Topics - Silver Star Recipients submitted to KWE
Names Starting with "M"

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Names will be added to this list upon receipt of evidence of award.  Send them to Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953 or e-mail Lynnita.

Recipients - M

  • Mabanag, PFC Pacifico (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Mabry, Clarence J. (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Mabson, SGT Oliver R. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • MacAllister, PVT Everett (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • MacAndrew, 1LT Raymond N. (2ID)
  • MacAskill, Malcolm Angus (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Macaulay, 2LT Alan B.(24ID) (see Citations section)
  • MacCallum, Charles R. (2ID)
  • MacDonald, 2LT Albert B. V. (2ID)
  • MacDonald, PFC Eugene P. (3ID)
  • MacDonald, MAJ Robert J. (25ID)
  • MacDougall, MSGT John B. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mace, PVT Burl Jennings (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Mace, MSGT William M. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Macedo, SFC Angelo P. (2ID)
  • MacGregor, Frederick M. (I CORPS)
  • MacIsaac, George L. Jr. (1CAV)
  • MacQuarrie, Ernest L. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Mack, Richard E. (1CAV)
  • Mackert, 1LT John R. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mackey, Oscar D. (7ID)
  • Mackey, LT Robert K. (3ID) (posthumous)
  • Mackin, CAPT Alvin F. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Macklin, Wardell F. Jr. (45ID)
  • Mackrall, SFC Blaine E. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • MacLean, COL Allan Duard (7ID) (2 awards)
  • MacLeod, 1LT Duncan A. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • MacNamara, PFC George R. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • MacNeill, Rhory O. (7ID)
  • MacWilliams, John D. (1CAV)
  • Macy, SGT Jack E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Madara, PFC Charles V. (2ID)
  • Madden, Charles E. (24ID)
  • Madden, James F. (7ID)
  • Madden, 1LT William R. Jr. (3ID)
  • Maddox, PFC Bill S. (2ID)
  • Maddox, Don R. (3ID)
  • Maddox, Thomas H. (7ID)
  • Maddry, John A. (1CAV)
  • Madison, Charles G. (40ID)
  • Madison, MSGT Eugene H. (2ID)
  • Madison, Paul J. (45ID)
  • Madsen, Frank J. Jr. (1CAV)
  • Magana, Charles B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Magaurn, Elton L. (IX CORPS)
  • Magee, MAJ Byron D. (25ID)
  • Mager, Harry L. (1CAV)
  • Maggard, CPL Charles B. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Magill, CAPT Frank Jr. (3ID)
  • Maginis, PFC Donold R. (HQ Co., 35th Inf. Regt.)
  • Maglione, 1LT Ralph J. (USAF) (24ID citation) (see Citations section)
  • Magnant, MSGT Joseph A. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Magness, Byron L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Magness, LT COL Woodrow W. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Magnuson, Robert A. (7ID)
  • Magolan, Henry J. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Magovero, Paul (25ID)
  • Maguire, MSGT Frank J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Maguire, James L. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Magy, Jack E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mahaffey, PFC William G. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Mahaffy, CPL Charles A. (2ID)
  • Mahannah, CPL Elden E. (45ID)
  • Mahl, PFC Robert A. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mahoney, 1LT Daniel Thomas (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Mahoney, HOSPITALMAN James R. Jr. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Mahoney, Paul (7ID)
  • Mahoney, Phillip S. (25ID
  • Mahowald, CAPT Robert A. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mahue, Aurius J. Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Maier, William H. (45ID)
  • Maihafer, 1LT Harry J. (24ID)
  • Mainor, CPL Charles L. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Main, Stanley Wilbert (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mains, CPL Herbert F. (2ID)
  • Maira, Angelo J. (7ID)
  • Mairich, MSGT Mark Wenzel (2ID)
  • Mairich, 2LT Mark Wenzel (2ID) (Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster) (posthumous)
  • Maison, PVT Jack A. (2ID)
  • Maisonet-Zeno, CPL  Eduardo (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Maixner, LTC Harold V. (2ID) (3 awards)
  • Majeske, CAPT LeRoy Emil (25ID) (posthumous) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Major,1LT William J. (2ID)
  • Maki, SGT Takashi (25ID)
  • Makings, WOJG Marvin C. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Malarkey, Paul J. (7ID)
  • Malarkey, PFC William E. (3ID)
  • Malcolm, Ben S. (FECOM)
  • Maldonado, PFC Lalo Sandoval (2ID)
  • Maldonado-Matos, CPL Luis E. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Malinowski, Henry (1CAV)
  • Malinowski, 1LT Roy E. (2ID)
  • Malinowsky, Peter W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Maliszewski, COL George Maryan (7ID)
  • Mallard, 1LT Charles W. (2ID)
  • Mallette, Richard L. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Mallory, 1LT Phillip L. (2ID)
  • Malnar, John M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Malone, MSGT Herbert E. (2ID)
  • Malone, 1LT James F. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Maloney, Francis J. Jr. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Mamula, MSGT George (25ID)
  • Manchester, PFC Guy G. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mandel, Abraham Isaac (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mandra, Philip Vincent (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mandsen, SGT Everett (25ID)
  • Maness, Harold M. (1CAV)
  • Mangas, 1LT Cloyce L. (3ID)
  • Manger, Max (3ID)
  • Mangum, Wiley M. Jr. (45ID)
  • Manipon, MSGT Pascual M. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Manke, Conrad F. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Manley, SGT Merle J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Manley, 1LT Omer L. (45ID)
  • Mann, PFC Lowell Arthur (45ID)
  • Manning, CPL Douglas R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Manning, 1LT James F. (2ID)
  • Manning, Leeotis J. (1CAV)
  • Manno, CPL Nicholas F. (2ID)
  • Manos, Anthony J. (1CAV)
  • Manring, George C. (7ID)
  • Mansell, Walter L. (40ID)
  • Mansfield, Herbert V. (40ID)
  • Mantalas, John G. (see Citations section)
  • Mantle, Robert E. (7ID)
  • Manto, 1LT Joseph V. (2ID)
  • Manton, Beverly S. (40ID)
  • Mantooth, Warren J. (24ID)
  • Mantow, CPL Harold O. (24ID)
  • Manuel, MSGT Webster C. (2ID)
  • Mapes, CPL George M. (3ID)
  • Maple, PVT Laverne E. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Marcatante, Anthony (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Marchettini, Abramo (45ID)
  • Marceline, SP5 David (175 Eng. Co.)
  • Marcus, 1LT Gerald R. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Marek, SGT Thomas D. (2ID)
  • Marez, SGT Joe R. (2ID)
  • Margosian, CPL Abraham (2ID)
  • Marigna, Joe W. (3ID)
  • Marini, Daniel James (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mark, Hubert David (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Markett, LT Joseph E. (25ID)
  • Markham, PFC Denis M. (2ID)
  • Markle, SGT Floyd A. (3ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Markle, John J. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Marks, Billy C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Marks, PVT Don D. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Marks, SGT Franklin D. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Marks, Ira L. (2ID)
  • Marks, James I. Jr. (X CORPS)
  • Marks, Joseph W. (1CAV)
  • Marks, MAJ Sidney M. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Marlin, CAPT Charles B. Jr. (2ID)
  • Marlink, TSGT Marvin (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Marlow, Raymond F. (7ID)
  • Marotta, John F. (7ID)
  • Marple, SFC James Atterson (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Marquat, MAJ GEN William Frederic (FECOM) (see Citations section) (Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Marquez, Leo (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Marquis, CPL Leo H. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Marr, Auburn (7ID)
  • Marr, Robert A. (3ID)
  • Marrero, SGT Luis M. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Marris, PFC Dalton C. (2ID)
  • Marschke, PFC Otto E. (3rd ID)
  • Marsh, Andrew A. (40ID)
  • Marsh, SGT Kenneth C. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Marshall, MSGT Benjamin H. ((1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Marshall, SGT Joe E. (Btry A, 50th AAA AW Bn.) (see Citations section)
  • Marshall, Robert D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Marshall, COL Winton Whittier (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Marshburn, 2LT Herbert Edgar (7ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Marsili, Arnold J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Marslender, William H. (1CAV)
  • Marson, Richard W. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Martain, Carl P. (SFC, HQ Co., 35th Inf. Regt.)
  • Martin, Arthur F.
  • Martin, Arnold L.A. (45ID)
  • Martin, Billie W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Martin, CPL Bobbie Gene (25ID) (GO101, 30Aug50) (posthumous)
  • Martin, Bobby W. (24ID)
  • Martin, 1LT Carl (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Martin, SFC Carl P. (25ID)
  • Martin, Charles E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Martin, David J. (40ID)
  • Martin, SFC Don C. (2ID)
  • Martin, SGT Edward C. (25ID)
  • Martin, MAJ Floyd R. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Martin, 2LT Gerald H. (2ID)
  • Martin, LT COL Glen Edward (USMC) (3 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Martin, Harvey J. (1CAV)
  • Martin, MAJ James F. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Martin, CPL James F. (2ID)
  • Martin, Joe E. (1CAV)
  • Martin, John L. (X CORPS)
  • Martin, CPL Joseph W. (2ID)
  • Martin, Justin E. (24ID)
  • Martin, Karl L. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Martin, 2LT McDonald Jr. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Martin, Paul A. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Martin, CAPT Samuel F. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Martin, CAPT Samuel R. (25ID)
  • Martin, SGT Vernelle T. (2ID)
  • Martin, W. L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Martin, Walter B. (24ID)
  • Martin, William (25ID)
  • Martin, William C. Jr. (24ID)
  • Martin, William J. (7ID)
  • Martindale, SGT James J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Martineau, 1LT John A. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Martinell, CPL Harold F. (Btry D, 15th AAA AW Bn) (see Citations section)
  • Martinez, PFC Alexander O. (2ID)
  • Martinez, Alfonso Rodriguez (see Citations section)
  • Martinez, SGT Cuillaula B. (2ID)
  • Martinez, PFC David (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Martinez, PFC Ernest L. (2ID)
  • Martinez, MSGT Federico (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Martinez, PVT Fernando (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Martinez, MSGT Herbert (2ID)
  • Martinez, CPL Jacabo Luis (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Martinez, 1LT Jose R. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Martinez, SFC Julio (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Martinez, Manuel O. (1CAV)
  • Martinez, PFC Oliver G. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Martinez, MSGT Ramon P. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Martinez, HOSPITAL CORPSMAN 2C William E. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Martinson, Odvis A. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Martis, MSGT William J. (2ID)
  • Marty, PVT Raymond R.
  • Martz, John A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Marvel, James A. (40ID)
  • Marx, Donald M. (X CORPS)
  • Marx, SGT Edmund N. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Marx, 1LT Ralph J. (2ID)
  • Mashburn, MSGT William E. (2ID)
  • Maslowski, Walter H. (24ID)
  • Mason, CPL Alwin L. (7ID) (posthumous)
  • Mason, 2LT George (2ID)
  • Mason, John (7ID)
  • Mason, John A. (FECOM)
  • Mason, LT COL Kermit R. (7ID)
  • Mason, Lowell Jr. (7ID)
  • Mason, PFC Paul (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Mason, CPL Robert D. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mason, Roy R. (1CAV)
  • Mason, CPL William G. (2ID)
  • Massencale, SFC Robert L. Jr. (3rd ID)
  • Massey, Fred N. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Massey, George H. (1CAV)
  • Massie, SGT Charles E. (2ID)
  • Massie, SFC Charles H. (2ID)
  • Mastaglio, Edward F. (X CORPS)
  • Masterpool, William J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mastin, James C. (see Citations section)
  • Mastro, Donald F. (7ID)
  • Mastrobattista, Attilio (25ID)
  • Masuda, CPL Kivoshi (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mata, George B. (7ID)
  • Matas, 1LT Emil J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Matasovsky, PFC Francis John (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mate, Stephen Jr. (1CAV)
  • Matejov, 1LT Stephen A. (Btry A, 15th AAA AW Bn.) (see Citations section)
  • Mateyka, Edward J. (7ID)
  • Matheney, Richard (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mather, Linwood B. (3ID)
  • Mathews, MSGT Robert W. (25ID)
  • Mathews, Vernon M. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Mathias, Gordon R. (1CAV)
  • Mathis, LT John L. (25ID)
  • Mathis, SGT Nelson M. (2ID)
  • Matlack, Howard K.
  • Matson, SGT Arthur A. Jr. (1CAV) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Matsunaga, George (1CAV)
  • Matsuo, SFC Shinichi (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Matsushige, Tetsuji (1CAV)
  • Matsushima, Frank K. (45ID)
  • Mattan, Henry E. (1CAV)
  • Mattes, George J. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Mattfield, CPL Collie M. (2ID)
  • Matthews, Carrol F. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Matthews, Clarence (7ID)
  • Matthews, 1LT J.C. (2ID)
  • Matthews, 1LT Merlin T. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Matthews, MAJ Myrel O. (2ID)
  • Matthias, Howard E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mattila, 2LT Henry E. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Mattingly, James M. (2ID)
  • Mattot, Edmond J. (1CAV)
  • Mattox, Charles Henry (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mattson, CPL Clarence A. (3ID)
  • Mattson, John (1CAV)
  • Mattson, Willard G. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Matyjasik, SFC Walter J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mauricio, LT Paul F. (25ID)
  • Mauritz, SFC Lawrence F. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mausert, Ryerson N. (X CORPS)
  • Maxam, Ira A. (1CAV)
  • Maxson, CAPT John A. (2ID)
  • Maxson, 1LT Paul A. (2ID)
  • Maxwell, PVT Henry C. (25ID)
  • Maxwell, SGT Henry J. (2ID)
  • Maxwell, MSGT James (1CAV)
  • Maxwell, CAPT Raymond Bernard (2ID)
  • May, Henry E. (1CAV)
  • May, 1LT Hugh R. (7ID)
  • May, Leslie T. (aka George A. May) (Army) (see Citations section)
  • May, Phillip B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • May, Ray B. (I CORPS)
  • May, SGT Steven Francis (3ID)
  • May, Thomas B. (1CAV)
  • Maybee, CPL Troy A. (45ID)
  • Mayberry, MAJ Henry E. (3ID)
  • Maydeck, Marshall L.  (45ID)
  • Mayenschine, CPL Earl (25ID)
  • Mayer, Kenneth E. (24ID)
  • Mayes, John C. (X CORPS)
  • Mayfield, CPL Brit I. (2ID)
  • Mays, PFC Andrew G. (25ID)
  • Maze, Harold E. (1CAV)
  • Maze, Kenneth S. (1CAV)
  • Maziarz, CPL Walter J. Jr. (25ID)
  • Mazuca, PFC Joe G. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mead, BG Armistead Davis (3ID) (2 awards)
  • Mead, CPL Lee N. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Meade, CPL Robert L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Meado, SGT Jess E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Meador, Paul R. (1CAV)
  • Meadows, SGT Floyd M. II (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Meadows, PFC Merle L. (2ID)
  • Meadows, Robert H. (X CORPS)
  • Meadows, SGT Tony (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Means, James A. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Means, John J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mechanic, Richard Lee (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Medeiros, PFC Edmond B. (2ID)
  • Medeiros, CPL Joseph R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Medeirous, SFC Glenwood C. (2ID)
  • Medina, CPL Joe Sacaris (45ID)
  • Medina, PFC Loy L. (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Medina, PFC Simeon M. (3ID)
  • Medina-Olivera, SFC Heriberto (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Medina-Pineiro, SGT Pedro (see Citations section)
  • Medley, James W. (24ID)
  • Meece, PFC Eugene C. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Meehan, Michael J. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Meek, Charles A. (FECOM)
  • Meeker, LT Merle R. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Meeks, Roy E. (FECOM)
  • Megremis, Gus S. (1CAV)
  • Mehlhorn, Dale B. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Melcher, 1LT Ralph W. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Melchoir, LT Eugene L. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Melican, Joseph K. (3ID)
  • Mellen, MAJ Thomas W. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Mellinger, PFC Charles A. (25ID)
  • Mellinger, SGT John L. (2ID)
  • Melnicki, Joseph F. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Melonson, Harold C. (see Citations section)
  • Melton, PFC Billie G. (25ID)
  • Melton, CPL Charles B. (2ID)
  • Melvin, SGT Karl M. (40ID) (see Citations section for partial citation)
  • Melzer, CAPT Phillips (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Melzer, CPL Robert L. (25ID)
  • Mena, Ambrose (25ID)
  • Mendenhall, 2LT Jesse R. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Mendez, SGT Albert M. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mengler, Clarence Stanley (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mens, Albert C. Jr. (2ID)
  • Mensay, Tom R. (24ID)
  • Menshouse, MSGT James L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mensior, SGT Frederick A. (3ID)
  • Mentch, LT Delmer H. (10Rgt.ROKA)
  • Mentrie, PFC Joseph L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Menzies, Henry D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mercer, CPL Edwin R. (2ID)
  • Mercer, SFC George E. (2ID)
  • Mercer, SGT Isaac (45ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mercer, John A. (25ID)
  • Merchant, 1LT Martin L. V. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Merck, Erwin C. (see Citations section)
  • Mercy, Robert W. (24ID)
  • Meredith, CPL William T. (2ID)
  • Mergens, COL George Conrad (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mergler, Vernon T. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Merica, PVT George E. (15th AA [AW] Btn.) (see Citations section for partial citation)
  • Merrall, Frederick E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Merrill, Donald L. (25ID)
  • Merrill, 1LT Charles A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Merrill, MSGT James (25ID)
  • Merrill, 2LT John Nelson Jr. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Merrill, PFC Kenneth Wayne (3ID) (posthumous)
  • Merrill, PFC Otis H. (2ID)
  • Merrill, PFC Paul E. (25ID)
  • Merrill, 1LT Samuel J. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Merrill, SFC Stanley O. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Merriman, CPL Earl Warren (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Merrithew, Donald R. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Merritt, LT COL Hiram M. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Merritt, PVT William (2ID)
  • Mersing, PFC Charles P. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mertz, PFC Franklin D. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Merz, RDSN Oliver James Jr. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Meskell, Richard T. (25ID)
  • Messier, CPL  Emanuel R. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Messinger, COL Edwin John (2ID)
  • Messinger, CPL James W. (1CAV)
  • Messmer, Robert C. (see Citations section)
  • Meszar, MAJ Frank (2ID)
  • Metcalf, Donald J. (7ID)
  • Metcalf, Harold V. (25ID)
  • Metcalf, MSGT Joseph H. (25ID)
  • Metcalfe, 1LT Robert B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Metheny, Thelbert L. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Metivier, Bernard E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mettlin, Jerry D. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Mettner, Rodney G. (40ID)
  • Metts, MAJ Albert Caswell Jr. (2ID)
  • Metz, PFC Steve J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Metzger, 1LT J. Hayes  (2ID)
  • Metzler, James P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mews, Erich T. (45ID)
  • Meyer, Arthur E. (25ID)
  • Meyer, Donald F. (3ID)
  • Meyer, Donald L. (7ID)
  • Meyer, 1LT Edward Charles (40ID)
  • Meyer, 1LT Edward E. (2ID)
  • Meyer, CPL Frederick O. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Meyer, BG Henry John Dick (24ID) (see Citations section) (2nd award)
  • Meyer, BG Henry John Dick (24ID) (2nd Oak Leaf Cluster) (3rd award)
  • Meyer, BG Henry John Dick (24ID) (3rd Oak Leaf Cluster) (4th award)
  • Meyer, Keith A. (I CORPS)
  • Meyerhoff, LT COL Wilbur F. (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Meza, PFC Baltimore G. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mezias, Fernando O. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Michael, PFC Junior Everette (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Michaelis, 1LT Donald R. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Michaelis, COL John Hersey (25ID)    
  • Michaels, SGT Raymond (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Michaely, CAPT Jack (25ID)
  • Michalski, 2LT Adam J. (3ID)
  • Michalski, CPL Ralph R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Michelson, Robert A.
  • Michienzi, CAPT James A. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Micinski, Erwin W. (24ID)
  • Michelony, Lewis J. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mickel, Woodburn J. (1CAV)
  • Mickelberry, Robert L. (25ID)
  • Mickelson, 2LT Richard D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Middlebrooks, PFC Oscar R. (2ID)
  • Middlemas, John N. (3ID)
  • Middleton, Clay H. (1CAV)
  • Middleton, 1LT Edward D. Jr. (3ID)
  • Middleton, LT JG John Davidson (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Middleton, Robert H. (24ID)
  • Middleton, Robert L. (40ID)
  • Midgley, Howard D. (7ID)
  • Mielnik, Aloise N.  (X CORPS)
  • Mier, Floyd R.  (1CAV)
  • Mikelson, TSGT Wallace W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mierswa, Myles H. (25ID)
  • Mikeska, MSGT Arnold A. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mikronis, CPL Joseph Christos (2ID) 
  • Mika, MSGT Nicholas (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Milam, CAPT James Thomas (1CAV) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Milbee, 1LT Paul G. (3ID)
  • Milbrath, Ronald F. (7ID)
  • Milburn, GEN Frank William (I CORPS) (see Citations section) (Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Mildren, COL Frank Thomas (2ID)  (3 awards)
  • Mileham, 1LT Richard L. (3ID)
  • Miles, Delos (7ID)
  • Miles, Harry E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Miles, James W. (40ID)
  • Miles, William R. (Ranger)
  • Miles, William T. 
  • Miley, John David (187 ARCT) (see Citations section)
  • Milia, 1LT Carmelo P. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Millener, 1LT George Alvin Jr. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, PFC Arnold R. (2ID)
  • Miller, SFC Benjamin H. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, MSGT Bernard (2ID)
  • Miller, PFC Billy J. (3ID)
  • Miller, LT Charles E. Jr. (25ID)
  • Miller, PVT Charles V. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, CPL Chester J. (2ID)
  • Miller, Crosby P. (7ID)
  • Miller, CAPT Daniel J. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, 1LT Donald O. (2ID)
  • Miller, Edward M. (X CORPS)
  • Miller, Elmer L.
  • Miller, PFC Elmir (2ID)
  • Miller, Frederick J. (7ID)
  • Miller, George F. Jr. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Miller, CPL George W. (X CORPS)
  • Miller, LT COL Gerald G. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, LT COL Henry S. ( USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, Howard P. (7ID)
  • Miller, Jack E. (40ID)
  • Miller, James A. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Miller, James Bartell (45ID) (posthumous)
  • Miller, Joe R. (7ID)
  • Miller, MSGT John Andrew (2ID)
  • Miller, PFC John R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, PFC Joseph Roth (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Miller, Josiah B. (40ID)
  • Miller, PFC Kike A. Jr. (2ID)
  • Miller, PFC Lawrence E. (2ID)
  • Miller, COL LeRoy B. (KMAG) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, Lewis C. (1CAV)
  • Miller, CPL Norman Jr. (2ID)   (posthumous)
  • Miller, Norman A. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, 1LT Philip C. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, LT R. Arthur (USN) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Miller, CPL Ray (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, CAPT Richmond L. Jr. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, Robert C. (1CAV)
  • Miller, SFC Robert E. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, Robert E. (7ID)
  • Miller, SGT Robert L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, MAJ Robert M. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, LT Rolly G. (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Miller, Rudolph C. (X CORPS)
  • Miller, CPL Thomas Dawayne (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Miller, PFC Thomas M. (2ID)
  • Miller, PFC Vernon R. (2ID)
  • Miller, CPL William C. (2ID)
  • Miller, PFC William C. Jr. (3ID)
  • Miller, CPL William D. (IX CORPS)
  • Miller, 1LT William M. (2ID)
  • Miller, HOSPITAL CORPSMAN William S. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Miller, PFC Wilmer R. (3ID)
  • Millette, Eugene (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Milligan, SGT Joseph P. (2ID)
  • Milligan, LT Lewis J. (25ID)
  • Milligan, SGT Warren E. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Millikin, PFC Clarence E. (3rd ID)
  • Millikin, LT COL John Jr. (1CAV)
  • Million, Nelson  (X CORPS)
  • Millman, PFC Gerald (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Millman, CPL Jacob (2ID)
  • Milloy, MAJ  Albert E. (2ID)
  • Mills, Arthur E. (1CAV)
  • Mills, 1LT Charles F. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mills, SFC Clarence C. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mills, Frederick C. (1CAV)
  • Mills, MSGT Homer M. (3ID)
  • Mills, MSGT James R. (25ID)
  • Mills, Melvin C. (X CORPS)
  • Mills, 1LT Neil B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mills, PFC Robert John (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Millspaugh, SFC Vesper D.
  • Milord, Eugene J. (25ID)
  • Milton, Ralph A. (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Mims, CPL James R. (25ID)
  • Minami, Thomas H. (45ID)
  • Miner, Ross R. (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Miniard, SGT George Jr. (2ID)
  • Minietta, MSGT Michael S. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Minkel, CPL Raymond C. (2ID)
  • Minkle, PFC Chester J. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Minkler, Robert Warren (see Citations section)
  • Minnick, Edward W. (1CAV)
  • Minter, Henry C. Jr. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Minton, Charles D. (7ID)
  • Minton, 1LT Frank A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Minton, Warren A. (1CAV)
  • Miracle, Foister D. (3ID)
  • Miracle, CPL Noah B. (24ID)
  • Miranda, Ernest (1CAV)
  • Mirando-Rosado, CPL Domingo (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mireles, CPL Lee O. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mirkle, Chester J.
  • Misheck, SGT James E. (1CAV)
  • Mishler, HOSPITALMAN Russell Gordon (USN) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Missar, Stanley A. (3ID)
  • Missentzis, Michael J. (1CAV)
  • Mitchell, PVT Billy W. (25ID)
  • Mitchell, PVT Donald J. (3ID)
  • Mitchell, CPL Donald Kenneth (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Mitchell, Frank Nicias (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mitchell, George R. (3ID)
  • Mitchell, Grady Purden Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mitchell, 1LT Guy Everett (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mitchell, Harry Dow (1CAV)
  • Mitchell, PFC Howard L. Jr. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mitchell, SGT James T. (3ID)
  • Mitchell, John A. (3ID)
  • Mitchell, 1LT John F. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mitchell, 2LT Joseph Paul Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mitchell, CAPT Lewis B. (25ID)
  • Mitchell, PFC Theodore R. (2ID)
  • Mitchell, HM3 Twyman D. (USNR) (see Citations section)
  • Mitchell, SGT William A. (2ID)
  • Mitchell, BG William Lemuel (25ID)
  • Mitchum, 1LT Bobbie W. (2ID)
  • Mitsdarffer, Charles A. (24ID)
  • Mix, Leroy H. (45ID)
  • Miyahira, SGT Samuel Sadao (24ID)
  • Mize, Hugh H. (X CORPS)
  • Mizerek, SGT Edmund T. (2ID)
  • Mizusawa, Bert K. (DMZ) (see Citations section)
  • Moakley, 1LT Richard V. (2ID)
  • Mobley, SGT Gale E. (25ID)
  • Mobley, PFC Haskell (3ID)
  • Mobley, Paul R. (7ID)
  • Mock, Roy J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Modgling, John H. (45ID)
  • Modisett, CAPT Tom F. (2ID)
  • Moe, SFC Marcus E. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Moeller, Henry J.
  • Moergeli, PFC Edward (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Moffat, PFC Walter C. (25ID)
  • Moffett, Charles W. Jr. (3ID)
  • Mogee, PFC Clarence H. (2ID)
  • Mohar, Eddie (1CAV)
  • Mohler, 1LT Arthur E. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mohr, 1LT Gordon D. "Jack" [1st to receive decorations in Korean War]
  • Mojica, CPL Antonio Pizarro (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mol, William D. (USAF) (3ID citation) (see Citations section)
  • Molanick, CPL John (2ID)
  • Molberg, PFC William D. (3ID)
  • Moles, Wendell R. (7ID)
  • Molina, Demetrio R. (1CAV)
  • Molina, PFC Val T. (2ID)
  • Moling, Donn W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Molloy, Edward A. (1CAV)
  • Molock, William E. (1CAV)
  • Moloko, SGT Andrew (2ID)
  • Moment, 2LT William E. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Monaghan, Edward (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Monaghan, CAPT John D. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Monaghan, CAPT John Thomas (3ID)
  • Monday, Austin L. (1CAV)
  • Monday, Joshua Jr. (24ID)
  • Mondin, CPL August F. (2ID)
  • Monette, Merle J. (see Citations section)
  • Monhollen, MSGT Roy (7ID) (1st award) (see Citations section)
  • Monhollen, MSGT Roy (7ID) (2nd award) (see Citations section)
  • Monimer, PFC Thomas J. (2ID)
  • Monk, MSGT Matthew D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Monk, SFC Rann E. (2ID)
  • Monroe, PVT Forrest A. (2ID)
  • Monroe, 1LT Joseph (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Monson, SFC Wesley L. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Montalvo, Marine Narvaez (see Citations section)
  • Montee, M/SGT Matthew P. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Monteleone, SFC Thomas (2ID)
  • Montesclaros, CAPT Melicio J. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Montesinos, SGT Jose Antonio (555FAB) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Montgomery, MAJ Dennis H.R. (3ID)
  • Montgomery, Joseph R. Jr. (7ID)
  • Montgomery, Robert G. (X CORPS)
  • Montgomery, CPL  Ray McKinley (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Montgomery, Roy J. (1CAV)
  • Montoya, CPL Enriques (2ID)
  • Moody, Bobby J. (1CAV)
  • Moody, Lewis B. (7ID)
  • Moody, 2LT Robert R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Moody, 2LT Troy Edgar (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Moog, SFC Robert J. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Moon, Billie F. (1CAV)
  • Moon, Virgil C. (I CORPS)
  • Mooney, SFC Albert J. (2ID)
  • Mooney, CPL Gordon Wayne (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumously)
  • Mooney, 1LT Harley F. Jr. (3ID)
  • Moore, Arthur L. (1CAV)
  • Moore, COL Dennis M. (3ID)
  • Moore, Dick (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Moore, CPL Dick (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Moore, LT Edwin Cecil (USN) (see Citations section) (POW)
  • Moore, PFC Floyd V. (25ID)
  • Moore, PFC Frank O. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Moore, SGT Gale S. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Moore, Harold M. (7ID)
  • Moore, 1LT Harold Wesley (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Moore, 1LT Harry L. (7ID)
  • Moore, Henry M. (7ID
  • Moore, Howard M.
  • Moore, James B. Jr. (25ID)
  • Moore, LT COL James B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Moore, PFC James D. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Moore, CPL James W. (25ID)
  • Moore, PFC John Wallace (24ID) (see Citations section)  (posthumous)
  • Moore, Mike (1CAV)
  • Moore, COL Ned Dalton (24ID) (see Citations section) (2nd award)
  • Moore, CPL Oscar L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Moore, PVT Rex D. (7ID) (See Citations section)
  • Moore, CAPT Robert M. Jr. (24ID Medical Corps) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Moore, PFC Thomas O. Jr. (24ID, Co. I, 21st Rgt.)
  • Moore, CAPT Thomas S. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Moore, CAPT  William L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Moorman, Richard U. (7ID)
  • Moosen, LT Joseph G. (25ID)
  • Mooso, William H. (1CAV)
  • Moots, Lawrence R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Morales, Golbert (7ID)
  • Morales, PFC Pedro (3ID)
  • Morales, Valente (1CAV)
  • Moralez, PFC Albert P. (2ID)
  • Moran, 1LT Clayton Louis (7ID)
  • Moran, PFC Donald Stewart (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Moran, Jack H. (1CAV)
  • Moran, CPL James J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morand, MAJ Leon F. Jr. (25ID) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster) (posthumous)
  • Morar, 2LT George (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Mordecai, Hugh C. (24ID)
  • Morehead, PFC Dewey L. (25ID)
  • Morehead, PFC Luther D. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Moreland, Noel (7ID)
  • Moreland, Whit L. (USMC)
  • Moreno, Robert (1CAV)
  • Morgan, Billie J. (24ID)
  • Morgan, Charles C. (7ID)
  • Morgan, Charles W. (X CORPS)
  • Morgan, COL Chester H. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Morgan, 1LT Coray E. (2ID)
  • Morgan, LT Dale Curtis Jr. (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Morgan, David J. Jr. (7ID)
  • Morgan, Donald C. ( USAF)
  • Morgan, Elbert L. Jr. (1CAV)
  • Morgan, 2LT Hunton L. (2ID)
  • Morgan, SGT Ira L. (2ID)
  • Morgan, John W. (X CORPS)
  • Morgan, Ralph E. (7ID)
  • Morgan, TSGT Ray (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Morgan, CPL Raymond (25ID)
  • Morgan, CAPT Richard F. (3ID)
  • Moriarty, 2LT William M. (2ID)
  • Moriuchi, PVT Tetsuo (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morken, SFC Donald H. (2ID)
  • Morley, 1LT Charles P. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morley, MSGT Robert J. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mormino, 1LT Salvatore C. (2ID)
  • Moroney, William J. (45ID)
  • Morrell, Bradford L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Morris, Allen W. (24ID)
  • Morris, PFC Burtis Lewis Jr. (45ID) (posthumous)
  • Morris, Carl T. (45ID)
  • Morris, SGT 1C Clarence A. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Morris, 2LT Edward C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Morris, SGT James Hampton (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morris, 1LT James R. (2ID)
  • Morris, 1LT Jared W. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Morris, PFC John (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morris, John L. (1CAV)
  • Morris, John O. Jr. (X CORPS)
  • Morris, SGT Kenneth P. (3ID)
  • Morris, CPL Marvin J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morris, HOSPITAL CORPSMAN 1C Lester A. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Morris, CPL Norman M. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Morris, MAJ Warren (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Morris, PFC Wilmer W. (3ID)
  • Morrisey, John C. Jr. (7ID)
  • Morrison, Arthur F. (24ID)
  • Morrison, SGT Clarence Jr. (2ID)
  • Morrison, MSGT Clifford O. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morrison, TSGT Eugene M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Morrison, CAPT Gene W. (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Morrison, 1LT Harry S . Jr. (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Morrison, LT Robert C. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morriss, Kenneth A. (I CORPS)
  • Morrissey, Harland F. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Morrissey, LT John J. (25ID)
  • Morrow, 1LT Edwin G. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morrow, 1LT Jared William (2ID)
  • Morse, Gerald E. (7ID)
  • Morse, PFC John H. (2ID)
  • Morse, PFC John R. (2ID)
  • Mortensen, 1LT (Chaplain) Benjamin F. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morter, Thomas M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mortimer, 1LT Frederick (2ID)
  • Mortimer, PFC Thomas J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Morton, CAPT Douglas K. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Morton, Paul P.   (IX CORPS)
  • Morton, 1LT Richard Lew (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Morton, CAPT Robert E. (3ID)
  • Morton, Robert W. (1CAV)
  • Moruchi, PVT Tetsup (2ID)
  • Moruicki, MSGT Edward (2ID)
  • Morwood, 1LT George Michael Abraham (1CAV) (see Citations section) (Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Mosco, Vincent E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Moseley, Joe N. (1CAV)
  • Moseley, John A. (1CAV)
  • Moseley, Lonnie L. (X CORPS)
  • Moses, 1LT Albert R. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Moses, COL Lloyd Roosevelt (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mosher, SGT Maurice W. (24ID)
  • Mosier, SGT Leonard L. (2ID)
  • Moskowitz, David (3ID)
  • Mosley, Samuel W. (7ID)
  • Moss, CAPT Jack G. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Moss, John P. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Moss, SGT Lawrence Dale (24ID) (see Citations section) (MIA/POW) (posthumous)
  • Motherway, MSGT James B. (3ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mott, Randolph B. (7ID)
  • Motte, 1LT Charles H. (3ID)
  • Motzko, CPL Harold Vincent (2ID)
  • Mount, Charles M. Jr.
  • Moura, George T. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mouzin, Julius Jr. (7ID)
  • Mowrer, SGT Robert E. (2ID)
  • Mowry, Richmond C. (7ID)
  • Moyer, SGT Franklin J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Moynihan, 1LT Terrence L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mozzone, Andrew J. (45ID)
  • Mrowicki, SFC Edward (2ID)
  • Mucci, Anthony John (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mudgett, Charles Frederick Jr.
  • Mueller, CPL Charles Ernst (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mueller, Gene W. (45ID)
  • Mueller, Harold P. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Mueller, James (USN) (hospital corpsman)
  • Mueller, Lester C. (1CAV)
  • Mueting, William G.
  • Muetzel, Francis W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mulcahy, Merlin M.
  • Mulder, CPL Laverne C. (2ID)
  • Mulhall, SGT Neil R. (2ID)
  • Mulholland, CPL Robert Henry (2ID)
  • Mulkins, 2LT William D. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Mull, Homer J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mullane, Donald (25ID)
  • Mullaney, 1LT Paul V. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mullen, Bernard (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Mullen, CPL John L. (3ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mullen, CPL Terry (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Mullen, CPL  Terry (24ID) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster) (see Citations section)
  • Mulligan, Robert L. (7ID)
  • Mulligan, PFC Vernon G. (24ID) (see Citations section) (KIA)
  • Mulligan, Warren G.
  • Mullins, CAPT Charles L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mullins, SGT Elmer (7ID)
  • Mullins, Henry F. (7ID)
  • Mullins, CPL Paul S. (3ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Mulrennan, Timothy C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Munford, 1LT Charles Augustus (25ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Munhall, CPL George P. Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Munkelwitz, Ronald C. (see Citations section)
  • Munnelly, SGT George (45ID)
  • Munoz, CAPT Frank E. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Munsell, Russell A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Munshower, Harry (3ID)
  • Munson, LT COL Delbert Earle (187RCT)
  • Munson, John K. (1CAV)
  • Munson, PFC Warren L. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Muntean, PFC Virgil (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Murch, MAJ Gordon E. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Murch, CAPT Robert E. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Murdock, 1LT Harold R. (2ID)
  • Murphy, SFC Charles W. (1CAV)
  • Murphy, PFC Donald L. (25ID)
  • Murphy, Edward L. Jr. (X CORPS)
  • Murphy, Hospitalman Francis Phillip (USN) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Murphy, 1LT Franklin J. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Murphy, CAPT James F. (5RCT) (see Citations section)
  • Murphy, 2LT John B. (1CAV) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Murphy, John F. (40ID)
  • Murphy, 1LT John James (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Murphy, SGT John W. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Murphy, Kenneth J. (7ID)
  • Murphy, CAPT Kyran Martin III (7ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Murphy, SFC Paul J. (2ID)
  • Murphy, 2LT Raymond Gerald (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Murphy, PVT Robert M. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Murphy, CPL Ronald L. (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Murphy, William E. (45ID)
  • Murphy, William K. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Murphy, Willie B. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Murphy, PFC Winferd R. ( 25ID)
  • Murray, MAJ Edward Henry (24ID)
  • Murray, PFC Ernest D. Jr. (25ID)
  • Murray, SGT Floyd A. (3ID)
  • Murray, Harry E. (1CAV)
  • Murray, 1LT John R. (USAF)
  • Murray, John W. (1CAV)
  • Murray, Raymond Leroy (USMC) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Murray, PFC Raymond M. (2ID)
  • Murray, Winthrop P. (1CAV)
  • Murry, Erman (7ID)
  • Muryasz, Walter M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Musch, MSGT Alfred O. (3ID)
  • Muscutt, CPL Frank J. (3ID)
  • Muse, CPL Howard J. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Muse, Samuel P.
  • Muser, 1LT Joseph A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Musgrave, SFC Henry L. (25ID)
  • Musialowski, Melvin J. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Musser, Earl B. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Mutersbaugh, PFC Charles M. (2ID)
  • Mutzabaugh, MSGT John (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Myer, CPL William Jr. (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Myers, Charles E. (40ID)
  • Myers, Edward A. (3ID)
  • Myers, PFC Ellis Eugene (3ID)
  • Myers, Ernest E. (7ID)
  • Myers, MAJ G.B. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Myers, SFC Jack W. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Myers, John E. (1CAV)
  • Myers, CWO Marvin G. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Myron, George D. (USMC) (see Citations section)



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