Although open hostilities on the Korean peninsula ended decades ago, there remains a
never-ending need for Korean and Amerasians to unite with members of their family who were affected by the
war in Korea and the years after. Family ties were broken for a wide variety of reasons. From time to time, the Korean War Educator receives queries from children of Korean War
veterans who are seeking their natural fathers. Thousands of Korean/American children were born as the result of
war-time relationships between American servicemen and Korean women. Although they likely exist, to find the
paper trail in the State Department associated with these relationships of fifty-plus years ago is, as one
former high-ranking military official told Lynnita Brown of the Korean War Educator, "like going to hell for
ice." During the Korean War, interracial marriages between American servicemen and the Oriental women of Japan
and Korea were strongly discouraged. For instance, Marine and Navy personnel seeking to wed an Oriental woman
had to apply for permission to marry via Vice Admiral Turner Joy. Thus began a daunting obstacle course that few
American men were willing or able to hurdle. Ralph Lucas (USN Ret), who was aid and flag secretary to the
commander of Far East Command, said that the paperwork that had to be filled out before an interracial marriage
could take place was—without exaggeration—an inch and a half thick. The would-be bridegroom had to supply health
information, family background information, and criminal records search results, among other things.
Lucas said that it generally took about 18 months for the paperwork to be completed and processed. "Every ‘T’
had to be crossed and every ‘I’ had to be dotted before the paperwork was approved," he recalled. American
military officials felt that some of the women that our nation’s servicemen wanted to bring back to the States
as wives were not "choice" women. Therefore, the approval of the paperwork was purposely stalled in military
channels as long as possible, hoping that the serviceman making the application would be transferred back into
the States before his application was officially approved. Once back in the States, most of them didn’t go back
to Korea or Japan to retrieve their intended brides. The expenses to do this were too great; and often, so was
family disapproval of interracial marriage.
[KWE Note: The first Korean War bride to arrive in the United States--was met with approval
and enthusiasm by her new in-laws and the community. Her name was Lee Yong Soon, wife of Johnie Morgan. It
took five months for the couple to receive government permission to marry. They were married on Valentines
Day, 1951, which was her birthday. A story about the Morgans appears in LIFE magazine, Vol. 31, No. 19,
page 4, November 5, 1951.]
If a marriage was permitted to take place, the service was generally performed by an American military
chaplain, and thus there would be an official marriage license registered with the United States government.
According to Mr. Lucas, marriages performed in Japan were usually officiated by an American military chaplain,
as well as a Japanese official who was authorized to perform marriages. Lucas said that marriages that took
place in Japan were registered in two places: the United States government and the equivalent marriage registry
department in Japan.
Whether a marriage ceremony actually took place or not is usually irrelevant to those Korean/American or
Japanese/American children who are now the grown offspring of wartime relationships. Like grown adopted American
children who want to find their natural parents (not necessarily because of financial reasons), these "products
of war" want to find and come to know their fathers. Due to the sometimes sensitive nature of the fact
that American GIs might have living Amerasian children who are searching for them, veterans who want to respond
to one of these inquiries may contact Lynnita Brown for discreet assistance.
This page on the KWE was created to help Americans find Koreans/Koreans find Americans/and
the same for Japanese/Japanese-Americans. During the years of open conflict, and even in the years that followed the cease
fire, there was interaction between Koreans, Japanese, and Americans. On many occasions, orphaned Korean/Japanese children were
taken under the wings of the men serving in various American companies. When they rotated for home,
leaving a beloved Korean or Japanese child or Korean or Japanese girlfriend behind was a heart-wrenching task for American troops.
Likewise, American servicemen bonded with KATUSAs (Korean Army Training with USA), and the genuine friendships
they made with these Korean soldiers so many years ago are still not forgotten. On the Korean peninsula
and in Japan, many local citizens have these same feelings of affection for some of the Americans that they came in contact with
during the Korean War. It is the hope of the Korean War Educator that this page of the KWE will
serve as a facilitator of reunions between Koreans, Japanese, and Americans. If you are seeking to unite
ties with your loved one again, you are invited to send your query to the Korean War Educator, c/0 Lynnita
Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953; e-mail
This is a free service.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Amerasian Queries
- Japanese Queries
- Korean Queries
Amerasian Queries:
Searching for the Parents of Ho Kyung Jin
I am searching for my natural father and mother. I was born July 31, 1976 to (I guess) a Korean mother and
a black American father. My given name was Ho Kyung Jin. I don't know much more since I was placed in an
orphan's home in Seoul. I grew up in France and live in London (UK) now.
Does anyone have any information about it or on where I could get started in my search? Please, do not
hesitate to call or email me.
Frederic Rezeau
Phone : + 44 (0) 208 810 4504
E-mail :
[Posted 9/5/04]
Searching for the Parents of Song-yee, An
My name is John Loverich and I am 51 years old. I was born during the Korean War in December of 1953( in
Kyungnam) and adopted in 1956. I was put in an orphanage (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Orphanage).
I was wondering if there was any way I could locate my blood father. I was put in an orphanage by my father
on March 15th, 1954. My father left Korea during February of 1955. The orphanage was in Pusan Korea and my
name then was Song-yee, AN. I am not looking for anything but just would like to know who my father was. My
adopted parents have been great. Could you help me? For some reason the name John l. Shumaker was on some
paperwork I got from the dept. of Immigration several years ago.
John Loverich
10193 SH 53 W
Upper Sandusky, OH 43351
[Posted 1/22/05]
I am the daughter of Ok Cha Chong, who is Korean, and Larry Brown, who is American. I am looking for
my father, whom I have never met. He was a Specialist 5 security guard in the Fourth Missile Battalion
in Korea in 1961-62. His parents lived in New Mexico during his tour in Korea. I also know that he
had a brother and sister.

(Click picture for a larger view) |

(Click picture for a larger view) |
Larry Brown was stationed at Moonhak-dong (F-4-44) in Korea. Please contact me if you are my father
or know of my father. Contact me through Lynnita Brown of the Korean War Educator
[Posted 9/14/05]
Searching for Grandfather, Harold Haun/Honn/Hann

There's a message on back of the picture saying, ''To my darling wife and my darling daughter. This was
taken last year, 1967.'' So the picture had been sent in 1968 by himself |
I am a grandson of Harold Haun (could be Hahn, Honn, Hann, or some other spelling of the name) who married
to my grandmother Yoshie (I don't know her maiden name) around the time it was Korean war. I have been
trying for years to locate him, but not much info about him. All I've heard from my grandmother are unsure.
He was a corporal and worked as an MP in the Army in the Korean War. He got wounded on his arm and
evacuated stateside while war time. He has a daughter (who is my mom) and named her Shirley (guessing from
pronounce). He was around 22-23 when he got married to my grandmother and she was 23. He met her when she was
working at the PX. Contact: Yusuke Hirano at
[Posted 12/09/05]
Searching for Jimmy Briten
I am a resident from the Netherlands but I was born in Korea in 1973 and adopted by Dutch parents. My
father was a U.S. soldier and I have only recently discovered his name. He was stationed in the province
of Donggi-Hoo near Seoul in 1972. His name was Jimmy Briten. His name and birth date were found on
one of my traveling documents and only a mention that he was a US Army Professional Soldier. He was born
in 1953 and I assume was stationed in the Paju-Kun area in at least 1972, possibly before since that is where
I was born. He returned home to the USA in December 1972. I don't know where he resided at that
time or any time actually. He is an Afro-American. This is all very strange to me as you can
imagine. I don't even quite know how I feel about this. Contact: L. Doer at
[Posted 10/04/06]
Searching for Father
My wife was born in Seoul, Korea, 1960. Parents - mother Yong Cha Jung. Father Loyd Galin or
Galon, American soldier. She is not sure if he was Army or Air Force. She has a desire to know. Contact: Glenn "Bubba" Steward,
[Posted 4/19/06]
Searching for Cousins
We are looking for our cousins from Korea. Our Uncle William Tussey had two children with a Korean women
named Song. What little information that we have is that they and their mother Song lived in Youn Sang Ku,
Seoul, Korea in 1964. The boys' names are Eddie (Edward) and Billy (William) Tussey. They would be in their
50's now and their father is dead. I have a letter from the boys that is talking about going to Army chapel on
Sunday mornings. Any help on trying to locate them would be great. Contact:

(Click picture for a larger view) |

(Click picture for a larger view) |
[Posted 5/28/06]
Searching for Korean Mother/American Father
I am helping my friend search for her birthparents. Her father was a black American soldier serving in the
Korean War. Her mother was Korean and relinquished her to the Holt-Korea Adoption Agency when she was about 5
years old in 1958. I have attached all of the information that we have. There isn't much! I was hoping that
you could direct us to somewhere that we could go to continue searching for her parents. She remembers a black
soldier when she was younger being around and we believe that it was probably her father, in which case he
would know about her. Any guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Child's name at time of adoption: Kim Kathleen
Birthdate: November 15, 1953
Race: Negro/Korean
Admitted to Holt: August 18, 1958
Released by birth mother in Pusan
Entered Portland, Oregon October 19, 1959
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Special remarks: "Kathleen is one of the bravest, sweetest little girls I have ever known."
Nurse's comments: "Shy, pleasant child." "Sweet, alert child. Quiet." "Quiet manner.
Plays well with other children. Kinky black hair. Pretty smile."
Contact: Janae Jaynes Learned, 602-793-9000 Mobile, 1-866-475-1176 Fax;
[Posted 08/11/07]
Searching for Yvonne Morgan
When I was 8 years old in 1960, my family lived next door to Nike Manor, an Army housing project in Renton,
Washington. During that time, my first best friend was Yvonne Morgan, daughter of Johnnie Morgan and Lee Yong
Soon "Blue"--the first Korean War bride. Johnnie and Blue were married on Valentines Day. My friend
Yvonne was the oldest of at least four children. I recall Mrs. Morgan proudly showing me a copy of a
news article with her photo on it as she was the first Korean War bride. She spoke very little English then
but I was frequently in their home. In time, their family moved elsewhere and I lost track of my friend
Yvonne, but I never forgot her. I would love to be able to find my friend Yvonne but there are many Johnnie
Morgans in the US. Any chance you might have current contact information about Johnnie and Lee Morgan, so that
I can again find my childhood friend. Your website is the first I have found that mentioned Johnnie and Lee
Yong Soon specifically and you made my day. Many thanks. My fingers are crossed.
Contact: Marsa Dodson (formerly Martha Moenning when I knew the Morgan family in Renton). E-mail: or
[Posted 07/09/07]
Searching for Half Sister
I am searching for a half sister who got separated from our mother, a Japanese woman, in about 1955. She
was adopted by a Master Sergeant at the Johnson Air Base in Japan during the Korean War. She left Japan
with this man, his wife and an adopted Amerasian boy on their way to Corpus Christi Texas. I don't have this
man's name, but I know that he had red hair and his wife was a blonde-headed woman (Caucasian couple). My
sister is about 56 years old now. Her name was Yayoi Saito, but her name has been changed.
My mother's name was Utako Saito (Saito is her maiden name) at the time that my half sister was separated
from my mother. My mother told me that the babysitter, who stayed at the house of a Master Sergeant, went by
the name of Harumi from the Hanno area in Japan (a woman who had pretended to be a Colonel's wife) sold the
baby to an American middle-aged military couple (a red-headed Master Sergeant and his wife). The
babysitter signed her own name as the mother.
According to my mother, she did not allow the adoption. She found out what happened to her daughter
through a Japanese man who was an interpreter on the base. The man took her to the Master Sergeant's
home. she thinks that the Master Sergeant knew the interpreter. She said that she felt there was
nothing that she could do. My mother has said that when she saw her daughter at this man's home she
thought that her baby could have a better life. My mother was 20 years old when she had the baby in
1953. My biological father said that my mother never gave up her daughter for adoption. I think my
mother was afraid to do anything once she found out what had happened. I don't think there is a day that
my mother doesn't think about her baby. She wants to find her, but she doesn't know how. I think
she is also afraid that her daughter will reject her.
The Master Sergeant was from Corpus Christi, Texas. He was not my half sister's biological father.
Her biological father was a man of German Descent from California whose last name was Lewis. We know his
full name. He told my mother that he had to leave town and he knew that my mother was pregnant at that
time. My half sister was not in an orphanage at the time. A midwife delivered the baby and so
there are no records of her birth. Her name was changed to Yayoi Saiato. We think her name was
changed again.
The Master Sergeant and his wife left Japan around the same time that my parents left Japan in about 1955.
This couple also had a Eurasian boy who was about four years older than my mother's baby. There is no
picture of the couple. I thought that if I can find a photo of the red-headed Master Sergeant who was
stationed at the base the same time that my father was I would be able to know his name. It's likely
that my sister has his last name as her maiden name. I have a photo of my sister. My mother's baby
was not quite one years old at this time.
My mother thinks that all military personnel entered the U.S. at that time through a California military
base (probably Parks AFB as shown on my father's discharge papers).
I want to thank you for the site that you and others have developed. I just discovered it today.
Contact: Sabrena Taylor, (415) 271-5424. Living in San Francisco, California. Born in
Galesburg, Illinois.
[Posted Easter Sunday, 2009]
Searching for my Grandfather
I'm Masami Nakamura from Japan, 33 years old. I am the grandson of an American soldier. I've
been working looking for my grandfather. I went to
DNA and I looked through huge files and
soldiers pics but I still haven't met my goal to find my grandfather. Now I'm asking for a writer for
the Stars and Stripes to put a picture of him and story in that newspaper. I am trying to find him with
DNA results. I found many, many cousins, but they don't have information. They might be my
father's side? I didn't say that to them. I'm looking for Mom's side anyway.
The only thing I know about my Grandfather is that his name was George. Grandmom's original name was
"Miharu" (first name) "Minami" (last name). My mom's name Is "Mariko" or "Mari." At that time In
Japan, women gave birth at their own house and people helped them. My mom's mom was not married to my
grandfather because they couldn't make it in the 1940s in Japan when people thought that Americans were the
They met in Kyoto (west Japan) around 1940 (?) to 1947 (?). My mom was born in 1948. A US Army
base was there. When my mom was 3 or 4 years old Grandfather went to war from House "Kyoto Japan."
He said, "I'll come back soon. See you later." Then never came back. After that Grandmom
stepped up to survive. She went to work far away from there. Grandmom asked her older sister to be
"stepmom" to my mom and my mom grew up in Grandmom's family (7 boys and 4 girls--big family, isn't it?).
Mom became the youngest sister. Very complicated. She became a Japanese citizen.
After 20 years my Grandmom found my "Step Grandfather." (She said, "I love him forever.") But
my mom was already grown up with a big family. She didn't want to be changed. Mom stayed very cool
about it. Then Grandmom and Step Grandfather went to California. Then "forever" my real Grandpa's
profiles, even full names, age. He died. Any information became very very "secretsy."
My Grandmom and my Stepgrandpa died in the early 90s in San Diego when I was 16 years old. Around
1993 Grandmom knew that she did not have long to live. Before she died she told Mom a little about Mom's
birth father for the first time and last time. Mom Knew nothing Before. She had been wondering her whole
life but everybody kept my Grandpop in secrecy. Now I'm here...
My mom's stepmom (Mom's aunt) is still alive in Kyoto. Age almost 90. She is the one last
witness now but she won't say nothing. I started searching Grandpa when I was 16 years old because that
time my mom told me who her father was. She told me how she feels about life. Her life.
She's so proud to be part of Americans. I'm so proud too!!
Now Year 2009. High Technology is going on. Website and DNA. We can reach my goal sooner.
I have a picture of my grandfather and my mom. I am 32 years old and I really want to find where my
grandfather is buried. We want to cry at our grandpa's cemetery before my mom dies. I cried to my
grandpa's picture, "I will find you." He's been waiting! Please everyone, I need your help.
I will never give up!

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(Click picture for a larger view) |
Contact: Masami Nakamura, Japan. E-mail:
[Posted 4/20/09]
Searching for Biological Father
I came across your website last night and jotted your email down and thought I would write in an attempt to
try and find my biological father. I have tried in vain on and off for the last 10 years but have gotten no
where. Here is what I know:
- Name: Jim Beamer
- Military: Army, stationed in Hanam-Dong Yongsan near Seoul, Korea, at the 8th Army Base
- Rank: E5 at the time; Mom thinks he worked in personnel, but not sure.
- Hair: Light brown
- Eyes: Brown
- Time: He was there in summer of 1965 as I was born on May 25, 1966
- Other info: He was married here in the States unbeknownst to my mother and he apparently left Korea to
seek a divorce from his wife who wouldn't give him one. He has a sister who knows I exist because she sent
clothes to my mother for me. The crazy thing is that he thinks I am a boy named Danny as Mom says he really
wanted a boy. I am, however, a female named Suzanne. He never returned to Korea after that. My mother's name
is Yong An Yi but she sometimes went by Bobbie back then.
I want to find him or someone in his family or anyone who knew him so that I can find out my ethnic heritage
as well as medical history. I truly don't want anything else. I thank you so much for your time in reading this.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Contact: Suzanne Arbil, (925) 360-9803,
Searching for Biological Father
My name is Sarah Pak. I am Korean-American, living in America, born in Korea in 1958, adopted by
American parents in 1970. I am hoping to locate or find more information about my biological father.
My information:
- Korean birth name - Chung-Suk Park
- Name known by my father - Baby Nancy (according to writings on back of a photo)
- Birthdate - 10/3/1958 (I have not been able to positively confirm this date, but I believe this is close)
- Birthplace - small town north of Seoul
My birth mother:
- Name - Gap-Soon Pak
- Name known by my father - Hazel (according to writings on back of a photo)
- Birth month - March
- Current age - 74 or 75
- Age at time of my birth - Approximately 22 or 23
- Living or deceased - Living
My birth father:
- W.H. Erwin or W.H. Erwine or W.H. Erwlie or W.H. Erw??? (The end of the last name is very difficult to
determine as the writing is very light.)
- Years of service in South Korea - Approximately 1956 or 1957 to 1958 or 1959
- Branch of military - Army
- Military Unit - 8th Army (based on shoulder patch)
- Physical description - Approximately 6 feet tall, slender build, dark brown hair
- Living or deceased - Unknown
Other information:
- My mother stated that she was with my father for 1-2 years. He continued to write her for about four
years after returning to the U.S.
- My mother stated that my father left Korea before I was born, but there are writings on one of the photos
that say "Hazel & Baby Nancy" so this may not be true.
Contact information: I may be reached at 952-897-1728 or at
Searching for Biological Father
My name is Katherine Kim and I am a mixed-race Korean adoptee (Korean
mother/American father). My adoption documentation states my birth date
as September 5, 1957, but I don't know if that is accurate information.
Also my documentation states my name as KIM Catty, with my Korean
mother's name as KIM Jangsoo. We lived in Bupyeong-dong, Incheon, until
I was relinquished for adoption in November 1959. I was given to
Sergeant Day, Sp 5, who took me to the World Vision Reception Center. He
was unable to adopt me, but I was later sent to the US for adoption in
1961. My bio father was an American servicemen. If this
information sounds familiar to anyone please contact me at: Contact - Katherine Bradtke,
--- Searching for my Korean-born Uncle
My name is Tracee Peterson. I am looking for my uncle. He was born in
Korea during the war. I don't have a lot to go by. I don't have a
birthday just a name. My uncles name is or was Kim Soo or Kim Su. My grandfather's name is Harold Wesley Carter
Jr. He was from Oklahoma. I am trying to find out more information but my grandfather is no longer on
earth. It would mean a lot to his siblings if we could find him. Thanks for your help. Contact:
Trace Peterson. E-mail
Searching for Biological Parents
I was born in South Korea. My amended BC from the state of California
says that my birth date is 11/18/1961 (18 NOV 1961) and that was born in
Kyonggi-Do, Korea. In a follow-up from the State of California, the area
I was born at was Bosan-Ri, Kyonggi-Do, Korea and is now called Bosan-Dong,
Dongducheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. The area is close to the DMZ and
Camp Casey US Army base is adjacent to the town. According to the
non-identifying information my mom was a Korean Native and my dad was a
US Army Sergeant in his 30's. He was at the end of his tour when I was
conceived, on or about Valentines Day 1961. He shipped out at the end of
February or in March. My mom told the orphanage that she never heard
from him after that. My mom kept me until I was 4 and a half and then
she took me to KSS. I was there about 6 months. That's all I have. I
took a DNA test with Ancestry and have uploaded to GEDMatch #A194958.
With my DNA I found a 3rd/4th Cousin, Linda H. I created a tree for her
family, with her help. We've been looking for the past two years for the
male relative who was stationed in Korea About a year ago I got a match
with a 1st/2nd cousin Steve H. and his daughter 2nd/3rd cousin Kate H.
I found the link between Steve H. and Linda H. It was Linda's father's
side of the family that is the link to Steve and Kate's side. I'm just
at a standstill now trying to find that male who was in Korea in 1961. I
figure he was born sometime between the late 1920's to no later than
1943 (in case he fibbed about his age). Both Steve H and Linda H have
deep roots in Manchester, Kentucky. Most likely my dad would have come
from there or Butler County, Ohio where there was a large migration in
the early 40's. Also, he may have/had kidney disease. I have an
inherited kidney disease (PKD) that I got from one of my parents.
I have the paperwork from the State of California for anyone who is able
to assist me. I am
Bee Dalton.
Searching for American Grandfather
I'm looking for my grandfather who served as a medic at the 121 General Hospital in Taejon, Korea around
1952. Unfortunately, I don't know his name but do have a picture of him. Does he look familiar to you? Not
having his name poses a big challenge in my search for him. I've been looking for him independently. I will be
starting a family soon and would like to know more about my grandfather, even if just his name.

Here's what I know about my grandfather:
- Served as a medic/servicemen in Taejon, Korea in 1951-52 working at the 121st General Hospital.
- Polish decent.
- Spoke German so he may of had an accent.
- He was about 23 years old in 1952.
- He had a scar on his hand.
- He worked closely with Major Stanley Friedman in the 40th Infantry Division "Fireball."
- My grandmother had a nickname for my grandfather. She called him (sounds like) "Alternecki." I'm not
sure if it's short for Arthur Neski? We've ran searches under different variations of the name she's
provided. He had a polish last name.
- When he first arrived to the U.S., we believe he lived in the Miami, Florida area and worked in a Polish
restaurant there.
If my grandfather's photo looks familiar to anyone, please let me know. If you have any other information
on how to get a hold of photo year book or suggestions on how to find a military family member by photo only,
I would love to hear from you. - Sincerely, Jeanne Clark,, Seattle, Washington
[Posted 3/21/09]
Japanese Queries:
Korean Queries:
Searching for the parents of Tammy Lee
My name is Stine Lee Kruger, my real name is Tammy Lee. I was adopted when I was 6 years old from an
orphanage in Seoul Korea, to a little town in Denmark called Skanderborg. I was found on the streets of Seoul,
after running away from home because of my violent and abusive step-dad. The only thing I knew about myself
was my age and name, so the orphanage gave me a fictive birthday, the 24th of December 1977.
The name Tammy is American right? This could also be the name of my dad, or he could have named me....I
think. Is there any way that I can set up a search? Or what are my possibilities? Please contact me, (680) 488 5770, P.O. Box 9071, 96940
Koror, Palau.
[Posted 7/11/05]
Searching for Korean War orphan named Pyo
I am sending this e-mail on behalf of my Grandfather. I'm not sure if you will be able to help but we
thought it was worth a try. My granddad served in the Korean war and was based in Seoul during 1951. He was
with the 29th or 28th (not sure) field regiment. (He was with the British army, but he is Scottish.) His
name is David Muir.
During this time my granddad spent a lot of time looking after a young orphan who only went by the name of
Pyo. My granddad would really love to track down this person if he is still alive. Pyo would have been
around 8 years old in 1951 and my granddad made him an outfit from some old army clothes. On leaving, my
granddad gave Pyo the deeds for the neighboring villages if this helps any. He also gave him numerous blankets
to sell in the town so he could make some money. We do have a very small photograph of this young boy but
unfortunately we cant scan it. If you could help us in any way we would be very grateful. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Contact: Karen Gracie
[Posted 1/12/06]
Searching for Lee Bong Ho
The Korea Herald suggested I write you for help!!!! I am looking for a KATUSA (Korean Army Training with
USA) that I served with in the US Army 2nd Engineer Group, 40th Engineer Topo Corps, Camp Eiler east of K-14
airport in Korea in 1961 & 62. I keep hitting a wall all the time. I have written so many e-mails
to different Korean agencies and several South Korean generals. Nobody seems to want to help me.
Is there a website for former KATUSAs that served for the ROK military....or any website that could steer me
in the right direction?
His name is LEE BONG HO. He was maybe 23 in 1962. For the last 5 1/2 years I have been looking
on line for him. Before that in 1977, I asked a co-worker who was visiting her family in Korea to look
him up to no avail. LEE was an Offset Pressman on the 22 by 29 press, and a very good one at that.
We worked in a printing plant that had ten five-ton vans backed up against the building. My name is Mike
Volk. In 1961/62, I was 6 feet 4 inches tall, had brown hair, and was a Spec 4. Thank you for your help
in advance....Mike
Contact: Mike Volk,
[Posted 3/22/06]
Searching for Half Sister, Name Unknown - born 1956
I am looking for my husband's half sister who was born in Korea the same year as him in 1956. A
family reunion in late 1998 disclosed this information to him for the first time. His father, Sgt.
Raymond Eugene Holland was stationed in Korea in the 1950s with the United States Army. Raymond Eugene
Holland died in El Paso, Texas I think in like 1980 and is buried in a military cemetery there in Texas.
We were told the Korean lady in the picture who was holding a baby and another small child (around 2-ish) at
her side was in fact, holding Raymond Eugene Holland's child and the date was 1956. My husband was born
here in the States in 1956 on August 19, 1956. His name is Steven Eugene Holland. Contact: Windy Jo Holland, Palo Alto/Mountain View California
[Posted 10/19/06]
Searching for the Daughter of Hyun Yong Suk
I am searching for my cousin (half Korean/half black-American). She was born in Korean and is the
granddaughter of my aunt. She was born in February 1968 in Korea. Her father, my cousin, died last December,
but was still searching for her. He regretted having to leave her in Korea but he had no choice because during
that time he was not married to her mother. Anyway, my family would like to find her in Korea and help her somehow if she needs that. At least she can
meet her grandmother and know that her black-American father never stopped thinking about her and trying to
find her. She was named Debra or Sandra Renee Williams, but probably not listed that way in Korea. Her mother's name
is Hyun Yong Suk and she should be around mid to late 50's. My cousin was stationed at the Fox Trot Battery,
Delta Battery, Army Missile Base. His daughter's mother was living in Kyunggi-do, South Korea near the base. Please pass this information on to anyone who could help me locate her. Contact: Aleathea Wiggins at
Searching for KMAG 1946-50
Seeking Koreans and U.S. Army veterans who served with KMAG in Korea from 1946-50, and have knowledge of
infiltration efforts on behalf of the Far East Command. Also seeking anyone who has a copy of A
String, a Hug, and a Silent Knight, a government office publication of the same period. Blood
relatives who are acquainted with facts on these subjects and are holding orders and books or other items
related to the above please come forward. This has been a 57-year search. Contact: D. Schreiber, Ponto Historic Society, 7290 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92011. Ph.
760-438-2140. Fax 760-931-1719.
[Posted 9/22/08]
Searching for Korean Girl, Name Unknown - Yongdongpo Area
I lived with a Korean girl January-March 1952 in Yongdungpo, Korea (near Seoul). I was stationed at the
121st Evacuation Hospital and thought I would spend all my tour there. However, I was transferred north
to Uijongbu and then still further north to a Forward Ammunition Supply Point and was never able to return to
the Seoul area. I was rotated back to the States from there. I do not know the real name of the Korean girl. I
had it written in Korean, but that and other personal items were lost. I do not know if I fathered a
child, but the idea has caused me much reflection and concern. Contact: Ray Allison, Tampa, FL.
[Posted 3/27/08] ---
Searching for Kaihlee Lee, son of YooJa Lee
My mother, YooJa Lee, was married to my father, Leslie Wayne Ross, in the early 1960's. He was stationed
in the Army in Korea. I was born in 1962 while he was stationed in Germany. I had no idea that
my mother had a son, Kaihlee Lee, that was left behind when she immigrated. A family picture was taken of
YooJa and her sister (whose name is pronounced Sweko or Swayko) Lee and YooJa's son, Kaihlee Lee in the
early 1960's before she left Seoul with my father. My uncle was Masago Lee. My mother had a very large
family--four older brothers, herself, her sister, and two younger brothers. I do not have the names of her
parents, but am continuing to search. My mother turned 80 years old this month and it would be such a
blessing to her to reunite with her family. Her family was from Wonsan, Korea, but was living in Seoul,
Korea, when my mother immigrated to the USA. Contact: Lee Ann Wheelbarger, Houston, Texas,

(Click picture for a larger view) |
 Back of Immigration Documents (Click picture for a larger view) |
 Front of Immigration Documents (Click picture for a larger view) |
 Brothers (Click picture for a larger view) |
 Father, Leslie Wayne Ross (Click picture for a larger view) |
 Brother (Click picture for a larger view) |

(Click picture for a larger view) |
 Wedding Photo (Click picture for a larger view) |
 Wedding Photo (Click picture for a larger view) |

(Click picture for a larger view) |
[Posted 6/11/2015] |