Topics - Silver Star Recipients submitted to KWE
Names Starting with "K"

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Names will be added to this list upon receipt of evidence of award.  Send them to Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953 or e-mail Lynnita.

Recipients - K

  • Kaae, William F. (1CAV)
  • Kachele, Richard E.  (24ID)
  • Kaczmarek, John A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kadderly, 2LT John S. (2ID)
  • Kader, John (1CAV)
  • Kahaikupuna, CPL Jacob B. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kahl, PFC Leonard J. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kail, LT COL Samuel Goodhue (3ID)
  • Kainz, CPL Joseph Carl (45ID) (posthumous)
  • Kaiser, Darold (1CAV)
  • Kakar, PVT Abraham S. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kalinowski, Alfred M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kalmus, 1LT Stuart R. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Kamaka, Frederick K. (7ID)
  • Kamanski, CAPT Charles W.P. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Kamin, Edward V. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kaminski, Raymond S. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kammerer, DeRoy F. (3ID)
  • Kampe, 1LT Raymond L. (2ID)
  • Kane, MAJ Charles F. (2ID)
  • Kane, CPL Eugene E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kania, SFC Edward J. (25ID)
  • Kanney, PVT Joseph M. (3ID)
  • Kanovsky, Charles H. (40ID)
  • Kanyer, 1LT David F. (3ID)
  • Kapfensteiner, PVT Anthony S. (2ID)
  • Kappler, CPL Lewis B. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kapussta, Emil F. (40ID)
  • Karam, Joseph D. (24ID)
  • Kareiva, 1LT Charles T. (2ID) (see Citations section) (3 awards)
  • Karlson, SGT Clifford M.    (2ID)
  • Karns, Charles R. (1CAV)
  • Karschney, PFC Keith C. (2ID)
  • Kasarda, CPL Milton Joseph (2ID)
  • Kasdorf, Walter W. (24ID) (see Citations section - Synopsis)
  • Kaser, Howard E. (1CAV)
  • Kasfeldt, William L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kasicki, Charles J. (3ID)
  • Kasler, 1LT James Helms (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Kason, SGT Mike M. (2ID)
  • Kassebaum, Joseph S. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kasterko, Walter Francis (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Katauski, Anthony J. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Kato, SGT Yoshido (25ID)
  • Katz, Lawrence S. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Kauffman, CAPT John F. (24ID) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Kaufman, CPL Alfred Leroy (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kavetsky, John S. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Kawahara, PVT Masayoshi (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kaylor, PFC Charles M. (USMC) (see Citations section) (POW)
  • Kaylor, Dewey C. (1CAV)
  • Ke, Kiram L. (25ID)
  • Kealoha, Samuel L. (24ID)
  • Kean, MAJ GEN William Benjamin (25ID)
  • Kearney, LT COL Charles R. (25ID)
  • Kearney, PFC Paul A. (2ID)
  • Kearns, SGT Alfred J. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kearns, CAPT John A. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Keathley, 1LT Maurice F. (2ID)
  • Keck, CPL William F. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Keeble, MSGT Woodrow Wilson (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Keel, SGT Clyde William (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Keeler, Floyd E. (24ID)
  • Keeler, CAPT John W. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Keeling, 1LT William O. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Keen, Virgil L. (1CAV)
  • Keenan, William P.
  • Kehoe, Ralph P. (3ID)
  • Keifer, Francis M. Jr. (7ID)
  • Keir, John M. (45ID)
  • Keiser, MG Laurence Bolton (2ID) (2nd award)
  • Keist, Benjamin F. (X CORPS)
  • Keith, CPL Claude N. (2ID)
  • Keith, Crawford (7ID)
  • Keith, SGT Myrtle F. (3ID)
  • Keith, SGT Page Larkin (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Keith, PFC Wilbur E. (25ID)
  • Keleher, LTC William P. (2ID) (see Citations section) (1st Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Kelemen, Charles (X CORPS)
  • Kelemen, Peter (3ID)
  • Kelleher, COL Gerald C. (25ID) (see Citations section) (3rd Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Kelleher, COL Gerald C. (25ID) (see Citations section) (4th Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Kelleher, SGT James E. (25ID)
  • Kelleher, Patrick J. (24ID)
  • Kellenstine, John A. (25ID)
  • Keller, 1LT Chester N. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Keller, Eugene P. (1CAV)
  • Keller, 1LT George A. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Keller, Robert H. (7ID)
  • Keller, MAJ Robert P. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Keller, Robert S. (3ID)
  • Keller, Stuard B. (7ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kelley, MSGT Cecil W. (25ID)
  • Kelley, 1LT Eugene F. (2ID)
  • Kelley, Frank J. (1CAV)
  • Kelley, SGT Jerry E. (3ID)
  • Kelley, PFC John A. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kelley, Lawrence A. (25ID)
  • Kelley, Pearl J. Jr. (25ID)
  • Kelley, 1LT Thomas W. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Kelley, SGT 1C Virlen Elden (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kellison, SGT Charles William (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Kellogg, Raymond H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kellum, CPL Raymond F. (3ID) (posthumous)
  • Kellum, 1LT William Harold
  • Kelly, 1LT Patrick H. (25ID)
  • Kellison, Charles William (2ID) (See Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kelly, LT COL Bernard T. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kelly, 1LT Carl Lester (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kelly, Daniel J. (45ID)
  • Kelly, SFC Edward J. (25ID)
  • Kelly, MAJ George E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kelly, 2LT Hercules R. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kelly, James B. (X CORPS)
  • Kelly, Jerry E. (3ID)
  • Kelly, Lee W. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Kelly, Paul Joseph (1CAV)
  • Kelly, Randall (25ID)
  • Kelly, Richard S. (7ID)
  • Kelly, SFC Walter J. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kelly, SGT William C. (2ID)
  • Kelly, William J. (25ID)
  • Kelly, PFC Willis E. (25ID)
  • Kelsch, Matthew J. (45ID)
  • Kelsh, 2LT Thomas F. (USMC (see Citations section)
  • Kelso, Jack William (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kelsmen, Charles (X CORPS)
  • Kemmett, Richard L. (FECOM)
  • Kemp, Don L. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Kemp, Wayne M.  (1CAV)
  • Kendree, Ulmont R. Jr. (1CAV)
  • Kendrich, PFC Leon L. (25ID)
  • Kendrick, SFC John G. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kendrick, MSGT Joseph F. (3ID)
  • Kendrick, Leon R. (25ID)
  • Kendrick, Robert C. (7ID)
  • Kenevan, John A. (3ID)
  • Kengla, Barney H. (45ID)
  • Kenna, PFC Donald F. (3ID)
  • Kennedy, SGT Charles J. (2ID)
  • Kennedy, Daniel P. (1CAV)
  • Kennedy, Donald H. (40ID)
  • Kennedy, 1LT Edwin L. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kennedy, Francis A. (3ID)
  • Kennedy, 2LT George E. (2ID)
  • Kennedy, SGT Jack M. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kennedy, John T. (1CAV)
  • Kennedy, SFC John W. (25ID)
  • Kennedy, Robert A. (25ID)
  • Kennedy, SGT Robert E. L. (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Kennedy, Robert L. (25ID)
  • Kennedy, William C. (3ID)
  • Kennedy, SFC William R. (3ID)
  • Kennelly, Robert T. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kenney, PVT Joseph A. ( 2ID)
  • Kenney, MSGT Richard P. (2ID)
  • Kenniston, Hugh L. (24ID)
  • Kenny, Bryan J. (1CAV)
  • Kenolio, PFC Arthur (2ID)
  • Kensinger, SFC William E. (3ID)
  • Kent, James W. (1CAV)
  • Kenyon, CPL Eugene P. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kenzel, Robert W. (24ID)
  • Kephart, LT Floyd (25ID)
  • Kerby, John Jacob (45ID)
  • Kern, SGT George A. (2ID)
  • Kern, CPL Wade C. Jr. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Kern, COL William Bentley (7ID)
  • Kerr, CAPT Edwin B. (2ID)
  • Kerr, CPL Monte W. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kerr, SGT Richard A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kerr, SGT Wayne H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kerrigan, 2LT Hunt S. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kerrigan, 1LT William E. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kessinger, SFC Benjamin J. (25ID)
  • Keuber, CAPT Paul C. (25ID)
  • Kevin, PFC Paul R. Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Keyes, David N.  (7ID)
  • Keyes, CPL Charles L. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Keyes, 1LT Edward B. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Keyes, LT COL Richard W. (25ID) (Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Khalil, 1LT Saad (3ID)
  • Khan, Ali M. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Khula, PFC Paul D. (2ID)
  • Kibler, PFC Linn E. (1CAV)
  • Kichline, Morris E. (I CORPS)
  • Kidd, Cecil (45ID)
  • Kidd, SGT Wallace J. (2ID)
  • Kidd, William T. (7ID)
  • Kidwell, CAPT John William (731st Bomber Squadron)
  • Kiefer, Yale Sheldon (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kieferle, SGT Ralph H. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kieffer, Charles F. (X CORPS)
  • Kieffer, Leonard J. (1CAV)
  • Kiellman, 1LT Alvin J. (3ID)
  • Kiesling, Curtis James (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kiger, PFC Ralph T. (2ID)
  • Kilbarger, SGT Norman M. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kilby, Thomas E. III (1CAV)
  • Killey, Glenn O. (7ID)
  • Killilae, LT COL Walter (2ID) (see Citations Section)
  • Killilae, LT COL  Walter (2ID) (1st Oak Leaf Cluster) (see Citations section)
  • Killingsworth, PVT Lee E. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kim, PFC Stacy L. (2ID)
  • Kimball, Benjamin F. (1CAV)
  • Kimball, PVT Otho (25ID)
  • Kimbrel, Billy R. (1CAV)
  • Kimbrell, LTC George W. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Kimmel, CAPT Louis E. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kimmitt, Joseph S. (7ID)
  • Kincheloe, CAPT Iven Carl Jr. (USAF - 5th AF) (see Citations section)
  • Kinder, PVT William L. (2ID)
  • Kindig, Jack C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kinseth, Donald Arlis (2nd ID) (see Citations section)
  • King, Allen D. (7ID)
  • King, PVT Arthur J. (3ID)
  • King, CPL Bennie R. (2ID)
  • King, PFC Charley L. (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • King, Clifford B. (X CORPS) (KIA)
  • King, Donald D. (7ID)
  • King, CAPT George W. (2ID)
  • King, Harlin Jr. (1CAV)
  • King, Jason R. (24ID)
  • King, Jerry L. (3ID)
  • King, Jerry M. (45ID)
  • King, LT John E. (25ID)
  • King, CAPT John H. (2ID)
  • King, PFC Lee M. (2ID)
  • King, PFC Leon A. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • King, Monroe D. (7ID)
  • King, Oliver H. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • King, Ray R.
  • King, 1LT Raymond Franklin (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • King, 1LT Raymond W. (3ID) (2 citations - see Citations section)
  • King, SFC Robert L. (2ID)
  • King, MSGT Vernon H. (2ID)
  • King, LT Virgil C. (25ID)
  • King, MAJ Walter S. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • King, William E. (3ID)
  • King, MSGT William M. (3ID)
  • Kingery, 2LT Thomas E. (2ID)
  • Kingston, 2LT Robert Charles (2 awards - Task Force Kingston)
  • Kinnane, Robert A. (X CORPS)
  • Kinner, LT Fay O. (25ID)
  • Kinney, Edward F. (1CAV)
  • Kinney, 1LT Fay O. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kinney, LT COL John F. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kinney, LT COL Oliver G. (24ID) (see Citations section) (2nd Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster)
  • Kinser, Jessie H. (1CAV)
  • Kinseth, SGT Arlis L. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kinsey, PFC Edward D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kinsfather, MSGT Paul P. (2ID)
  • Kipp, SGT Kenneth Rumberger (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kirby, CPL Phil H. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kirby, PFC Walter C. (25ID)
  • Kirchner, PFC Charles A. (25ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kirk, 1LT Richard Laurens (3ID)
  • Kirkpatrick, I. (2ID)
  • Kirkpatrick, SGT Joseph I. (2ID)
  • Kirkpatrick, 1LT Leslie Whittington  (24ID) (posthumous)
  • Kirla, PFC Stanley J. (3ID)
  • Kirshfield, SGT William (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Kirtley, Omer L. (24ID)
  • Kirtley, LT Thomas C. (3ID)
  • Kiser, 1LT  Harrol (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kiser, 1LT Howard M. (3ID)
  • Kiser, SGT Virgil L. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Kisow, Raymond C. (45ID)
  • Kiss, CPL Frank R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kissinger, HOSPITALMAN George K. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Kistler, SGT Robert A. (25ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kitchel, CPL Robert D.(2ID)
  • Kitchen, 2LT Milton S. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kitchens, PFC William M. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kite, SFC Edward J. (2ID)
  • Kitto, George J. (1CAV)
  • Kiyohiro, SGT Tetsuo (2ID)
  • Klan, CPL William F.X. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Klauber, CPL Louis A. (2ID)
  • Kleczka, Joseph (3ID)
  • Kleeman, Sydney L. (3ID)
  • Klein, Arthur W. (1CAV)
  • Klein, SGT Delbert W. Sr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kleinfelder, Robert H. (IX CORPS)
  • Kleinkauf, Howard S. (7ID)
  • Kleitz, Robert D. (25ID)
  • Kliefoth, 1LT George C. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kline, Robert P. (24ID)
  • Kling, CAPT Charles James (45ID)
  • Klingenhagen, LT COL John L. (2ID)
  • Klinger, Dale W. (45ID)
  • Klockentager, SGT Laverne H. (25ID) (w/Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster) (GO68, 20Aug50)
  • Kloster, Iver J. (X CORPS)
  • Kloth, LT COL Marion J.
  • Klowsky, Robert L. (7ID)
  • Klug, Kenneth (24ID)
  • Kluttz, SFC Bill C. (2ID)
  • Knapp, CAPT Harold F. (3ID)
  • Knauff, Donald L. (1CAV)
  • Knecht, TSGT Edward D. Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kneller, Charles  F. (1CAV)
  • Knezevich, William ( 7ID)
  • Knier, CAPT Aloysius M. (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Knight, Dalton R. (25ID)
  • Knight, 1LT John N. (2ID) (2 awards)
  • Knight, Joseph (25ID)
  • Knight, Julian R. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Knight, Lee A. (24ID)
  • Knight, Louis (1CAV)
  • Knight, SFC Patrick D. (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Knight, Robert H. (40ID)
  • Knight, 1LT Virgle D. (3ID)
  • Knight, 1LT William F. (2ID)
  • Knighting, Lee R. (24ID)
  • Knoeller, CAPT Frank O. (25ID)
  • Knott, Joseph W. (1CAV)
  • Knotts, PFC Rudolph S. (25ID)
  • Knowles, Richard T.
  • Knox, Albert Jr. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Knox, TSGT Charles Jr. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Knox, Thomas J. (45ID)
  • Knudtson, SFC Paul W. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Knutson, Derald L. (1CAV)
  • Koblenzer, PFC Edward (25ID)
  • Koch, Clarence (1CAV)
  • Koch, David C. (45ID)
  • Koch, 1LT Kenneth W. (2ID)
  • Koch, CAPT Robert Joshua (24ID)
  • Kochanski, PFC Paul E. (2ID)
  • Koebbe, 1LT Norvil G. (2ID)
  • Koehler, SGT Delyle F. (25ID)
  • Koehler, PFC Walter Theodore (3ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Koenig, Roy Eugene (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Koerner, Clarence A. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Koevenig, 2LT Donald J. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kofira, SGT George (25ID)
  • Koger, Bernard R. (1CAV)
  • Kohfield, 1LT Eugene C. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Kokoliadis, SFC George T. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Koldenhoven, 1LT Richard A. (2ID)
  • Koleno, George D. (7ID)
  • Kolesar, Joe (24ID)
  • Kollar, Thomas F. (1CAV)
  • Koller, Robert E. (1CAV)
  • Kolling, Donald E. (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kolofer, MAJ Edward A. (KMAG) (see Citations section)
  • Kolson, PFC Michael (2ID)
  • Komoroski, Joseph (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Konek, CAPT Edward A. (3ID) (2 awards) (see Citations section)
  • Konoske, SGT Earl F. (2ID)
  • Konsavitch, Andrew (1CAV)
  • Kontos, PFC James A. (3ID) (see Citations section)
  • Koonce, Woodley Jr. (40ID)
  • Kopp, PFC Rex Henry (3ID)
  • Kopp, PVT Robert E. (2ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Koppelman, PFC Marvin (24ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kopscick, 2LT George Jr. (2ID)
  • Korbmacher, PFC Arthur Edward (24ID) (posthumous)
  • Korchek, Robert L. (3ID)
  • Koski, Arnie V. (7ID)
  • Kostka, Donald R. (7ID)
  • Kostrey, TSGT George (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Koszi, CPL Victor S. Jr. (2ID)
  • Kovalcik, John A. (45ID)
  • Kover, Thomas J. (40ID)
  • Kowalczyk, Frank T. (3ID)
  • Kozares, PFC Victor (25ID)
  • Kozkowski, PFC Robert D. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kraemer, CPL John C. (1 CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Kramer, David O. (40ID)
  • Kramsvogel, MSGT Charles F. (2ID)
  • Kratt, Jacob Jr. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Kraus, PFC Gerald A. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kraus, SGT Louis Casper (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Krause, Donald W. (25ID)
  • Krause, CPL Francis J. (25ID) (posthumous)
  • Krause, ENS Ralph A. (USN) (see Citations section)
  • Krebs, PFC David W. (25ID)
  • Kreidler, 1LT  William R. (see Citations section)
  • Kreitler, Clark F. (7ID)
  • Kremer, PFC Daniel Louis (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Krepps, SGT Vincent A. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kreps, Kenneth J. (1CAV)
  • Krieger, Albert J. (7ID)
  • Kristanoff, CAPT George Walter (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kritz, PFC Leonard K. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kriwchuk, PFC Joseph (24ID) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kroen, Harry V. (25ID)
  • Kroesen, TSGT Paul B. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kroll, A2C David J. (USAF) (see Citations section)
  • Kromrei, SGT  Gunther E. (see Citations section)
  • Kronberg, Russell K. (40ID)
  • Krueger, 1LT David P. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Krueger, James H. (7ID)
  • Krueger, Lancelot W. (24 D)
  • Krukemeier, SFC Donald E. (3ID)
  • Krushensky, Herbert R. (1CAV)
  • Krzyzowski, 1LT Edward C. (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Kubasti, PFC George (1CAV) (see Citations section)
  • Kubiak, TSGT Leo John (USMC) (see Citations section) (posthumous)
  • Kubovich, CPL Alex H. (2ID)
  • Kuczynski, 2LT Charles P. (2ID)
  • Kueber, Paul C. (25ID)
  • Kueffer, Carl W. (1CAV)
  • Kugler, Orville H. (7ID)
  • Kuhel, SFC Michael R. (2ID)
  • Kuhn, Charles C. (EIGHTH ARMY)
  • Kuhns, PFC Charles E. (25ID)
  • Kuhns, Homer K. (24ID)
  • Kulbes, CAPT Phillip A. (3ID)
  • Kummer, Albert W. (45ID)
  • Kundtson, SFC Paul W. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kunkel, SFC Kenneth E. (2ID)
  • Kunkel, SGT Melvin R. (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kunz, CPL Amos Dave (2ID)
  • Kunz, MAJ Charles Murphy (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kupferer, Frederick B. (1CAV)
  • Kupferie, Oliver B. (1CAV)
  • Kurdziel, Stanialaus N. (7ID)
  • Kurlau, Harlan F. (24ID)
  • Kures, SGT Walter (USMC) (see Citations section)
  • Kurtz, CPL Howard E. (2ID)
  • Kurtz, PFC Robert F. (2ID)
  • Kutsugeras, CPL Peter G. (2ID) (see Citations section)
  • Kuuttila, 2LT Harold Oliver (2ID) (posthumous)
  • Kvidt, Reuden D. (1CAV)
  • Kydland, CAPT Wallace A. (2ID)
  • Kyzer, SGT Aubrey E. Jr. (2ID) (see Citations section)




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