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Topics - Korea Today

North Korea

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North Korea attacked South Korea in an act of aggression in June of 1950, throwing the United States at war once again just a few short years after Allied Forces were triumphant in World War II.  During the three years of active war from 1950 to 1953, troops from that communist nation gained a reputation for their inhumanity and repeated violations of the rules of the Geneva Convention.

Following the cease fire, North Korea continued with repeated acts of aggression against the people of South Korea and Allied troops stationed in South Korea from post-war to present.  North Koreans dug secret tunnels into South Korea, captured American military personnel stationed on the American vessel USS Pueblo, and has killed and captured dozens of military and non-military personnel in South Korea since the cease fire in 1953.  In its most recent act of defiance against peace-loving nations, North Korea launched a nuclear missile in April of 2009.

This page of the Korean War Educator was created in April of 2009 to help give insight into one of the most militant regimes existing in the world today.

Korean War POW Affairs

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A Communication to the International Criminal Court Regarding the Continued Detention of South Korean POWs by North Korea

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The Factual Evidences of Human Rights Violations Committed by the North Korean Regime (DPRK) on Korean War POW

Documents submitted to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights by the Korean War POW Affairs, Los Angeles, California, on April 8, 2011:

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North Korea Today - a Prison Country

[This editorial originally appeared in the "Opinion Journal" from The Wall Street Journal editorial page on Tuesday, April 17, 2001. It is reprinted on The Korean War Educator with permission.]

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North Korea Today - Human Rights

[Printed & published by the International Human Rights League of Korea]

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North Korea Handbook

[This unclassified handbook (in PDF format) was published by the Defense Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC.  Information cutoff date for the handbook was 20 December 1993.  It was published in 1994.]

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North Korea's Nuclear Program

According to the United States Northern Command based in Colorado Springs, on April 7, 2009, North Korea launched a three-stage Taepodong-2 nuclear missile into space at 10:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.  The first stage fell into the Sea of Japan and the remaining stages fell into the Pacific Ocean.  There are resources all over the Internet that cover the historic event.

More details about the progress of North Korea's Nuclear Program can be found on various websites on the Internet.  Specific details can be found by clicking these links that reveal to some degree the extent of nuclear weapons of mass destruction in North Korea:


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