865th Artillery Anti-aircraft Battalion
 Staff Sgt Jesse Lee "Skeet" Moseley (Click picture for a larger view) |
My brother Staff Sgt Jesse Lee Moseley Jr. (Skeet to his friends) served in the Army at Kimpo Air Field
between 1952-1954. I am looking for old photos during that time that may have included him, and also old
friends that may have known him.
I would appreciate any info or photos I could get. Mr. Royce Raven has been instrumental in providing
some photos a couple of years back and I really appreciate those, but would like to know more about the everyday
life on the airfield. He was with the 865th AAA Bn.
Contact: Dave Moseley, dmosely550@cox.net. [Posted 7/29/07]
933 Artillery Anti-aircraft
I have been reviewing my deceased father's military records. He was a battery commander in the Korean
War between 1951 to 1952. His unit was the 933rd AAA. He never talked of his time in Korea, and I know
very little about his work. However I found some old photos of the Orderly Room with a sign painted over
the door: 933rd AAA. Thus I was able to do a Google. I noticed on your main web page that there is also
someone asking about the 933rd.
My father was: Captain Francis Michael Malloy (01045508). He was activated out of the North Carolina
National Guard and sent to Korea for one year. I would like to know if there is any one still alive that
would have know him during this time? By the way, I am a retired Army Reserve officer myself.
Contact: Mike Malloy Maj. USAR (Retired), Corpus Christi, Texas,
[Posted 12/17/06]
I am writing to see if there is anyway you can provide me with information regarding the 933rd
Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion - Mobile. My father served in Korea around 1952. I have
tried to obtain his military records only to find that they were destroyed in the fire in St. Louis where
the records were archived. I would like to contact anyone who may have served with him whether
through the internet, mail or phone. I am fortunate enough to have what is left of his photos from
Korea and would be happy to make copies if someone is interested. The only reason I know he was in
the 933rd is because of one photo I have that shows a sign outside of a bunker with that info on it.
It also had D6 written above that. In any case, here is the information I have:
My father's name was Lyle James Cleveland, a/k/a Sonny. (As far as I know, he's always gone by
Sonny.) He was only 16 when he served. He was born in Woodruff, Wisconsin in 1936. He
passed away in January of 1993. On the photo that I mentioned, it also states that he was squad
leader as well as a sergeant. As best as I can tell, these are all the names in the photo.
Section Chief - Sergeant Truman; squad leader - Sergeant Cleveland. Crew - Sullivan, Reed, and the
third name ends in either "ster" or "nter". There is a crease in the picture so I can't read it.
It has been very difficult to find any information regarding this unit and any help you can provide would
be greatly appreciated. Again, I would be happy to scan all of the photos and email or mail them to
anyone who might be interested. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Contact: Donna Cleveland, dcleveland@plote.com.
[Posted 1/21/07]
My dad, Frederick C. Bohmer, joined the Army as a 16 year old kid, using the birth certificate of his
older brother, Robert Bohmer, to fight in the Korean War. He only used his brother's name and birth
date. He used his own SSN. His brother was serving in the Air Force at the time. A few
years ago he decided to try to get it fixed and has been going through bureaucratic hell ever since.
Last spring the Army Review Board finally acknowledged that it was he who had served, but they will not
correct the DD214. Instead they provided a letter saying that Fred Bohmer served and is also known
as Robert Bohmer. Now the VA is sending him in the same circle of bullshit, saying their regulations
prevent him from eligibility because the DD214 does not have his name on it.
Would you be able to provide any information from other soldiers he served with so he could try to get
further support for his case? He served with the 933 AAA Gun Battalion in HQ & A Batteries in Korea
(August 1952-August 1953) and then with the 83rd AAA Gun Battalion at Camp Hannaford, Washington.
Any help you could provide would be much appreciated.
Contact: Daniel F. Bohmer, Daniel.Bohmer@cardinal.com.
[Posted 1/21/07]