
Topics - Silver Star Recipients submitted to KWE
Names Starting with "V"

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Names will be added to this list upon receipt of evidence of award.  Send them to Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953 or e-mail Lynnita.

Recipients - V

  • Vaca, Marcello (X CORPS)
  • Vaccaro, James A. (7ID)
  • Vahlsing, 1LT William F. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vahlsing, 1LT William F. (7ID) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Vail, James M. (25ID) (see Citations section for Synopsis)
  • Vails, CAPT Maxwell Woodrow (2ID) (Co. L, 9th Inf. Regt.)
  • Valdez, Ernest O. (7ID)
  • Valdez, CAPT Isidro S. Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Valdez, PVT Salomon Jr. (40ID) (see Citations section)
  • Valence, CPL George K. (2ID)
  • Valencia, Henry B. (45ID)
  • Valent, Othon (X CORPS)
  • Valente, CPL George K. (EUSAK) (see Citations section)
  • Valenti, CPL Frank (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Valentine, Eugene (2 awards)
  • Valentine, MSGT Paul V. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Valenzuela, SFC Canuto (3ID)
  • Vallaster, CAPT John J. Jr. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Valle, CPL Carmelo (2ID)
  • Vallez, Charlie H. (1CAV)
  • Valvo, Francisco "Frank" A. (1CAV)
  • Van Alstyne, Oakley D. (25ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Van Boven, Paul W. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Van Brunt, Fred (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Van Brunt, BRIG GEN Rinaldo (I CORPS)
  • Van Dyke, Chaplain Peter D.
  • Van Dyke, William F. (X CORPS)
  • Van Halbin, MAJ George R. (2ID)
  • Van Heiden, Kerwin D. (FEC)
  • Van Meter, Clarence N. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Van Nice, Richard L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Van Norden, CPL Thomas Burton Jr. (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Van Peski, PFC Fred A. (25ID)
  • Van Petten, 1LT Albert Archer (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Van Sant, Jesse F. (25ID
  • Van Sciver, CPL George R. III (2ID)
  • Van Sickle, LT Robert E. (25ID)
  • Van Wees, Ronald D. (45ID)
  • Vanas, Robert (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Vance, PVT Billy B. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vance, SFC James E. (2ID)
  • Vance, CPL William R. (24ID)
  • VandeLinde, Bobby L. (187Airborne) (see Citations section)
  • Vander Heide, Herbert John (24ID) (see Citations section) (2 awards)
  • Vanderhoek, Paul C. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Vanderhorst, Herbert C. (24ID)
  • VanderVeen, Maurice J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • VanderVliet, MSGT Anthony (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vandever, PFC Lonnie L. (2ID)
  • Vandorin, PFC Clell E. (2ID)
  • Vandygriff, James N. (1CAV)
  • Vanhoozer, PFC Paul P. (25ID)
  • Vanieperen, John Jr. (1CAV)
  • Vanture, 1LT Paul S. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vara, PFC Roberto (25ID)
  • Varela, Joe R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Varela, Rivera A. (7ID)
  • Varnell, CPL James Oscar Jr. (2ID)
  • Varnell, John F.
  • Vasquez, Jose N. (1CAV)
  • Vasquez, Malcolm A. (1CAV)
  • Vasquez, MSGT Noel (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vaughan, James G. (45ID)
  • Vaughan, 1LT Miles C. (2ID)
  • Vaughan, CPL Patrick J. (2ID)
  • Vaughn, Billie M. (24ID)
  • Vaughn, CPL Carl D. (24ID)
  • Vaughn, 1LT Guy V. (2ID)
  • Veach, CPL Joe N. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Veach, MSGT Robert T. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Veer, SGT Harry G. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vega, PFC Monserrate Vega (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vega-Lugo, PFC Enrigue (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vega-Vega, PFC Monserrate (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Veitenheimer, Mathew (25ID) (2 awards)
  • Valasquez, Lorenzo E.
  • Velez, SFC Alfred M. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Verhey, CPL Kenneth J. (2ID)
  • Vera, 1LT Jose Jr. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Verdugo, Bruce M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Verner, William C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Vernon, PVT George E. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Verran, SFC Thomas J. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Verran, MSGT Thomas J. (3ID) (see Citations section) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Vertcnik, PFC Steve (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Vessells, SGT John P. (2ID)
  • Vice, Warren A.
  • Vicente-Garcia, CPL Jose (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vich, PFC Steve (2ID)
  • Vick, Vernon E. (45ID
  • Vick, Warren A. (X CORPS)
  • Vick, William L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Vickers, James (Army) (see Citations section - circumstances only, no citation yet)
  • Vickery, CAPT Grady M. (25ID) (2 awards)
  • Vidal, Victor (45ID)
  • Vieler, Eric H. (7ID)
  • Vigilino, Guiseppe J. (1CAV)
  • Viitala, Wilfred C. (25ID)
  • Villarreal, Jesus Jr. (1CAV)
  • Vincent, 1LT Clifton F. (25ID)
  • Vincent, PFC Frank M. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vines, Billie B. (1CAV)
  • Viney, George C. (24ID)
  • Vineyard, Henry C. (X CORPS)
  • Vinson, SN Richard Priestly (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Vinterella, PFC John (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vintila, John (USNR) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Viola, Salvatore G. (7ID)
  • Violette, Joseph C.D. (see Citations section)
  • Virden, Wiley W. Jr. (45ID)
  • Virgil, Max P.
  • Viscuso, CPL Joseph J. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vismor, 1LT Alphard R. (2ID)
  • Vivas, PFC Charles Henry (2ID)
  • Voermans, Jake Neil (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Vogt, SN Chancey H. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Volcansek, Max J. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Volk, SFC Virgil H. (2ID)
  • Volker, PFC Carl G. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Vollmer, 1LT John Pat (7ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Vollo, Andrew Emil (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • VomOrde, Ewald A. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Von Halban, MAJ George R. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Von Voigtlander, Karl A. (1CAV)
  • Voneschen, David
  • Vontom, CAPT George E. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Voorhis, CAPT Elmer Jay Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Vorobey, Alexander (7ID)
  • Voss, Eugene Frederick (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Vottero, Richard R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Vrbosky, MSGT Steve (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Vreeland, PFC James C. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Vuley, 2LT Ernest A. Jr. (45ID) (see Citations section)



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