Topics - B-29s - Remembrance

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This page is devoted to those B-29 flight crew members who paid the ultimate price for freedom while serving in the Far East Air Force during the Korean War.  Some were veterans of a previous war who had experienced the trials and triumphs of aerial combat in World War II. Others were fresh out of training school, flying their first and last mission at a young age.  Still others were fathers, sons, brothers, and uncles whose families would forever grieve after they received the news that their Air Force veteran would never be returning home to them again.  Please remember the fallen--and never forget that the price of freedom for some families was astronomical during the Korean War.

To send information, reminiscences, and photographs of your B-29 loved one, contact Lynnita Brown, 111 E. Houghton St., Tuscola, IL 61953; ph. 217-253-4620 or 253-5171; e-mail  No cost is ever associated with posting Korean War-related information on the Korean War Educator.

In Remembrance of Them

  • Gandin, David

In Remembrance of
Capt. David Gandin

Captain Gandin's B-29 aircraft (#44-62279) developed an engine fire in the climb after takeoff on October 19, 1950.  Steps taken to maintain flight caused the bombs on board to detonate and sever the control wires.  The plane crashed into the China Sea off the coast of Okinawa, killing all but three members of the crew.

David Gandin was born in Culver City, California, on April 15, 1919.  He was survived by daughters Leslee S. Gandin (3 years old) and Peggy Dee Gandin (1 year old); brother, Dr. Morris Gandin; sister, Mrs. Irving Jaffe; and niece Louise Gandin.  Louise supplied the documents and photographs for this Remembrance page.

Fate of Crew of #44-62279:

  • Anderson, SSgt. Clarence D. (survivor) - husband of Mrs. Betty Anderson, Riverside, California.  He escaped with a sprained ankle.

  • Archard, M/Sgt. James O. (fatality) -

  • Bandin, Capt. David (fatality) - brother of Dr. Morris M. Gandin, Los Angeles, and father of Leslee and Peggy Dee Gandin

  • Brandon, SSgt. N.Y. (fatality) - husband of Mrs. Ruth E. Brandon, March AFB

  • Davis, Capt. George A. Jr. (fatality) - husband of Mrs. Ruth H. Davis of Perris, California

  • Edgington, SSgt. Richard A. (survivor - uninjured) -

  • Kusel, SSgt. Harold E. (fatality) - husband of Mrs. Ruth E. Kusel, Arlington

  • LeMaster, MSgt. Lester M. (fatality) - husband of Mrs. Emma J. Lemaster, March AFB

  • Martin, Maj. John G. (fatality) - husband of Mrs. Mercedes R. Martin of Riverside, California

  • Stowers, Capt. Frederick H. (survivor) - son of Mrs. James A. Stowers of West Palm Beach, Florida.  He suffered serious injuries in the crash.

  • Willis, Maj. Robert F. (fatality) - husband of Mrs. Agnes Willis, Riverside, California

  • Wohlgemuth, S/Sgt. Edward J. (fatality) - husband of Mrs. Della M. Wohlgemuth of Syracuse, New York



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