.  He was badly wounded in November 1952, lost a lung, I believe, and returned stateside.

He was formerly from Birmingham, AL area and returned to that area after his discharge in February 1954.  His serial number was #1162077.  He was stationed at Brooklyn Navy Yard and then at Parris Island prior to his discharge.

I now live in AL in retirement and have been looking for him since 1954.  I believe he is receiving disability payments for his wounds.  We were best of buddies and I would really like to find him and determine his whereabouts.  I'm sure he would be happy to see me as well.  If he is deceased, I would like to know that as well and if he leaves any family.  I have several pictures of him which I would send to his family.

Semper Fi, Sgt. Robert D. Howard, ret.
Contact: rdhoward@alaweb.com.

Montero, Jose

Searching for information on Jose Montero, soldier of the 65th Infantry of Puerto Rico.

Contact: Nancy Montero Negron.  E-mail: NMontero@act.dtop.gov.pr.

Morris, Robert S.

Hi, I enlisted in the USMC-V (one year enlistment) in 1948. Another recruit, Robert S. Morris was in my boot camp platoon, #242 and graduated with me. We both went on to Camp Lejeune, NC. I went to a Disbursing School and He went to clerical school.

I was recalled in October, 1950 and assigned to Marine Barracks, Camp Lejune, NC, where I worked with then Sgt., then SSGt Robert S. Morris until 1952 when I was released.

Now I am trying to communicate with him. He was a career Marine. I have no idea where he might be, possibly deceased. I believe he was born in Rhode Island. He was in my wedding party in 1951.
Please help in trying to locate him.

I reside at 4182 W 16th Square, Vero Beach, Fl., 32967
Phone 772-299-1970
Email: Defjp@aol.com

Thanks, Phil DeFranco last military rank, Sgt, USMC

Morrissey, Richard J.

Looking for my father Richard J. Morrissey.  My mother passed last year and would not give us much information about him except that he was a veteran of the Korean War and around the early 1960s spent time in a VA hospital in Rhode Island.

Contact: Kevin Morrissey, ph. 781-726-1705 (cell).

[Posted 08/13/07]

Mortensen, Donald K.

I am trying to help my father-in-law, Jack Wray, find a buddy he served with in Korea.  The man's name is Donald K. Mortensen and my father-in-law is pretty sure he was from Idaho.  They served together in the Army 45th Division, 279th Regiment, Headquarters and HQ Company.  He possibly worked in the "message center."  My father-in-law (he'll be 81 in March) was there from 1949-1951 from Virginia.

Contact: Marcia Wray.  E-mail mwray518@bellsouth.net.

[Posted 12/29/08]

Murolo, Salvatore

My uncle was in the Korean War at the Chosin Reservoir.  I have paper work that shows a Silver Star should have been awarded to him.  I am trying to finish something that was started by his son three years ago before he was killed in an accident.  I am requesting an appointment so that I can get some help from Congressman Bishop.  My uncle's name is Salvatore Murolo.  He lives in South Setauket.  He was awarded the Purple Heart 48 years later.  Please help the six surviving Marines  of Hill 1520.

Contact: Sal Saporito.  Ph. 631-765-5015.

Murphy, Pat

My Dad is looking for a 41st Royal Marine that he met at either a POW or Chosin Few reunion here in the States.  To quote my Dad, "He's quite a guy who I met at one of our reunions some years ago."  I would love to help them reconnect.  His last known address was: 41-10980 Westdowne Road, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1X3. Some details from my dad are below:

 I was in B Company, 31st Regiment, 7th Division.  The Brit I am looking for--Pat Murphy--was a 41 Commando, British Royal Marines, Drysdale.  I believe he was a colonel with 41.  We also had US Marines with us, but I can't remember which company. We were all part of "Task Force Drysdale", formed at Koto-ri on 11/28 or 11/29/1950 to open the road from Koto to Yudamni where the Chinamen had surrounded the Marines at the Chosin Reservoir.  We cleared several road blocks that the Chinamen had set up, but about 8 or 9 miles up, our lead vehicles were destroyed, effectively blocking further advance.  I was beside Pat Murphy for some time on the night of the 29th, then was separated from him and was captured on 11/30.  I never heard of Murphy again as Chinamen separated Brits from Americans.  I do not know if he was captured, but I believe he was. 

The 7th Division and US Marines landed at Inchon, North Korea, on 9/15/50.  We went from there to Suwon, Seoul, and then back to Pusan, where we boarded boats and landed at Iwon in North Korea, went up the peninsula to the east side of the Chosin Reservoir, and the border between either North Korea and china or Russia, Vladivostok, maybe, then back to Hungnam where we had Thanksgiving dinner.  Then to Koto-ri where we hooked up with George Company of the 3rd Marine Battalion and formed Task Force Drysdale under the command of Lt. Col. Douglas B. Drysdale.

Contact: Katie Kaiser at katie@catalystevents.com.



O'Connor, Patrick

I am looking for a Korean War veteran by the name of Patrick O'Connor.  My uncle served with him in the 2nd Division, 23rd Infantry Army (I think this is correct.)  I also think he may be from St. Paul, MN.  We would be grateful for any information you might have.

Contact: Carolyn Sandoval.  E-mail sandoval@tamu.edu.

Ogden, George

My father was in the Korean war. I am looking for someone who he knew named George Ogden. My dad's name is Herman Douglas Ponder (Doug). He was in the 15th infantry regiment, 3rd division, company M. Does anyone know someone from the same division? I'm not even sure if I am searching correctly for this. My father's time in Korea was in 1952. I believe George Ogden was from Montana (possibly Trout Creek, Montana). If anyone can help with this search, I would appreciate it. Or if anyone else knows someone from the same company, I would like to know.

Contact: Cpc38c@aol.com.

Okrend, Cy

Cy was from New York City.  Robert E. Park is searching for him.

Contact: REPARK2@aol.com.

O'Steen, Lt. Earnest

I am looking for Lt. Earnest O'Steen, U.S. Army, bronze star in Korea, from Ocala, FL.  Last known assignment was at Ft. Bragg, NC in the 505th AIR in 1954.  Lt. Don LaPorte, USAF, would like to get in contact again.

E-mail dclaporte@wi.rr.com.

Outlaw, Thomas W.

My name is Gilbert L. Smith.  I was released before the war broke out, but my buddy Thomas W. Outlaw stayed in the Army.  We were paratroopers and the last time I talked to him was around Christmas.  He was from Plant City, Florida and I have not been able to find him or find out whether he made it out of Korea.  If you know his location or if he was one of the casualties I would appreciate knowing.

Contact: Gilbert Smith, e-mail topsysmith5@aol.com or Mmgarello@aol.com.


Paige, Joshua

My dance teacher, Felix Chavez, served in the Navy in the Marshall Islands in 1954.  He would like to get in touch with a friend of his, Joshua Paige.  I believe he said Mr. Paige was from the Midwest.  While in the Navy, Felix got into boxing, and Mr. Paige was his trainer.  Mr. Paige trained him to be South Pacific Middleweight Boxing Champion that year, along with a couple of other men whom he trained to be champions that year.

Contact: Renee Zajac.  E-mail reneejoan1421@yahoo.com

Paggit, Noel

See Barnes, SFC John E.

[Posted 4/30/05]

Park, Lt. Col. Edna K.

I am looking for any individuals that may have known or worked with Lt. Col. Edna K. Park ("Aunt Edna"). She was with the 8055, 43rd. M.A.S.H. in Korea from 1953-1954.

Contact: H. Jean Sinal at indianabat@hotmail.com.

[Posted 10/25/06]

Patch, David

My father Arlus Miracle served in Korea in 1953 (Army).  He would like to find David Patch, whom he was very close to.  He is said to be from Colorado.  Any information would help so much.  Thank you. [FOUND BY THE KWE! - David lives in Florence, Colorado.

Contact: Donna Miracle at amiracles54@aol.com.

[Posted 8/23/06 - Found 8/23/06]

Paterson, John

Looking for Korean vet John Paterson.  I know very little about John Paterson except that I am sure that he stopped in France before he went to Korea because he is my dad.  That was in 1950.  To help in my research, I am also looking for units that went in France before Korea.

Contact: Johnny Deslandes at jdl@mail.pf.

Preston, W. J. "Jim"

My Dad is looking for a 41st Royal Marine that he met at either a POW or Chosin Few reunion here in the States.  To quote my Dad, "He's quite a guy who I met at one of our reunions some years ago."  I would love to help them reconnect.  His last known address was: 41-10980 Westdowne Road, Ladysmith, B.C. V9G 1X3. Some details from my dad are below:

 I was in B Company, 31st Regiment, 7th Division.  The Brit I am looking for--Pat Murphy--was a 41 Commando, British Royal Marines, Drysdale.  I believe he was a colonel with 41.  We also had US Marines with us, but I can't remember which company. We were all part of "Task Force Drysdale", formed at Koto-ri on 11/28 or 11/29/1950 to open the road from Koto to Yudamni where the Chinamen had surrounded the Marines at the Chosin Reservoir.  We cleared several road blocks that the Chinamen had set up, but about 8 or 9 miles up, our lead vehicles were destroyed, effectively blocking further advance.  I was beside Pat Murphy for some time on the night of the 29th, then was separated from him and was captured on 11/30.  I never heard of Murphy again as Chinamen separated Brits from Americans.  I do not know if he was captured, but I believe he was.

The 7th Division and US Marines landed at Inchon, North Korea, on 9/15/50.  We went from there to Suwon, Seoul, and then back to Pusan, where we boarded boats and landed at Iwon in North Korea, went up the peninsula to the east side of the Chosin Reservoir, and the border between either North Korea and china or Russia, Vladivostok, maybe, then back to Hungnam where we had Thanksgiving dinner.  Then to Koto-ri where we hooked up with George Company of the 3rd Marine Battalion and formed Task Force Drysdale under the command of Lt. Col. Douglas B. Drysdale.

Contact: Katie Kaiser at katie@catalystevents.com.



Renison, William

I'm looking for a Korean War buddy by the name of William Renison. We were in Korea with the 24th Division, Koje-do Island and Yangu Valley, 1953 and 1954. I have a vague recollection that he was from Whittier California. That may not be correct however.

Contact: Jeremiah Adams at adams5939@charter.net.

[Posted 11/27/04]

Riffle, Herbert

I'm trying to find Herbert Riffle.  He was born 1931-1933, not too sure of date but he was from the mining section of West Virginia.  He was in the Marine Corps.  If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Mona Faricloth at MonaAber007@aol.com.

Ritchie, S/Sgt. Billy

My name is Roger Davis and I was an original member of the 714th TROB that left Ft. Eustis, VA in July 1950 going to Korea.  I was with C company, and I was one of the ones who was selected to go on advanced part.  The rest of the guys came over by ship.  There was a sergeant who was in charge of us, but I have forgotten his name.  He was a bug guy and quite tall.  I was selected because I had been stationed in Korea in 1948 during the occupation and went to Japan in 1949 stationed with the 3rd TMRS until April 1950 and then went back to the States.  That's how I wound up at Ft. Eustis.  We flew over to Japan and stayed at Camp Drake for a couple of days and then over to Pusan where our main headquarters was set up.  I stayed with the 714th until April 1951 and I was transferred to the 2nd Infantry Division with a couple of more guys.  I saw action on Bloody Ridge and Heartbreak Ridge before coming back to the States.

My main reason for writing this is one of my good friends by the name of Billy Ritchie was also with the 714th in Pusan and probably stayed there his whole tour.  He was a Staff Serge4ant at the time.  He was from a small town in Kentucky across the river from Ohio.  I have been trying to find him all these years but have not had any luck.  Can you give me any advice as to what to do?  He was born in November 1929, I think.  I know this is not much info, but it is all I have.  I know a lot of years have gone by and a lot of these guys are deceased by now.

Contact: Roger Davis at Red01932@aol.com.

Rodriguez, Joe

My Dad (Raymond Peters) served in the Korean War from 1951-52 in the 25th Signal Company/25th Infantry Division. I would like to help him find his buddy – Joe Rodriguez – who also served in the same unit. I would appreciate any information or resources you can give me to find Joe.

Contact Raelene Hunter.  E-mail rae@wfcronk.com.

Rodriguez, Jose "Joe"

I am looking for a Jose "Joe" Rodriguez from Puerto Rico who served in the 7th Infantry Division, 707 Ordnance, A Company, for my father Sgt. Pedro G. Salas.  Please e-mail me with any information.

Contact: Pedro G. Salas Jr.  E-mail salas-pedro@sbcglobal.net.

[Posted 1/26/07]

Rooney, Joseph L.

I am trying to locate Joseph L. Rooney who joined Co. B, 19th Infantry Regiment, approximately August 1951.  I am also trying to obtain a company roster for 13 October 1951.  I was in subject company from June 1951 to July 1952.  E-mail: Donalddongee@aol.com.

Rounds, David

I am trying to locate a Korean War buddy (or his family members) from Tokyo who was in the "Corn Tones" band that I was in and performed with in 1951-52 in hospitals, orphanages, and for fellow soldiers.  We were members of the 71st Battalion during this time.  David was older than I and a Lieutenant with the Special Services at the time.  He was a World War II veteran and was from San Luis Obispo, CA.  His nickname was "Pappy."  Our band played what was then called "Hillbilly Music."  I have a picture of the band.

Contact: John Jack A. Diamond, Savannah, GA.  E-mail Whitebluff18@aol.com.

Royster, Charles (CB)

I am looking for anyone who might have served with my Dad in Korea. His name is Charles Royster, goes by CB, and may have been known as VA Kid. He was there from 6/51 - 6/52 with 7th Division, 57th FABN, C Battery.

Contact: Donna Royster at dlroyster@msn.com

Ryberg - Buddies of Robert Ryberg

My dad, Robert Ryberg, served as a Marine during the Korean War in 1951-53.  He was aboard the USS Saint Paul CA-73.  He is doing well and I wanted to see if I can find any of his buddies.  So far, no luck.  He mentioned Robert Booker, George Burke and Luis Newport.

Contact: Vicki Ryberg at svryberg@yahoo.com.  [Posted 8/16/09]

Sarnik, Ron

I’m looking for a gentleman that my father, Jim Calabrese, fought with in Korea during late 1951 and early 1952. His name is Ron Sarnik (not sure of the spelling of the last name). He went by the nickname of "Red". He was wounded late 1952 and was sent state side. My father wrote a letter to Ron’s mother but that was the last he heard from "Red". Ron was living at that time in Pittsburg, PA.. Here is the information that I know about the unit that my father was in: 31st Infantry, 7th Division, George Company, 3rd squad. Another gentleman that I would like to contact was from the same unit Fred Smazal (not sure of the spelling of the last name) from New Jersey. If anyone can help me out I would be greatly appreciative.

Contact: Joe Calabrese.  My E-mail address is jcalabrese@stcecilia.pvt.k12.or.us. I live in Portland, Oregon. My address is 5324 SE Pardee, Portland, OR. 97206. My phone number is 503-774-2670.

[Posted 12/2004]

Schneider, Donald

I am a County Veteran Service Officer trying to assist a fellow veteran in his claim for SC injuries.  Anyone who knew Donald Schneider, May 1952-June 1953, please e-mail me.

Contact: Jane Babcock, County Veterans Service Officer, Manitowoc County.  Phone 920-683-4055.  E-mail: jane.babcock@co.manitowoc.wi.us.

[Posted 3/22/09]

Schuler, Marlene

I am searching for women who served in the military during the Korean war, including one in particular: Marlene Schuler from the Chicago/Evanston, Illinois area and the time period of 1951-56.

Contact: Orlando McCafferty, ofmac@lorettotel.net.

Seeley, T.L.

I am seeking any information, military records, medals, honors and ship my father served during the Korean War as a Navy Seal.

Contact: Tammy Pierce, telynn1968@yahoo.com.

[Posted 3/07/10]

Self, Russell

I am looking for the whereabouts of the children of Captain Russell Self who was in Korea in 1950 and 1951. I found two letters written by Captain Self to his children in Oakland, CA.  I would love to return these letters to his children.

Contact: William Womack Byrn, Columbia, TN at cracker@charter.net.

[Posted 6/25/04]

Sherrill, John

John Sherrill, Bill Dillon is looking for you.  We served together with the 1st Cavalry Division in Pusan and Koje Island.

Contact: Bill at jb1952@verizon.net.

[Posted 12/21/08]

Shimamura, Lawrence

My Dad is looking for Lawrence Shimamura who was a native Hawaiian and served in Ascom (near Inchon) in 1957. 

Contact: Catherine Kenick Tomlinson at ctomlin@ados.net.

Simpson, Severn "Tex"

My father Severn "Tex" Simpson served in the Korean War from 1951 until 1953.  He is searching for anyone who was with him with the 2nd Infantry Division, 37th Field Artillery Battalion HHS Company.  My father is 73 years old and until now has not spoken of anything about the war.  I have some pictures that he took while he was there and on one of them it has the name of Wayne Hollman on the back.

If anyone has information or knows of "Tex" Simpson, please feel free to call him at 325-773-5493 or leave an e-mail with me, his daughter, at karlaroysdon@sbcglobal.net.

Anything would be nice.  Maybe we can reunite some old war buddies together.

Smart, John A. Sr.

Is there anyone out there who might remember me in Korea at Inchon, Wonsan, Chosin Reservoir?  I'd sure like to know that some of my buddies made it out of that frozen hellhole.  I've been looking through every web site I can find--no luck yet, but I'm going to keep trying.  I am Smart, John A., Pvt2, 1st Battalion, 31st Regiment, 7th Infantry Division.  I was in a machine gun squad with Billy Fanning and Bob Facteau (that's the only names that come to mind at the present time).

Contact: smaj18@juno.com.

Smith, Frank

Searching for Frank Smith.  He attended Harrison High from 1945 to 1949.  We served together at Ft. Dix, NJ.  I don't know where he went to.  After I was wounded and sent back to the States, everything becomes a blur.  Even though Frank and I hung out together for a few years, he just seems to have vanished--not in that sense, but he went his way and I went mine.

Please contact me, Frank.  Richard Brose, e-mail brose37@aol.com.

Smith, Merton

I've ran up against a brick wall trying to find an individual that I served with in Korea from September 1951 to February 1952.  Merton and I were in "D" Battery, 82nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion (SP), 2nd Infantry Division.

Merton and I were the best of friends.  In fact, we each signed a one dollar bill--he on one edge and I on the other.  We tore the bill in half.  I still have the half that he signed and hopefully he is still alive and in possession of the other half.  We made a vow that we would tape the bill back together again and spend it together.  In my search for Merton, I did find 13 Merton Smiths, however, none of the responses bore fruit.

Contact: Joseph A. Tureaud, 8812 Parkland Drive, El Paso, TX 79925-4011; ph. 915-591-4789.

Smith, Raymond E.

I am an old WWII B-26 pilot who flew 35 missions over Germany.  I am trying to help a very sick Korean veteran, Raymond Smith (could be Raymond E. Smith), establish records that he served in the 959th Engineer Company (Dump Truck) in Korea. It is my understanding that the 959th was a US Army National Guard Company. His records in his own personal file burned when his home in Poplar Grove, AR was totally destroyed by fire.

Raymond Smith's Service # is 25411838 and his SSN is 430 48 3539. According to this veteran's memory he arrived in Korea in 1951 as a member of the 959th Engineer Company. He is seriously ill. He has tried to get treatment at the VA hospital in Memphis TN and in Little Rock AR but until he can get his DD214 he cannot get a VA Card.

Can you please give us any help in establishing that this old veteran of the Army, with service from Dec 1949 to 3 Oct 1952 and Army National Guard Service to 2 May 1956 so that he can receiive VA medical treatment? Please advise immediately. Many thanks.

Contact: Lt. Col. Earl J. Bass, Box 22 , Marvell AR 72366, email: bass1@centurytel.net; ph. 870-829-2477.

[Posted 11/15/04]

Smith, Virgil E.

Looking for Virgil E. smith, platoon leader, 3rd platoon, Co. A, 27th Infantry Regiment, 25th Division, Korea, summer 1952.  Last known address was St. Louis, MO.

Contact Richard Dahms at rkdahms@msn.com.

Stamatis, Bob

Searching for Bob Stamatis.

Contact: Anita Prendergast at anitaprendergast@hotmail.com.


Stan Field/Stanfield

I have a Korean friend who was 17 in 1967 and was befriended by a 23-year-old serviceman from the 2nd Division (I think Armored) 702nd Company, serving in or near the DMZ.  My friend says the name on the serviceman's shirt was "Stan Field", but he may be remembering wrong.  It may have been "Stanfield."  This serviceman wanted to take him to America, but my friend--having a girlfriend he later married--declined.  My friend loves Americans because he said they helped him and his people when he and they were poor.  He now (before he dies, he says) wants to re-unite with "Stan Field" or "Stanfield" to talk with him and thank him, etc.  Can anyone help?

contact: Don O'Malley at gdonwow@gmail.com.

[Posted 1/04/2011]

Stevens, George Norman Jr.

My name is Jennifer "Jen" Stevens.  I am searching for anyone who knew my grandfather, George Norman Stevens Jr. We don't know much about his service other than he was drafted into the Korean War and that we believe he worked in mechanics. He was from Frederick/Libertytown Maryland and was born 24 November 1927. I have attached his military photo. He did not talk about his time in the service so the information we have is very limited.  His brother, James Augusta Stevens, also served in Korea during his regular military service. James was stationed mainly at Fort Richardson, Alaska. I can be contacted at my email: jsstevens73@gmail.com

[Posted 1/01/2021]

Sullivan, William "Sully"

I am looking for William "Sully" Sullivan.  We were stationed at Scott Field in Belleville, Illinois for airborne radio repair school in 1952.  He was my Best Man for my wedding at Scott in October of 1952.  Sully was actually in supply and was sent overseas.  He was born and raised in Pittsburg, Kansas.  I do not know if he remained in the Air Force or was discharged in 1956.  He would also be in his mid-70s.  I would very much appreciate any information about Sully.  He may not be alive at this time, but I would like to know. Contact: Gerald Ohlms at JMOHLMS@aol.com.

[Posted 8/20/06]

Sutter, Ronald

Tank Co. 38th Infantry Regt. 2nd US Infantry Div. In Korea 1950-51. Served with Sgt. lst Class Jack A. Rogers.

Sincerely, Jack Rogers


Bill Dillon is looking for you.  We served together with the 1st Cavalry Division in Koje island and Pusan in 1953.

Contact: jb50y@aol.com.


Taggart, John

Leonard Therry is looking for John Taggart.  John served with me in Korea January 1956 to April 1957 in Heavy Mortar Company, 21st Infantry Division, 24th Infantry Division near the DMZ.  He was from Chicago and was assigned to Ft. Polk on his return from Korea.  I lost track of him shortly after.  He was (is) a very good friend and I would like to locate him.

He can reach me via this e-mail (lbl1937@aol.com), via letter to 67 Bramblewood Dr., Berlin, MD 21811, or via telephone at 410-208-9776.

I have been looking for him for a long time.

Thiebold, Clifford B.

Looking for buddies of US Army service man name Clifford B. Thiebold (1914-1959) of Dallas.  Thiebold went to Korea in 1950, was wounded in 1952, and returned to the war in 1953.  Posting this on behalf of his daughter Lynell.

Contact: Jonathan P. Alter, 6243 Streeter Avenue, Riverside, CA 92504; cell phone 951-836-5875.

[Posted 5/03/07]

Thomas, Pfc.

I am looking for PFC Thomas (Duane, Dwayne, Wayne), fondly known as "Peaches", who served in the 955th Field Artillery Unit, Headquarters Battery, January-August 1951.  I believe he was from Modesto, CA.

Contact: Paul Erickson.  E-mail ericksonpk@yahoo.com.

Thompson, Gene

I am trying to help my grandfather (Floyd Crayton) locate a Korean War veteran he served with in 1952.  They served in the Marine Service Battalion laundry unit in Munsan-ni near the Han River.  The man he is trying to locate is Gene (possibly Eugene) Thompson, an African-American from Minnesota or Wisconsin.  Grandpa believes Gene was in the 25th draft.  Thank you for the truly blessed work you are all doing.  I can't thank you enough, and connecting my papaw with his long lost friend would be one of the greatest things I believe I could ever do for him!

Contact: Jamie Jo at phishman1@earthlink.net.

[Posted 11/14/06]

Torres, Henry

I am looking for my biological father, Henry Torres.  I only have one picture of him and a name.  I do know that he was in the 169th Infantry and went to Korea between 1951-56. 

Contact: Hannelore Bodendorf, AHBlaupunkt@continentalimports.com

Troust, Neal G. or J.

Robert R. Wurster is searching for Neal G. or J. Troust.  They were in the 1st Marine Division together.

Contact: Kcstresdmom@aol.com.

Tryee, Branch

See Army - 40th Division - 223rd Medical Co.

Tucker, W/04 Thomas T.

Searching for Tucker, who was from the Bitter Root area of Montana.  I served with him in Hawaii for three years and we ended up again in the same unit, 205th Signal Repair Company in Ft. Lewis, then on to Korea.

Contact: Gene N. Isom, Gainesville, FL at Gndisom@aol.com

Turcott, Leon

Would you know someone that might have known my uncle Leon Turcott?  Leon was a commanding sergeant major for the U.S. Army during the Korean War and possibly other wars.

If anyone has any photos or memories to share about my uncle, please contact me:
Bob Turcott at rturcott@exergen.com.



Vaugh/Vaughan, Frank J.

Lee and Frank in Korea circa 1950
(Click picture for a larger view)

I served in the Korean War from July 1950 until it ended about 3 years later.  I am 73 years old and not in good health.  While serving in the United States Naval Advisory Group, Chinhae, Korea, I enjoyed the friendship of Frank J. Vaughn or Vaughan.  He was an electronics technician and I was a radio operator.  I remember that Frank was a law student.  How happy I would be to find this great guy before it's time to check out.  Enclosed is a picture of us with another friend at the base in Korea.  "Face" is on the left; I am in the middle, and Frank is on the right. 

Contact: Lee H. Adams, USN, e-mail hrambo133@bellsouthnet.

[Posted 10/01/05]

Viskowicz, Oscar

Looking for Oscar Viskowicz, last seen at chig-ni-ri as he was carried downhill with a large hole in his stomach.  Not listed in KIA, so must have survived.  Oscar was from New York.

Contact: chisholmranger@aol.com.

Vickery, Robert & Ralph Scott

If any Marines from the Korean War who were in Korea from June 1952 until July 1953 are reading this, I would like to hear from them.  My husband, Cpl. Robert E. Underwood, was in Korea at that time.  His address was Regt. Hdq. Batt. F/S, 11th Marines, 1st Division FMF.  He arrived in Korea on July 4, 1952 and arrived in San Francisco in June of 1953 on the U.S.N.S. General Meigs troop ship.  I'm trying to locate any Marine who would have served with him or knew him.  He graduated from boot training at San Diego MCRD, going from there for more advanced training at Camp Pendleton.  There he was in C Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Inf. Tr. Reg. TC2 at Camp Pendleton, graduating March 8, 1952.  I would be happy to hear from anyone who would have served with my husband to share memories.  He passed away December 12, 1996 from lung cancer and still is very much loved and missed.

Everett landed at Inchon on July 4, 1952 and was a forward observer the entire time he was in Korea, returning in July of 1953. There was a Ralph C. Scott and I believe he was from West Virginia, also a Robert Vickery, not sure where he was from.  (I have pictures of these and several others.) I know one friend Vance Worster was killed in action on October 21, 1952, on the Hook, I believe. He used to come to our home in Vista, CA when we were there.  That was during their combat training at Camp Pendleton.  I received the following e-mail from "Connie" Blevins:

Lynnita Brown, of the Koreanwar-educator.org asked me to contact you.  I was in the same unit as Vance. In fact, the FO team he was in relieved mine the day before the Hook was overran by Chinese forces. I did know Vance, but not well, as we were on different Teams.

A couple of days after the Hook action, and it was more than just taking the Outpost, the Commanding Officer of the Unit, Lt. Bill Phillips and I went back to the Outpost to see what had to be done to put our observation post back in service. A mortar round fell close, wounding both of us. We were both evacuated to Forward Aid. The Lieutenant died, but I only had minor shrapnel wounds and in a few days I was back in the Unit.

Contact: Marcella Underwood, 308 W. Main St., Heyworth, IL 61745; e-mail maqu33@msn.com.

[Posted 09/17/06]

Vorhees, Corporal

Corporal Vorhees saved my life 22 August 1952, Mando, Korea, Co. A, 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division.  Our platoon leader was Lt. Ed Schowalter, later awarded the Medal of Honor.  We were a volunteer squad of 13 men.  We took 100% casualties trying to take prisoners from enemy bunkers.  Ed Schowalter - Col, Ret US Army.... Ed was our last 'of record' squad/platoon leader - when he arrived at Co. A, 31st Inf Regt - July 1952 -  he told me he was a VMI graduate, probably class of 1951 - turns out his roommate at VMI - at one period - was one of my 8th and 9th grade classmates at Kellogg Jr. High - Battle Creek ! That person eventually retired from the USMCR -also  as a Col...and lived until his death in Ft. Myers, Florida....Col Ben C. Pratt and I corresponded from about 1944 until his death in 2002... I appreciate your information - I realize after all these years the probability of identifying Cpl. Vorhees is very remote.

Contact: William Vickery, PFC, Ret., U.S. Army, Kailua, HI 96734.  E-mail alohabalibill@webtv.net.

[Posted 3/21/05]

Watson, Bobbie J.

Allan F. Barr, 226 Prospect Street, Apt. 301, Wethersfield, CT 06109-3662 is trying to locate you.

Wedding, Stephen

I am searching for anyone who may have served with my father-in-law Stephen Wedding.  He served in Korea from August 1950 to June 1951.  He served with the 1st BG 27th Infantry.  Before going to Korea he trained at Fort Knox and Ft. Benning.  He also served two tours in Vietnam.  He retired in 1970 and died a few short years later from cancer caused by Agent Orange.  My husband and his family are hoping to hear from anyone who may have known him and can tell them abut their dad.  Also about his time in Korea and Vietnam.  Any memories and stories about him would greatly be appreciated.

Contact: Terri Wedding, teacups5@verizon.net.

[Posted 4/19/06]

Weitzel, Walter

Looking for Walter Weitzel, last heard from from Penn State in 1955.  See Buddy Search by Group - KMAG. [FOUND!  Walter contacted the KWE on 10/03/05.]

Wellington, Denny Joe

I am looking for anyone who knew my grandfather, Denny Wellington.  He was born November 19, 1932 and I know that he lost an eye in the Korean War.  Is there anybody out there who has information about him?  I would so much appreciate a response and to hear what you remember about him.  Thank you.

Contact: Jeana Bingaman at ajibing@moscow.com.

Wenzel, Paul E.

I am looking for Paul Wenzel who was wounded December 1950.  Our platoon was sent to check out unknown activity on the far side of a valley.  We had to cross a rice paddy, and when our lead squad reached the far side and my squad bringing up the rear were out in the open, the trap was sprung.  Paul (cpl) was my assistant squad leader.

I (Charles Strohl, S/Sgt) was the squad leader and Raymond Fugate (SFC) was our platoon sergeant.  I have been searching for some time since I have not seen or heard anything about Paul since that fateful day.

Contact: mstrohl@apex.net.

White, Larry E.

I am a Korean War vet and am looking to contact Larry E. White about 80 years old.  He was from California and served in Korea in 1951-52.

Contact: Claude Smith, e-mail msmith7344@suddenlink.net.

[Posted 12/09/08]

White, Raymond J.

Can you please help me trace my cousin, Raymond J. White, 24th Infantry Division.  He was wounded in the Korean War on the 9th of October 1950 with shrapnel wounds to the chest.  We have a newspaper cutting sent to my parents from that time.  His home address was 28 Kendall Street, Framingham.  He was 19 years of age.  My name is Charles White.  I live in Scotland and I have never met him.  Our fathers came from Newfoundland.

Contact: Charlie White at charliewhite21@hotmail.com.

Wikstrom, Jerry

I'm seeking information about my uncle who was a medic during the Korean War.  His name was Jerry Wikstrom and he was from Muskegon and/or Grand Rapids, Michigan.  I'd really appreciate even hearing from someone who may have known him.  Any info at all would be wonderful.

Contact: Mary Fanthorpe at maryskidcare@sbcglobal.net.

Willis, Sergeant

My name is Kathy Cangelosi and I am trying to help my Dad find a photo that was taken just before he went home from the service.  I hope that you might be able to help me find it.  My dad's name is Sergeant Richard Earl Allen and he served in 1956 in Denham, Germany in Bridge Company, 17th Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd Armored Division.  He gave money to a Sergeant Willis, along with his address, but he never received his photo.  Can you help me?

Contact: Kathy Cangelosi at cangk@verizon.net.

Wilson, Charles L.

Charles Wilson
(Click picture for a larger view)

"My uncle's name is Charles L. Wilson.  He served in the Army.  He did his boot camp at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas in November 1948.  Later he was at Camp Stoneman, California.  He sailed to Germany from Camp Kilmer, New Jersey on March 4, 1949 on the USAT LT BI Ray.  He was sent to Korea and fought until November of 1950 when he was listed as missing in action.  He was in H Company, 2nd Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division.  He was presumed dead in December 1953.

I started trying to find out more about my uncle in 2003 or 2004.  I sent photos and DNA to the Army and in August of 2009 my uncle was sent home.  He had been ID'ed through dental records and DNA.  Thank god!  However, I was very young when my uncle left and I would love to find someone that knew him while he was in the service.  I would love to meet someone that served with him in North Korea.  the Army said my uncle's division was south of the Chongchon River in Northwest North Korea.  They were forced back, after overwhelming enemy forces and the CCF forces overtook, to a position near a town of Kujang.  The Army said our men had no artillery to fight with.  After this battle my uncle was no longer accounted for. While in battle or missing, my uncle was moved up to Sergeant Wilson. 

Anything you can do to help me find someone that knew him would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you for all you do helping buddy find buddy!"

Funeral for Charles L. Wilson
(Click picture for a larger view)

Part of the escort at Charles Wilson's funeral. There were several patrol cars, two Army vans, and around 200 PG riders.
(Click picture for a larger view)

Contact: Linda Chamberlain, 624 Johnson Dr., Marshfield, MO 65706.  Home phone: 417-468-5841.  Cell phone: 417-689-4285.

[Posted 4/03/11]

Wilson, Woodrow

We were with the 2nd Combat Engineers attached to the 38th Regiment.

Contact: Bob Coyle at Demo2191@wmconnect.com.

Wimberly, Joe N.

My name is Willie Lovitt.  I am a Korean War vet.  I live in Spearfish, South Dakota.  I am looking for a Korean War vet by the name of Joe N. Wimberly.  He was from Cupahoga County in Ohio.  He was wounded at Heartbreak Ridge on January 7, 1952.  Any information you can provide me would be greatly appreciated.

Contact: Willie Lovitt, 605-641-1927, 1106 N. 10th Street, Apt. #9, Spearfish, SD 57783.  E-mail: fidler-isburg@rushmore.com.

[Posted 4/20/09]

Wray, Capt. Richard M.

Searching for Capt. Richard M. Wray, DDS (548 General Dispensary, Seoul, Korea) and others I served with in Korea in 1953 and 1954.

Contact: Ron Drews baronpaco@prodigy.net.




Zorman, Al

My name is Chris Falkenberry. I am trying to find information on my grandfather, Al Zorman. i know very little about him. All I know is that he was in the service and served in the Korean War. I don't know when he was born or what he did. My grandmother didn't tell my family much about him before she died. I don't know if Al was short for another name, but I'm hoping that you will be able to help me by posting it in the buddy list. Thank you so much for your time and effort. If you have any questions please contact me, and if you could post my e-mail as well that would help.  Thanks.

Contact: Chris Falkenberry at k_zorman@yahoo.com.  Phone 832-885-8229.

[Posted 9/01/08]

Zurn, Vernon

Searching for information about Vernon Zurn, MIA/KIA June 14, 1953 probably near Hill 412.  He was in E Company of the 65th Regiment, Third Infantry Division.  Al Shuler met him on the voyage over to Korea and when they arrived in Japan and got their gear, Shuler had hopes they would serve together.  Shuler was pulled out and sent to the I&R Platoon.  Zurn's sister, Donna Adams, is trying to find information about her brother.

Contact: Donna Adams, ZURN480@aol.com.


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