October 24,
2000 - Letter from Stan Myrda to KWVA Board of Directors:
[KWE Note: CPA Myrda threatens court action against KWVA for non-payment.]
Board of Directors
Korean War Veterans Association, Inc.
Re: Outstanding Receivable
Officers and Members of the Board:
As of this date, I have not been contacted by the KWVA concerning
payment of my last bill, enclosed. Thus, this letter is to inform
the officers and directors of the Korean War Veterans Association,
Inc (KWVA) that the organization owes my firm an outstanding invoice
including past due interest charges in the amount of nineteen thousand
and four dollars ($19,004.00) which includes principal and accumulated
past due interest charges for services rendered including but not
limited to the work performed in connection with the defalcation
and misappropriation of KWVA funds by the late John Maison, including
but not limited to record search, documentation of each item of
defalcation, preparation and filing of claim in behalf of KWVA
to recover such misappropriation. This does not include charges
for time spent assisting the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent
John Kelly in his investigation and fact gathering.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation filed charges against the
late John Maison in the amount of $240,000. The first claim prepared
by my office and filed with the insurance company was in the amount
of $261,978, which included my fee of $24,500 for reimbursement
to the KWVA. The insurance company paid approximately $132,000,
excluding the above fees, requesting more justification. The current
President has made no effort, to my knowledge, to collect the additional
amount due including the total fees for claim services rendered.
The President contended that the follow up on the original claim
was filed late. According to my legal advisor, retired Supreme
court Chief Justice Joseph Cunningham, this has no basis as the
statute in Illinois states a party has 10 years to recover. It
is interesting that the FBI just performed their investigation
and filed their charges against John Maison and attained an indictment
within the last 60 days.
This should be prima facie evidence of the amount stolen from
the KWVA by Mr. John Maison. Whatever the organization does regarding
the outstanding unclaimed or unpaid claim is not my responsibility
at this point in time. It is the Board of Directors responsibility
to the members to recover their funds.
Therefore, if the Board of Directors does not authorize and direct
the Treasurer to immediately pay my invoice in full at its October
28th and 29th meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, I will file a claim
in the local state court to recover all funds due my firm including
prejudgement [sic] penalties, interests and court costs. The decision
is up to the Board of Directors.
Now that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has completed their
investigation and the matter has been dismissed the organization
can pick up their records.
(signed) Stanley A. Myrda CPA
cc: Ed McGill