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Buddy Search - By Claims Request


Looking For:

Norwegian MASH Unit

My father, Richard Towne, was wounded in the Korean War on Pork Chop Hill. His medical records were destroyed in a fire in St. Louis, MO. We are trying to find the Norwegian MASH unit which would have cared for him. The Veterans Administration would like information so he could receive hearing aids because of his injuries. I would appreciate any help. Thank you, Linda Coehoorn.

Here is my father's story:

"These are the events of the night I was wounded on Pork Chop Hill on June 21, 1952. I was serving with the 45th Infantry Division, 179th Infantry Regiment.

The name of the outpost I was on Pork Chop Hill, 255 meters high. (There were 100 percent casualties--either killed, wounded, or prisoners.) The Chinese started shelling the hill at nightfall. It has been reported that the Chinese threw in about 3500 rounds of artillery and mortar on that hill. The enemy advanced up all sides of the hill and under their own barrage. They swarmed up the hill in regiment strength. The Chinese lifted the barrage and fired flares like it was daylight when their troops reached the top of the hill.

Our out-numbered men could not stop their overwhelming force and we were soon overrun. Our machine guns jammed because of the dirt kicked up from the artillery. Seconds later we were fighting hand to hand. In the struggle my partner was killed by a burp gun a Chinese had while I was fighting with him and then in came the hand grenades. I couldn't get to the ground soon enough and was wounded by hand grenade in the back.

Then, with no gun and wounded, I crawled into a knocked-out bunker and also dragged in two other wounded soldiers. In doing so, a Chinese saw my feet go in and next thing I saw was the barrel of his gun. But before he could pull the trigger a round of phosphorus from friendly fire hit, as well as hundreds of rounds, and saved our lives.

My buddy Ernie James, also from Fond du Lac, helped carry me off the hill. I was taken to a Norwegian MASH unit and then airlifted to a hospital in Japan."

Contact information: Linda Coehoorn, Fond du Lac County, WI. E-mail coehoorn@dotnet.com . (My father (Richard Towne) travels in his motor home. He does not have a phone at this time.)

Nevada Test Site

I am William F. Whitehair, and was stationed at Camp DelMar from 1951 through 1953.  From February 1952 through November 1953 is where I need help.  I am writing this letter to you all in hopes that you can write me as to what you remember about the amphibs (P5's) that were taken to the Nevada Test Site during this time and were brought back to us to work on taking parts off of them to use on other vehicles.

I have peripheral neuropathy, along with several other medical problems, and have been fighting the government for service connection.  Peripheral neuropathy is caused by diabetes, thyroid, or "chemical exposure."  I do not have diabetes or thyroid problems, but the government was even denying that I was at DelMar.  My discharge papers are even blanked out where I was discharged from.  After my last denial letter, my daughter got on the internet posting what I did, where I was, etc., and in two days we had six Marines contacting us who had the Red Book with my picture and my old address.  Through them I found out about the reunion in Garland, TX, which my wife and I attended.  Ken Tettleton gave us all your addresses.  After seeing your names, my brain finally kicked in as to which of you did or who may know someone who worked with me on the P5's that were brought back from Nevada.

Our Congressman is working on getting the dosimeter readings (which we found through classified info -- now declassified), that there were film badges inside those amphibs where "personnel" would have been sitting and the readings the government has on those 10 tanks.

My wife and I took all the new info we got from the reunion to our Regional Office in St. Petersburg, FL today.  When our DAV rep saw all your names, he asked us to write to you all to get written statements of what you know about it, and any medical problems you may have to build our case for the appeals board.

All the guys at the reunion got shipped to Hawaii just before this classified project started (Upshot Knothole).  Only Bob Young had actual photos of some of the P5's after that blast and he gave us copies of them and is willing to come and testify if necessary.

We need written information from you or you can send it to our e-mail address, which is peeper1992@msn.com.

I know Ruben Lanpher and Jack Pass worked with me on them, but both have passed away.  If you can help in any way, I will always be in your debt.

Semper Fi -
Bill and Brenda Whitehair
206 21st St. N.E., Bradenton, FL 34208
ph.  941-748-9531.

Whitehair Claims Request - Continued:

July 28, 2003

To you Veterans of the Korean War - I sent the above letter to the 3rd Marine Amphibious Marine Division on July 14th.  I mailed out 60 to the names that looked familiar to me, in hopes of finding someone who worked with me on the amphibs (P-5's) at Camp DelMar.  One of the Marines sent our letter to Kenneth Kendall, who was in the Army.  His unit was the 3623rd Ord. MM Company of the 393rd Ord. Batt.  His unit ran the motor pools at both Camp Desert Rock and Camp Mercury.

He phoned us and told us that he too was there from Jan. 1, 1953 to around June 15, 1953.  He too has peripheral neuropathy, and the government says he got it from frost bite in Korea.  He told me that he had several names of guys, and this is where you come in.  He e-mailed us your names (46 of you) who must have "radiation exposure unknown."

I have an appeal going, have been fighting them for 22 years now.  Up until May of this year, I couldn't remember a name, but thanks to computers and my daughter, the 3rd Marine Amphibious division from DelMar came through with my picture in the red book.  I attended my first reunion this year and met 36 former friends I hadn't seen in 50 years.

The DAV Regional Office in St. Petersburg, FL told me that I need WRITTEN documentation from any of you who have been exposed to the radiation from the Nevada test site, who have any medical problems that the government has given you service connection for, or do you know anyone who worked with me at Camp DelMar on the vehicles that were brought back from the Upshot Knothole test site, where we worked on taking parts off of these vehicles.  This may be able to help not just me, but any of you trying to get the service connection, or the wives, and the children of the veterans who still can receive compensation after we are long gone.

Thank  you for your help.  Sincerely, William F. Whitehair, 206 21st St., NE, Bradenton, FL 34208; ph. 941-748-9531.  E-mail peeper1992@msn.com.

Second Purple Heart Claim

To: Charles McKellar at seventhmarineskorea@yahoogroups.com.

Hi, Mac.  Could not make the reunion.  The VA diagnosed me with cancer in the right arm/wrist.  Taking radiation treatment.  Also, HQMC denied my second Purple Heart award because I could not get witnesses to my WIA on the ridge line outside Fox Co. December 1950.  Lt. Joe Owens, Sgt. Joe Monoco, Col Davis RDO OP), Col Worley Bn Commo wrote award stating I was wounded along with a bronze star.  That the HQMC approved, but not the Purple Heart because I need names of people who SAW me get hit--at least two names.

Doc O'Dell's letter stated he treated so many, had no WIA tags.  Doc Olivas letter stated same.  I must have the names of who saw me get hit in the back or someone who put ice on my bloodied face after I fell on the ice.  Hard fight.  Can you put this on the website?  Maybe someone saw me get hit.  I was A Company wireman.

Red McDonough

H-3-1 Marines

Seeking witnesses to my wounding in the Korean War.  How Company and attached 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, about 11 December 1951.  There was a 25-man work party and we were not acquainted.  We were hauling wire in the mountains to the MLR.  We were harassed by NKPA mortars west of the Punchbowl.  A mortar blast hurled me over the ridge 125 feet.  I was conveyed to an aid station by fellow Marines and treated four days for concussion, back and leg injuries.  I was returned to duty though crippled, leaving permanent damage.  I need proof of that incident for compensation.  I solicit from all H-3-1 veterans and 550 Association members for witnesses.

Contact: K.O. (Kayo) Jaeger, P.O. Box 836, Meridian, TX 76665.  Ph. 254-435-9219.  E-mail kojaeger@htcomp.net.

[Posted 1/01/06]

24ID, 19th IR, "C" Co.

I am trying to find anyone in my former unit that can assist me to verify my in-service stressors when I was deployed to the DMZ in 1953/54.  Can you help?  My e-mail address is: hpokotato1@aol.com.  My phone number is 808-760-8255 home and (808) 281-6501 cell.  Please leave a message if I cannot pick up.  I will greatly appreciate any info you can assist me with.

I applied for a PTSD claim but my records were burned in the St. Louis fire of 1974 so NARA is of no help with this one.  The VA requires verification that I was there and what we did over there.  I am looking for a buddy that could help at least describe what it was like back then.  Thanks for your time and thoughtful consideration.

Contact: Lawrence Singsong, Korean DMZ vet 1953/54.



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