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**Chosin Reservoir campaign – related websites
  • Army at the Chosin Reservoir
    Information about the 31st RCT—Task Force Faith and Task Force MacLean, at the Chosin Reservoir.
  • Army at the Chosin Reservoir
    A site exclusively about the Army at the Chosin Reservoir.
  • Ballad of Chosin
    A song written by Frank Gross, and information on how to order a
    copy of his music.
  • Changjin Journal
    Created by George Rasula to disseminate and solicit information on the Chosin Reservoir campaign.
  • Chosin Few
    Books and reviews, USMC commanders, units to Hagaru, Hagaru to Koto-Ri, Map Room, Chosin air support, cold injury information, and more.
  • Chosin Reservoir Medal of Honor Recipients
  • D-2-7 (found on the Vietnam Seventh Marines website)
    Poem about the Chosin Reservoir and Dog-2-7 Marines in Korea.  The Dog-2-7 poem found on this website was written by Jesus L. Rubio and originally appeared on the D Company, 2nd Battalion website located here:  http://www.marzone.com/dog2~7/Korea.html.
  • Gene Dixon's Personal Website
    One branch of Gene's personal website is devoted entirely the Korean War, with several pages thereon covering Chosin.
  • History Central
    One page of information about Chosin.
  • North to the Yalu
    From a 1973 government publication (American Military History) edited by Maurice Matloff.
  • Soldiers on Line
    An overview of "Phase 3" (the Chosin campaign) during the Korean War.
  • USS Chosin
    Official government website of the USS Chosin (CG65). The USS Chosin is a guided missile cruiser.
  • Coast Guard: The Forgotten Service in the Forgotten War
    History and photos about the US Coast Guard’s role in the Korean War.
  • Cold War International History Project
    Established at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, this project disseminates new information and perspectives on the Cold War, in particular new findings from the former Communist world.
  • Commemorating the Korean War
    Reprinted news articles about Korean War veterans’ sacrifices can be found on this site. It also includes information on commemorative ceremonies, photographs, and links. Also, there are remarks about the Korean War made by national dignitaries in public speeches and in the news media.
  • Connolly Connection
    Military life in combat and years later by John A. Connolly (Fox Co., 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd ID.


  • Dark Moon
    Eighth Army Special Operations in the Korean War.
  • Department of Defense 50th Anniversary of the Korean War
    The official site of the US government’s 50th anniversary commemorative committee includes information on the national commemorative community program. It also contains educational materials for teachers, a newsletter, veterans’ interviews, and much, much more.

**DMZ Websites


  • Dokdo Island Bombing (1948)
    This Website features information about the pre-Korean War bombing of Dokdo Island, including eyewitness accounts. There is also information about a 1945 crash of a *S B-24 Liberator bomber in southern Korea, as well as detailed information on language purism in Korea.
  • Douglas AD Skyraider
    A Website with photos, plane information, and pilot stories related to the Douglas Skyraider.


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