Hope Springs Eternal
These days, life is good for Chris Sarno. Gardening is a summer/spring joy for him. Seafood and luscious
concoctions in the kitchen also bring him joy, but he keeps a watchful eye on his health, walking one mile
every day, seven days a week. He participates in local veterans’ activities, and is a staunch supporter of
all things Marine, including annual Marine Corps Birthday celebrations and reunion assemblies.
Nearly two years ago, he began a friendship with an Asian woman, and to date they have never run out of
new things to talk about and share. They discuss the war on terrorism and the whys and wherefores of
immigration restrictions. They talk about their favorite foods and drink. They talk about their ills and
cures, and the daily activities that go on in their lives. They celebrate holidays with cozy talks and
exchanges of affection.
Sarno’s "You’ll Be Sorreee" memoir on the Korean War Educator helped Amelita (Amy) have a better
understanding of not just the Korean War, but also the man Chris Sarno. And Chris’s experiences in Japan
during two tours of duty in Korea help him to understand Amy’s culture and lifestyle. The two have become
steadfast friends. What direction their friendship will take doesn’t cause either one of them to lose any
sleep at night. Both of them realize that it is too soon to tell what the future holds for them, but they
also agree that it is not too soon for either of them to know that they are immensely fond of each other,
and care about each other’s well being.
Chris Sarno’s philosophy is that what is past is past, and what will be, will be. Amelita’s philosophy is
that love must take its own natural course, and cannot be rushed like the hands of a clock. Both
philosophies are compatible with each other. From reading his memoirs and through her intimate discussions
with him, Amelita knows that Yoshiko was and always will be Chris Sarno’s first Asian love. However, like
the flowers in his garden that inevitably transform from bud into blossom, the friendship between Chris and
Amelita might blossom into something beautiful, too. If it does, Yoshiko will still be Chris’s first great
love, but he vows that Amelita will be his last.
"All else is nobody else’s business," Sarno said.

Amelita – always on the go.
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Chris in his gardener’s gear.
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