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Korean War MIA Family Outreach Project

(As of 4/27/13 we have found their website has shut down and no longer available...
The best suggestion for more information we have is this DoD site:  http://www.dtic.mil/dpmo/korea/reports/

Who we are

We are a small group of veterans who search for family members of certain Korean War MIAs.  These MIAs have no next of kin listed in their official records, or their family contact information is long out of date. The rosters of MIAs contained on our site represent only those men that the Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office [DPMO] requires updated family contact information for, and would like to locate. A complete and comprehensive list of all POW/MIAs may be accessed at our website - just click on the DPMO link.

What we do

Our goal is to put any family members that we may locate in direct contact with the appropriate DPMO office; in turn, making the government's Family Support and DNA Matching Programs as effective as possible. We work with the DPMO offices to keep the information on our site as current and accurate as possible. A Mitochondrial DNA information link is provided on our website, as well as a link to the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command in Hawaii [JPAC], including the Army's Central Identification Laboratory.

Members of our team are:

What Should You Do?

If you, or someone you know had a family member that did not return from the Korean War, check for their name on the rosters that you can access at our site. Again, these rosters contain only the names of those men for which the DPMO has no family contact information. We attempt to keep the rosters as accurate and up to date as possible. If you find someone that you have information for, please contact one of us. We will follow up and provide the information necessary to contact the DPMO directly. After the DPMO has verified contact back to us, the MIA's name will be removed from our rosters.

If you have first-hand information concerning the circumstances surrounding the loss of any of the men on our site, the DPMO would like to share in that information as well.  Again, contact one of us, and we will pass your account of the incident along to them.  Thank you for your support!


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