The Paper Trail - Introduction - Pre-Indictment Documents



November 27, 1998

Memorandum to Executive Council from Ed Markart [sic], KWVA Secretary:
[KWE Note: Non-circulated minutes of Executive Council that discuss Maison investigation.]


TO: Members, Executive Council
FROM: Ed Markart, KWVA Secretary
SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes of the July 25, 1998 Meeting
DATE: November 27, 1998

Enclosed is a draft copy of the minutes of the July 25 Executive Council Meeting held in Virginia. These minutes were not available for distribution and review at the November 14th meeting in New Jersey. Please review them and make any necessary changes and/or corrections necessary. In order to expedite this information t the membership and be published in "The Graybeards," you are requested to approve the minutes on the letter ballot below and return any corrections to me. Many thanks for your cooperation.

To: Ed Markart, KWVA Secretary, P.O. Box 1062, Locust Grove, VA 22508

__ I approve the minutes of the July 25th, 1998 Executive Council Meeting.
__ I disapprove the minutes. See my corrections/changes on pages of the draft copy.
Name: Nicholas J. Pappas
[Korean War Educator Note: Nick Pappas checked the first blank.]

ATTACHED MINUTES: KWVA Executive Council Meeting
Saturday, 25 July 1998, Sheraton Premier Hotel, Tysons Corner, VA
[Korean War Educator note: Only those present and/or absent, plus that part of the minutes pertaining to the Maison case are reprinted below.]

ATTENDANCE: Nicholas Pappas, President; Tom Clawson, 1st Vice President; Edward Magill, 2nd Vice President; Edward Markart, Treasurer; James K. Martin, Secretary/Assistant Treasurer; Harley Coon, President-Elect; Emmett Benjamin; Richard Danielson; Dot Schiling; Kenneth Cook; Rusty Tramonte; Jack Edwards; Ed Grygier; Bill Van Ort. Total - 15

CHAPTER ATTENDEES: Victor Oldenbury, Florida Gulf Coast Chapter; John M. Settle, Indiana Chapter Number 1, Fort Wayne, IN; Joe Calabria, President, Staten Island, New York; Joe Donlon, Central Long Island Chapter, New York; R.A. Young, KWVA Chapter of Dade County, Florida; Fred Shear, Department of Florida; Dick Wainwright, Department of Arizona Rhoades Chapter, Tucson, AZ; Andrew J. Pullo, Boston, MA; Walter G. Ballard, Gulf Coast chapter, Mobile, Alabama; Frank Fallows, United Kingdom, KVA; Peter Poole, United Kingdom, KVA; Michael E. Mahoney, Executive Vice President, Department of Ohio; John N. Huff, Illinois; J. Norbert Riener, NSD. Total - 14

EXCUSED - Adams, Barton, Rittenhouse


Myrda, CPA: Since we started this number years ago, we have come a long way. You’ve seen some settlements. We are still battling with the insurance company with the original settlement and we are giving them efficient documentation. We are also working on 1994 and 1995, which has somewhere the same amount in outstanding claims. We are going through the old invoices, which is a problem. We have been visited by IRS. They are investigation the individual, not the organization. Anytime someone benefits from corporate funds, that someone must pay income tax on that money. How long that will take will be very interesting. We will meet with them on Thursday and will be speaking with Pappas and FBI.

Edwards: Have you been able to get into some of the old records?

Myrda: Part has been paid on what we found. We have a few invoices. The monies were comingled—in a box with all different pieces of paper. We are now recreating a claim for the specific items—about $100,000 worth of items.

Tramonte: Who is going to pay taxes? Mr. Pullo explained it.

Pullo: Who is going to pay? That is not our concern.

Myrda: That is not our concern. The organization has to give the time for the IRS and FBI to do their research and audit and to file the documents. Look at the corporation as a whole. I see no problem for KWVA.

Benjamin: Can we publish anything to show we are not doing anything wrong?

Myrda: NO.

Question: Who is paying you?

Myrda: KWVA with the claim pays my fees.

Danielson: Is it possible to publish what we were paid for on the moneys received from the insurance?

Pappas: No, it is a partial payment on a claim.

Myrda: No names and issues to discuss while an ongoing investigation.

Question: Could criminal charges be brought up either individual or individuals and slander charges to the KWVA?

Schilling passed out medical information.


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