
Topics - B-29s - Black Tuesday - Lewis Crew
Robert Bergstrom's Memories

Reliving Black Tuesday

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Foreword
  • Decision Time
  • One Hurdle after Another
  • Diary of a Navigator-in-Training
  • Reliving Black Tuesday
  • In Memory - The Lewis Crew
  • Photo Album


The following was sent to Lynnita Brown of the Korean War Educator, along with Mr. Bergstrom's memories of Black Tuesday.  Mr. Bergstrom was a member of the Capt. James Lewis' crew on Black Tuesday.  1Lt. Robert L. Bergstrom later received the Air Medal for meritorious achievement in aerial flight from May 23, 1951 to July 22, 1951.

Robert Bergstrom was born in Karlstad, Minnesota.  His family moved to Bock, Minnesota in 1930.  Graduating from Milaca High School at age 17 in 1943, Robert joined the Army Air Corps and underwent cadet training.  He was commissioned and earned his wings at age 19.  After receiving training in bombers and radar in California, he shipped out to Okinawa as a radar operator near the end of World War II. Among his assignments at that time was a mission to fly over the bomb sites of Nagasaki and Hiroshima with a special filter attached to his plane.  The filter checked on the radiation level from the atomic bomb sites.  Another mission was to secretly map North Korea by radar.

After completing his tour of duty in the Air Corps (name later changed to Air Force) he returned home, remaining in the reserves.  When the Korean War broke out, Robert was recalled to active duty and ordered to report to an air base in Illinois.  From there he was assigned to Shreveport, Louisiana for a six-week refresher course.  He was then shipped to Okinawa, from which he flew B-29 bombing missions over North Korea during the Korean War.  According to a feature story by Thomas A. Kvamme in the publication My Generation (June 2013), Robert said, "I began to realize what I had been doing in North Korea and why they called me back."

Robert Bergstrom served nine years in the military, with two of them on battle duty and four years in Okinawa.  He was released from active duty in 1952.  He married a nurse, Erma Johnson, on the historic date of October 23, 1965 (the date of Black Tuesday in 1951).  The couple lived in Alaska and Africa as missionaries, raising four children.  They retired to Minnesota.

His memoir was forwarded to the KWE, with his permission, by his neighbor, Mary Martin of Milaca, Minnesota.  She purchased Earl MacGill's book, Black Tuesday Over Namsi to share with Robert.


I finally sat down and made an effort to write my story as I remember it over "Namsi," as I have been reading Black Tuesday Over Namsi.  I realize the many years of trying to gather information and putting it all together.  I have come to understand why you were not able to find Captain Lewis' crew--or any of us.  It wasn't many days before we were flying missions again.  We made ten missions after "Black Tuesday Over Namsi."  They were night missions by "Shoran." 

They finally told us that replacements were coming and we would be going home.  We were slated to go by commercial air.  No parachutes, of course!  I didn't care for that.  I am sure I had the stewardess flustered and was glad when we landed in San Francisco.  At the airport they told us they would fly us anywhere we wanted--just come up and sign the manifest.  I called home and told them I was taking the train.  I didn't want to fly.

After a couple weeks at home, the Air Force was training me in B-29s at Barksdale Air Force Base, and I was slated to go to Morocco, North Africa.  The General called me in and said I was up for getting my Captaincy and they wanted me to stay in the Air Force.  I had made up my mind to be discharged, so I made my salute and about-face and left for home.  I often thought over the years that if I had more R&R and stayed in the Air Force, where I would be today.  "No Regrets."  I met my spouse, had four children, and made our future going to Africa, the "Congo" as missionaries for twenty years before retiring in 1991.

In my retiring years I now realize some of the mistakes I have made.  Looking back a few months, with my health issues, I needed some help with dental work.  I went to the VA thinking I would get some help.  Looking at my records, they immediately said that only having 70 percent service connected, "They couldn't help."  I needed 100 percent.  I was really disappointed.  Thinking about it, my "mistake" was not going to the dispensary for my arm wound when I returned from the Namsi mission.  Even the next day others told me that I would have received a Purple Heart.  I have heard that all who were given Purple Hearts got 100 percent service connected when discharged.  I wonder?

Also, over the years I cannot believe that the Air Force never gave our crew (Captain Lewis' crew) any recognition with a medal--Distinguished Flying Cross or Air Medal.  I realize we were never interviewed, but maybe in all that was going on at the time it just got overlooked.  I wouldn't now know who to turn to, if anyone.

Actually, I don't know why I am telling you all this.  Maybe I just need to get it off my chest.  Many have told me I am entitled to full benefits at the VA.  One thing is for sure.  If it wasn't for my faith in God and my wife helping me through some rough times with my "invisible wounds," I don't think I would have made it.

Allow me to say "Thank You" for taking so much of your time reading my story as I remember, "Black Tuesday Over Namsi."

Decision Time

I reported to Fort Snelling, Minnesota, the 5th of January 1944 for active duty.  My brother had already volunteered and was serving in the Navy Air Corps flight training at Purdue University Air Field in Indiana.  I decided to go down and ask him what I should do.  I was 17 years old at the time.

Talking it over with my folks, I took a bus down to see him.  Arriving at the airport, I went up to the guard.  "What can I do for you?" he asked.  I said, "I am here to see my brother.  He is here in flight training.  I am from Bock, Minnesota.  Can I see him?"  He turned and after a moment said, "You go into those doors and wait there.  He will come out in that room."  I did, and sure enough, it wasn't long before he showed up.

It was good to see him.  We talked a while and, of course, he had classes and went flying.  I took some pictures out on the flight line.  I finally asked him what he thought I should do.  His advice to me was, "The Navy is really hard.  Why not try the Army Air Corps?"  At the same time, he asked me, "How is it you are able to get in here, for NOBODY is allowed in this airport other than Navy personnel."  I told him, "I just told them that I'm from Bock, Minnesota and I came to see my brother, and they let me in.  I must look okay."

After returning home to our farm, I right away went down to the barn where my dad was finishing up milking the cows.  I told him that I had decided to join the Army Air Corps.  My dad thought a little and then he said, "I guess the way things are going with the country, if I was your age I would join too.  I told my mother and she said, "One in the service is enough."  I was able to overcome that with a little convincing.

One Hurdle After Another

Now it was off to take tests in St. Paul, Minnesota to see if I would qualify for cadet training.  I remember there were 270 questions on the test and I got 247 correct.  The one giving the test said, "That was really good."  That was my first hurtle. 

After some basic training I had to take more tests for a week.  I found out later that it had nothing to do with flying, but was given to see if I was able to be taught in future training and to determine what would be best for me in the different areas available in the Air Corps.

Then I was told that I needed some college education to allow me to go into cadet training.  They sent me to Oklahoma A & M in Stillwater, Oklahoma for about a three-month crash course.  It was hard, but I passed and was on my way.

Diary of a Navigator-in-Training

Before entering college training I was sent to Garden City, Kansas for my first flights in the air.  The following is from a few pages of the diary that I kept at that time.

5/23/44 - Third Flight - Wind: southeast - Time: 1 hour

We took off due south.  Had to hold left rudder to account for the wind coming from the southeast.  Left the pattern and I did a few left and right turns.  We then did some climbing turns until we reached 4000 feet.  At that altitude my instructor went through the series of turns which I observed as I was to try them after he was through.  I remembered the procedure quite well, but I lost quite a lot of altitude in my 360 degree turns.  I also forgot to increase my throttle in making my 260 degree turns and to decrease my speed on recovering.  I went through the series of turns twice after that.  I made gliding turns to 500' when my instructor demonstrated the rectangular course and I then tried it.  My greatest trouble was crabbing into the wind and holding the nose straight and level.  We then went back to the home airport after one hour of flying.

Series of Turns


5/24/44 - Fourth Flight - Wind: southeast - Time: 1 hour

We took off south.  Held left rudder to account for the southeast wind and leveled off at 400', made a 90 degree level turn to the left.  Climbed to 500' and made a 45 degree level turn to the right and left the traffic pattern.  Made climbing turns to 1500' when I tried the series of turns.  It was a quite stiff wind and my greatest trouble was remembering to make a shallow bank when going into the wind.  I also looked at the wing when making my 260 degree turns.  I also forgot to turn into the wind before making my 360 degree turn.  We then went down to 500' and made the rectangular course.  Here I also forgot to make a shallow bank when turning into the wind.  I then followed my instructor in on a landing.  I then took off and flew around out of the pattern and back into the pattern and landed.  In my instruction today I was also shown the "S" turn following through with the instructor.

5/27/44 - Sixth Flight - Wind: south - Time: 1 hour

We left traffic pattern, went out to the practice area.  I then flew the rectangular course twice and made some "S" turns and elementary eights and parachute eights.  I did a little better in accounting for the wind, but I still have the tendency of holding a back pressure on the stick and I gain some altitude.  We then went and made climbing turns to 3600' and my instructor showed me the three types of stalls and then we went into a spin.

5/29/44  - Seventh Flight - Check ride - Wind: west - Time: 1 hour

Today was my check flight after 5 1/2 hours in the air.  I taxied and on the runway and took off due west.  Left the traffic pattern and flew straight and level to the practice area.  I started my rectangle and flew that and went right into "S's", elementary eights, and then did climbing turns to 1500 degrees.  At 1500' I did my series of turn and then made gliding turns and landed.  I did pretty good as I am getting more of the feel of the airplane and I am concentrating more on the wind drift and bank to be made in my sequence.

5/31/44 - Eighth Flight - Wind: south - Time: 1 hour

Today I took off and flew out of the traffic pattern and flew at 500' to the practice area.  I then flew the rectangular course and then went into the elementary eights , "S's" and parachute eights.  Then did climbing turns to 3500' and my instructor showed me the three series of stalls.  I then did them.  Had a little trouble in keeping the wings level, but I got on to it pretty good.  My instructor then took me into a spin and I did five more Two-turn spins after that.  I began to like them quite well toward the last.  We then glided to the airport and landed.

6/1/44 - Ninth Flight - Wind: south - Time - 1 hour

It is a brisk wind today and I took off and flew the traffic pattern.  I tried to fly straight and level out to our practice area, but the winds, updrafts and downdrafts were awful.  I did pretty good at my rectangle and eights and "S's" and then I climbed to 3500' and did the three series of stalls and then I went into spins.  I liked the spins swell today.  I went into three spins one right after another.  I pulled out of the spins pretty close to exactly two turns.  Can improve on my spins if I didn't push the stick forward too fast.  We then returned to the home airport.

6/2/44 - Tenth Flight - Wind: south - Time - 1 1/2 hour

Today's flight consisted of taxing out on the runway and taking off for a check flight.  I left the traffic pattern and headed north to the practice area.  I then went into my rectangular course and then my "S's", eights, and parachute eights.  I then did climbing turns to 1500 feet and did my series of turns.  After completing the series of turns I made climbing turns to 2500' and did the three series of stalls.  Did climbing turn to 3000' and did spins to the right and left.  The wind today was very brisk about 30 miles per hour and at the lower altitude the air was quite rough.  I did comparatively good and then I had completed my spins.  I did gliding turns and returned to the home airport.

Reliving Black Tuesday

written by
Robert Bergstrom


Invisible Wounds

I have had a hard time writing about what happened to me and the crew on 23 October 1951, known as "Black Tuesday Over Namsi."  To be truthful, it is not easy for me to relive that day, especially these last few years.  Maybe I should have told my story over and over again.  Some say it is good therapy to tell it and write about it.  Maybe it is.  There were times I didn't even want to look at a B-29.  Even if a picture was put before me it brought back too many memories.

I seem to be better since I have been interviewed and written up in the local newspaper.  After my neighbor read the story, she came and asked if I have ever contacted any of my crew members.  I had to say I hadn't.  It got me to looking up my Air Force records that I have kept for years in a trunk in our attic.

Before this time I was having trouble sleeping nights, reliving my combat missions.  Under the advice of a veteran friend, I contacted the VA.  On my first visit, as I began to tell my story, the psychologist said, "We want to help you."  I was diagnosed as having PTSD and was recommended to have some 20 sessions.  It did help to a degree, but I was told that in the end, my invisible wounds will be with me the rest of my life.  They did say that I could always call back because new things come out that maybe could help.


A lot of planning went into getting ready for this mission.  As I remember, the weather was not the greatest.  That meant that we had to be ready to drop our bombs electronically by SHORAN.  SHORAN is an acronym for SHort RAnge Navigation, a type of electronic navigation and bombing system with a precision radar beacon.  I was the radar operator and I was checked out in this type of operation.  Under daylight or visual conditions, flying SHORAN, using only an arc on the screen for guidance, with a slightly level formation, for some 60 miles to the target didn't appeal to me.  Really, we were sitting ducks.

Listening to the Far East Radio the night before and hearing what happened to the 19th Bombardment Wing didn't help our getting ready to make the same type mission the next day on Namsi.  Nevertheless, we got up early for the briefing, loaded on the 6x6 army truck, saying very little, if anything, to each other out to our plane.

The trip was uneventful up the initial point (I.P.), but as suspected, weather conditions were such that we were forced to go electronic SHORAN on the bomb run.  In the beginning, all three flights seemed to be in formation.  This changed when we started on the bomb run.  Able and Baker flights stayed together.  We were in Able flight Number 2--Captain Lewis' right wing, with Captain Krumm on the left. There was some disagreement, so we heard Charlie's flight dropped behind a couple of miles.  We were now decompressurized, so we had our oxygen masks on.  I always set my regulator to 100 percent.  I felt better with that setting.

Taking Flak

On the run to the target, Namsi Airfield, we encountered the most flak I have ever experienced.  On other missions I heard flak bounce off the plane, but never like this.  It seemed to be bigger stuff and more accurate.

Right at this time a cloud of insulation was spread all over the rear of the plane and over all of my radar equipment.  Where it came from, I couldn't tell.  We found out later that it came from the tunnel that is connected over the bomb bay.  Seems like everything was happening at the same time with flak penetrating under the floorboard by my feet.

I began to hear a crackling noise and see smoke.  I knew immediately what it was.  It had happened to me on another mission.  I pulled the board lose and could see the wires that came from my radar equipment had been hit.  With my gloves on my hands, I quickly spread the wires to stop it from smoking and catching on fire.  I left the board off to see if there would be any more smoke.  I looked at my radar screen and SHORAN.  They weren't functioning.  I got on the intercom to let the bombardier know what happened.  Right after that I felt a little something in my left arm.  On examination, I realized that it was some blood, but I didn't think it was too bad.  I wrapped it up with my hanky as tight as I could and forgot about it.  Then more flak--big stuff--hit.  The gunner's right side blister was gone.  Later he told me he raised up when it was shot off and he hit his head on something.  It drew a little blood, but he felt okay, too.

Bombs Away

Time was passing.  I knew that it was getting close to "bombs away."  It seemed that the flak had stopped.  We knew MiGs were coming at us by the noise of the gunners shooting.  We then heard Captain Krumon's aircraft was hit.  It's number two engine was on fire and the crew had to abort the mission.  Over the intercom came, "Watch for any chutes."  We saw two chutes before they went into the clouds  I kept watching the gunners I could see from my position, continually glancing to make sure that no fire or smoke was coming from my radar equipment.  All this time the gunners were calling over the intercom.  I heard the tail gunner, Webb, say he got one MiG.  I think other gunners were getting hits also.  During this time I heard, "Bombs away."

I thought that Captain Lewis would now be doing what we called "evasive action", but we were still flying straight and level.  It seemed like an eternity to me before making a left-hand turn to head south to the 38th parallel.  We were still under fighter attacks.  Captain Lewis knew what needed to be done--stay in formation, watching Able Lead Captain Fogler's plane before making our move to descend. The actual battle lasted about 15 minutes.  I thought it was much longer than that.  We found out later that three of the nine B-29s went down in flames.

Out of Harm's Way

Finally in our descent and out of harm's way, I remember standing up saying, "Thank you, God."  Tears shot out of my eyes.  That never happened to me before or since.  It just seemed like the MiGs were never going to stop coming at us. Right then the right side gunner, Bruegeman, waved to me to see what he was looking at.  I went over and saw a MiG 15 flying just to our right.  I was so surprised.  I wished that one of us had had a camera.  He flew alongside of us for about a minute.  Finally we both waved to each other and he peeled off.  Over the years I have wondered how brave he was to take a chance to do that.

Getting to a lower altitude, we took off our oxygen masks and began to assess our damage.  The flight engineer said that we still had all four engines functioning, but our hydraulic system was out.  We had to think about winding down our landing gears.  At this time Captain Lewis decided to call the Air-Sea Rescue to follow us back to Okinawa in case of any more trouble.

We made sure that we had a crank to wind down the gear.  We knew it was in the forward bomb bay on the right side.  We heard later that it took 741 turns.  The gunner, Bruegeman, volunteered to do the job.  I went along to help and change off.  Captain Lewis said we were to wait to wind down the gear until about an hour before landing.  He also decided to give each of the crew the option to bail out when we got over the airfield, not knowing if the gear would hold.  We all decided to stay with the plane.  The Air-Sea Rescue plane flew under us and checked the gear as best as its crew could.  The pilot thought it looked okay.


Captain Lewis did a great job landing.  We all sweated it out with him.  A photographer was there to take a picture of the crew and plane.  Others came to check us out, to.  I heard the next day that there were too many holes to count (I never counted them), along with a cannon hole below the vertical stabilizer between me and ahead of the tail gunner.  A person could have squeezed through that big hole.  They said this plane would just be used for parts.

We naturally had our debriefing to tell them all the information we could.  It took a couple of hours.  I didn't mention the wound on my arm.  Why?  I thought about it, but I didn't want to be taken off flying status.  If we had to do more missions, I wanted to go with the crew.  We had a good crew that worked well together.  It meant a lot to me.

After debriefing we were ready to hit the sack.  The log book showed 10 hours and 45 minutes flying time.  I'm amazed we made it with the flak holes and the cannon hole in the rear, not hitting a more fatal part of the plane or crew.  No gas leaks.  I guess the self-sealing fuel tanks really worked. The next morning, looking around and learning that some of my buddies would not be coming back is a memory not easy to erase from my mind. 

More Missions

I made five more missions in November and five in December--all night missions by SHORAN.  One mission we had to land at Itazuke, Japan to get something repaired before returning back to Okinawa.  I remember another mission was all the way up to Antung, Manchuria airfield.  They used searchlights at our altitude.  I had to steer out of the searchlights and then get back to the SHORAN again before "bombs away."  We think we made a good hit and then Captain Lewis did evasive action and hooked onto the jet stream to get a faster run home.  It took a lot of working together to accomplish the mission.

Never Forget the Sacrifice

I made a total of 39 combat missions.  Now when I'm asked to tell my story I try to let people know and never forget the ultimate sacrifice many have given--their lives=--that we can enjoy the freedom we have here in America.

In Memory of Capt. James R. Lewis' Crew

B-29 Serial Number 44-87760

This B-29 was damaged during Black Tuesday, but was repaired and reassigned to the 98th Bomb Group.  Crew Number L-13-AO returned on or about December 30, 1951 to MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.  The Lewis crew landed at Travis Air Force Base in California and then took a commercial flight to MacDill.

The list of crew members was supplied by Robert Bergstrom of Minnesota in January 2016.  Their names appeared on Orders 670, December 24, 1951 from Headquarters, 307th Bombardment Wing Medium, Combat Echelon, APO 239-1.

Crew Members :

  • Bata, T/Sgt. Frank B. "Pappy" - right gunner (AF18060043)

  • Bergstrom, 1Lt. Robert L. - VO (AO2086465)

  • Bruegeman, S/Sgt. Donald A. - left gunner (AF39468843)

  • Carpenter, Sgt. Charles C. - RO (AF14345093)

  • Fairchild, T/Sgt. Malcolm L. - central fire controller (AF18043050)

  • Lewis, Capt. James R. - aircraft commander (A0777724)

  • Myles, 2Lt. Robert D. - pilot (AO1911721)

  • Pennington, 1Lt. Jerry L. - navigator (AO2084526)

  • Puett, T/Sgt. Joseph E. - FE (AF14165422)

  • Thevenet, 1Lt. Charles J. Jr. - bombardier  (AO743797)

  • Webb, S/Sgt. Jerry M. - tail gunner (AF16279127)



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