2nd Amphibious, 4th Brigade, 287th Signal Company
My dad was in the Korean War in 1951, 1952, and 1953. I would like to help him find some of his
war buddies. His name is John A. Moore.
Please contact Renee Moore (a daughter very proud of her Dad) via the Korean War Educator.
[KWE Note: Renee - you did not leave your contact information with the Korean War
Educator. Please contact us again.]
205 Signal Repair Co., Ft. Lewis & then on to Korea
Searching for men from this unit. I am also looking for information (history) concerning the
Contact: Gene N. Isom, Gainesville, FL.
(Served in Korea until just after Thanksgiving 1951)
274th Battalion, Alaska, 1952-53
My father is, as many do, losing his memory some. But he still lightens up when we reminisce
about his service in Korea. He was with the U.S. Army's 274th Battalion. He picked up his
trade there, welding, and as you can imagine, very popular with such a warm tool at his disposal. He
also drove a brand new Ward LaFrance wrecker when there. He recalls with fondness the concrete
barracks that kept he and his colleagues warm. He visited Fort Eileison nearby, and less so,
Elmendorff. His fondest memories are of Alaska.
If you or someone you know have photos or images of these items, this would help me help him remember
some of his cherished memories. He visits these memories, when he can, on a weekly basis, to lift
his spirits.
- Ward LaFrance wrecker (new in 1952)
- concrete barracks
- images of surrounding forts (which he visited with the wrecker and crew)
Contact: B. Matthew Fix, son of Joseph Fix. Contact:
[Posted 7/29/2010]
548 General Dispensary, Seoul, Korea
I would like to hear from any vet who served with the 548 General Dispensary in Seoul, Korea, during
the period of 1953 and 1954.
Contact: Ron Drews, baronpaco@prodigy.net.
8th Army, BN55 Medium Transportation, 540th Company
Frank D. Reagan is looking for anyone from his outfit who served in Korea when he was there in 1953.
Send e-mail to GiniR96@aol.com.
HQ Battery, 176th AFA 1951-52
I would dearly love to find anyone who was with this unit.
Gene Royall groyall@htcomp.net.
Headquarters, Second Battalion, 31st Infantry
I am trying to find information on my grandfather, Carl Houchins, who passed away before I was born. I
do not know anything about his time in Korea; however, I have a picture of him with three other men in
front of a sign that reads: Headquarters, Second Battalion, 31st Infantry and some of his patches which I
learned were from the 31st Infantry. I am hoping that someone out there knows who he was and would be
willing to share any memories or stories about him.
I can be contacted at AshleyDini@hotmail.com.
504th Transportation Truck Co.
Looking for information on 504th Transportation Truck Company, part of 70th Truck Battalion, stationed
in Sokcho-ri, Korea November 1951. I left on January 4, 1953.
Contact: Larry Hochfeld at Hochfeld2@aol.com.
Operation Ratkiller
I have just started to think again about the Korean War for I have put it out of my mind for 50 years.
I served with the 2nd Division during Bloody and Heartbreak Ridge in G-2. While we were in Reserve
around the last of October 1951, they sent a couple of us from G-2 back behind our line to work with the
ROK in Operation Ratkiller. I am trying to find any other GI who worked on that operation.
Contact: Newman Hinkley, newhink@rrv.net.
I am looking for the following KMAG veterans: Walter Weitzel, last heard from from Penn State in 1955.
[FOUND! Walter contacted the KWE on 10/03/05.] Also David Miller from Alabama; Doug Johnson
from Washington State; and Larry McDonald from Kanab, Utah. Would like to locate any of them.
My service in Korea was with KMAG headquarters in Taegu in the crypto section. I was happy to have
served my country and have many memories from there and school at the old Japanese Naval Academy at Eta
Jima in Japan.
Contact: William "Bill" Jenkins (Lakeland, FL) at
38th Regiment, Love Co.
My dad was in the Korean War. I have only seen him once in the last 15 years. I would like to find some
of his old buddies and surprise him. His name is Sgt. James G. Ball, served 53-54 in the war in the 38th
reg. 3rd plat. Love Co. 2nd squad.
Contact: Lin Templeton Lin76T@comcast.net.
513th Trucking Company, Korean War
Looking to see if I can find anyone who served in the 513th Trucking company out of Sokcho-Ri-Korean
War during the time period of May 1952-December 1953. I had many friends--perhaps too many to
list--from Hawaii--Richard Ishi--Henry Tukasa--Hano-Hano--Dwane Williams--Fred Stobbs--Lt. Kwait--Lt.
Weir--Sgt Beals--Sgt Clemens--Lt. Lee Philmon [FOUND THROUGH KWE!], Sgt. Buell. Lee some last
names---Higgins from Alabama--Porter---Aloito from New Jersey.
Contact: John (Jack) Collins JPColl@aol.com.
[Posted 11/02/05]
8th Cavalry Regiment
I am trying to help a friend of mine in finding members of Company I, 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry
Regiment. A Stephen H. Darrah in particular. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Contact Jo Lay, 3067
Co. Rd. 1422, Cullman, Al 35058; 256-734-0633; e-mail ejlay@yahoo.
[Posted 12/08/05]
176th FAB
My name is Mark Morrow. I'm searching for any information on the 176th Armored F.A. Bn. I think my
grandfather was in this unit, but I'm not to sure. I have a old clipboard of his when he served in Korea.
His name was Harvey A. Morrow. on the inside of his clipboard it has hand written Btry. C
176th Armd F.A. BN. His name is stamped on the front so I know it was his. Now where O get confused is
that when I asked my father about it, he said that my grandfather was in the regular army for 18 years and
he thinks it was the 5th Calvary. I'm going by his clipboard. He also received the Bronze Star medal
and on his certificate his serial number is NGxxxxxxxx, which to my understanding the NG stands for
National Guard.
My question to you is.. Is there anywhere I can find a list of the men who served in this 176th
battalion in the Korean war ? Or is there a way to find out what he might have done to receive the Bronze
Star Medal? Or was this something that the whole battalion received? His certificate reads "For
Meritorious Achievement In Ground Operations Against The Enemy." I'm very interested on finding this
information. I was not close with my grandfather due to divorce in my family. I knew him, but
was not close. He passed away in 1993. I really would like to honor him by perusing his history and
what he accomplished in his life. Thanks for taking the time to read this ..and any help or advice on
where to obtain this information you could give would be great. You can contact me by e-mail
markandmichelle@suscom.net. Thanks again.
[Posted 12/11/05]
HQ Battery, Fire Direction Center of the 213th
I am interested in conversing with a member of HQ Battery, Fire Direction Center of the 213th who
served in Korea in 1951/52. I don't remember names after 54 years. However, when I went into the
213th Fire Direction Center, it was pretty much staffed by the National Guards from Utah. Utah was the
home of the 213th when it was activated for the Korean conflict. They were an outstanding group of
Mormons. I was in that unit from Oct. 1951 thru Aug. 1952.
Contact: Guy C. Miller, guymill@verizon.net or at tel3(81114)
466-6154 or by mail at 123 Woodside Dr., State College, PA 16801-8039.
[Posted 2/09/06]
Communications Platoon, Headquarters Co., 3rd Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, pre-Korea 1950
The family of Joseph Mack Harper would like some help from the men who served with the Communications
Platoon, Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment who were with the unit when they were
stationed in Japan before going to Korea. Joe Harper had about 250 photos from the time he spent in Japan
and the identity of most of the men is unknown. There is a boot camp photo of 22 men pictured with their
names signed on the front. Many of these men were KIA or MIA in Korea. And there are many other photos of
other men not in the main photo.

(Click picture for a larger view)
Joseph Mack Harper died at Chosin and his remains were never recovered. The Harper family has no photos
or letters from Joe after he went to Korea. It is their desire to first identify the men in these pictures
and then to share with others.
In Joe's niece's own words, "I would be happy to forward any of the pix (group or otherwise) to anyone
who may use it for ID-ing or helping in any way... I am also willing to share the pix to other families,
which was an original hope of our family--sharing the wonderful things we found and sharing information to
learn about his life. We have no photos after he left Japan, so Korea pix would be precious to us. But no,
no one in other families has contacted me."
If you are a veteran from this unit, please contact Joyce at
celestialprincess@cox.net so we can find out the names of these heroes. We remember that Freedom
has a cost.
[Posted 6/18/06]
8068th Army Unit
My father, Peter Owen Popil (Cleveland, OH) (Section 101st Airborne Division, Camp Breckinridge KY),
would enjoy hearing from his Army buddies. He has a scrap book of photos from 1951/52 with: Bill Merriman;
Gene Warwick, Trenton NJ; Stan Zockowski; Larry Meyers, Iowa; Earl Beck, Los Angeles, CA; Dick Batz; Bill
Morris, Danville, IL; Lt. Armstrong; Irwin Cohen, Cleveland, OH; Herbie Kichenberg, Brooklyn, NY; Ed
"Ensign" Meyers; Milas Sweet, Clinton, TN; Bruce Scott, Lakewood, OH; Clem, Dayton; Sunderlagge,
Cleveland, OH; Timbers, Cleveland, OH; Mismas, Cleveland, OH; Eink, Cleveland, OH. I would love to add to
his scrap book with any stories or pictures you can provide, and can scan photos to send to you.
Contact: daughter--Janet's e-mail: pkuefler@ameritech.net.
[Posted 07/18/06]
8240 Army Unit
My father has a friend whose father was drafted by the US military during the Korean War. The
approximate date of his draft is November 1952. His name is Kim, Kap Chang and he was part of 8240.
His birth date is September 22, 1925. He was supposedly killed in action but Mr. Kim's son is
wondering whether the US military or anyone who served with his father can verify the death of Mr. Kim.
People who served with Mr. Kim say that Mr. Kim is deceased. Please let me know where I could obtain
such verification.
Contact: Myung K. Oh at myungkeun@inmyung.us.
[Posted 8/28/06]
933rd Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion - Mobile
I am writing to see if there is anyway you can provide me with information regarding the 933rd
Antiaircraft Artillery Bn – Mobile. My father served in Korea around 1952. I have tried to obtain his
military records only to find that they were destroyed in the fire in St. Louis where the records were
archived. I would like to contact anyone who may have served with him whether through the internet, mail
or phone. I am fortunate enough to have what is left of his photos from Korea and would be happy to make
copies if someone is interested. The only reason I know he was in the 933rd is because of one photo I have
that shows a sign outside of a bunker with that info on it. It also has D6 written above that.
In any case, here is the information I have: My father’s name was Lyle James Cleveland. A.K.A. –
Sonny. (As far as I know, he’s always gone by Sonny.) He was only 16 when he served. He was born in
Woodruff, Wisconsin in 1936. He passed away in January of 1993.
On the photo that I mentioned, it also states that he was Squad Leader as well as a sergeant. As best
as I can tell, these are the all of the names in the photo.
Section Chief – Sgt. Truman
Squad Leader – Sgt. Cleveland
(The third name ends in either “ster” or “nter” – there is a crease in the picture so I can’t read it)
It has been very difficult to find any information regarding this unit and any help you can provide
would be greatly appreciated. Again, I would be happy to scan all of the photos and email or mail them to
anyone who might be interested. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Contact: Donna Cleveland, dcleveland@plote.com.
[Posted 11/04/06]