Topics - Silver Star Recipients submitted to KWE
Names Starting with "S"

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Names will be added to this list upon receipt of evidence of award.  Send them to Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953 or e-mail Lynnita.

Recipients - S

  • Sabol, PFC John (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Saccomano, Richard E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sachers, Henry S. (7ID)
  • Sachett, SGT Donald (2ID)
  • Sachleben, Raymond C. (1CAV)
  • Sacra, Sam W. (7ID)
  • Sagami, Kosumo J. (24ID)
  • Sager, Perry A. (2ID) (see Citations section) (1st Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Sager, Wayne B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Saggau, PFC Henry A. (2ID)
  • Saia, Anthony J. (24ID)
  • Sakamato, Sadao W. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Salaman-Arroyo, Hector (7ID)
  • Salas, Frank S. (45ID)
  • Salas, Jose (40ID)
  • Salazar, Augustine E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Salcido, Robert (X CORPS)
  • Sale, Wade M. (25ID)
  • Salgado, Frank R. Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section for partial citation) (posthumous)
  • Salena, Anthony Ray (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Salinas, Jose A. (24ID)
  • Salinas, Reynaldo A. (45ID)
  • Salmona, Staleo (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Salter, Chester D. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Salvadori, SGT Armido J. (25ID)
  • Salyer, MSGT Rufus J. (25ID)
  • Salyers, LT Robert L. (25ID)
  • Samaniego, Octavio (25ID)
  • Sambuco, CPL Louis (2ID)
  • Sams, Crawford Fountain (FECOM) (see Citations section)
  • Samsey, 1LT Philip B. (3ID)
  • Samuel, PFC Wickliff J. (25ID)
  • Samuels, Columbus (25ID)
  • Samuels, SFC Edward (2ID)
  • Samuelson, 2LT Elwyn F. (3ID)
  • Sanada, CPL Aaron M. (2ID)
  • Sanchez, Aurelio C. (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Sanches, Guadalupe L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sanchez, Jesus A. (24ID)
  • Sanchez, Marcelino I.
  • Sanchez, Paul L. (7ID)
  • Sanchez, Ralph J. (1CAV)
  • Sanchez, CPL Steve (2ID)
  • Sand, CPL Elmer H. (2ID)
  • Sandell, Frank W. (25ID)
  • Sanden, LT COL James V. (25ID)
  • Sander, MSGT Boleslow M. (2ID) (General Orders No. 298 - July 16, 1951)
  • Sanderford, Homer E. (1CAV)
  • Sanders, Antonio D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sanders, Blanton (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sanders, CAPT Charles R. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sanders, PFC Clyde J. (25D)
  • Sanders, PFC Edward (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sanders, Edward A. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Sanders, Harvey B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sanders, 1LT Jack D. (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Sanders, James A. (1CAV)
  • Sanders, CPL John W. (2ID)
  • Sanders, Paul W. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sanders, 1LT Robert C. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sanders, SGT Robert J. (2ID)
  • Sanders, 1LT Wade E. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sandkaut, 1LT Louis G. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sandlin, Joseph C. (45ID)
  • Sandoval, Leo R. (2ID) (affidavit) (see Citations section)
  • Sandoval, Leo R. (2ID) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster) (see Citations section)
  • Sandridge, SFC Granville W. (25ID)
  • Sanford, MSGT Barnie L. (3ID)
  • Sanford, SGT Jesse C. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sanford, William M. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sanguinetti, MAJ John H. (2ID)
  • Sanko, Joseph Daniel (USN) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sansky, Michael J. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Santacroce, Frank A. (45ID)
  • Santana-Camacho, PFC Pedro A. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Santiago, PFC Juan H. (3ID)
  • Santiago-Rodriguez, PFC Arcadio (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Santiago-Roque, SFC Ramon (see Citations section)
  • Santopietro, SFC Tony J. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Santor, Marion S. (45ID)
  • Santore, George J. (1CAV) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Santore, SGT Joseph J. (7ID)
  • Santoro, CAPT Angelo M. (2ID)
  • Santos, CPL Antonio (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Santos, PFC Ramon (2ID)
  • Santucci, Alphonse (1CAV)
  • Sargent, LT Alonza O.C. (25ID)
  • Sargent, LT Raymond F. (224th Infantry Regiment)
  • Sargent, SGT 1C William R. (2ID)
  • Sarianides, SGT Ernest A. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sariano, Fred D. (1CAV)
  • Sarnowski, Francis A. (1CAV)
  • Saroian, PFC Mike (2ID)
  • Sartor, Louis J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sartwell, Paul P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sather, Walter (1CAV)
  • Saum, Otis D. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Saunders, CPL John F. (2ID)
  • Savage, PVT Calvin (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Savage, Charlie E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Savage, Herbert H. (45ID)
  • Savage, James L. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Savage, PVT Robert Anson (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sawickis, John J. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Sawina, Victor (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sawyer, CAPT Bickford E. Jr. (2ID)
  • Sawyer, 2LT Kenneth E. (2ID)
  • Sawyer, LT Paul L. (25ID)
  • Sawyer, Webb Duane (USMC) (3 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Sawyer, SGT Wilton R. Sr. (3ID)
  • Saxon, Bill D. (US Army) (see Citations section)
  • Sayers, Simon S. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sayles, Curtis O. (X CORPS)
  • Saylor, Hall E. (45ID)
  • Scagnelli, CAPT John C. (25ID)
  • Scales, Zeb S.
  • Scalf, CPL Jack R. (3ID)
  • Scalia, PFC Robert (2ID)
  • Scarduzio, PFC Dominick A. (25ID)
  • Scarpato, 2LT Patsy J. (see Citations section)
  • Schaedel, Richard T. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schafer, SGT Francis J. (2ID)
  • Schafer, PFC Richard L. (2ID)
  • Schaffer, 1LT John R. (2ID)
  • Schaffer, CPL Richard J. (2ID)
  • Schaffler, Elmer H. Jr. (24ID)
  • Schanning, Harry F. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schappaugh, George H. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schardein, William M. (3ID)
  • Schatz, CPL Richard M. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schatz, PVT Robert R. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Schauer, CPL Carl P. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schauer, CAPT Ernest J. (2ID)
  • Schelling, Robert Ayres (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Scheltens, PVT Frank J. (2ID)
  • Schelter, CAPT Louis John (1CAV)
  • Schemmel, Charles Frederic (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Schening, Richard J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Scherzinger, Herbert Anthony (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Scheuber, Joseph A. (7ID)
  • Schiavone, CPL Frank (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schick, Paul Gerhardt (USMC) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Schieffer, Vernon G. (7ID)
  • Schilling, Joseph E. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schimmel, David E. (7ID)
  • Schisler, CPL Donald E. (2ID)
  • Schlansky, Arthur Henry (USN) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Schless, MAJ William Francis (1CAV)
  • Schlesinger, Francis R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schlieper, Allen F. (25ID)
  • Schlimgen, Clement Joseph (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schlinghoff, Leonard M. (Posthumous) (see Citations section)
  • Schlitz, 1LT Carl John (3ID)
  • Schmidt, Arthur J. (see Citations section)
  • Schmidt, Charles M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schmidt, Clarence E. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schmidt, 1LT George W. (2ID)
  • Schmidt, PFC Hubert J. (2ID)
  • Schmidt, James O. (7ID)
  • Schmidt, Vernon N. (7ID)
  • Schmidt, Valdemar Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schmitt, Edward (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Schmitt, Edward C. (25ID)
  • Schmitt, Howard (2ID)
  • Schmuck, Donald M. (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Schmuhl, Robert A. (24ID) (see Citations section) (2nd award)
  • Schneider, Andrew (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schneider, Arthur E. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Schneider, PFC Gus Theo (3ID)
  • Schneider, John C. (7ID)
  • Schneider, PFC John G. (2ID)
  • Schnepel (Scnepel), 1LT Palmer W. (2ID)
  • Schnider, Keith (7ID)
  • Schnieder, PFC John C. (2ID)
  • Schobloch, PFC Peter H. (2ID)
  • Schoelkopf, Herbert E. (IX CORPS)
  • Schofield, Eugene (see Citations section)
  • Scholes, John D. (25ID)
  • Scholtz, James H. (1CAV)
  • Schoolcraft, SGT William R. (40ID) (posthumous)
  • Schooley, Ernest William (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Schoonover, PFC Walter (2ID)
  • Schrader, MSGT William D.(2ID)
  • Schramm, Clarence F. (X CORPS)
  • Schreieck, PVT Wilfred G. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schreiner, George W. Jr. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schribner, Charles L. (USN)
  • Schrickel, PFC Jack Blaine (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Schrock, Donald R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schroeder, SGT Walter Jr. (25ID)
  • Schroedter, Edward J. (1CAV)
  • Schrum, David Allen (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schryver, Hugh C. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schuckman, Richard Fred (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Schueller, Merlin H. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Schuler, Morton A. Jr. (45ID)
  • Schuller, Joseph W. Jr. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Schultz, Charles W. (7ID)
  • Schultz, Gerald D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schultz, SFC Stanley S. (2ID)
  • Schulz, 1LT Raimund (25ID)
  • Schultz, William D. (Army)
  • Schumacher, Charles W. (1CAV)
  • Schumacher, Fred W. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Schumann, Heinrich G. (7ID)
  • Schupbach, Ward (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Schupp, Donald L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Schurr, William G. (2ID)
  • Schutte, Richard M. (7ID)
  • Schuyler, CPL Roy L. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Schwab, CAPT Gerald J. (3ID)
  • Schwartz, 2LT Edward Jerome (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Schwartz, John E. (45ID)
  • Schwatka, SGT Herbert Blake (45ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Schweer, SFC Donald J. (2ID)
  • Schweikert, Albert C. (IX CORPS)
  • Schwerdt, SFC Alvin J. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Schwindt, William A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Scilley, James P. Jr. (7ID)
  • Scoito, Roscoe J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Scoggins, 2LT David Weldon (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Scoles, Peter S. (1CAV)
  • Scott, Donald L. (25ID)
  • Scott, Dwain L. (24ID) (see Citations section)

  • Scott, CPL Elmer Amos (45ID)
  • Scott, Enoch (I CORPS)
  • Scott, George W. (X CORPS)
  • Scott, George W. Jr. (1CAV))
  • Scott, PFC James R. (25ID)
  • Scott, James R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Scott, Jimmie D. (45ID)
  • Scott, PVT John C. (3ID)
  • Scott, John D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Scott, John L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Scott, Joseph A. (25ID)
  • Scott, Loxley R. (24ID)
  • Scott, SFC Malcolm L. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Scott, Miller W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Scott, Robert Frederick (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Scranton, Sereno S. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Scribner, Charles L. (HM3 - USN) (see Citations section)
  • Scroggins, SFC James J. (2ID)
  • Scroggins, 2LT Walter J. (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Scudder, James (7ID)
  • Scully, PFC Robert J. (3ID) (Ranger)
  • Scurr, CPL Kenneth R. (2ID)
  • Seaborn, Larry (7ID)
  • Seabury, MAJ John C. (3ID)
  • Seals, Amis B. (7ID)
  • Seals, Ray E. (45ID)
  • Sealey, Armon J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Seaman, SFC Elmer A. (2ID)
  • Seanor, Ralph W. (40ID)
  • Searles, Marcellus (3ID)
  • Sears, Carl D. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sears, Jack P. (Eighth Army)
  • Sears, 2LT John Allen (25ID) (posthumous) (GO62, 17Aug50)
  • Sears, Normal Walker (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Sears, William J. (7ID)
  • Sears, Jerome
  • Sears, LT John A. (25ID)
  • Sease, PFC Joseph W. (2ID)
  • Seatvet, 1LT Lloyd D. (see Citations section)
  • Seay, CPL James T. (2ID)
  • Sebring, CPL Clarence H. (2ID)
  • Sedam, Robert R. (7ID)
  • Seeger, MSGT Herbert J. Jr. (2ID)
  • Seegert, SGT Raymond William (2ID)
  • Seeler, Jack R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Seeley, Henry W. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Seeley, MSGT Robert J. (2ID)
  • Seelinger, Jack C. (1CAV)
  • Seevers, Dale L. (7ID)
  • Segar, Thomas Robert (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Segraves, Herbert H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Seguirant, LT Reginald M. (25ID)
  • Seibert, 1LT August G. (24ID)
  • Seidl, CPL James G. (25ID)
  • Seipp, Leroy A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Seitz, James F. (45ID)
  • Self, MSGT Alfred G. (2ID)
  • Seliskar, Jack (7ID)
  • Sellers, Harold G. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sellers, Thomas Milford (USMC) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Sellman, Donald L. (24ID)
  • Sells, PVT Kenneth W. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Seltzer, Oscar (40ID)
  • Seltzer, 2LT Sherman M. (2ID)
  • Selvig, CAPT Kermit H. (2ID)
  • Sendejas, Albert (45ID)
  • Sengewald, Richard H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sentz, SGT Donald W. (25ID)
  • Seoanes, Luis G. (40ID)
  • Sepulveda, Dario Rodriguez (see Citations section)
  • Serafin, MSGT George T. (2ID)
  • Serna, MSGT Francisco (2ID)
  • Serrato, Jose M. (1CAV)
  • Serre, Eugene A.
  • Sessions, Beryl B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sessler, PVT Warren E. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Settles, 1LT Alain (2ID)
  • Sever, CPL Aloysius R. (2ID)
  • Severns, James G. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Seward, PFC David W. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sexton, Kenneth E. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Seydel, Karle Frederick (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sgarlato, Anthony S. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Shacter, LT COL Jacob (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Shaeffer, Frank E. (1CAV)
  • Shafer, PFC Willard J. (2ID)
  • Shaffer, Lewis N. (X CORPS)
  • Shaffer, Raymond F. (X CORPS)
  • Shaffer, Wayne D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Shaffier, SFC Frankie W. (2ID)
  • Shambley, MSGT Winifred H. (24ID)
  • Shanahan, SFC Leo V. Jr. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Shanahan, SGT Thomas E. (2ID)
  • Shank, Richard G. (1CAV)
  • Shankle, 1LT Joseph Fay (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Shanks, Harold W. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Shannahan, Jack B. (X CORPS)
  • Shannon, 1LT Dallas L. (2ID)
  • Shannon, Robert James (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sharkey, MSGT David Harrington (2ID - GO188-1952)
  • Sharon, Donald W. (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Sharp, Allen R. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sharp, Charlie J. (24ID)
  • Sharp, 1LT Jere Worth (3ID)
  • Sharp, SGT Orvie J. (25ID)
  • Sharp, SGT Walter G. (25ID)
  • Sharp, William R. Sr. (X CORPS)
  • Sharpe, Walter Joseph (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sharra, MAJ George F. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sharrow, William D. (7ID)
  • Shartsis, Henry (3ID)
  • Shatter, John E. (45ID)
  • Shatto, CPL Edward G. (2ID)
  • Shaw, Charles R. (1CAV)
  • Shaw, Edward L. (24ID)
  • Shaw, Ernest K. "Ernie"
  • Shaw, SGT Harold (3ID)
  • Shaw, Virgil R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Shaw, LT William Hamilton (USNR) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Shawe, Hamilton B. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Shay, 1LT Charles J. (2ID)
  • Shay, Clarence Raymond (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Sheahan, Patrick (7ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sheckels, Donald E. (X CORPS)
  • Sheehan, John B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sheehan, John G. (1CAV)
  • Sheehan, Joseph F. (45ID)
  • Sheehan, CAPT Thomas F. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sheeks, Harlen L. (25ID)
  • Sheets, Fred P. Jr. (X CORPS)
  • Sheffield, 2LT Gilbert L. (2ID)
  • Sheldon, James D. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sheldon, James H. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sheldon, SGT Robert B. (2ID)
  • Sheldon, MSGT Thomas F. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Shelley, PFC Chadwick G. (24ID)
  • Shelley, Virgil Charles Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Shelnutt, John Carlton (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Shelton, 1LT Irwin D. (2ID)
  • Shelton, CAPT James E. (2ID)
  • Shelton, Leslie Taylor Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Shelton, Lyle R. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Shelton, Ralph W. (24ID)
  • Shelton, Walter (3ID)
  • Shelton, CPL William B. (25ID)
  • Shemwell, Thomas E. (7ID)
  • Shenk, Henry Hess (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Shephard, Jack E. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Shepherd, Lemuel Cornick Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sheppard, Byron E. (X CORPS)
  • Sheppard, Calvin L. (1CAV)
  • Sheppard, SFC Fred M. (3ID)
  • Sheppard, CAPT Reginald R. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Sherberg, 1LT Auden L. (2ID)
  • Sheridan, Daniel J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sheridan, Donald T. (45ID)
  • Sheridan, MSGT Edward J. Jr. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sherman, Lester H. (45ID)
  • Sherman, PFC Roland K. (3ID)
  • Sherrard, Robert G. Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sherrod, SFC Johnnie H. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sherron, SGT Howard (1CAV)
  • Shevchenko, MSGT John Jr. (2ID)
  • Shewmaker, Robert E. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Shibao, Nobumi (3ID)
  • Shields, CPL Andrew (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Shields, George L. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Shields, Thomas Lester (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Shiflett, CPL James O. (see Citations section)
  • Shilney, CPL Stephen J. (2ID)
  • Shimkus, Edward P. (40ID)
  • Shimogawa, Kenneth Kazuo (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Shipley, Stafford D. (Btry A, 15th AAA AW Bn.) (see Citations section)
  • Shirah, CPL Robert T. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Shofner, Robert W.J.L. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Shonk, PFC Walter C. (USMC - 5th Marines)
  • Shobe, Joseph H. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Shore, Robert J. (45ID)
  • Short, Claud (X CORPS)
  • Short, 1LT Hardin C. (2ID)
  • Short, PFC Ralph E. (2ID)
  • Shortt, James E. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Shoults, Edgar R. (25ID)
  • Shrader, LT Bryant E.W. (25ID)
  • Shramek, Jack Howard (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Shriver, LT Rowland B. Jr. (25ID)
  • Shuffer, LT George M. Jr. (25ID)
  • Shugart, Jack R. (X CORPS)
  • Shugg, BRIG GEN Roland Paget (3ID)
  • Shumate, SFC Dallas Dalton (3ID)
  • Shumate, John C. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Shumway, CPL Robert S. (2ID)
  • Shutts, 1LT Bion Quinton (2ID)
  • Sibley, LT Nathan C. (25ID)
  • Sibley, Robert E. (45ID)
  • Sibley, PVT Willard Jesse (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sice, Raymond E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sicka, Robert H. (1CAV)
  • Siddell, CAPT Donald H. (8 ARMY) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Siddle, SGT Marvin Noel (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sidfrid, CAPT Leroy O. (25ID)
  • Sidney, 1LT Wilbur A. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sieder, LT Russell Alan (3ID)
  • Siefert, Leo F. (24ID)
  • Siegman, CAPT Leonard F. (3ID)
  • Sielski, Ronald (24ID)
  • Sierra, SGT Pablo (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Siers, Howard L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sievwright, Richard H. (24ID)
  • Siewert, Orville R. (see Citations section)
  • Sifuentes, PFC Daniel T. (2ID)
  • Sigler, Charles H. (7ID)
  • Sigmon, PFC Harold G. (24ID)
  • Sigona, CPL Joseph F. (2ID)
  • Sikes, CAPT Arthur E. (25ID)
  • Sikorski, Michael (1CAV)
  • Siler, Jerry Eldon (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Silva, MSGT Manuel J. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Silva, Stanley A. (24ID)
  • Silver, CAPT Benjamin S. (3ID)
  • Silver, Morton I. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Silverio, MSGT Bonifacio (2ID)
  • Simeona, David (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Simmons, PFC Allen E. (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Simmons, Edwin H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Simmons, PFC Joseph (25ID) (GO62, 17Aug50)
  • Simmons, SGT Joseph W. (2ID)
  • Simmons, CAPT Tom A. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Simonds, Frank H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Simonson, PFC Tom N. (3ID)
  • Simpson, Carl C. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Simpson, Charles L. (7ID)
  • Simpson, Charles M. III (7ID)
  • Simpson, Elliott
  • Simpson, Fred R. (45ID)
  • Simpson, CPL George L. (3ID)
  • Simpson, Harry D. (7ID)
  • Simpson, PFC John E. (25ID)
  • Simpson, John H. Jr. (7ID)
  • Simpson, MAJ Leonard D. (3ID)
  • Simpson, Ray A. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Simpson, Sonny B. (7ID)
  • Simpson, Wayman Elliott (24ID) (see Citations section) (POW)
  • Simpson, William C. (X CORPS)
  • Simpson, William Franklin Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sims, LT Derwood W. (25ID)
  • Sims, Edward J. (7ID)
  • Sims, George F. (1CAV)
  • Sims, SGT James M. (3D) (see Citations section)
  • Sims, Lewis M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sims, Orley J. (3ID)
  • Simulao, 2LT Elwood G. (2ID)
  • Sinclair, Donald H. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sinclair, Elliott H. (see Citations section)
  • Sinclair, LT COL Howard B. (see Citations section) (2 awards)
  • Sinclair, Robert B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sindlinger, Jack William (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sines, George T. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Singhurst, Dean (24ID)
  • Singlaub, MAJ John Kirk (3rd ID)
  • Singletary, SFC Thomas H. (2ID)
  • Singleton, William T. (X CORPS)
  • Sink, BG Robert Frederick (7ID)
  • Siroki, Nicholas (45ID)
  • Sisk, PFC Thomas A. (2ID)
  • Sisson, PVT Marlyn K. (3ID)
  • Siwiec, SGT William J. (1CAV)
  • Six, Richard L. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sizemore, SFC Harrell D. (2ID)
  • Skaggs, PFC Edwin (7ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Skaggs, Eugene D. (7ID)
  • Skaggs, James H. (X CORPS)
  • Skeldon, LTC James Howard (2ID)
  • Skelt, Ernest P. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Skelton, MAJ Lawrence R. (2ID)
  • Skiffington, MAJ Edward H. (25ID)
  • Skinger, Henry J. (45ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Skinner, Alvin D. (1CAV)
  • Skinner, CAPT Otis R. Jr. (25ID)
  • Skinner, Russell J. (7ID)
  • Slaby, John A. (3ID)
  • Slack, Clarence Virgil (USAF) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Slack, CAPT George Donald (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Slack, SGT Walter D. (3ID)
  • Slasor, Roy Emerson (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Slate, Wilford R. (24ID)
  • Slater, James L. (7ID)
  • Slater, James M. (7ID)
  • Slater, Robert M.  (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Slavey, James W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Slay, Maurice S. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Slaysman, CPL Edwin L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sledge, William (7ID)
  • Slemp, SGT James C. (25ID)
  • Sleppy, Jay (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Slimm, August G. (45ID)
  • Slinn, SGT Grant (2ID)
  • Sloan, 1LT Lawrence A. (3ID)
  • Sloan, Marshall N. (USNR) (see Citations section)
  • Sloane, COL Charles Clifford Jr. (2ID) (3 awards)
  • Sloane, SFC Charles R. (see Citations section)
  • Sloat, John A. (1CAV)
  • Slomanski, Henry "Hank"
  • Slone, Charles R.
  • Sludock, Joseph C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Slusarski, Louis E. (1CAV)
  • Sluss, PFC Columbus C. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Slutsky, SGT Martin H. (2ID)
  • Small, Selden Clobridge (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Smalley, Everett F. Jr. (X CORPS)
  • Smalls, David M. (7ID)
  • Smillie, Richard N. (7ID)
  • Smith, CPL Albert J. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, 1LT Albert Woodrow (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Smith, MSGT Alberton E. (2ID)
  • Smith, Alvin E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Alfred E. (7ID)
  • Smith, Arthur C. (X CORPS)
  • Smith, CPL Benny H. (7ID)
  • Smith, SFC Billy G. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Bobbie L. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Bobby G. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Burneal E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, 1LT Carl B. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Cecil G.
  • Smith, Charles A. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Charles Bradford (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Charles E. (24ID)
  • Smith, Charles E. (45ID)
  • Smith, Charles F. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, 1LT Charles R. (25ID)
  • Smith, CPL Chester E. (2ID)
  • Smith, SFC Clarence (25ID)
  • Smith, Clyde E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Clyde J. (7ID)
  • Smith, Dallas E. (45ID)
  • Smith, Darrell Otto (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, CPL Darrow O. (2ID)
  • Smith, PVT David R. (45ID)
  • Smith, Dean C. (7ID)
  • Smith, PFC Delma Bane (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Denford R. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, MSGT Dewey Edward (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, 2LT Donald F (3ID)
  • Smith, Earl F. (1CAV)
  • Smith, CPL Edward Hiram (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, PFC Edward R. (3ID)
  • Smith, Edwin P. Jr. (USN) (see Citations section) (2 awards)
  • Smith, SGT Elmer E. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Ernest C. (24ID)
  • Smith, Eugene (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, MSGT Eugene E. (2ID)
  • Smith, Francis M. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, 1LT George E. (3ID)
  • Smith, Gerald Jay (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, Gordon R. (1CAV)
  • Smith, Gorman C. (7ID)
  • Smith, Halsey W. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, PFC Harrison E. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Henry M. (45ID)
  • Smith, Homer A. (1CAV)
  • Smith, Howard A. (7ID)
  • Smith, Howard L. (1CAV)
  • Smith, Howard T. (1CAV)
  • Smith, Jack E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Jack Edwin (24ID) (see Citations section) (2 awards)
  • Smith, James A. (24ID)
  • Smith, James C. (1CAV)
  • Smith, James E. (1CAV)
  • Smith, James Ernest Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, James F. (FECOM)
  • Smith, James L. (7ID)
  • Smith, Jasper D. (7ID)
  • Smith, J.B. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Jessie Alvin (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, SGT John A. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, PFC John A. (2ID)
  • Smith, PFC John D. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, PVT John D. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, PFC John H. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, John J. (2ID)
  • Smith, John W. (1CAV)
  • Smith, CPL John W. (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Smith, CPL Joseph (Co. F, 35th Inf. Regt.)
  • Smith, Joseph B. (24ID)
  • Smith, CPL Joseph J. (7ID)
  • Smith, 1LT Joseph P. (3ID)
  • Smith, CPL Joseph S. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Joseph T. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, LT Joseph W. (25ID)
  • Smith, Joseph William (2ID)
  • Smith, PFC Kenneth H. (25ID)
  • Smith, L.T. (1CAV)
  • Smith, Laverne N. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, Lavon E. (25ID)
  • Smith, CPL Leonard (2ID)
  • Smith, Leonard G. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, Leonard H. (7ID)
  • Smith, Leotis Q. (7ID)
  • Smith, Leroy J. (45ID)
  • Smith, 1LT Leroy Walter (3ID)
  • Smith, Levi (25ID)
  • Smith, Louis C. (45ID)
  • Smith, Malcolm W.
  • Smith, Maurice E. Jr. (7ID)
  • Smith, SGT Merwin E. (2ID)
  • Smith, Michael (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Milton M. (24ID)
  • Smith, Myron James (USMC) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Smith, Nathan R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Nicholas Jr. (25ID)
  • Smith, Norbert J. (24ID)
  • Smith, Norman B. (25ID)
  • Smith, Oliver P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, CPL Ollie C. Jr. (3ID)
  • Smith, LT Philip C. (3ID)
  • Smith, Ralph Arthur (USNR) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Smith, 1LT Richard D. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Robert E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, CPL Robert J. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smith, Robert L. (7ID)
  • Smith, Robert Q. Jr. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Smith, Roddy L. (1CAV)
  • Smith, 1LT Roy B. (2ID)
  • Smith, Roy E. (24ID)
  • Smith, SGT Russell Joseph (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, PFC Samuel (25ID)
  • Smith, Stanton T. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, PVT Sanford John (2ID)
  • Smith, PVT Stanley E. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, PVT Thomas Archie (24ID) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Smith, Troy R. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, LT Vannas C. (25ID)
  • Smith, SGT Walter G. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Walter M. (1CAV)
  • Smith, CPL Warren Chadwick (2ID)
  • Smith, Wayne W. (1CAV)
  • Smith, SFC Willard B. (25ID)
  • Smith, Willard E. (7ID)
  • Smith, PFC William E. (2ID)
  • Smith, William L. (1CAV)
  • Smith, William P. (7ID)
  • Smith, CAPT William Young (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Smith, Withy S. (1CAV)
  • Smithers, 1LT Samuel W. Jr. (3ID)
  • Smithey, Robert G. (45ID)
  • Smithson, CAPT Robert N. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Smoak, SGT Harvey H. (25ID)
  • Smothers, SFC Walter Jr. (25ID)
  • Smullin, Thomas E. Jr. (24ID)
  • Smyk, Walter Joseph Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Smyth, 1LT Carl B. (25ID)
  • Smyth, William P. (45ID)
  • Smythe, Jack M. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Snedeker, CAPT Eugene C. (25ID)
  • Snee, James William (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Snell, 1LT Dillon (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Snell, PFC James William (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Snell, CAPT Maynard J. (2ID)
  • Snelling, Nolan Harry (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Snipes, Fred G. (1CAV)
  • Snodgrass, Elmer (Battery A, 15th AAA AW Bn.) (see Citations section)
  • Snow, 1LT Earl William (3ID)
  • Snow, MSGT Gene H. (25ID)
  • Snowden, Charles S. (45ID)
  • Snyder, Allan L. Jr. (7ID)
  • Snyder, Elwood M. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Snyder, Harold N. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Snyder, Howard W. (45ID)
  • Snyder, John W. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Snyder, William R. (7ID)
  • Sobania, Roman J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sobieski, Thaddeus R. (3ID)
  • Sobota, John F. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Soderquist, Harold H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Soders, Gerald R. (40ID)
  • Sohler, Charles R. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Soilis, Ronald S. (7ID)
  • Sokol, CAPT (CHAPLAIN) Anthony J. (2ID)
  • Sokol, PFC John A. (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Sokol, SGT Stephan C. (25ID)
  • Soles, George S. (24ID)
  • Solheim, Howard W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Solise, SGT Simon M. (25ID)
  • Sollie, John G. (1CAV) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sollom, Almond H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Soltis, CPL Paul S. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Somers, CPL Charles L. (3ID)
  • Somers, Robert W. (3ID)
  • Sommerfield, Edward H. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sonia, SFC Thomas J. (3ID)
  • Sonnenberg, Eugene P. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Sonnentag, Anthony A. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sonsini, Raymond J. (45ID)
  • Soolpover, CAPT David (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sooy, Ralph E. (7ID)
  • Sorick, John Oscar (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Sormrude, Louis M. (1CAV)
  • Sosa, Cayetiano (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Sosebee, PFC John H. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sotelo, PFC John Nunes (3ID)
  • Soto, CPL Juan C. (2ID)
  • Soucie, Francis Philip (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Soule, MAJ GEN Robert H. (3ID)
  • Soult, Launcelot E. Jr. (7ID)
  • Sours, Wilmer L. (1CAV)
  • Southard, Harry S. (1CAV)
  • Southerland, CAPT Lyndell Manuel (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Southern, SGT John N. (3ID)
  • Southwick, CAPT William B. (2ID) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Souza, Manuel C. (1CAV)
  • Souza, Melvin (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Sozzoni, Pete (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Spaeth, CPL Francis H. (2ID)
  • Spafford, Richard L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Spain, Charley
  • Spangenberg, Leo M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Spangler, Arthur H. (1CAV)
  • Spangler, Earl E. (45ID)
  • Spangler, James L. (3ID)
  • Spann, 1LT Joe D. (25ID)
  • Spann, PFC Joseph F. (2ID)
  • Spano, SGT Andrew J. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Spanower, CPL Roy (3ID)
  • Sparks, Albert E. Jr. (3ID)
  • Sparks, CPL James A. (3ID)
  • Spear, PFC Spero G. (2ID)
  • Spear, Thomas J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Spears, Woodroe W. (7ID)
  • Speed, Jack P. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Speedy, George Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Spees, Howard J. (USMC)
  • Speir, Frank (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Spellman, James E. (25ID)
  • Spence, Earl E. Jr. (7ID)
  • Spence, Tom H. (1CAV)
  • Spencer, Billy G. (7ID)
  • Spencer, PFC Charles E. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Spencer, Delbert (7ID)
  • Spencer, CAPT James P. (25ID)
  • Spencer, Richard A. (7ID)
  • Sperduto, Lewis F. (X CORPS)
  • Spicer, PFC Orville Kenneth (2ID)
  • Spicer, William R. (IX CORPS)
  • Spiegel, George E. (25ID)
  • Spiegelberg, CAPT Frank J. (3ID) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Spies, Harry R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Spilman, LT COL Robert Burnett (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Springfield, William B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Spofford, James R. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Sporrer, Otto E. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Spraker, 1LT Harry W. Jr. (3ID)
  • Springer, Robert M. Jr. (1CAV)
  • Springer, Robert V. (24ID)
  • Sprinkle, Ernest O. (24ID)
  • Sprinkle, SGT Marion M. (2ID)
  • Sprock, PVT Alvin (3ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous - MIA)
  • Sprouse, Clarence B. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Sprouse, PFC Jesse Edward (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Spuhler, Raymond H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Spurlock, Howard (25ID)
  • Srbich, PFC George (2ID)
  • Sronce, Merrill (1CAV)
  • St. Amand, Gilbert (USN) (see Citations section)
  • St. Aubin, Robert J.
  • St. Clair, Albert J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • St. Clair, LT COL Howard B. (3ID) (see Citations section) (2 awards)
  • St. John, Roscoe R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • St. Martin, 1LT Carrol Anthony (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • St. Ong, Raymond Adam (24ID) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Stables, 1LT Linton D. Jr. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stadeimaier, James E. (25ID)
  • Stafford, Dorin S. (USN) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Stafford, PFC Richard (24ID) (posthumous)
  • Stahelski, CAPT Anthony F. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stai, 1LTMelvin Ruben (2ID)
  • Staib, Bernard E. (7ID)
  • Stainbrook, Donald (7ID)
  • Stainbrook, CPL Theodore Arthur Jr. (1CAV) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stainke, CPL Edward J. (25ID)
  • Stak, SFC Louis E. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stakes, Harry C. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Stallard, SGT Roy Gilbert (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stallard, Walter E. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stallcup, Max R. (7ID)
  • Stambaugh, LT Clyde (25ID)
  • Stamford, Edward P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stamper, PVT Paul (2ID)
  • Stampley, 1LT Charles D. (3ID)
  • Stampley, SGT Roy H. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stanaway, Ivan G. (7ID)
  • Stand, SGT George (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Standa, Edward J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stanford, SGT Jesse C. (25ID)
  • Stankio, George (1CAV)
  • Stanley, Courtney L. (2ID)
  • Stanley, PFC Elmer V. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stanley, George A. (X CORPS)
  • Stanley, PFC George D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stanley, John (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Stanley, CAPT Lee R. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Stansbury, SGT Clair D. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stanway, Ivan G. (7ID)
  • Stapf, SGT Rodney D. (2ID)
  • Staples, Carl Willis (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stapleton, CPL James J. Jr. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stapleton, Thomas P. (1CAV)
  • Stark, SFC Gaylord W. (24ID) (posthumous)
  • Stark, LT Lloyd J. (2ID)
  • Stark, CAPT Marshall Wolcott (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Starr, Francis X. (25ID)
  • Starr, Robert I. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Stasi, Emilio (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • States, Jerry T. (7ID)
  • Stauffer, 1LT Kenneth G. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stauffer, William L. (7ID)
  • Stdko, 1LT Joseph (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stearman, Donald
  • Stebner, Arthur Robert (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Steel, Clyde J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Steel, John A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Steele, CAPT Arthur J. (2ID)
  • Steele, Howard Merritt Jr. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Steele, John W. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Steele, SFC Leon W. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Steele, 1LT William H. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Steelman, Louis P. (1CAV)
  • Steffer, Orville R. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stegall, MAJ James Ray (USA) (2nd award - 1st earned in WWII)
  • Stegman, CHAPLAIN Leonard F. (3ID)
  • Steiger, 2LT Samuel (40ID)
  • Steigerwald, Robert J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stein, Herman (24ID)
  • Stein, Max (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Steinberg, CAPT Ernest (25ID)
  • Steinberg, William A. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Steinke, PFC Fred C. (2ID)
  • Stema, Peter Jr. (40ID)
  • Stemple, James W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stenger, John Clinton (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stenhoe, Clarence S. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stenslie, MSGT Arne (2ID)
  • Stepanek, John Godfrey (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stephan, SGT Richard E. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stephen, SFC William M. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stephens, CAPT John Boyce (3ID)
  • Stephens, Pascal E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stephens, LT Randall P. (25ID)
  • Stephens, COL Richard Warburton (24ID) (3 awards) (see Citations section for all 3)
  • Stephens, 1LT Travis J.L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stephenson, Joseph L. (7ID)
  • Stepina, SFC George (2ID)
  • Sterling, Bobby G. (24ID)
  • Sternburg, 1LT Harry J. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sternini, PFC Roland V. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sterns, SGT James W. (2ID)
  • Stetler, Charles H. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stevens, Carl E. (45ID)
  • Stevens, Edward R. (1CAV)
  • Stevens, Harry J. (3ID)
  • Stevens, SGT 1C Howard (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stevens, CPL Jack M. (2ID)
  • Stevens, John Thomas (1CAV)
  • Stevens, Raymond (3ID)
  • Stevens, CPL Seth Stuckly (3ID)
  • Stevens, CAPT Simon J. (2ID)
  • Stevenson, Bobby R. (1CAV)
  • Stevenson, Joseph W. (X CORPS)
  • Stevenson, CAPT Marion W. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stewart, SGT Donald E. (2ID)
  • Stewart, BG George C. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Steward, SFC Carl C. (1CAV) (Cookeville, TN)
  • Steward, David W.
  • Stewart, 1LT Bruce E. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stewart, Charles V. (1CAV)
  • Stewart, MSGT Denver L. (3ID)
  • Stewart, PFC Donald D. (3ID)
  • Stewart, SGT Donald E. (2ID)
  • Stewart, CPL Doyle J. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stewart. PFC Ellis N. (25ID)
  • Stewart, BG George Craig (2ID) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Stewart, George W. (7ID)
  • Stewart, James Malcolm (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Stewart, John E. (1CAV)
  • Stewart, John F. (1CAV)
  • Stewart, Joseph L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stewart, MSGT Leslie D. (2ID)
  • Stewart, Nolan M. (3ID)
  • Stewart, Samuel C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stewart, LT Victor L. (25ID)
  • Stewart, William Sidney (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Stickler, Bernard R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stickler, 1LT Lee R. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stickney, 1LT Louis B. Jr. (24ID - Co. A, 19th Inf.)
  • Stidham, SGT Fred S. (3ID)
  • Stiff, Houston (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stiffler, CPL Francis P. (2ID)
  • Stillwell, Richard G. (3ID)
  • Stine, MAJ Harlan C. (2ID)
  • Stinson, John A. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stinson, Walter S. (7ID)
  • Stith, Benjamin F. Jr. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • St. Martin, Carrol Anthony (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stocking, CPL Marvin M. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stockler, Von E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stoeckley, Clarence F. (3ID)
  • Stofel, CPL Herbert (25ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Stokes, SFC Bob H. (25ID)
  • Stokes, Earl L. (1CAV)
  • Stokes, Robert V. (X CORPS)
  • Stoking, CPL Marvin M. (2ID)
  • Stokley, William J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stoll, 1LT James W. (555FAB, 25ID) (posthumous) (GO101, 30Aug50)
  • Stollberg, PVT Dale R. (2ID)
  • Stone, Earnest H. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stone, Floyd L. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Stone, PVT Harold J.
  • Stone, James Lamar (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Stone, PVT Kelly L. (25ID)
  • Stone, Kenneth (1CAV)
  • Stone, Theodore J. (24ID)
  • Storck, Louis John (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Storer, Thomas T. (USMC)
  • Storie, Foiest Walden (3ID)
  • Storler, PFC Charles H. (2ID)
  • Storman, Earl R. (25ID)
  • Storms, Harvey H. (7ID)
  • Storrs, 1LT Barrie E. (2ID)
  • Stortz, PFC Gordon J. (2ID)
  • Story, Anthony F. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Stotler, PFC Charles H. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stotler, PFC Isaac Dawson Jr. (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Stott, Howard G. (24ID)
  • Stough, Richard B. (7ID)
  • Stout, Carter M. (7ID)
  • Stout, SGT Donald Walter (3ID)
  • Stout, Weldon A. (3ID)
  • Stovall, John R. (24ID) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Stover, SFC Benny Raymond (3ID) (see Citations section for partial citation) (posthumous))
  • Stover, Debra E. (1CAV)
  • Stowell, Patrick J. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stowers, Rufus Arnold (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Stoyanow, Victor (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Strahley, Charles Glasgow (USN) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Strambler, 2LT John A. (2ID)
  • Strand, Eric C. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Strandberg, PVT Darold L. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Strang, Donald Robert (25ID)
  • Strasser, SFC Buster W. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stratmoen, Ralph D. (1CAV)
  • Stratton, Albert W. (25ID)
  • Stratton, PVT Ralph Burgess (1CAV) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Straub, MSGT Edwin P. (3ID)
  • Straus, Louie O. (X CORPS)
  • Strauss, SGT James F. (3ID)
  • Streeter, Howard F. (25ID)
  • Streetman, Roy L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Streib, Audley J. Jr. (2ID)
  • Streib, Paul V. (40ID)
  • Streiff, Richard W. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Streight, George A. (24ID)
  • Strever, John E. Jr. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Stricker, Jerry L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Strickland, CPL Charles M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Strickland, MSGT Dewitt B. (25ID)
  • Strickland, PVT Leval (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Strickland, Robert L. (X CORPS)
  • Strobie, Herbert W. (25ID)
  • Strobridge, 2LT William F. (3ID)
  • Strom, 1LT Robert E. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Strommen, Ronald Duane (USMC) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Strong, Donald Robert (25ID)
  • Strong, SFC Fred M. (25ID)
  • Strong, Gordon Malin (5RCT) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stropes, Dale Lemoine (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Stropky, John J. Jr. (7ID)
  • Strunk, PFC Harold (2ID)
  • Stryker, 1LT Emil J. Jr. (2ID)
  • Stuart, Billy LeRoy (1CAV)
  • Stuart, Bobby G. (24ID)
  • Stuart, Clarence E. (24ID)
  • Stucker, Lyle D. (7ID)
  • Stuckey, PVT Frederick (3ID) (posthumous) (Philadelphia, PA) (MIA)
  • Stuffelbeam, Myron (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Stuller, SGT Charles E. (2ID)
  • Stultz, Roger P. (45ID)
  • Stumbo, CPL Orville (3ID)
  • Stumo, Victor A. (45ID)
  • Stump, CPL John Jr. (3ID)
  • Sturgeon, Willie B. (see Citations)
  • Sturgil, Floyd E. (1CAV)
  • Sturkie, MSGT Rudolph M. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sturman, Kenneth R. (X CORPS - 23Inf.Rgt.)
  • Stutts, Frank B. (1CAV)
  • Stutz, Sherwood S. (7ID)
  • Suarez, Antonio Berrios (3ID)
  • Suddaby, 1LT Arlen R. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sudderth, CAPT James A. (2ID)
  • Suess, William E. (7ID)
  • Suga, Kenso (24ID)
  • Suit, Paul C. (1CAV)
  • Suit, PFC Wilbur L. (2ID)
  • Suitsev, Kalju (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sulgrove, Clark S. (40ID)
  • Sullivan, CPL Andrew M. (2ID)
  • Sullivan, CPL Andrew R. (2ID)
  • Sullivan, Daniel J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sullivan, Daniel Patrick (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sullivan, Edward M. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Sullivan, 1LT Gerald V. (3ID)
  • Sullivan, Lawrence W. (24ID)
  • Sullivan, 1LT Robert W. (3ID)
  • Sullivan, SGT Stephen C. (25ID)
  • Sullivan, PFC William J. (2ID)
  • Sullivant, William A. (I CORPS)
  • Summerlin, SFC L. D. (2ID)
  • Summers, Allen (25ID)
  • Summers, SGT Charles F. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Summers, Elmer S. (7ID)
  • Summers, Thomas J. (7ID)
  • Sumrall, SGT John Everett SGT (25ID) (KIA 09/03/1950) (posthumous)
  • Sumrow, CPL Jerry D. (25ID)
  • Sumter, Robert D. (7ID)
  • Sun, C.Y. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sundal, Magnus (25ID)
  • Sunde, CAPT Carl J. E. (2ID)
  • Supley, Ray A. (1CAV)
  • Surber, Ralph Edmonds (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section) (MIA) (posthumous)
  • Surdyk, Eugene E. (40ID)
  • Surles, COL Alexander Day Jr. (24ID)
  • Sussel, CAPT Malcolm A. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Suszko, August (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Suszko, MSGT George D. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sutherland, John P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sutherland, CAPT Kenneth Lyles (24ID)
  • Sutton, Albert T. (24ID)
  • Sutton, SFC Bennie F. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sutton, Dean (1CAV)
  • Sutton, PFC George P. (2ID)
  • Sutton, George W. (7ID)
  • Sutton, 1LT Harry E. (3ID) (KIA)
  • Sutton, MSGT Lloyd L. (25ID)
  • Suzuki, CPL Michael T. (2ID)
  • Suzuki, SFC Norman S. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Svitek, PVT Richard L. (2ID)
  • Swafford, Jesse B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Swan, Thomas M. (45ID)
  • Swan, Willie Jr. (1CAV)
  • Swango, SFC George L. (2ID)
  • Swank, PFC Jerry L. (2ID)
  • Swanson, Charles T. (24ID)
  • Swanson, SGT 1C Keith W. (2ID)
  • Swanson, Paul A. (1CAV)
  • Swanson, CPL Robert B. (2ID)
  • Swanson, CAPT Roy Willard (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Swanson, Sherman J. (45ID)
  • Swartz, CPL Franklin T. (Btry A, 1st FAOB)
  • Swartz, Richard Paul (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Swartz, CAPT Stanley P. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Swaze, Robert S. (7ID)
  • Sweeney, George F. (3ID)
  • Sweeney, Harvey O. (25ID)
  • Sweeney, Robert J. (24ID)
  • Sweeney, Robert W. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sweere, Richard T. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Sweet, SGT Garry L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Sweet, Granville G. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sweeting, George D. (7ID)
  • Sweiger, Carroll W. (1CAV)
  • Sweitzer, Warren G. (40ID)
  • Swenson, David H. Jr. (USN) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Swett, CPL Melvin Alfred (45ID)
  • Swim, John H. (45ID)
  • Swingle, CPL Ivan Earl (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Swiniarski, Benny (7ID)
  • Switala, SFC Richard P. (2ID)
  • Switlyk, CPL Raymond (2ID)
  • Swope, Orvel L. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Swords, John J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sykes, LT William U. (25ID)
  • Sylva, Adrian J.K. (25ID)
  • Syvertsen, Alfred (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Sylvester, Loren H.
  • Sypniewski, Stanley Leonard (USN) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Symborski, SGT Henry A. (2ID)
  • Syms, PFC George L. (25ID)  (See Citations section)
  • Syroid, 1LT Michael (3ID)
  • Syverson, Douglas W. (24ID) (See Citations section) (Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Syx, SGT Edward Jr. (2ID)
  • Szczepanski, Sylvester (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Szeflinski, MSGT Chester C. (3ID)
  • Szucs, Michael D. (45ID)
  • Szwajkowski, CPL Robert W. (25ID)
  • Szymanski, SGT Alfred (2ID)
  • Szymanski, 2LT John V. (2ID)
  • Szymczyk, Robert S.



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