Topics - B-29s - Known Flight Crew Members (incomplete list)

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A -

  • Abrahamson, Gerald D. - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Adams, Clyde D.
  • Adams, Donald Lester - See Casualty section.
  • Albright, Richard Louis - shot down by MiG on 7/4/1952 - MIA
  • Allen, Dick - flight engineer
  • Ambrose, Earl H.
  • Angulo, Sigfredo - died during final flight of "Tiger Lil", shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Argetis, James - "Double Whammy"
  • Ashcroft, Floyd D. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" 10/31/1951
  • Ashley, Gilbert "Coogs" - one of the "Ashley Five".  See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Asmore, James D. - aircraft commander
  • Ayers, Carl W. - flight engineer, "Command Decision"

B -

  • Bader, Morton W. - pilot
  • Badzik, John Rudolph - IP, "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Baird, Donald M. - weather observer.  See Losses - Personnel section.
  • Ballentine, George T. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" October 31, 1951
  • Bartol, ___
  • Bass, Kenneth H. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Basset, Robert
  • Bata, L.G. "Pappy" - FE on 44-87760 on Black Tuesday
  • Beck, Don - tail gunner
  • Becker, Roscoe George - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • Beissner, Fred Jr. - co-pilot, shot down on Black Tuesday, rescued at sea
  • Bell, James Lloyd - "Double Whammy"
  • Bennett, Jack
  • Berg, Eddie R. - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • Berry, Robert E. - survived final flight of Tiger Lil, shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Beyer, Frank E. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Bichard, Robert O'Neal - MIA Miss Manukie/Squeeze Play, 9/19/1951
  • Bigham, Donald G. - MIA.  See Casualty section.
  • Birch, Donald
  • Bird, Robert James - MIA on 11/19/1952.  See Casualty section.
  • Bisson, N.T. - crew member of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Black, Wayne Forrest - MIA
  • Blizzard, William A. - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • Blumenthal, Bernard - radio operator on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • Bochnovic, Michael - See Casualty section.
  • Bonura, Leon F. - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • Bordeaux, Lyle
  • Botter, William Joseph - flight engineer - MIA/POW
  • Bowden, Arthur J. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" 10/31/1951
  • Brubaker, Robert - captain on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • Bradshaw, Tom - original crew member, "Lemon Drop Kid"
  • Brazil, Kenneth S. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Brewton, Alton Beverly - See Losses - Personnel.
  • Brock, Paul E. - shot down 10/07/1952 while crew member of Sunbonnet King - MIA
  • Brock, Richard F.
  • Brown, Francis L. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Browning, ____
  • Brugeman, R.G. - radio operator on 44-87760 on Black Tuesday
  • Bryan, R.M.
  • Burczak, Stanley P. - bombardier, Dragon Lady, crew 3015
  • Burchell, William D. - navigator.  See Losses - Personnel section.
  • Burleson, William
  • Busch, Samuel Nathan - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan 6/13/1952 - MIA

C -

  • Caldwell, Richard Bruce - "Double Whammy"
  • Campbell, ___
  • Carey, John T. - CFC on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Carroll, John - observer on 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Cayson, Wayman Adolph - navigator on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Chapman, James - radar operator on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • Charnall, John F. - crew member of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Cheney, Brooke - aircraft commaner, "No Sweat"
  • Clancey, D.R.
  • Clark, ____
  • Cobb, Joe - right gunner
  • Coffey, Arthur G. - tailgunner - KIA
  • Cogswell, Robert Whitney - MIA/POW
  • Colgan, Samuel A. - shot down 10/07/1952 while crew member of Sunbonnet King - MIA
  • Colgan, William - flight mechanic/scanner.  See Losses - Personnel section.
  • Collins, Michael
  • Colombel, Rexford Lage - MIA Miss Manukie/Squeeze Play, 9/19/1951
  • Combs, Edwin D. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Confer, Arthur
  • Conn, Roderick G. - "Double Whammy"
  • Cook, Warren G. - Pilot of "Miss Tampa X".  Recipient of DFC.  He died in 1994.
  • Cook, William
  • Costello, Ronald J. - tail gunner on All Shook
  • Covic, Donald
  • Covington, William "Bill" - aircraft commander
  • Cox, George
  • Cross, ___ - captain on 44-70151 during Black Tuesday.  Survived bailout.
  • Cummings, Archie - flight engineer on 44-27347 on Black Tuesday
  • Czyz - Edmund J. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA

D -

  • Daily, Harold L. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" October 31, 1951
  • Dale, James L. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" October 31, 1951
  • Dalton, John W. C. II - survived final flight of Tiger Lil, shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Davidson, Thomas
  • Davis, Cecil E. "Dave"
  • Davis, Elbert
  • Davis, Richard
  • Dees, Ralph - FE on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • DeHaven, Tom
  • DeJung, Clifton - captain on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • Dempsey, Peter - pilot of 44-61824 on Black Tuesday
  • Denson, Joe D. - captain on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • Dickerson, Paul - right gunner on 44-27347 on Black Tuesday
  • Dino, Jim - original crew member, Lemon Drop Kid
  • Dougherty, Joseph Steven - crew member of 44-70151 on Black Tuesday.  Crew bailed out.  MIA.
  • Duncan, James Harold - MIA.  See Casualties section.
  • Dunham, John R. "Chute" - shot down 10/07/1952 while crew member of Sunbonnet King - KIA
  • Durham, Clyde C. - tailgunner
  • Dusenberry, Bob


  • Easter, Joseph Warren Jr. - right gunner on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Edwards, Morton G. - died of wounds from crash landing of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday.  See Casualty section.
  • English, Eugene M. - shot down 10/07/1952 while crew member of "Sunbonnet King" - MIA
  • Evers, Eugene B. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Eyres, Thomas Llewellyn -  "In 1950 Thomas was recalled into the service, and subsequently sent to Okinawa to fly as a navigator on B-29s. While on one of the missions over North Korea, his plane was hit, and only two men were able to parachute out before the plane crashed. Thomas landed safely, but was captured immediately and taken to Pongyang to join other prisoners. When it was discovered that he was an officer, he was placed in solitary confinement, where he was tortured and threatened daily for any information he might have. After two years he was repatriated in 1953. Upon returning home, he decided to stay in the Air Force, and retired as a Lt Colonel in 1970 with 29 years service. Thomas had a fatal heart attack in 1974. He is buried in Memorial Park, Austin, Texas."

F -

  • Farrell, Frank "Bud" - Left Gunner, "No Sweat", Brooke Cheney’s Crew
  • Fasullo, Anthony J. - radio operator.  See Losses - Personnel.
  • Felton, Richard Philetus - original crew member, "Lemon Drop Kid" (died 10/18/2011)
  • Field, Don - pilot of 44-86395 on Black Tuesday
  • Fields, Francis - tail gunner on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • Fieth, Anthony - survived final flight of Tiger Lil, shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Firchild, Malcolm - central fire controller on 44-87760 on Black Tuesday
  • Fogler, Clarence - pilot on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • Foltz, Clyde - 326th Bomb Squadron
  • Fontaine, Edward H. - radio operator.  See Personnel Losses section.
  • Foster, Harold Kenneth - IVO on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Foster, James W. - original crew member, "Lemon Drop Kid"
  • Foulks, James Arch Jr. - MIA/POW
  • Franks, Curtis
  • Froisness, Gordon Nowell - See Casualty section.
  • Fuehrer, Alios Anton - MIA/POW

G -

  • Gabree, Donald W. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Galdi, John Sr.
  • Gallop, Doug - "Ace in the Hole"
  • Galloway, Jack - left gunner on 44-27347 on Black Tuesday
  • Gant, John - one of two who survived the last mission of "Hot Box"
  • Garcia, R.B.
  • Garrison, Fred Herron - pilot of 44-62073 when it crashed on 11/08/1952.  MIA/POW.
  • Gauch, ____
  • Gibson, ____
  • Given, William
  • Goldbeck, Emil B.A. - captain on 44-70151 on Black Tuesday.  Crew bailed out.  Survivor.
  • Gonzales, Horace - original crew member, Lemon Drop Kid
  • Gonzales, Jose
  • Gooding, John
  • Goolsby, P.L. - left gunner
  • Goudice, Daniel Edward - bombardier on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Goulet, Roland E. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Granata, Achilles
  • Graym, Bob - navigator, "No Sweat" (Brooke Cheney crew)
  • Greer, Don - pilot
  • Greer, Herb - radio operator
  • Gretchen, J.E. - crew member of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Griner, William - pilot of 44-27347 on Black Tuesday
  • Gunhus, Orvis J. - KIA
  • Gray, Bob - navigator, "No Sweat"
  • Gray, E.D. "Gene" - original crew member, "Lemon Drop Kid"
  • Green, Avery - crash landed short of Johnson Air Base, Japan, on 11/09/1950 - KIA
  • Green, Norman
  • Griner, William - pilot of 44-27347
  • Gunhus, Orvis J. - crash landed short of Johnson Air Base, Japan, on 11/09/1950 - KIA
  • Gustine, Franklin - original crew member, "Lemon Drop Kid"

H -

  • Hamblin, Robert Warren - flight engineer on 44-70151 on Black Tuesday.  POW/MIA
  • Hamm, Joseph Grinnell Jr. - engineer on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Hanable, ____
  • Hancock, Floyd
  • Hand, Donald L. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Hardy, George - also Tuskegee Airman, WWII
  • Harrell, Sterling L. - aircraft commander.  See Losses - Personnel section.
  • Harris, Theodore R. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Hart, Alvin Dale Jr. - shot down at night on January 13, 1953 while dropping leaflets over enemy territory - MIA
  • Harvey, Robert Gordon - see Casualty section.
  • Hatfield, Douglas Hampton - MIA (remains later returned) after 15-20 MiGs shot down his plane on April 12, 1951
  • Haun, John Henry - See Casualty section.
  • Heaton, Joe B. Jr. - tail gunner "No Sweat" (Brooke Cheney crew)
  • Heil, Don - bombardier, "No Sweat" (Brooke Cheney crew)
  • Hendee, W. Buell Jr. - CFC on "Hearts Desire II"
  • Henderson, Woodrow (Woody) - co-pilot of "Island Queen"
  • Henry, Dewey Rosenhall - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Harrison, Benjamin Rowe - original crew member, "Lemon Drop Kid"
  • Hill, Donald G. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Hirsch, John Arthur - shot down 10/07/1952 while crew member of "Sunbonnet King" - MIA
  • Hobday, Jimmie Rowland - See Casualty section.
  • Hogan, Ben - original crew member, "Lemon Drop Kid"
  • Holland, Carl Charles Jr. - MIA "Miss Manukie/Squeeze Play", 9/19/1951
  • Homer, William Robert - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan on 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • House, Clyde
  • Howard, Arnold Sherman - MIA "Miss Manukie/Squeeze Play", 9/19/1951
  • Hubbel, ____
  • Hubler, ___
  • Hudder, Vernon - navigator on "Hearts Desire II".  Flew 27 combat missions.

I-J -

  • Ishida, Hidemaro - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Jenkins, William
  • Jerue, Clifford
  • Johansen, Charles V. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Johnson, Melvin Victor - original crew member, Lemon Drop Kid
  • Jones, Garnard L. - navigator
  • Jones, George Madison - MIA Miss Manukie/Squeeze Play, 9/19/1951
  • Jones, James H. - repatriated POW
  • Joyner, Bruce

K-L -

  • Kalogeris, John G.
  • Kauffman, Simon
  • Keene, Kassel Monford - MIA on 11/19/1952.  See Casualty section.
  • Keith, James G. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Kelly, Paul - co-pilot
  • Kendrex, Edward
  • Kendrick, Fred G. - shot down 10/07/1952 while crew member of Sunbonnet King - MIA
  • Kiba, Steve - radio operator, captured `/12/1943, author of, "The Flag: My Story - Kidnapped by Red China"
  • King, Clyde - regular pilot of "Sunbonnet King"
  • Kisser, Kenneth E. - repatriated POW
  • Knickmeyer, Clifton R. - pilot.  See Losses - Personnel section.
  • Koski, William B. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Kourafas, Nick - lead bombardier on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • Knox, James - top gunner on "Lubricating Lady" (44-61751), survived ditching 10/31/1952
  • Kroboth, ____
  • LaCrois, Cecil - flight engineer on "Alabama Sweetheart" 1952
  • Laden, Robert E. - crash landed short of Johnson Air Base, Japan, on 11/09/1950 - KIA
  • Landstrom, Willard - pilot
  • Landziak, Stanley - flight engineer on "Dreamer"
  • Langlois, Harvey - tailgunner who flew 23 missions from Kadena
  • Larimore, Charley Joe - tailgunner on "B.U.B."
  • Lavene, Harry J.
  • Lavoie, George Albert - MIA Miss Manukie/Squeeze Play, 9/19/1951
  • Law, Asa Lawrence - "Double Whammy"
  • Ledbetter, Henry - observer on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • LeMaster, Ebby - radio operator on "Lubricating Lady" & one of only 3 survivors when it was ditched 10/31/1952
  • Lentz, Walter K. - survived final flight of "Tiger Lil", shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Leone, Anthony Jr. - radio operator on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.  He was the only fatality in the crash.
  • Lester, Earl V. - Co-pilot, Dragon Lady, Crew 3015
  • Levy, Ben P. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" 10/31/1951
  • Lewis, James R. - pilot of 44-87760 on Black Tuesday
  • Lewis, Robert Clarence - pilot of 44-62108, KIA when 2 engines stopped and it crash landed
  • Lewis, Wilbur Eugene - See Casualty section.
  • Lipsky, D.
  • Livengood, Jacob Ralph Jr. - navigator
  • Lockett, ____
  • Logan, Samuel Porter Jr. - See Casualty section.
  • Long, Crawford
  • Lovell, John Raymond - shot down by MiG-15 on 12/04/1950 - Killed while POW
  • Lowe, James A. Jr. - See Casualty section.
  • Lutman, Charles - flight engineer, "Hot to Go"

M-N -

  • Maberry, Claude
  • MacClean, Gerald Charles - repatriated POW
  • Mahar, Charlie
  • Majeski, Ed - radar
  • Marks, Eugene
  • Marshall, James Doyle - MIA "Miss Manukie/Squeeze Play", 9/19/1951
  • Martineau, Horace "Marty" - pilot, "No Sweat" (Brooke Cheney crew)
  • Mast, Clifford Henry - shot down by MiG on 7/4/1952 - MIA
  • Mayo, Wayland - crew member (aerial photo gunner) on Tiger Lil
  • McAnelly, Robert W. - pilot of 44-62167 when it crashed on August 30, 1952, killing all 12 crew
  • McCarthy, John A.
  • McCauley, Robert - captain of "Star DusterD from 12/1951 to 9/1952
  • McCollum, Homer
  • McCowen, William Irving - pilot on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • McDonnell, Robert J. - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • McDonough, Charles E. - shot down by MiG-15 on 12/04/1950 - Killed while POW
  • McGill, Earl
  • McIntyre, Lewis
  • McKinney, W.P.
  • McNeeley, Albert J. - pilot of 44-27326 when it crashed into a mountain on 9/13/1951
  • McQuade, James R. - crew member 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Meadows, Julian Curtis
  • Meeks, Roland
  • Meier, Fred C. - navigator on 44-61816  on Black Tuesday
  • Mellon, ___
  • Menna, Angelo - CFC ring gunner "No Sweat" (Brooke Cheney crew)
  • Merritt, Carl - radar observer "No Sweat" (Brooke Cheney crew)
  • Messenger, Larry - pilot
  • Miller, John Thomas - crew member 461824
  • Miller, Lee H. - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Millward, George - one of two who survived the final mission of "Hot Box" in April 1951
  • Mims, John
  • Mitchell, Robert A. - crash landed short of Johnson Air Base, Japan, on 11/09/1950 - KIA
  • Molis, Carl
  • Monserrat, Miguel W. - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • Mooradian, Ara - bombardier, POW.MIA
  • Moore, David L. - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan on 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • Moore, Edward - radio operator
  • Moreland, Joseph B.- crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Morin, Al - CFC
  • Morofsk, ____
  • Murray, James B. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" 10/31/1951
  • Musso, Ray - gunner
  • Naftel, Stanley D.
  • Neail, Frank E. III - shot down 10/07/1952 while crew member of "Sunbonnet King" - MIA
  • Newbrough, Richard Lee "Dick"
  • Northey, W.J.G.

O-P-Q -

  • Oliver, David N. - survived final flight of Tiger Lil, shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Olsen, Arthur - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • O'Kelley, Stanley Keith - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • O'Meara, James Joseph - Shot down 1/29/1953 by MiG.  MIA. See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • O'Neal, Julius Elliott - observer on 44-70151 during Black Tuesday - MIA
  • O'Neill, Jim - electronics counter measures operator
  • Overby, Chuck
  • Panetino, Carl J. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" 10/31/1951
  • Parker, Fred Jr.  - lone survivor of shoot down of 44-86343 over Suiho Hydro Plant on 9/13/1952
  • Parkman, James J. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" 10/31/1951
  • Parr, Charley O. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" 10/31/1951
  • Parsons, Rex - right gunner "No Sweat" (Brooke Cheney crew)
  • Patterson, Lyle R. - DFC for shooting down the only MiG on Yalu RR Bridge Mission April 12, 1951
  • Peak, James Kenneth - MIA on 11/19/1952.  See Casualty section.
  • Peoples, Harry Thomas - See Casualty section.
  • Perdom, B.E. - observer
  • Perigo, ____ - navigator
  • Perry, Clyde A. - aircraft commander, Dragon Lady, crew 3015
  • Phalen, Robert Francis - See Casualty section.
  • Phy, Ralph Irwin - pilot of 44-27262 when it crashed on January 27, 1953.  KIA.
  • Picucci, James Jerome - shot down by MiG-15 on 12/04/1950 - KIA
  • Pillsbury, Danny - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan on 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • Piranien, Jack
  • Pollak, Frank J. - navigator.  See Losses - Personnel section.
  • Pope, James Dean - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Price, Frank
  • Pyfrom, Stan - co-pilot of 44-61816 on Black Tuesday

R -

  • Radlein, Earl W. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Ratzburg, Bob - original crew member, Lemon Drop Kid
  • Rearson, Danny - tailgunner
  • Rees, Charles H. (Chuck) - bombardier on Lubricating Lady & one of only 3 survivors when the plane was ditched on October 31, 1952
  • Reeter, Bill - pilot of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Regan, Francis
  • Reid, James "Jim" - radio operator
  • Renshaw, Mel - gunner on the "Sunbonnet King" - now deceased
  • Reitz, Arthur D.
  • Richards, D.D. - crew member of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Richey, Jess
  • Ridge, ____
  • Ries, Dale Richard - MIA Miss Manukie/Squeeze Play, 9/19/1951
  • Rivers, Bernard F. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Robson, Clayton - navigator
  • Roche, John
  • Rocklage, Harry William Jr. - MIA Miss Manukie/Squeeze Play, 9/19/1951
  • Rogers, James
  • Rohan, Edmond H. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" 10/31/1951
  • Rollins, Harry L. - survived final flight of Tiger Lil, shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Rose, Joe B. - left gunner on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Ross, Paul Clement - pilot
  • Royer, Ted G. - See Casualty section.
  • Ruble, Winfred L. - KIA as crew member of "Dragon Lady" 10/31/1951
  • Rucker, Emmett
  • Ruddock, William O. - navigator, Dragon Lady, Crew 3015
  • Rummel, Lt. Leonard - pilot, "Persuade Her"
  • Runyan, Clarence "Lefty" - original crew member, Lemon Drop Kid
  • Rupnow, Dale P. - 326th Bomb Squadron
  • Russell, Charles J. Jr. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA

S -

  • Sanders, Earl Jackson Jr. - pilot of 44-69892 when its wings iced up and crashed 9/12/1952.  KIA
  • Sanderson, Warren J. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Schooley, James M. - crash landed short of Johnson Air Base, Japan, on 11/09/1950 - KIA
  • Schwab, Edward A. - shot down by MiG's 11 miles south of Pyongyang and 18 miles east of Sariwon on 1/29/1953.  See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Schoeps - flight engineer, "No Sweat" (Brooke Cheney crew)
  • Schutt, George - bombardier
  • Sculley, James A. - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • Sechler, Henry J. - survived final flight of "Tiger Lil", shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Sefton, George - navigator
  • Service, Samuel D. - shot down by MiGs over Sea of Japan 6/13/1952 - MIA
  • Sestak, Myron Frederick - KIA following bailout of "Wright's Delights', They Chosen Flew" on 11/19/1952
  • Shields, Thomas Lester - pilot of 44-70151 on Black Tuesday.  MIA, presumed dead
  • Shipp, Thomas G. - shot down 10/07/1952 while crew member of Sunbonnet King - MIA
  • Shaddick. John - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Shipler, George W.
  • Sides, Jimmy Carter - See Casualty section.
  • Slagowski, Clyde - central fire controller on 44-27347 on Black Tuesday
  • Sleppy, Jimmy Carter - See Casualties section.
  • Smith, Lloyd - left gunner
  • Smith, Ted W. - survivor of bail out from 44-70151 on Black Tuesday
  • Smith, William - squadron commander
  • Snider, Edward E. - pilot
  • Snyder, John Jr. - left gunner
  • Snyder, Sid - navigator
  • Snyder, William
  • Sonderberg, Donald L. - pilot
  • Spence, Marvin James
  • Spivey, Fred R. - left gunner on 44-61816 on Black Tuesday
  • Spitler, Ernest C. - pilot
  • Sproul, ____
  • Stainbrook, Paul - left gunner on 44-27347 on Black Tuesday.  Survivor of bail out.
  • Stalnaker, Robert E. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Stevenson, Frank James - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Stoneking, ___ - aircraft commander
  • Strieby, Francis A. - crew member of "So Tired", shot down 7/04/1952, POW, repatriated
  • Strine, John T. - radio operator, repatriated POW
  • Stroud, Joe - electronics counter measure operator
  • Stopa, Dewey - died while POW March 3, 1953.  See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Sawyer, William F. - aircraft commander, "Wright's Delights', They Chosen Flew"
  • Swingle, Beverly Allison - MIA on 11/1/9/1952.  See Casualty section.


  • Tantorno, Charles - radio operator on 44-27347 on Black Tuesday
  • Taylor, Harold R. - survived final flight of Tiger Lil, shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Tejeda, Francisco J. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Temple, Amos Cleveland "Pete" - See Casualty section.
  • Tiller, Horace Nelson - MIA.  See Casualty section.
  • Torres, ___
  • Thompson, Ernest Lloyd - tailgunner on "Blue Tail Fly" - flew 29 missions between 7/13/1950 and 10/19/1950 on 44-61693 (BTF)
  • Thomson, Hugh Ker - "Dougle Whammy"
  • Thorpe, ____
  • Timmons, Paul - gunner
  • Townswick, Carl - aircraft commander
  • Trunnell, MSgt. Ken - (died 8/13/2003)
  • Turner, Dewell - left gunner on 44-27347 on Black Tuesday
  • Turner, Harold  - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Turpin, Randy -  crew member of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday

U-V -

  • Urban, Karl
  • Vance, D.B.
  • Vandarwarka, Clayton W. - pilot of 44-69818 when it crashed during landing 7/7/1953
  • Van Voorhis, Paul Edward - shot down at night on January 13, 1953 while dropping leaflets over enemy territory - POW
  • Verrill, Rodney E. - weather equipment operator on final flight of Typhoon Goon II.  See Losses (Personnel) section.
  • Victor, Russell B. - crew member of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Vretis, James George - crew member of 44-70151 on Black Tuesday.  Bailed out.  MIA.


  • Wagenhalls, John - bombardier
  • Walkup, John
  • Walters, H.L. - crew member of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Ward, John C. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Webb, Carl - trail gunner on 44-273347 on Black Tuesday
  • Webb, Jerry - tail gunner on 44-87760 on Black Tuesday
  • Weese, Henry Douglas - shot down at night on January 13, 1953 while dropping leaflets over enemy territory - POW
  • Weimer, Earl E. - survived final flight of Tiger Lil, shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Weinbrandt, Robert L. - See "Shady Lady/Double or Nuthin'" in Aircraft Losses section.
  • Welch, William F. "Bill" - photo/gunner
  • Wentworth, Lloyd G. - navigator, repatriated POW
  • West, Carl Emmons - crew member of 44-70151 on Black Tuesday.  Crew bailed out.  MIA.  West was born November 16, 1932 and was from Illinois.
  • Whalen, Wallace B. - survived final flight of "Tiger Lil", shot down by MiGs on 11/07/1954
  • Whisman, Joe - radio operator "No Sweat" (Brooke Cheney crew)
  • Whitaker, Bill - tail gunner on 44-27347 on Black Tuesday
  • Wiggins, Lloyd C. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Williamson, Monte C. - crew member of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Wilson, E.L. - crew member of 44-86295 on Black Tuesday
  • Winchester, Alan - crew member of "Wright's Delights', They Chosen Flew"
  • Withun, Robert R. - tail gunner on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Wolfert, Frederick Edwin - VC on "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Wolters, Al - flight engineer
  • Woods, James E. - shot down by two MiG-15s over Sea of Japan on 7/29/1953 - MIA
  • Word, Charles
  • Wynn, Donald Dewey - aircraft commander of "Chief Spokane: The Red Eraser" when it crash-landed and burned at Kadena in January 1952.
  • Young, Jules E. - shot down by MiG-15 on 12/04/1950 - KIA

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