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Buddy Search


Welcome to the Korean War Educator Buddy Search.

The Buddy Search pages were created to help Korean War veterans reunite with their lost buddies.  It is also a finding source for those seeking witnesses for VA claims and those wanting unit and other miscellaneous information.  The KWE often receives a variety of requests from family members of deceased veterans. All searches are grouped in the appropriate category to facilitate searches. 

If you are searching for a buddy you served with during the Korean War, you are invited to post a notice on the Korean War Educator’s Buddy Search page. We are aware that many Korean War veterans only knew a buddy by a name or nickname, but please try to include as much information as you possibly can about your lost buddy, including: full name, nick name, city and state of origin, unit and dates in Korea, etc. If you want to post a picture of your lost buddy, you are welcome to do so. Also be sure to post your contact information.  You are encouraged to include contact information other than an e-mail address because e-mail addresses often change.  If you do not want to post your address and phone number on the site, we suggest that you at least provide it to Lynnita with a request that she not share it without your approval.  She will honor your request.

To post your search request, e-mail pertinent information to Lynnita Brown.

Also note that a number of requests to locate a lost buddy do not make it to this page of the KWE.  Instead, visitors post them within their KWE Guest Book entries.  These requests do not automatically go to Buddy Search.  They usually remain buried in the KWE Guest Book unless those visitors specifically send a Buddy Search request to Lynnita. 

Just a reminder: If you don't see your request on the Buddy Search pages, we encourage you to write to Lynnita for a repost.  She might have had computer problems at the time you sent your request in, or perhaps she inadvertently overlooked it--something she tries very hard not to do, but could very well have done.

Search by the following categories:

Locator Book:

KWE readers might be interested in knowing that this book exists:  How to Locate Anyone Who Is Or Has Been In The Military.  This armed forces locator directory was compiled by Lt. Col. Richard S. Johnson and is available from the publisher, MIE Publishing, P.O. Box 340081, San Antonio, TX 78234; ph. 800-937-2133.  Among the contents of the book are:

  • Service and social security numbers
  • How to locate active duty military
  • How to locate members of the Reserve and National Guard
  • How to locate retired members
  • How to locate veterans of the Armed Forces and former members of the Reserve and National Guard
  • How to obtain military records, unit and ship rosters, organizational records and histories
  • How to locate anyone (civilian or military)
  • How to locate people for a military reunion
  • How to locate people through state government records
  • If the person you are trying to locate is deceased
  • How to locate family history information for veterans

Dick Gallmeyer's Combat Buddy List:

The KWE wishes to call your attention to the Combat Buddies list compiled by Dick Gallmeyer.  For many years, Dick has devoted thousands of hours of his time to help Korean War buddies hook up with one another.  He currently has found 28,122 Korean War veterans.  To add to his list or discover who he has found, give Dick a call.  There is no fee attached.  Dick says, "This makes my life all worthwhile."  Call or mail him at: Dick Gallmeyer, P.O. Box 8946, Virginia Beach, VA 23450-8946; phone 1-800-523-4715; e-mail msg1gal@msn.com.


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