Topics - Silver Star Recipients submitted to KWE
Names Starting with "C"

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Names will be added to this list upon receipt of evidence of award.  Send them to Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953 or e-mail Lynnita.

Recipients - C

  • Caballero, CPL Albino (2ID)
  • Cabell, CPL William W. Jr. (2ID)
  • Cables, PFC Frank J. (25ID)
  • Cabral, Peter
  • Cadena, SGT Robert (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cage, Phil B. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Cagle, Charles E.
  • Cagle, CPL Leslie H. (2ID)
  • Cahill, Alden K.
  • Cahill, Chester R.
  • Cahill, John J. H. (USMC - G/3/5) (see Citations section)
  • Cail, Ralph D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cain, Robert A.
  • Caine, Edward H.
  • Calcote, WO JR Roscoe M. (Battery D, 15th AA AW Bn.) (see Citations section)
  • Calderon, CPL Gilberto (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Caldino, Luiz P.
  • Calhoun, PFC Lee R. (3ID)
  • Caldwell, Charles G.
  • Caldwell, Charles I.
  • Caldwell, CPL Donald D. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Caldwell, Homer H.
  • Caldwell, John H.
  • Caldwell, CPL John R. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Caldwell, LT Lowell V. (25ID)
  • Caldwell, 1LT William D. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Calef, Charles W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Calfee, Benjamin F.
  • Calhoun, 1LT John R. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Calhoun, Lee R.
  • Calhoun, CPL Lynwood W. (25ID)
  • Callahan, PFC Benjamin H. (25ID) (GO 82, 25Aug50)
  • Callahan, Francis P.
  • Callahan, William E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Callan, James III (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Callaway, Jack G.
  • Callaway, Charles H.
  • Callender, James M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Calloway, LT COL John W. (1CAV)
  • Callum, MAJ John (2ID)
  • Calvert, PVT George E. (2ID)
  • Calvert, Philip A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Calvey, PFC Allen L. (2ID)
  • Camacho, Jesus A.
  • Camacho, Pedro A. Santana (see Citations section)
  • Camarata, August L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Camarata, Laverne (USMC) (see Citations Section)
  • Cameron, Alford C.
  • Cameron, LT COL Robert Carroll (USA) (see Citations section)
  • Camoesas, Alfonso J.
  • Camp, CPL Donald E. (3ID)
  • Camp, 1LT Gerald M. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Camp, Henry C.
  • Campbell, PFC Donald Lee (3ID)
  • Campbell, PFC George B. (2ID)
  • Campbell, CAPT Gilbert S. (3ID)
  • Campbell, MAJ John H. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Campbell, John R.
  • Campbell, PVT Lloyd C. (2ID)
  • Campbell, Paul
  • Campbell, Terry
  • Campbell, PFC William (25ID)
  • Campbell, William J.
  • Campbell, William M.
  • Canada, Charles C.
  • Canady, Lorenzo L.
  • Canales, PFC Rudolph M. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Canfield, Robert E.
  • Cano, 2LT Raul V. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cantanese, Albert
  • Cantella, CPL Nicholas David (5RCT)
  • Canterbury, Franklin Monroe (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Canty, Maurice
  • Canzona, Nicholas A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Capallia, CPL Frederick (25ID)
  • Cape, CPL William G. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Caplette, Raymond J.
  • Cappelli, Alexander M.
  • Capps, William R.
  • Cappucci, Anthony M. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Carberry, Francis P.
  • Carboni, Armondo D.
  • Cardenas, CPL Edward
  • Cardenas, 2LT Ricardo (3ID)
  • Cardillo, Mario J. (USMC - 5th Marines)
  • Carey, Harold W.
  • Carey, Richard Edward (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carey, SGT Richard W. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Carey, Roland E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carfagno, CPL Anthony F. (Btry A, 15th AAA AW Bn) (see Citations section)
  • Cargill, PVT Kenneth E. (2ID)
  • Cargill, Wayne M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cargle, MSGT Leland L. (2ID)
  • Cariglia, CAPT Michael (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Carillo, Manuel R.
  • Carlini, Joseph L.
  • Carlisle, Paul L. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Carlon, Francis Brandon (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carlo-Perez, Vincent J. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Carlson, Donald R.
  • Carlson, Evans C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carlson, Gerald J.
  • Carlson, John H.
  • Carlson, John W.
  • Carlson, CAPT Paul A. (25ID)
  • Carlton, Merrill H. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Carman, Melvin C.
  • Carmichael, COL Richard Henry (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Carmichael, 1LT Turner F. Jr. (2ID)
  • Carmody, Kenneth P.
  • Carn, CAPT Phil R. (2ID)
  • Carnahan, SGT William J. (3ID)
  • Carnes, SGT William B. (25ID)
  • Carney, Robert W.
  • Carney, Vincent J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Caro, MSGT Lonial W. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Carpenter, Archie E.
  • Carpenter, Bail P. (BMC, USN)
  • Carpenter, David C.
  • Carpenter, PVT Marion J. (2ID)
  • Carpenter, Robert W.
  • Carpenter, Vail P. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Carr, CPL Clifton Moses Jr. (3ID)
  • Carr, George G.
  • Carr, George I.
  • Carr, Willis L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carrara, Guido J.
  • Carreras, PFC Roberto (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Carrig, John T. Jr.
  • Carrington, CAPT Henry P. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Carrion, Jose A. Rivera (see Citations section)
  • Carroll, Aubrey D. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Carroll, CAPT Benjamin L. (7ID, Btry C, 49th FAB)
  • Carroll, Charles E.
  • Carroll, Edward F.
  • Carroll, George
  • Carroll, Capt. James H. Jr. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Carroll, Raymond E.
  • Carroll, Richard L.
  • Carroll, Robert M. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Carroll, Roland S. Jr. (5RCT)
  • Carroum, Omer D.
  • Carrow, Murray B.
  • Carsanaro, HM Charles S. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Carson, Eugene
  • Carstensen, CPL Vernon K. (25ID)
  • Carsley, Albert E.
  • Cartagena, Modesto
  • Cartagena, MSGT Victor (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Carter, Bobby (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carter, CAPT Charles Faulkner (25ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Carter, Donald F.
  • Carter, Earle W.
  • Carter, MSGT Edgar (7ID)
  • Carter, Francis (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carter, George L. Jr.
  • Carter, George W.
  • Carter, CPL Harold L. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Carter, Harvey R. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carter, PFC James M. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Carter, Jed E.
  • Carter, SFC Joe P. (2ID)
  • Carter, John E.
  • Carter, Johnny L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carter, SFC Pinkie (2ID)
  • Carter, Ray N. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Carter, Raymond C.
  • Carter, CPL Robert E. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cartmell, William T.
  • Caruso, Frank P. Jr.
  • Caruso, Mathew (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Caruth, Charles W.
  • Casciano, MSGT Joseph F. (25ID)
  • Case, Lloyd A.
  • Casey, George W.
  • Casey, Herbert J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Casey, Hugh B.
  • Casey, CAPT James J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Casey, John R.
  • Casey, Walter A.
  • Cash, Cecil J.
  • Cashion, Dana B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Casias, CAPT Nemecino L. (2ID)
  • Cassady, CPL William H. (3ID)
  • Casseday, SGT George F. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Casserly, Thomas F. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Cassetta, Frank M.
  • Cassity, Richard P.
  • Cassman, Douglas
  • Cassube, SFC Robert F. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Castaing, Claude Camille (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Casteel, Franklin E.
  • Castellano, Frank V.
  • Castelli, Henry
  • Castiglia, PVT Anthony J. (2ID)
  • Castillo, PFC Augustine (2ID)
  • Castle, Ernest Carl (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Castle, Ralph A.
  • Castleberry, Warren E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Castona, CPL Robert D. (3ID)
  • Castorena, CPL Julian (25ID)
  • Castro, PFC Charles H. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Castro, CPL Lavro G. (2ID)
  • Cate, Bradley F. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cater, Walter Bladsoe Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Caudle, SGT Robert L. (25ID)
  • Cauley, John E.
  • Causey, MSGT Clay H. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cauthen, SFC Joe H. (187 Airborne) (see Citations section)
  • Cauthen, PFC Winifred Jr. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cavanaugh, Charles A. Jr. (see Citations section)
  • Cavanaugh, Edward J.
  • Cavanaugh, James P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cavazos, 1LT Richard E. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cave, 1LT Edmund H. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cave, Thomas F. Jr. (USMC) (see >Citations section)
  • Caviness, Jimmy J.
  • Cayer, SFC Lucian J. (2ID)
  • Ceckowski, CPL William Jr. (2ID)
  • Cena, CPL Librado (2ID)
  • Cennamo, 1LT Sebastian (3ID)
  • Centeno, CPL Manuel C. (2ID)
  • Cerro, Nicola
  • Cervantes, SGT Leonard P. (25ID)
  • Ceurter, Joseph W.
  • Chadderon, John A.
  • Chadwick, Clyde C.
  • Challacombe, Arthur D. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Chaloupka, SFC Charles C. (3rd ID)
  • Chaloupke, PFC Frank J. (see Citations section)
  • Chaltraw, William J.
  • Chalupa, CPL Eldon J. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Chamberlain, SFC George D. (2ID)
  • Chamberlain, 1LT Robert L. (25ID)
  • Chamberlain, SGT Robert J. (2ID)
  • Chamberlain, 1LT Smith B. (3ID) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Chamberlin, Alton B.
  • Chambers, Hugh S.
  • Chambers, Loren E.
  • Chambers, William J.
  • Chamblin, William E.
  • Chambliss, Denver Isaah (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Champion, Donald E.
  • Champion, 1LT William H. (2ID)
  • Chandler, SGT Carl A. (2ID)
  • Chandler, CPL Elmer M. (3ID)
  • Chandler, Frank L. Jr.
  • Chandler, Malcolm W.
  • Chandler, Melbourne C.
  • Chandler, Oliver Z.
  • Chandler, CAPT Richard Edwin (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Chandler, Rudolph V.
  • Chandler, CAPT Walter (25ID)
  • Chandler, 1LT Woodrow W. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Chaney, John M.
  • Chaney, Verne E. Jr.
  • Channon, Robert E.
  • Chapin, SGT James R. (2ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Chapman, Arthur
  • Chapman, Herman
  • Chapman, 1LT Herschel E. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Chapman, James R. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Chapman, James Virgil (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Chapman, 1LT Robert P. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Chance, Carl B.
  • Chapman, CPL Randolph (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Chapman, 1LT Robert P. (2ID)
  • Chapman, PFC Virgil E. (2ID)
  • Chappel, Cyril G.
  • Chappell, SFC Walter T. (Btry A, 15th AAA AW Bn.) (see Citations section)
  • Charles, Dean Donald (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Charles, CPL J.D. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Charlo, SGT Peter A. (1CAV)
  • Charnesky, PFC Arthur A. (2ID)
  • Charnetski, 1LT Peter R. (2ID)
  • Charron, Edward J.
  • Charton, Jerold Jr.
  • Chartrand, Joseph R.A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Chase, Byron Harold (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Chase, PFC Frederick E. (2ID)
  • Chase, COL Levi R. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Chase, Marvin J. Jr.
  • Chastain, Howard L.
  • Chastain, Thurman J.
  • Chateau, 1LT Louis A. (2ID)
  • Chavers, Walter T.
  • Chavez, CPL Celestino (Btry D, 15th AAA AW Bn.) (see Citations section)
  • Chavez, George
  • Cheatam, RCT John B. Jr. (25ID) (GO84, 27Aug50)
  • Check, LT COL Gilbert Joseph (25ID) (1st award) (see Citations section)
  • Check, LT COL Gilbert Joseph (25ID) (2nd award) (see Citations section)
  • Chegay, George (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cheek, PVT Robert V. (45ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Chenevert, Edward V. Jr.
  • Cheppa, CPL Michael (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Chesley, Raymond G.
  • Chesnut, LT John Jr. (3ID)
  • Chester, Hilliard E. Jr.
  • Chew, PFC Charles A. (2ID)
  • Chew, Robert A.
  • Chi, Chong Yun (PO3rd Class, ROKN)
  • Chianese, Angelo R.
  • Chiarello, Antonio O.
  • Chichester, CPL Brent (2ID)
  • Chikahisa, James
  • Childers, Charles J.
  • Childers, Claud H.
  • Childers, Jack S.
  • Childers, 1LT Junior Albert (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Childers, Lindsey
  • Childre, 1LT Jesse W. Sr. (7ID)
  • Childress, SGT Charles J. (25ID)
  • Childress, 2LT John Leumas (45ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Childs, LT COL George W. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Chiles, COL John Henry (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Chinen, Herbert T.
  • Chin, Gum Shoon (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Chiodo, Theodore E.
  • Chippo, PVT Samuel H. (3ID)
  • Chisum, CPL Gene H. (2ID)
  • Chivington, Frederick D.
  • Chiwiwi, PFC Santos (2ID)
  • Chloupek, LT COL Laurence E. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Chojnacki, Michael P.
  • Choy, William K.
  • Chriss, James
  • Chrissis, Pierre
  • Christensen, 2LT Frank P. (3ID)
  • Christensen, PFC Jack W. (25th ID) (GO79, 24Aug50) (posthumous)
  • Christensen, James B.
  • Christensen, William R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Christenson, Lester C.
  • Christenson, Val D.
  • Christensen, PFC Jack W. (posthumous) (Army - 35th Regiment) (GO79, 24Aug50)
  • Christiansen, James G.
  • Christiansen, Walter N.
  • Christopher, Curtis W.
  • Chrzanowski, CAPT Anthony (3ID)
  • Chubbuck, Charles
  • Chue, Kenneth (Corpsman) (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Chun, Arthur B.
  • Chung, Dai Y.
  • Chupurdy, SGT Mike (3ID)
  • Church, MAJ GEN John Huston (24ID) (see Citations section) (2nd award)
  • Church, PFC Paul K. (2ID)
  • Church, PFC Vernon J. (2ID)
  • Churchich, James L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Churco, SFC Benjamin J. (2ID)
  • Ciampa, Angelo P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Ciampichini, PVT Emilio J. (3rd ID)
  • Cianfichi, Albert R.
  • Ciarlo, John W. Jr.
  • Ciatti, Richard G.
  • Cicak, Anton F.
  • Cilley, James R.
  • Cirimele, CPL Jack J. (2ID)
  • Cirino-Rivera, Arthur D. (see Citations section)
  • Citino, Julius W. (see Citations section)
  • Citrek, Michael
  • Claines, Peter D.
  • Clainos, Peter D.
  • Clancey, Richard F.
  • Clancy, James F.
  • Clapp, Edward A. (USMC - 5th Marines)
  • Clapp, MSGT Olie P. (25ID)
  • Clark, A.C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, Albert P.
  • Clark, Albert L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, Billy S.
  • Clark, Bobby J.
  • Clark, Charles
  • Clark, Chester E.
  • Clark, Daniel W. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, PFC Dean O. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, LT Eugene Franklin (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, Floyd E.
  • Clark, George A.
  • Clark, Harry A. Jr.
  • Clark, PFC Henry D. (2ID)
  • Clark, SGT James (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, PFC James Jr. (3ID) (posthumous) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, James E.
  • Clark, Jesse
  • Clark, John C.
  • Clark, John R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, Marion E.
  • Clark, 1LT Ralph T. (2ID)
  • Clark, PVT Robert L. (2ID)
  • Clark, Truman (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, 2LT Walter B. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, Warren E.
  • Clark, CAPT Warren M. (2ID)
  • Clark, William Copeland (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Clark, William H. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, CAPT William Doran (2ID) (1st award) (see Citations section)
  • Clark, CAPT William Doran (2ID) (2nd award) (see Citations section)
  • Clarke, 1LT Arthur M. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Clarke, LT Carter W. Jr. (25ID)
  • Clarke, Donald L.
  • Clarke, CAPT Ramon A. (180th Inf. Rgt.) (see Citations section)
  • Clarkson, Mack W.
  • Clary, PFC Homer F. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Clary, Lester O. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Clary, PVT Marion L. (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Claudio, Tomas Rosa (see Citations section)
  • Claus, Carl J.
  • Clawson, Thomas E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Clay, COL Robert Pepper (7ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Clay, Ryburn G. Jr.
  • Claymiller, Russell V.
  • Clayton, LT COL George A. (25ID)
  • Clayton, L.C.
  • Clayville, CAPT Howard G. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Cleary, Fred K.
  • Cleary, LT James M. Jr. (25ID)
  • Cleary, LT COL Thomas James Jr. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cleaves, MAJ Mark B. (25ID)
  • Cleeland, David (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cleghorn, J.C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Clegg, SGT Arthur L. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cleland, John R.
  • Clement, Albert V.
  • Clement, David Alexander (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Clements, 1LT Robert C. (2ID)
  • Clemons, Joseph G. Jr.
  • Cleveland, Charles G. (USAF) (medal received October 2008) (see Citations section)
  • Clifford, John C.
  • Clifford, Paul T.
  • Clift, Robert L.
  • Cline, James E.
  • Cline, James F.
  • Clingerman, Milford A.
  • Clintsman, CPL Leslie L. (2ID)
  • Cloninger, LT John M. (25ID)
  • Close, Robert Hamilton (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Cloud, Paul M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cloughly, Jimmie R.
  • Clouse, Thomas F.
  • Clouser, John
  • Cloutier, Paul B.
  • Clower, Erskine L.
  • Clyde, Denton P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Coates, Clyde Philip Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Coates, 2LT Willard Holbrook (3ID) (posthumous) (West Hartford, CT)
  • Coats, Charles T.
  • Cobb, Billy
  • Cobb, CPL Clinton A. (25ID)
  • Cobb, Homer H.
  • Cobb, Hubert A.
  • Coble, Clarence L.
  • Coble, Gomer L. Jr.
  • Coble, 1LT Herman Bert (3ID)
  • Coburn, CPL George B. (25ID)
  • Coburn, Melville B.
  • Cochenour, SFC Glenn S. (7ID)
  • Cochran, Jack
  • Cochran, PFC Sherley N. (2ID)
  • Cockerham, MSGT James (7ID)
  • Cockrell, Eldridge H.
  • Cockrell, SFC Floyd E. (25ID)
  • Codd, Bernard P. (45ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cody, 2LT Raymond J. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cody, Robert L.
  • Coe, Donald J.
  • Coffee, PFC William W. (3ID)
  • Coffey, Everette D.
  • Cofield, LT Leonard (25ID)
  • Coghill, 1LT William F. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cohen, Richard L.
  • Coiner, SFC Philip L. (2ID)
  • Coiner, 2LT Randall E. (7ID) (posthumous)
  • Coker, CAPT Martin A. (2ID)
  • Colbert, James A.
  • Colburn, Donald Charles (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Colby, Harry W.
  • Coldren, 2LT Robert H. (3ID) (see Citations section) (2 awards)
  • Coldwell, George H.
  • Cole, Caleb A.
  • Cole, CPL Charles H. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cole, Charles W. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Cole, Donald B.
  • Cole, Doyle H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cole, George R.
  • Cole, Grady A.
  • Cole, J. Frank (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cole, MSGT Robert E. (25ID)
  • Cole, Scott W.
  • Cole, Walter E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cole, SGT William H. (2ID)
  • Cole, William H. (Ranger)
  • Coleman, 1LT Alfred I. (2ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Coleman, George E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Coleman, LT COL Hugh D. (25ID)
  • Coleman, James A.
  • Coleman, Jesse F.
  • Coleman, CPL Nolan J. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Coleman, MSGT Raymond I. (25ID)
  • Coleman, William S.
  • Coleson, Bueford
  • Coley, Jack N. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Colgrove, LT Donald E. (25ID)
  • Collenette, Richard W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Colleran, Martin C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Collette, Robert J.
  • Collier, James W.
  • Collier, Roy D.
  • Collier, Willie J.
  • Collingsworth, PFC Raymond E. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Collins, Arthur E. Jr.
  • Collins, Donald P. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Collins, 1LT Edward Joseph (7ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Collins, Elmer D.
  • Collins, Gillie C.
  • Collins, Jack D.
  • Collins, CAPT James M. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Collins, CPL James R. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Collins, Jeremiah J. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Collins, John W.
  • Collins, Louis E.
  • Collins, CPL Lynwood E. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Collins, Norman H. (Ranger)
  • Collins, Vernie L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Collins, CAPT Warren J. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Colon-Fonseca, Candido (see Citations section)
  • Colon-Maldonado, Pedro J.
  • Colson, Hurder
  • Colton, 2LT Edward A. (3ID)
  • Colucci, John J.
  • Colvin, PFC Atlee B. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Colvin, SFC Thomas E. (2ID)
  • Combs, Jesse
  • Combs, Roy A.
  • Combs, Stanley D.
  • Comfort, CPL James A. (2ID)
  • Comier, Joe C.
  • Comins, Donald W.
  • Comiskey, John A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Commelly, CPL Louis B. (2ID)
  • Compoly, Stephen P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Compton, Floyd Emmerson (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Conatser, Max C. (see Citations section)
  • Concannon, CAPT Joseph F. (3ID)
  • Condley, Elbert A.
  • Condon, John W. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Congalton, William R. Jr.
  • Conger, William E. Jr.
  • Conklin, SFC Charles W. (3ID)
  • Conklin, Leroy W.
  • Conklin, Otis R. Jr.
  • Conley, Joseph H. Jr.
  • Conley, CPL Robert H. (25ID)
  • Conlin, Henry J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Conmy, MAJ Joseph Bartholomew Jr. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Conn, Benjamin J.
  • Conn, 1LT Jack L. (7ID) (2nd citation) (see Citations section)
  • Connaughton, George W.
  • Connell, Harry R.
  • Connell, Robert Thomas Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Connelly, Charles R. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Connelly, Dan (Army)
  • Connelly, CPL Louis B. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Connelly, Joseph P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Conner, CAPT James W. (Chaplain) (US Army Reserve Corps) (posthumous) (KIA 1954)
  • Conners, John W.
  • Conness, Benjamin J.
  • Connolly, Howard J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Connor, COL John P. (24ID) (see Citations section) (2nd award)
  • Connor, Joseph H. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Connor, 1LT Ollie D. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Connor, Stedman R.
  • Connor, William M.
  • Connors, Francis X.
  • Connors, 2LT John W. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Connors, MAJ Lawrence P. (3rd ID)
  • Conrad, MSGT James R. (3ID)
  • Conrad, CPL Martin (2ID)
  • Conrad, MSGT Morris O. (2ID)
  • Conrad, CAPT Robert G. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Conrades, CPL Robert L. (25ID)
  • Conroy, Edward T.
  • Considine, CPL William D. (2ID)
  • Constant, Gilbert
  • Constantine, Edward L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Constantine, Stephan L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Conti, 1LT Pasquale J. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Contreras, Andrew (USMC)
  • Contreras, PFC Liandro (2ID)
  • Contreras, Narcisco R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Conway, SFC Harry L. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Conway, SFC Thomas (2ID)
  • Conway, CAPT Walter E. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Conyngham, John N. III (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cook, Aron B.
  • Cook, Aron E.
  • Cook, 1LT Clifford J. Jr. (2ID)
  • Cook, Donald E.
  • Cook, Eugene
  • Cook, Eugene L.
  • Cook, MSGT France Q. (3ID)
  • Cook, PFC Harold D. (2ID)
  • Cook, MSGT Harry M. Jr. (2ID)
  • Cook, James D.
  • Cook, James L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cook, John H.
  • Cook, John T.
  • Cook, MAJ John W. (Army) (see Citations section)
  • Cook, Kenneth O. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cook, Lee C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cook, Lester B.
  • Cook, PFC Lewis D. (2ID)
  • Cook, CPL Riley J. (2ID)
  • Cook, Robert S.
  • Cook, CAPT Roger H. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Cooke, James H.
  • Cooke, Kenneth J. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Cooke, LeRoy Moore (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cooke, Robert L.
  • Cooksie, Ocie W.
  • Cookson, Fred E.
  • Cooney, Thomas E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cooper, Arthur S. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Cooper, Charles G. (USMC) (B-1-5) (see Citations section)
  • Cooper, Charles R.
  • Cooper, MAJ Curtis (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cooper, CPL David W. (2ID)
  • Cooper, Henry L.
  • Cooper, Ivan J.
  • Cooper, CPL James D. (25ID)
  • Cooper, Joseph D. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Cooper, Leon H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cooper, Norman W.
  • Cooper, SFC Oren S. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cooper, Ralph C.
  • Cooper, Robert E.
  • Cooper, Roland E. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cooper, SFC William E. (25ID)
  • Cooper, William L.
  • Copelan, MSGT Edgar P. (7ID)
  • Copeland, Huey
  • Copes, Carl C.
  • Coppock, Bill R.
  • Copsy, 1LT Harold E. (25ID) (GO81, 25Aug50)
  • Coquat, Jewell Dwain (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Corbett, Hiliary E.
  • Corbett, Leroy V. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Corcoran, CAPT Laurence M. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Corcoran, GM2 William L. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Corder, Willis C.
  • Cordero-Cantino, Felipe (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cordero, COL Juan C. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cordes, Gilbert Marsh (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cordova, Daniel P.
  • Cordova, Ernest J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Corey, SGT Ervin L. (25ID)
  • Corey, Johnny F. (see Citations section)
  • Corigliano, Anthony A.
  • Corkern, Percy E.
  • Corkill, PFC Lee J. Jr. (3ID) (see Citations section - citation in part)
  • Corley, Clarence E. Jr. (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Corley, LTCOL John Thomas (25ID) (3 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Corley, 2LT Pomp (2ID)
  • Corman, Otis W.S. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cormier, CAPT Gustav J. (2ID)
  • Cornely, Robert P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Corr, John W.
  • Correll, Robert B.
  • Corrigan, HM3 John P. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Cortez, CAPT Clyde A. (2ID)
  • Corwin, Mac Rockwell (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cosby, Warren G.
  • Cosh, Richard
  • Costa, PFC Albert J. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Costa, James M. (see Citations section)
  • Costa, PFC William A. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Costello, PFC John T. (2ID)
  • Costopoulos, MSG Peter C. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cote, 1LT Raymond L. Jr. (2ID)
  • Cotto-Luyanda, Calixto
  • Cottom, Dwayne A.
  • Cotton, Albert E.
  • Cotton, SGT Jack L. (25ID)
  • Cotton, SGT James G. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cotton, 1LT John D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cotton, CAPT J.W. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Cotton, CAPT Rance E. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Coudert, Louis L. Jr.
  • Coughlin, COL John Garnett (2ID) (2nd award) (see Citations section)
  • Coulson, William R.
  • Coultard, Gale M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Coulter, Carl H.
  • Coulter, John B.
  • Coulter, Kenneth L.
  • Council, John B. Jr.
  • Counts, Donald L.
  • Coursey, SGT Kenneth M. (25ID)
  • Courts, Curtis E. (Ranger)
  • Cousans, John J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Covell, Herbert B. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Covella, Joseph Francis (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Covert, Bert R. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Covert, Willard A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Coville, Alan (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Covington, Charles W.
  • Cowan, James H. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cowart, Carey Shaw Jr. (USMC (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cowie, William H. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cowley, Eddie G.
  • Cowling, David S. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cox, Cleason C.
  • Cox, SFC Doyle A. (2ID)
  • Cox, 2LT Jansen Calvin (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cox, Joseph E.
  • Cox, Mortimer West Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cox, Nevel L.
  • Cox, CAPT Ray E.
  • Cox, Richard C.
  • Cox, SGT Robert H. (2ID)
  • Cox, 2LT Roy L. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cox, CPL Thomas N. (25ID)
  • Cox, MSGT William D. (25ID)
  • Crabtree, Jewell E.
  • Craft, Henry Jr.
  • Craft, J.B.
  • Crago, PFC William E. (2ID)
  • Craig, Charles D.
  • Craig, Charles W.
  • Craig, Cletus (see Citations section)
  • Craig, Edward A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Craig, SFC Franklin L. (25ID)
  • Craig, James W.
  • Craig, Robert Craig (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Craig, 2LT Thomas K. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Craig, William E. Jr.
  • Crain, MAJ Charles L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cramer, Garnet Ivan
  • Cramer, 1LT Harry G. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Crampton, Charles R.
  • Crane, CPL John C. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Crark, Olie P.
  • Crary, SGT William B. (2ID)
  • Craven, Virgil E.
  • Craven, William A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Crawford, CAPT Chester H. (see Citations section)
  • Crawford, CPL James A. (2ID)
  • Crawford, Lamar G. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Crawford, Marshall Jr.
  • Crawford, Philip L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Crawford, MSGT Robert L. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Crawford, Vernon Jesse (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Crawford, CPL Walter K. Jr. (2ID)
  • Crayton, SGT Junior (2ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Creed, Leroy
  • Creel, William T.
  • Creighton, MAJ Richard D. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Crenshaw, Willie A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Creson, Robert E. (See Citations section)
  • Cress, PFC Clyde R. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cribb, 1LT William J. Jr. (25D) (see Citations section) (1st award)
  • Cribb, CAPT William J. Jr. (25ID) (see Citations section) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Crimele, Jack J.
  • Crites, Charles R.
  • Crittenden, Charles J. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Crizer, CAPT Pat William (3ID)
  • Croasmun, William A.
  • Crocker, Barbara A.
  • Crocker, Cam
  • Crockett, Charles L. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Crockett, Edward Painter (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Croft, Bliss H.
  • Croft, Lucian C.
  • Croghan, Peter T.
  • Crombez, Marcel G.
  • Cromer, Robert P.
  • Cronenworth, SFC Charles Jr. (3ID)
  • Cronin, Angus J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cronin, Edward J. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cronin, 1LT Francis J. Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cronin, 1LTGilbert F. (2ID)
  • Cronin, James T. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cronin, Maynard A. (see Citations section)
  • Cronk, CAPT Welby W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cronkhite, CAPT Willis D. Jr. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Crook, Robert D.
  • Crook, Stanley W.
  • Crosby, Stanley W. Jr.
  • Cross, Howard M.
  • Cross, Robert H.
  • Cross, Will T.
  • Crosse, Rego
  • Crotty, James
  • Crouse, John B.
  • Crow, Doyle W.
  • Crowder, Donell O. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Crowe, 1LT Richard T. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Crowell, Wilard W. Jr.
  • Crowie, PFC Allan F. (2ID)
  • Crowley, SGT Dennis E. (25ID)
  • Crowley, Richard M.
  • Crowley, Richard N.
  • Crowley, Richard Waldron (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Crowley, MSGT Robert E. (3ID)
  • Crowley, Terrell A.
  • Crown, Raymond P.
  • Crowther, David H.
  • Croxton, Freddie L.
  • Croyle, Daniel
  • Crozier, Harry  (see Citations section)
  • Cruz, PFC Leonal M. (25D)
  • Cruz, William
  • Cruz-Alicea, Juan (KIA)
  • Csepp, CPL Jack J. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cude, Horace G.
  • Culbertson, Howard W.
  • Culhane, William D.
  • Culley, Frank J.
  • Cullison, CPL Ralliegh Dwane (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cullum, Billy R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Cullum, CPL George R. (25D)
  • Culotta, Joseph V.
  • Culp, SGT Arnold D. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Culp, James L.
  • Culpepper, Dudly P.
  • Culpepper, CPL Floyd E. (25ID)
  • Culpepper, CAPT Walter S. (2ID)
  • Culver, Clair L.
  • Cumbelich, John P.
  • Cummings, 2LT Bernard J. (8th Ranger) (see partial citation in Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cummings, CPL Martin (2ID)
  • Cummings, Scotty J.
  • Cummings, Thompson
  • Cummins, Carl D.
  • Cunningham, Charles B.
  • Cunningham, PVT Daniel D. (2ID)
  • Cunningham, Daniel E.
  • Cunningham, Eugene M.
  • Cunningham, SGT John J. (2ID)
  • Cunningham, SFC Julius L. (2ID)
  • Cunningham, Thomas M.
  • Cunningham, SGT Thomas P. (3ID)
  • Cunningtubby, PFC Clyde (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Cupples, James B.
  • Curfman, Ralph H.
  • Curles, Cecil M.
  • Curley, John T. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Curney, Kenneth H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Curpinski, Robert B. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Curran, MSGT Horace E. (25ID)
  • Curran, William G. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Currie, 2LT James D. (2ID)
  • Currin, LT JG John F. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Curry, James G. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Curry, Robert V.
  • Curry, William Frierson (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Curtin, CAPT Clyde Alfred (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Curtin, PFC Daniel V. (2ID)
  • Curtin, 2LT Francis A. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Curtis, PFC Charles H. (25ID)
  • Curtis, Charles Jr.
  • Curtis, PFC Donald C. (2ID)
  • Curtis, SGT Donald L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Curtis, PFC Edward L. (25ID)
  • Curtis, SGT Eugene (25ID) (GO81, 25Aug50)
  • Curtis, 1LT Eugene L. (2ID)
  • Curtis, Gary J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Curtis, PVT James R. (2ID)
  • Curtis, 2LT Robert W. (2ID)
  • Curtis, Woodrow
  • Curto, 1LT Domenico A. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Curyea, Stanley Debolt (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cushing, Melvin E.
  • Cushman, SGT Richard Granville (2ID) [see Synopsis Citations section)
  • Cuthen, PFC Winifred Jr. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Cuticchia, PFC Anthony F. (3ID)
  • Cutillo, PFC Emanuel P. (25ID)
  • Cutler, Willard Charles (Army)
  • Cutsforth, CPL Ray A. (24ID)
  • Cuzzart, Marshall W.
  • Cybulski, CPL Edward F. (2ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)



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